View Full Version : Kung Pow

Jedi Master Carr
Jan 25th, 2002, 05:05:34 PM
Does anybody want to see this POC? It looks like a movie to equal Freddy got Fingered. To show how bad it is the movie wasn't even shown to critics which proves the studio knows it stinks, if this movie makes more than 10 million I think we can safely say the world has gone to hell.:x

Jan 25th, 2002, 05:07:57 PM
Don't judge until seen.

I love parody films, so have been looking forward to this. Cow fighting looked funny :)

Unsure if I will go to the cinema to see it, but I will see it

Jan 25th, 2002, 05:08:56 PM
I can honestly say that I have no desire to see it... I get the impression that we've probably seen all the funny parts in the trailer (and while I got a little chuckle out of them, I didn't even find the gags that funny) But that's just my opinion

Jan 25th, 2002, 05:15:52 PM
Oh, I saw the Resident Evil trailer. Remember how those early reviews were positive? Well, the trailer says to me it was a different film :)

Jedi Master Carr
Jan 25th, 2002, 05:16:48 PM
That cow scene looks terrible it is incredibly unfunny, it looks like the scene of Bill Cosby riding the Ostrich in Leonard Part 6, one of the worst films ever made. That baby scene is also terrible looking, it looked like one of the worst looking CGI scenes I ahve ever seen, and what is up with the woman with One breast? That gag has been done before (though with three breasts) it is not funny now. This is just my opinion but I can tell it looks terrible to me, I know Freddy got Fingered was bad when I saw the first preview I didn't even have to read one review.

Jedi Master Carr
Jan 25th, 2002, 05:18:17 PM
I haven't seen the trailer, I saw some clips on E news daily but it didn't tell me anything. I still have my doubts about it mainly because they made too many changes from the game from me which is stupid and will hurt it with the die hard fans.

Jan 25th, 2002, 05:24:16 PM
The best game-movie adaptations dont follow the games story too much.

Here is the trailer btw (http://www.apple.com/trailers/columbia/resident_evil/)

Only thing to see is Jovovich :)

And watch out for that Matrix ripoff! :)

Jan 25th, 2002, 06:34:13 PM
I'm sure kung pow will do OK at the box-office .(IMO!)I feel the younger generation likes crap, ie .american pie:x it bet it does 20 mil or better during its run.

Jan 25th, 2002, 07:13:54 PM
Originally posted by buffjedi
I feel the younger generation likes crap

:lol Without debating the truthfulness of that statement, it sounds pretty funny... If nothing else, you have to admire a man's convictions... :)

Jan 25th, 2002, 07:16:56 PM
I feel the younger generation likes crap
Better than the Buff generation, who like Bea Arthur :)

Jan 25th, 2002, 07:35:15 PM
I think this looks like a funny movie. Not a great comedy by any means, but a movie that could generate a few decent laughs. For me, it's a definite HBO movie. I wouldn't waste a date movie on it though. Holy cow (no Kung Pow pun intended, well.... maybe a little one), but I'd have to sit through 5 Sandra Bullock movies to pay my wife back for taking her to see Kung Pow!

Mu Satach
Jan 25th, 2002, 08:45:29 PM
Oh I like stupid movies... so I might see it at the dollar flicks... if I don't though I'll just wait for it to come on cable.

There was a Godfather spoof flick a few years ago that was waay stupid... I liked it. I don't own it... but I like it.

Jan 25th, 2002, 09:00:59 PM
'Jane Austin's Mafia!", Lloyd Bridges' last film. Made me laugh at times. Like with the say hello to my little friend midget shooter joke and the like :)

Jan 25th, 2002, 09:03:36 PM
The movie lookes stupid-funny.

It might be good.

It's funny to see yet another Matrix Parody.

I hope Reloaded comes up with soem new stuff.

Jan 25th, 2002, 09:06:58 PM
"Leonard Part 6" - what the hell were they thinking?

Eb: if you dis Sandra B. again you'll be sorry. >:^}

Jan 25th, 2002, 10:09:09 PM
Miss Congeniality was pretty funny and I enjoyed Hope Floats and The Net. But I just as easily could have waited for them on HBO, (we actually didn't get to see MG until it came on satelite.) But if I have a choice between Schwartznegger and Bullock, I'll go with Arnold.

Jedi Master Carr
Jan 25th, 2002, 11:03:17 PM
Yes I agree it looks stupid, funny no. I haven't laughed at any of the jokes in the previews, they look lame to me. Really though I don't like that kind of humor, enough of the poop jokes, etc and movie spoofs, the last decent one was Hot Shots, the sequel was okay but all of the sense have been terrible, IMO.

Jan 25th, 2002, 11:38:49 PM
I think the fight scene with the cow will be pretty funny, at least to me. I don't why, but there's something about cows and chickens that make me laugh. I've written stuff in the past with cows and chickens that's rather absurd, but pretty funny (at least to me.)

Jan 26th, 2002, 03:28:52 AM
I wrote a post a while back about how I thought Kung Pow was going to be the stupidest movie ever made, and the more I see the trailer, the more I think I'm right. The fact that this movie was even backed monetarily is proof that the world has gone to hell!

Jan 26th, 2002, 11:11:18 AM
"But if I have a choice between Schwartznegger and Bullock, I'll go with Arnold."

I'd watch Speed 1 over Jingle all the Way or Junior any day. :p

Jan 26th, 2002, 12:38:33 PM
Ouch !!! that hurt Reaper fett, you don't have to get nasty ;)

Jan 26th, 2002, 02:56:14 PM
I'd watch Speed 1 over Jingle all the Way or Junior any day.
And I'll take T1, T2, Commando, Eraser, Twins, or Predator over Speed2 or Force of Nature any day. :p

Jan 26th, 2002, 03:20:20 PM
Ahnold was in Speed 2?


Well Sandra in Demolition Man could kick Junior's Arnold any day.


Jan 26th, 2002, 03:56:03 PM
Commando, what a great movie!
Also Raw Deal, Red Heat and The Running Man! I'd see any of those over any Speed movie!

Jan 26th, 2002, 04:27:03 PM
Speed 2 and Force of Nature are BOTH Bullock movies there chief. :p

Yep, Running Man is another good one and I forgot Total Recall also! A Bullock bomb that slipped my mind was 28 Days of Rehashed Rehab Rubbish! :lol

Jan 26th, 2002, 06:35:17 PM
You left out The Villian ,one of arnolds best movie's ;)

Commando was by far one , if not his best film. He actually lies in it too.Love Sandra but her movies SUCK, Imo. Except the one where she was bionic. I'm sure one of her first movies(made for tv).

Jan 26th, 2002, 07:43:11 PM
Total Recall - Urgh.

That was as bad as The Net. :o

Jan 26th, 2002, 09:53:35 PM
So you're admitting The Net was bad!:lol

Sharon Stone in all her glory kicking butt and then getting shot in the head. Plus, Arnold uses an elevator to chop off Michael Ironsides arms. Classic Arnold!

I'm using this smilie for no other reason than it's sooooo coooool!


Jedi Master Carr
Jan 27th, 2002, 12:52:50 AM
I know I found it on another forum and asked if we could add, I am glad it was added :)
I liked a few of Bullock's films, and some of Arnold's films. Though now Arnold's movies are getting pretty bad from Batman and Robin to End of Days, to that awful sci-fi films 6th day, hopefully Collateral Damage will be better.

Marcus Telcontar
Jan 27th, 2002, 01:06:00 AM
Dont count on it

Jan 27th, 2002, 01:11:11 AM
C'mon, any Arnold movie is all about the one-liners! :D

Jan 27th, 2002, 08:55:51 AM
I think the movie that knocked Arnold from the top of the heap was Last Action Hero. Before that, Arnold had pretty much been impervious to B.O. failure. He had 1 or 2 films that hadn't done well, but his straight action movies were all block busters. Even films that were a bit thin like Raw Deal were solid hits. But Last Action Hero had such a big budget and build up that when it flopped it really took the shine out of Arnold's career. I remember taking some friends to see it and we were ALL really disappointed. I was kind of embarrased because I'd convinced one of my friends who wasn't a big Arnold fan to go and see it. After LAH Arnold hasn't been able to carry a film solely on his star power. The films have pretty much gone by merit. True Lies was a great action/comedy so it had great numbers, but End of Days was pretty sad and so was its B.O. performance. Now we come to CD. I think the present state of affairs actually bodes well for it. People want to see some revenge now and who better than Arnold to give it to them? But again, if this film isn't that good, Arnold won't be able to carry it like he use to.

Jan 27th, 2002, 01:54:15 PM
But I think movies like T3 and True Lies 2 are both going to do just fine at the box office, especially T3.

Jan 27th, 2002, 02:00:29 PM
I think those movies are going to do great as well. Arnold is still capable of B.O. hits, he just can't carry weak films anymore. I'm surprised that we haven't seen a True Lies 2 sooner.

Jan 27th, 2002, 02:06:01 PM
Or Commando 2, with an increased role for Alyssa Milano, who "goes commando" so to speak! ;)

Jan 27th, 2002, 08:05:30 PM
For the record, I called American Pie stupid teen "crap" before I saw it last summer too and I've now seen it twice, love it, and I love the sequel even more. Those films are hilarious and the characters are great. I love anything with Seann William Scott!

As for Kung Pow, yeah I do want to see it. It looks hilarious, but incredibly stupid at the same time. I am guessing it is a 2.5 star film that is probably utterly stupid but funny in parts. I would still go see it IF IT WERE PLAYING at my theater, but it isn't.

This theater in Los Angeles has 18 screens and they are playing almost everything, Brotherhood of the Wolf, Gosford Park, all kinds of stuff, but no Kung Pow.

Plus they charge $10.50 for a ticket.

I saw four movies this weekend, two Friday and two Saturday, so I paid $42 for them. (42, the meaning of life according to the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy books, haha). Overall, including $35 cab fare and what it cost me to eat, I paid about $130 in two days...

LA is way too expensive for my tastes.

Jan 27th, 2002, 09:33:53 PM
Or Commando 2, with an increased role for Alyssa Milano, who "goes commando" so to speak!

:lol I'd pay twice the price of admission to see that!

Jan 27th, 2002, 10:11:52 PM
Is there any price you wouldn't pay to see that?

Jan 28th, 2002, 02:08:10 PM
I love anything with Seann William Scott!

Chow Yun Fat's next has him in :)

Traest Kre'fey
Jan 28th, 2002, 04:39:05 PM

I wouldn't go out of my way to see Kung Pow, but if it were on HBO I'd probably watch it.

Jan 28th, 2002, 04:56:12 PM
"For the record, I called American Pie stupid teen "crap" before I saw it last summer too and I've now seen it twice, love it, and I love the sequel even more. "

Uh..... you did more than call American Pie 'teen crap'. You ranted and railed against it. Endlessly. For MONTHS (Years even). You trashed it over and over again. It almost became a cliche, cause you ripped on it so much.

I beleive there were even pronouncements about the fall of Western Civilization as we know it and the complete lack of taste, morals, standards, ethics, brains and good common sense shown by the youth of today - linked back to the popularity of that particular movie.>D