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Jan 24th, 2002, 12:13:31 PM
This is yet another reason why Star Wars is so popular. Many of us who grew up with the original SW as kids are now employed in the corporate world. There are many parallels between the corporate world and SW (especially the Empire), for instance:

Star Wars -- Vader has his own Super Star Destroyer.
Corporate equivalent -- Vader has access to a company car, to be used at his disposal.

Star Wars -- Vader tells the Emperor that "the Death Star will be completed on schedule"
Corporate equivalent -- Vader sits down in a one-on-one meeting with his boss, the Emperor, to review their Microsoft Project schedule, and to ensure that milestones are being met or exceeded.

Star Wars -- Jerjerrod says "But he asked the impossible. I need more men."
Corporate equivalent -- The Empire had to go through a period of down-sizing to remain cost-effective and competetive. Project resources and personnel are scaled back considerably, yet deadlines are unaffected. As usual, corporate initiatives have dictated schedules which are far too aggressive to be realistic, bringing about a lack of confidence in the personnel base.

Star Wars -- Vader and the Emperor use holograms
Corporate equivalent -- When galactic corporate travel costs prove too high, Vader and the Emperor use video conferencing to communicate with clients in a more cost-effective and time-efficient manner.

Star Wars -- "If they follow standard Imperial procedure, they'll dump their garbage before they go to light speed"
Corporate equivalent -- The Empire has a strict set of guideline which they adhere to in order to remain ISO-9001 compliant. This creates a bureaucracy so detailed that they have procedures which involve trash disposal, yet they follow it to the letter so that in the event of a surprise audit, they will be judged as compliant.

Star Wars -- Grand Moff Tarkin and Vader meet with the high-ranking Imperial Staff.
Corporate equivalent -- Tarkin and Vader call a staff meeting, which all invitees are loath to go to - as they are already under pressure to meet their schedules - but they attend anyway, if for nothing else to get some face time with the big cheeses and schmooze a bit.

Star Wars -- "Luke, join me", "You don't know the power of the Dark Side", etc...
Corporate equivalent -- Vader, having been disappointed in his college recruitment fairs, has resorted to head-hunting to find new talent for the company. He finds a promising, up-and-coming Jedi who might fit in in their company, and he begins wining and dining him to get him to come over. Of course, he details the finer points of the company that Luke may not be aware of, such as full medical and dental benefits and immediate eligibility for the corporate 401K plan.

Star Wars -- "When he comes to you - bring him before me. He's grown strong. Only together can we turn him to the Dark Side"
Corporate equivalent -- Vader has spoken with his CEO, Palpatine, about their new prospect, and he has taken an interest in him - however he realizes that it is a competetive market and Luke might not be receptive to their offer. He is therefore calling Luke back for a second interview, where both he and Vader might be able to bring in this hot new resource for the company.

Star Wars -- The Empire brings in bounty hunters to find the Millenium Falcon.
Corporate equivalent -- The Empire meets with a consulting firm to hire some sub-contractors to fill the needs of their company for a short-term engagement.

Star Wars -- Lord Vader demands an update on the pursuit
Corporate equivalent -- Captain Needa is summoned to Vader's office to discuss the Microsoft Project schedule with him, because Vader has fears that the schedule is slipping behind. A slip in the schedule could mean delaying their move to production for the second Death Star, and Vader does not want to go in front of the CEO and have to explain why the project is behind.

Star Wars -- When Obi-Wan is deactivating the tractor beam, the stormtroopers on guard talk about the latest vehicles.
Corporate equivalent -- Two stormtroopers meet at the water fountain and shoot the breeze, always on the lookout for Vader walking by, at which point the conversation turns technical, and they look at their Palm Pilots and say "Oh, I've got a training drill I've got to go to" and they hurry off.

Star Wars -- Vader kills Ozzel and makes Piett admiral
Corporate equivalent -- Vader calls Ozzel and Piett into a meeting and says "there is only room for one of you to be admiral. See this lightsaber - you have 15 seconds, sell it to me." Piett outperforms Ozzel and is promoted - Vader tells him to go down to HR immediately and fill out the necessary forms - Ozzel is given until the end of the day to clean out his desk and use the Internet to check for job openings.

See - SW is just a parable of corporate life... :)

Jan 24th, 2002, 02:04:12 PM
Did you write that?

Jan 24th, 2002, 02:22:16 PM
LoL :) Good stuff, even though I can't yet relate to any of the corporate equivalent stuff.

Jan 24th, 2002, 02:25:09 PM
Guilty as charged... I was in a long meeting the other day and some of those just started coming to me... A little "Dilbert meets Star Wars" :)

Jedi Master Carr
Jan 24th, 2002, 06:21:31 PM
LOL that was funny, and after reading it I can see Gates as the Emperor ;)