View Full Version : Killing: A past time favorite(Alpha)

Malice Draclau
Jan 23rd, 2002, 08:53:52 PM
It was about mid in the afternoon. the sun was high in the sky, and the wind blew cross the lush grassy plains creating wave after wave of green grass. Upon a small hilltop stood a lone figure. Scanning the area the sith took in his surroundings. Big boulders sat here and there over the plains.

Malice was here not to look at the scenery, but he had issued a challenge to a jedi. The one named Alpha, who Malice had heard quite a bit about. The sith knight began meditating, drawing in the darksde awaiting his opponent to show.

*I can sense you near jedi.....come meet your fate*

Jan 23rd, 2002, 09:18:20 PM
Satine slowly appears, letting down his Force invisibility, and he smiles, his silver hair and eyes glinting in the sun, and his little silver goatee flashing as he talks.

"So, you noticed me there? Good. Maybe you'll be a challenge..."

Unsheathing his main weapon--a no-dachi called Meitou--the Warrior Jedi Knight gets into a defensive stance, the wind rippling his sleeveless black trenchcoat, and revealing a sleeveless black shirt underneath it, with armor sewn into it. Giving a mental command, Satine's shirt turns to quicksilver, and forms tough and strong leather armor, his gloves turning into studded leather gloves.

"What is your name, so I can add it to my list of victories..."

Malice Draclau
Jan 23rd, 2002, 09:32:43 PM
Opening his eyes Malice laughed at the jedi's request.

*You may have my name, but it will be the name that puts an end to your cocky big headed attitude*

He turned to Satine, taking off his white coak, he let's his waist length white hair flow around in the wind. His dark blue eyes fixed on the jedi as he took a few steps towads him.

*I am Malice Draclau...sith knight, and your superior*

Taking his saber from his belt, Malice ignited both sides, the two white blades shooting out to life, hummed and hissed as he swung it in the air.

*I am a honorable sith so i'll let you choose. Shall we fight with weapons, or with brute strength and using the force. The choise is yours, though you would lose either way*

Jan 24th, 2002, 09:37:43 PM
"Let's fight with both. We start with weapons, and then go at it with anything else. Le't sdo it!"

Satine smiles, and begins to circle Malice, Meitou held in a guard...

Malice Draclau
Jan 25th, 2002, 02:58:19 AM
Malice nodded his head.

*Good choice. Now prepare yourself*

As Satine walked towards Malice's left, the sith lunged at him slicing towards his mid section but the jedi had moved out of the way. Turning to face him, Malice Came at him again, dropping to the ground at the last second sweeping his feet out from under him. Sitting up, Malice slashed downwards aiming right for the jedi's legs.

Jan 26th, 2002, 06:55:19 PM
Satine rolls backwards, the sabre narrowly missing him. As he gets back to his feet, Satine blocks another attack, and then counters, his black sword cutting through the air, and impacting against Malice's weapon...

Malice Draclau
Jan 27th, 2002, 02:43:46 AM
Malice too wet to his feet at the sam time as the jedi. There blades clashed together, creating an array of colors shooting into the air. Pulling back, Malice jumped backwards landing a few feet away.

Drawing on the force he used force run and headed straight for the jedi. Getting within a few feet from him Malice jumped up and over him, swinging his leg out hitting the jedi in the back of his head. Landing he quickly turned and made a few quick slashes using both sides of his saber.

Jan 28th, 2002, 08:24:45 PM
Satine rolls away, and then flips back to his feet, blocking a slash, and kicking Malic in the chest, using the force to enhance his strike, knocking the Sith backwards three feet. Charging, the Jedi Knight attacks hard and fast, not letting Malic gain any ground at all...

Malice Draclau
Jan 31st, 2002, 12:10:24 AM
Malice flew backwards from the kick, but caught himself before he could fall. He had no time to react however as the jedi came rushing towards him attacking furiously. Malice blocked lash after slash waling backwards, if he did not do something soon he would be cornered.

Malice ducked from a slash made by Satine, and quickly swings his saber aiming it at the jedi's feet. As expected the jedi jumped up, lifting his left hand Malice gathered some of the force and hit Satine with a hard force push knocking him backwards off balance. Wasteing no time, Malice quickly charged forward after the jedi, his saber held up infront of him in the lead.

Feb 3rd, 2002, 10:43:26 AM
{OOC:Sorry about not replying sooner, I've had very little tiem lately, as I just finished Science Olympiad. Again, Sorry!}

Satine realizes he would be spitted if he stayed on the same course, and he calls on the Force to move him further up in the air, and he flies over the sabre, and lands in a roll, behind Malice.

Coming up into a standing position, Satine jumps at the Sith, his sabre in a high slash, which is quickly blocked, but the Sith fails to notice the JEdi Knight's fist coming in, and smashing into Malice's face, throwing him backwards.

Malice Draclau
Feb 7th, 2002, 10:03:40 PM
OOC:No worries, i have been sick for the past few days and havent been able to reply to much either. Plus i'm in way too many threads as it is.

IC: Malice stumbles backwards but quickly re-gains his balance. He rubs the side of his face, feeling the throbbing pain. He begins to draw on it and store the energy for later.

Malice readies his saber and charges Satine. But in a surprise move, the sith quicky drops to the ground and thrusts his leg up kicking Satine in the gut. Standing quickly,Malice locks sabers with the jedi,and both begin a pushing war but neither of the two gaining ground.

Feb 8th, 2002, 08:18:46 AM
{OOC:You won't get another reply till Saturday at the earliest. Just letting you know. I have to put on a dnace for a grade. :)}

Satine smiles, his foot edging around behind Malice, and kicking at the back of the Sith's knee, knocking him down. As Malice tries to get back up, Satine kicks him in the face hard, throwing him backwards.

Malice Draclau
Feb 10th, 2002, 07:37:08 PM
OOC:Hope the dance went well. I had family come over so i didn't really have time to come online.

IC: Malice falls back to the ground from the kick of Satine. Rolling away he stands up, blood oozed out from his mouth as it throbbed with pain. But the sith merely drew on that pain for power, storing this newly gained energy for later. Running at the jedi Malice made a quick slash towards his left. As Satine blocked it, Malice used force speed and with the other end of his saber he struck Satine's right side.

A cut could be seen on his ribcage area, not a deep one...but good enough to shed blood. Looking down at his saber then back up at Satine Malice grinned.

*What do you say we abandon these silly weapons for neither you nor i seems to be gaining ground. Instead let's move on to hand to hand combined with force abilities. Are you up for it?*

Malice waited for the jedis reply....all the while drawing on the darkside, fueling his force energy.

Feb 10th, 2002, 08:59:35 PM
Satine smiles, and, in response, sweeps Malice's feet out from under him, and then nods his head.

"Sure. You prepared to lose?" Satine asks as he puts his weapon up, and gets into a fighting stance.

As Malice charges the Jedi Knight, Satine uses his superior agility, and dodges out of the way, flipping backwards, and then to the side, and landing in a fighting stance.

Malice Draclau
Feb 12th, 2002, 07:15:42 PM
Malice stops his charging knowing it wont get him anywhere. He begins to concentrate on the dark energy he had been storing.

*I wont be the one who will feel loss when this fight is over jedi*

Malice uses force speed and runs at Satine. When Satine tried to backflip again, Malice sent two medium sized rocks hitting him in the legs knocking him off balance. Running up to the fallen jedi Malice picked him up and gave him a couple fast but hard knees to his gut before letting him drop back to the ground.

Flipping backwards Malice landed a few feet away. Cupping his hands together Malice slowly began to form a ball of pure dark energy.

Feb 13th, 2002, 09:37:37 PM
Satine looks up to see Malice form the energy ball, and forms a Force shield, getting back to his feet. As he moves, white light shimmers around his body, showing the shield. The Jedi Knight jumps at Malice, aiming a side kick at his head...

Malice Draclau
Feb 14th, 2002, 09:37:49 PM
Malice was able to get the ball to the size of a humans head....but a little bigger. Looking up he saw the kick coming towards his head. Lifting one hand up while holding the energy ball in the other he grabs Satines leg and pushes it away, causing him to fall.

Noticing the force shield on his body Malice grins.

*Ok, let's see how well your shield will hold out*

Using force jump Malice went up into the air....about 20 feet. Aiming the force blast at Satine. with a nudge through the force the ball went flying through the air heading straight for the jedi. Controlling it's movments Malice made sure his attack wouldn't miss.

Feb 15th, 2002, 08:04:24 AM
Satine Force recalls his blade, and gets back to his feet, looking at the Dark ball. Smiling, the Jedi Knight pumps all the power he can into his shield, and then waits for it to come closer. As it does, Satine hits it with his sword too, the blade flying out of his hands, smoking, the ball minmally effected.

As the ball makes contact with Satine's shield, it explodes, huge amounts of energy pouring onto the shield, and, in some place, going past the shield and searing the leather and skin underneath. Once the dust clears, Satine is still standing, smoking in some place. But he is still standing, and that itself is a minor miracle, if oyu asked the Jedi Knight anyways.

"What the hell was that?"

{OOC:I'm guessing it does burning style damage when it hits. If it doesn't, please, let me know, k?}

Malice Draclau
Feb 17th, 2002, 06:28:02 PM
OOC:Sort of like that yes.

IC: Malice landed and just eyed the jedi.

*That lightsider is what's called a force blast. But do not worry about that for i have many more tricks up my sleeve....one that is far more worse then that*

Standing in an attack stance Malice runs at Satine, jumping into the air aiming a kick for the jedi's head enhanced with force speed.

Feb 18th, 2002, 12:07:23 PM
Satine ducks underneath the attack, and grabs the foot, slamming Malice into the ground, and then jumps back, getting into a proper fighting stance, and then blocking two or three other punches, countering with an uppercut that throws Malice backwards.

Malice Draclau
Feb 19th, 2002, 07:36:04 PM
Malice stumbles backwards but turns his fall into a couple of backflips landing on his feet. He rubbed his hand over his mouth revealing blood. Grinning he wipes it away and draws on the small amount of pain that now courses through his body.

Malice begins a run at Satine, using the force to enhance his speed and strength he tackles Satine to the ground landing on top of him.

*Time to have a little fun jedi*

Malice begins to pummel the face of Satine with force enhanced punches. One after the other Malice continues is assult, not giving the jedi anytime to think, only to block.

Feb 19th, 2002, 10:27:21 PM
Satine keeps blocking, and after a while begins to grow tired, finally headbutting the Sithm, and knocking him back a bit. Satine pushes Malice off the rest of the way, and gets to his feet, wiping the blod trickling off his lip. As Malice gets to his feet, the Jedi Knight snap kicks him in the jaw, throwing him backwards.

"Come on Sithling..." Satine says, breathing heavily...

Malice Draclau
Feb 20th, 2002, 02:05:23 AM
This time Malice just spins around on his feet but catches himself. Putting one hand on his jaw he growled at the jedi.

*Good hit. Very well, you want it that badly then so be it*

Malice took in a few deep breaths and began to draw on all his hate and anger. Letting the darkside flow throughout his whole body.

*I am through playing with you jedi. It's time you see what i truly am*

Satine could feel the darkside just gathering around Malice. A dark aura could be seen as well.

Feb 20th, 2002, 10:50:02 PM
In response, Satine gathers his own energy, this coming from the Light side of the Force. His aura grows brighter, and he smiles, getting into a fighting stance.

"I know what you are. A dark one who thinks he is a hero..."

Malice Draclau
Feb 20th, 2002, 11:12:32 PM
Malice simply let out a dark evil laughter.

*Now jedi you are wrong. I am anything but a hero, and not just a dark one for that matter*

As the dark energy enveloped him his metamorphosis began. His form grew....stopping exactly at 9 ft tall. His nails and teeth grew longer and sharper then daggers. A pair of wings and a tail became visibl as well. When the Darkness was absorbed into Malice Satine now saw what it was he will be facing for the rest of the fight. It was a 9 ft tall blue demon, his skin was like armor.

Malice grinned at glared at Satine.

*I am a true child of darkness jedi, the bringer of chaos, but i am mostly known as the Demon of Death. You shall find out soon enough why*

Malice begins a slow walk towards the jedi, his feet leaving indentions in the soft ground.

Feb 21st, 2002, 08:50:39 PM
Satine quickly has his armor form ultra-tough battle armor, and his trenchcoat form bio-tech angel-style wings, walking backwards. Drawing even deeper in the Force, Satine controls the urge to bolt and run for cover, and just calmly begins forming a shield of flames, the shiled hovering in front of him.

Malice Draclau
Feb 21st, 2002, 09:42:00 PM
Malice continues his walk forward, the darksid shooting through his body. He grinned as Satine kept walking backwards.

*What's wrong jedi, surly you wont run. If you can fight that monster Temps then you should be able to handle me. But i do not blame you for wanting run, That sorry excuse for a sith ran from me when we first met as well*

Malice began concentrating,drawing on the force using it to manipulate he air around him. As the gusts of wind picked up, Maice sends them shooting forward at the jedi. The gales of wind bang against the fire shield repeatedly....hopeing to put out the flames. All the while the sith continued his walk forward.

Feb 22nd, 2002, 09:52:02 PM
"Me afraid of you? Give me a break!"

Satine funnels more and more power into his shield, and, without warning, sends the shield into Malice's chest, the flames burning him badly. Satine smiles, and begins to fomr two fireballs, the two hovering above his head.

"Can you burn? We'll find out..."

Malice Draclau
Feb 24th, 2002, 07:38:53 PM
Malice stumbles back but quickly regains his stance. The burn on his chest was bad, but not as bad as the jedi thought it was His amor like skin helped to take away some of the damage. His blue skin now looked charred and black. Standing, Malice cringed a litlte as he felt his rib brused and almost broken.

Drawing on the new source of pain Malice only smiled back.

*And what about you jedi, can you fry... i hope so*

Malice draws on the force empowering his very being. Chanting a few words the demon opens his mouth and a stream of flame shoots out. At the head of the fire was the face of Malice grinning at the jedi. The stream of fire struck the jedi fast and hard, hitting him square in the chest. Malice couldn't only laugh his demonic laugh as the jedi went ablaze. The sith would have more sorcery to show the jedi later......if he lived.

Feb 24th, 2002, 09:08:12 PM
As soon as Satine sees the flames he smiles, and, quickly, pulls all heat from the air around him, creating ice shields all around him. Xazor had shown him this little trick. The flames hits the shields hard, but they don't break--only crack. As the flames die off, Satine disappates his shields, making it look like he had survived the onslaught without any help.

"Nice try..."

Malice Draclau
Feb 26th, 2002, 11:55:22 AM
Malice growls as he sees his attack had missed.

*So your better then you like to show jedi. Well we'll see just how long you can keep up. You will pay dearly*

Malice drew on his newfound anger and turned that into the force. Stretching out his hands Malice drove them into the ground. Using the force to manipulate the tree roots. Out from under Satine shot the roots, each one grabbing his legs,arms, neck, and around his waist line trapping him there.

Standing up Malice used for speed run and managed to hit Satine square in the gut with his massive demon hands. The force of the blow had torn Satine from his confinment(sp?) and flew him backwards. The demon Growled a menacing sound and started a slow walk towards the jedi.

OOC:TTT. Hey Alpha where'd you go.