View Full Version : The Help of an Admin

Gav Mortis
Jan 25th, 2002, 02:00:39 PM
Here's an idea, I was just about to make a regular "Admin Request" thread when I thought, "Why don't we just make one thread to ask for an admin's help and keep it stuck at the top of this forum?" That way the place wont be littered with admin request threads, plus it'll be easier for admins and would allow them to keep us posted with any developments or important notices.

Just an idea but in any case, here's my request:

Peter thought he'd logged out of my account and posted as "Gav Mortis" by mistake, could someone delete the last post in this thread (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=11202) please?

Thanks. :)

Jan 25th, 2002, 02:17:15 PM
If you need a thread deleted or moved, you can always private message an admin or mod. Posting threads only creates clutter.

Jan 25th, 2002, 02:49:16 PM
Jeez, that's his hat-trick of Gav posts since Christmas! :)

Jan 25th, 2002, 04:49:32 PM
If one were to use the "report" button in the post that needed to be changed, it would notify all the moderators of the forum at once. :)

Gav Mortis
Jan 25th, 2002, 06:01:35 PM
Nup, your advice is duely noted. Posting a thread was the first thing that came to my head.

Bloody hell! Report buttons and private messages - all these high tech features, we've really gone far this day and age. :)

Champion of the Force
Jan 25th, 2002, 09:09:50 PM
And if all else fails, you can always post in Communications. That place is filled with nothing but admin request threads. :)

Gav Mortis
Jan 26th, 2002, 05:17:36 AM
Mow you're just showing off! :p