View Full Version : Dark Journey
Jedi Master Carr
Jan 23rd, 2002, 10:34:32 PM
It comes out next week and deals with Jainia coping with Anakin's death and also her battle with the darkside. Anybody else really excited about it.
Jan 23rd, 2002, 10:38:47 PM
I know what happens, I am looking forward to it :)
(Well, vaguely)
Marcus Telcontar
Jan 23rd, 2002, 10:55:05 PM
It's part of the NJO.
So the answer is NO.
You know, i love reading. I love a damn good book. It's a nasty dissappointment the NJO as a whole is for me unbearable.
Jedi Master Carr
Jan 23rd, 2002, 10:59:54 PM
I actually love the NJO so far, and think its a great series and can't wait to find out how it ends. As far as your dislike for it that i is fine, not everybody has to agree on everything.
Jan 23rd, 2002, 11:03:09 PM
Sorry DT, but you said in the Critics club you'd only read two of them. How can you back that statement up? :)
Marcus Telcontar
Jan 23rd, 2002, 11:09:27 PM
Because I ask and I also explore the plot lines and incidents. I also do a lot of research for this character.
So I have actually quite a resonable idea about what happens. I know a lot about the Vong for instance, I know their castes, their relgions, their weapons. I follow where Luke and Mara are up to and I do read story and plotlines, seeking something that looks good. And I can pick something quickly, if it's good. I also take recommendations from friends on what is good and what is not.
Hence, I do know something about what happens in the NJO.
I also like cheating and read excerpts when I go book shopping out of interest. Thence there are two NJO books I have read cover to unbearable cover. The rest I just cant stomach the idea of reading.
Jan 23rd, 2002, 11:16:00 PM
I don't mind if they kill Anakin, Corran, Kyp, or anyone along those lines. But once some EU writer who doesn't look, smell, or taste like George Lucas kills off Chewbacca-- a Star Wars ICON for pete's sake-- I draw the line.
I also can't read a plot about Jaina and her temptations because I don't believe she exists in the canon Star Wars universe.
Jedi Master Carr
Jan 23rd, 2002, 11:26:43 PM
I don't mind them kiling off Chewbacca really because he had served his purpose. Unfortantely we all have to die and so will the heroes of SW. If the EU keeps going they will probably one day kill Han, Leia, and Luke at least its realistic, unlike Star Trek which had a 100+ Bones, a resurrected Kirk and an Old Spock still having adventures.
Jan 23rd, 2002, 11:34:35 PM
But my whole gripe is that those people ARE Star Wars. I can't agree with killing off Chewbacca and replacing his "book time" with someone else that some EU writer made up, because then it's simply one guy that lucked out and wrote a SW novel and everyone has to live by it.
If it ever came down to them killing off the real characters and replacing all with 2nd-rate versions of the originals-- still calling it Star Wars to add more pain to injury-- it would be absolutely horrible.
Jedi Master Carr
Jan 24th, 2002, 12:15:46 AM
More than likely when the last major OT SW (Luke I am guessing) then it will probably be over. Really though SW is suppose to be about Anakin Skywalker according to Lucas if we get technical so if you get real picky you could say the whole EU is junk because its not Star Wars. I don't look at that way though because I see Anakin's trials as one story in their universe much like WW II is one story in ours.
Jan 24th, 2002, 10:13:14 AM
Well, I can understand why EU can interest some people. I have no doubt that some NJO books are good, it's just that I've personally never had any interest in reading about some random guy's characters if he's not George Lucas, no matter how good it is. If I wanted to do that, I'd simply go to the RP forum of this board and read thread-to-thread.
So it's not really the quality of them that gets to me, it's the fact that I can't get excited about any of them. And as for the novels that did revolve around the basic characters, I always felt they weren't very well-written in the first place. I read them because they were Star Wars, not because the writer was a brilliant storyteller.
Jan 24th, 2002, 01:11:14 PM
At one point SW was suppose to be about Anakin AND Luke. Anakin would have had EP1-6, and Luke would have been the major force in EP4-9. But Lucas decided to bail out on the 3rd trilogy and wrap everything up with ROTJ. Our loss. :(
As for Dark Journey, I'm very excited. I went by my Waldenbooks on Tuesday hoping it might have shipped early but was dissapointed. The Approaching Storm is due out next Tuesday also. Which one will you read first? I'll probably go with DJ just to get it out of the way.
Jedi Master Carr
Jan 24th, 2002, 06:26:04 PM
Probably DJ, I want to find out what happens after Star by Star. Aproaching Storm looks cool but I will wait a week or two before I get it. Anybody know what it is about? I know it deals with Obi-Wan and Anakin some time before AOTC but other than I know nothing.
Jan 24th, 2002, 06:52:43 PM
It's suppose to provide some background on some of the characters and state of affairs of AOTC. I would imagine we'll see characters like Dooku , Palpy, and maybe even some of the bounty hunters. It may give some minor plot points away in setting things up, but I still think I'm going to read it.
Jan 24th, 2002, 07:00:41 PM
Slight spoilers
AOTC begins with Obi and Anakin coming back from some mission. This is it. We dont see many from AOTC though, its more of an Obi/Ani story
Jedi Master Carr
Jan 24th, 2002, 07:30:57 PM
I be surprised if contained many spoilers of the movie. I bet the villian will be Tarkin like he was in Rouge Planet. He is good one to choose since his role in the prequels will be very small at best.
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