View Full Version : EU Villians

Jan 23rd, 2002, 11:39:56 AM
On the official site, there is a new databank entry for EU villians, in case you haven't already seen it... Looks pretty sweet to me, though I'm not too much of an EU buff...


Champion of the Force
Jan 23rd, 2002, 05:38:52 PM
Can we now have a debate on the greatest EU villain? :)

Jan 23rd, 2002, 05:47:29 PM
Exar Kun was probably the strongest.

My personal favourites were Daala, Isard and Zsinj. Zsinj was after personal gain, making him different. Isard was well written. Daala I liked because she was outdated. Had she fought in ANH time period, she'd have been an awesome force. Instead, she was naive.

Jan 23rd, 2002, 05:49:14 PM
Well, as I'm just an EU novice, I'm sure I'll probably get drowned out here - but I was always partial to Thrawn (probably because he's the only one I'm actually familiar with from reading the Zahn trilogy). I just thought it was a nice change to have a villian that isn't really strong with the Force, but is a military and tactical genius, and who is just as deadly.

But I'm sure the other ones are really cool too...

Marcus Telcontar
Jan 23rd, 2002, 10:09:58 PM
The biggest EU villains is the idiot that got the NJO series going.

Jedi Master Carr
Jan 23rd, 2002, 10:13:27 PM
I liked Thrawn the best, I just see him as a cool villain. One question is Daala still alive? The article says she had been seen since a battle against Garm Bel Iblis.

Jan 23rd, 2002, 10:18:24 PM
I've heard two sources. She was attacked by two Interdictor-type Rebel ships. She either rammed one, or the other ship with her rammed one. No confirmations.

The biggest EU villains is the idiot that got the NJO series going
So open minded ;) :)

Marcus Telcontar
Jan 23rd, 2002, 10:52:11 PM
Sometimes a closed mind is a good thing... so NJO nonsense doesnt invade.

Jan 23rd, 2002, 11:18:18 PM
I think they did a great job with Palleaon

Jan 24th, 2002, 01:36:01 PM
I thought Daala was out of the picture because she was now IN LOVE with an old man. I can't remember what sappy story had her stroll by Han, the guy she'd tortured years earlier, and hug her old geezer boy friend. I'm sure Calista was somewhere nearby...:p

Marcus Telcontar
Jan 24th, 2002, 02:12:55 PM
ARGHHH!!!!! Now there was a person of pure, unadulterated evil!!! No, my ears! My head!!! AGH!! The agony

* pafff*

:: Head explodes ::

Jedi Master Carr
Jan 24th, 2002, 06:18:25 PM
It was all a hoax according to SW chronicles in there it says she played the Republic making them think she was not bad anymore, at the same time she killed a bunch of warlords and began to plot to retake the galaxy. Garm Bel Iblis beat her in a huge battle and she hasn't been heard from since. She is probably still alive, maybe when Palleon kicks the bucket she will come running to take his place.

Jan 24th, 2002, 11:10:57 PM
Daala was simply a female version of all the other Imperial leaders.... save one. Palleon is unique and interesting. More real.

Jedi Master Carr
Jan 25th, 2002, 12:13:21 AM
I don't think Daala is a better character than Palleon, I just think that he is getting old and the Rement will probably want to replace him with Daala. Really Daala reminds me of Tarkin I guess its because he was her mentor.

Nichos Marr
Jan 25th, 2002, 10:29:52 AM
I heard that Daala was with the Imperial Remnant, or stopped being an Imperial...Something like that. (For the record, I didn't like Daala very much.)

I'd have to say my favorite villains were:

1. Pellaeon - This guy stopped being a villain during the Thrawn duology, but he's so well written. He's a very down to earth kind of person. Whenever I read Pellaeon's dialogue, he seems very real.

2. Exar Kun- He killed his own Master, and managed to add 4000 years to his lifespan. I'd say he was one of the most intelligent and deceiving force users to ever live.

3. Thrawn - Military genious and always prepared. But like all villains, he was defeated :(. Although I disagree with Zahn on some points (like making the Jedi weak) he wrote Thrawn and Pellaeon phenomonally.

4. Isard- I thought she was one of the best Imperials until her portrayal in the Bacta War. She seemed to have gone insane and was no longer herself. Though I can understand why this happened, Isard just wasn't the same after that :(

5. Nom Anor- Psychotic Yuuzhan Vong with more knowledge of the Star Wars galaxy than any other of his race. He uses machinery and technology freely, even though it is forbidden to his race. He was almost responsible for the death of Mara Jade. He would even kill his own people to obtain more glory and power. Nom is a typical bad guy that always shows up and gets foiled. I happen to like those kind of villains :)

Jargon Chasseur
Mar 25th, 2002, 07:47:13 AM
Nom is a typical bad guy that always shows up and gets foiled. I happen to like those kind of villains

Nichos, I get the feeling you LOVE Scooby Doo. :lol

I haven't read many EU books, but I do have my own little opinions. Thrawn and Xizor(sp?), I can't believe no one mentioned him. Maybe you guy's have more knowledge of the EU scene to put others on fav lists, but he's tops on mine. Cunning and Spooky smart. Deep down inside I'm hoping that he wasn't killed at the end, that I'll read SOTE again and at the end....

::Prince Xizor's grave site is long filled in. His tombstone simply reads his name... suddenly... [b]a hand springs to life from the grave!!!!!!!::

Kar'h'tzen Shaed
May 30th, 2002, 01:05:22 AM
Meh, Xizor was just a crime lord - albeit the biggest, bestest one ever.

Thrawn and Pellaeon are the top villains in my book... even though one is reformed (in a sense) and one is dead.

Which is why those "Vision of the Past" and "Spectre of the Future" books killed me. I so wanted Thrawn to really be alive still... yet at the same time, I loved the portrayal of Pellaeon.

Sene Unty
Jun 5th, 2002, 10:47:27 PM
Ummmm. Mara Jade died?

I'm pretty sure she didn't. I mean he got her sick, with that disease but she's still alive. Right? I just read Rebel Stand and she was there. I'm not crazy.....right?!?!

BTW, my favorite villian would have to be Palleon. He is the most real of them all. He has his pitfalls and insecurities, and i loved it when he turned good.

Kar'h'tzen Shaed
Jun 5th, 2002, 11:20:43 PM
Hence why Nichos Marr says, and I quote, "ALMOST responsible for the death of Mara Jade" (emphasis mine). ;)

Sene Unty
Jun 5th, 2002, 11:28:15 PM
I was reading it to fast, I didn't see that. Ha thanks for telling me before i said something stupid.....damn.

Kar'h'tzen Shaed
Jun 5th, 2002, 11:49:20 PM
No worries. :)

Densetsu Roninichi
Jun 25th, 2002, 02:22:34 PM
Hi folks,
New name, old poster here.

I always liked Xizor alot because mentally he was always challenging Vader for the Emperors affections. Not a lot of people can claim ever doing that.

Palleon always interested me because over the years, we have had the opportunity to watch him grow. While staying loyal to the Imperial Remnant, he began to realize that the Empire was gone. It would only quicken their extinction to continue to fight for it while they could live in relative peace with the Republic if they just formed a truce.
I have also been impressed with his displays of intelligence over the years. His stunt against the Vong early on, I want to say during the battle over Ithor, was very Thrawn-like, yet with a flair of Palleon's own ideals.

Thrawn remains one of my top two favorites. His sheer intelligence and cunning makes him a threat to everyone and anyone.
Though my brother and I have debated the thought to death, I am still a firm believer that Thrawn is ALIVE and eventually he may be the savior of the Skywalker universe when the NJO winds down. I read a rumor that Zahn was debating authoring the final storyarc for the NJO, and since he only writes SW with Thrawn, that could be a spoiler.
Anyone who read the duology has to admit the fact that there is a chance that Thrawn still lives and just was not shown with Soontir Fel's group on that planet that Luke and Mara had landed on.

The last fellow who is tied with Thrawn in my books is Exar Kun.
Not one single Sith lord has been more powerful or ruthless since him.
It's too bad he "died" in the Jedi Academy trilogy. He would still make a great evil anti-thesis to Luke, I think.
In any of the graphic novels and the books, he has shown time and again a ruthlessness that few could compare with a power and comprehenion of the Sith magicks that I don't even think Vader or Sidious (Palpatine) have ever grasped.

Anyway, thats my list.
It's nice to be back.

Jun 30th, 2002, 11:06:48 AM
New poster here-was here when we used EZBoard.

ANyways, thought I'd join in. I've read ALOT of the EU books, and one thing I just realized that nobody mentioned was the Ssi-ruuk. I mean, in the Truce at Bakura, if Luke hadn't come, then it says the Ssi-ruuk might have conquered the galaxy. Does no one realize this?
But on the rest of the topic, my favourite villains would have to be...

Thrawn- He was pretty cool, as in, he could turn a battle with less powerful forces than the enemy, he was a freakin' genius, etc.
It's too bad that they killed him, but unfortunately that's the way with most villains, which also makes me a little dubious about they are going to finish the NJO, but that's another topic.

Nom Anor- I like the way that he is portrayed as a genius in his own right. He is a multitasker, I mean, he's practically a shaper (for those who don't know what that is, read the NJO) he's a intendant, and, to some degree, he's also a tactician.
I, for one, wish that the virus that he gave Mara Jade hadn't gone away quite so quickly. I mean sure, it lasted a long time, but that was quite interesting. For once one of the good guys has some problems.
Unfortunately, lke Thrawn, I predict that by the end of the series, Nom will be dead.

These are at the top of my mind just now, so I may add more later.

And, though I don't like them, the Hutts are bad guys too.

Jun 30th, 2002, 11:18:58 AM
Actually, on the Daala isuie to my knowledge shes still out there somewhere. All she did was make a blind hyperspace jump, if she survived that she could be anywhere....

imported_Corin Zetith
Jul 11th, 2002, 07:37:03 AM
My fav Eu villian would have to be Tsavong Lah from the vong i like hoe he is ruthless and unmerciful in almost everything he does-a true villian. not to mention he is a tactical genious.