View Full Version : Austin Powers 3 in trouble?

Jan 25th, 2002, 11:35:53 PM
Apparently, MGM has sent a cease and desist order, due to the name Goldmember(Goldfinger mickey take). Now, wether this is just film title or entire film is unknown.

Personal Opinion? Screw MGM! They knew of this title for a LONG time, and NOW they appear? Sounds to me like a great way to lose the makers money, maybe get one of their films to do well. Like Harry at AICN said, they should just make sure there is a Bond trailer on every AP3 reel, as that's one hell of an ad campaign there

Champion of the Force
Jan 25th, 2002, 11:40:59 PM
My local club has a 'Gold member' pass. Perhaps they should sue. ;)

Jan 25th, 2002, 11:49:45 PM
That's a cease and decist order that SHOULD get shot down. It's a parody, it's suppose to remind you of the original material it's mocking. Stupid MGM!

BTW, what the hell does "mickey take" mean? Is this some kind of bizarre Disney sex reference? ;)

Elieen Cross
Jan 26th, 2002, 12:38:31 AM
To be honest, i disliked Austin Powers a lot. I hope it never sees the light of day

Jan 26th, 2002, 09:23:39 AM
mickey take means parody or similar.

If they wanted to not allow this, fine, but they should have done it before the company spent millions on filming and such

Jan 26th, 2002, 10:53:49 AM
Why didn't they file a C&Dwith "The Spy Who Shagged Me?" That's an OBVIOUS play on "The Spy Who Loved Me." They've got no case, this should get thrown out.

Jan 26th, 2002, 11:05:37 AM
It's a parody - parodys are legal.

If Lucas can't beat a porn producer then Bonsd isn't going to beat Austin.

Unfortunately for MGM, they're providing some great free publicity and even more parody material for AP.

Jan 26th, 2002, 03:54:17 PM
Very true about the more material for parody, especially with Mike Myers calling the shots.....

Jan 26th, 2002, 07:42:48 PM
Austin Powers, the first one, is one of the worst "comedy" movies ever made, if that is really what it is. I have never seen a comedy before where I didn't even laugh once. My whole family sat through it absolutely straight-faced and it didn't elicit even one laugh. We were all just thinking, "What a STUPID movie! This is truly one of the worst films ever made."

The second one, fortunately, was a lot better and has some hilarious scenes, but it's still amazingly stupid and gross. It's not my type of film, but because it was $12 on DVD at one place I went to, I bought it anyway. I have so many DVDs, couldn't hurt to get that one and plus, there are some funny scenes and Heather Graham is really hot.

Liz Hurley is hotter, but the first movie sucks too hard for me to care.

Champion of the Force
Jan 26th, 2002, 07:54:24 PM
Well I'm of the opposite thinking Jon - sort of. I thought the first film was by far the best. the second one was ok, but all the time travel involved which left Austin back in the 60x for most of the film just degraded the previous films joke of how Austin was a man out of his time.

The main reason I love the series is, of course, because I'm a big James Bond fan and naturally half the fun is picking out all the Bond spoofs and jokes, like the guy who throws his shoe (a spoof of Odd Job from 'Goldfinger' who thew his metal hat :)) as well as Dr Evil himself and his obsession with taking over the world and holding it to ransom for $1 million. :lol

Jan 26th, 2002, 10:00:21 PM
I have to go with Davwj, the first was a bit better than the second one, but not by much. They're both very silly movies. I actually find characters like Dr. Evil, Robert Wagner/Rob Lowe, and Seth Green to be funnier than the Powers character. Green's character is great because he's constantly ragging on the stupidity of Bond villians;
"Let's kill him right now, I'll go get my gun!"

Jan 27th, 2002, 01:08:30 AM
Exactly. I like all the characters except Powers. After I saw AP2 I thought the first was by far better, but since they've both been out for a couple years now, I think the characters of AP2 make it a better movie. I expect them to just get sillier and sillier now, if you can picture Austin Powers being more silly than it already is...

Jan 27th, 2002, 08:35:05 AM
I just thought the "humor" in the first movie was absolutely idiotic. It wasn't at all funny, that was the problem. The second one seemed more American, perhaps, with more types of jokes that are at least funny, even if they are cheap and idiotic. Like the whole scene where they use a bunch of different words for, uh, well you know. "Oh my god it's a giant..." "JOHNSON!" Etc, haha. I liked that scene, pretty funny. The Star Wars takeoff is hilarious. There are other funny parts too, it's a fairly good movie. I kinda got it more for my guests than for me, haha. Maybe other people will want to see it and at $12, as I said, I wasn't going to turn it down. ;)

The first one just was so idiotic though. I am the type of person who laughs a lot when the humor is funny. I'll see Road Trip for the 8th time (by the way I have actually seen it 8 times since I bought my DVD last summer) and I will still crack up laughing. But I saw Austin Powers and I really wanted to like it because I love good comedy, but it just was not a funny movie whatsoever. I couldn't understand the attraction. It pissed me off how stupid it was, but it didn't make me laugh at all.

Champion of the Force
Jan 27th, 2002, 08:29:49 PM
I am the type of person who laughs a lot when the humor is funny.
Well duh. If somebody doesn't find the humour funny then they aren't likely to laugh much are they? ;)

However after reading the following sentence it all makes perfect sense ...

I'll see Road Trip for the 8th time (by the way I have actually seen it 8 times since I bought my DVD last summer) and I will still crack up laughing.
This explains it all. Whereas the first film's jokes were more in line with parodying the Bond films, the second's humour was more in line with films like American Pie and the aforementioned Road Trip. Clearly your idea of humour lies in those films, so it's only natural that you would find the 2nd film more funny than the first. :)

BTW, my brother also thinks the 2nd one is the best, and he's a big fan of American Pie, Road Trip et al. as well, so clearly it's a case of where the humour suits you.

Mu Satach
Jan 29th, 2002, 09:16:22 PM
I liked Dr. Evil and crew better in the 2nd... but I still like the 1st a bit more.

Would probably have a different opinion but Fat Bastard almost made me hurl in the second one. I still get nauseated at the thought.

Jan 30th, 2002, 02:19:28 AM
Well I suppose the whole Bond parody part doesn't interest me at all. It isn't funny to me, just stupid. If it were done in a funny way like how Scary Movie parodies films, then it would be much more interesting. Instead, though, Austin Powers failed to parody the Bond films in any way that was funny enough to make me laugh at all.

I appreciate all types of comedy and I'm not one of those "yay, potty humor rules!" types of people. That's idiotic. Road Trip is undeniably a hilarious movie, though. It's not just about the gross scenes that are funny but really the entire film and the characters and Seann William Scott is great along with Tom Green. I don't see how you can go wrong with a movie like that.

Scary Movie was honestly more sick than it was funny and the 2nd one wasn't even that funny, it was just idiotic and stupid. The first 10 minutes were so funny I nearly died laughing, but after that it was way downhill. That being said, Scary Movie still was a fairly funny, 2.5 star film and Austin Powers needed to be more like that to attract an audience, which is why AP2 was slanted differently and therefore a lot funnier.

My favorite comedy films still remain more "mature humor," or whatever you want to call it, like Groundhog Day and Mrs. Doubtfire. What About Bob? is also a classic and both of the Fletch films, Fletch and Fletch Lives, are definite favorites of mine.

Jan 30th, 2002, 09:23:15 AM
..Tom Green. I don't see how you can go wrong with a movie like that

Freddy got fingered was meant to be awful :)

I don't like than Sean William Scott. Something about him bugs me. maye the way he laughs like an asthmatic chiwawa :)

Jan 30th, 2002, 11:18:56 AM
I like him and the characters he plays, but I don't think I could take any more of them. The idiotic dude thing is getting a little too played for me now.

Khan Surak
Jan 31st, 2002, 04:37:18 PM
Hey, doesn't anyone remember Rat Race? John Cleese is hilarious in any movie. And uhh.. If forgot his name. Mr. Bean. He was really amusing as well. "I'm weening! It's ah race-ah! I'm weening!". It just had an amazing cast with an original plot and I really liked it.

Champion of the Force
Jan 31st, 2002, 05:03:51 PM
And uhh.. If forgot his name. Mr. Bean.
Rowan Atkinson. :)

I was going to see Rat Race, but when I rang up to book tickets the cinema informed me its run had ended only 3 days earlier. |I

Jan 31st, 2002, 05:26:48 PM
Think it only came out 3 weeks ago over here :)

Mu Satach
Jan 31st, 2002, 05:40:33 PM
Rat Race was awesome. :crack

the bet on the jet plane was brillant!

I'm going to buy that thing.

As for originality though, it's a remake of a 1960's flick called, "It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World" (http://us.imdb.com/Title?0057193)

After a long prison sentence Smiler Grogan is heading at high speed to a California park where he hid $350,000 from a job 15 years previously. He accidentally careers over a cliff in view of four cars whose occupants go down to help. The dying Grogan gives details of where the money is buried and when the witnesses fail to agree on sharing the cash, a crazy chase develops across the state.