View Full Version : George Lucas on A & E Sunday Night

Jan 23rd, 2002, 02:28:02 AM
Biography - 8:00 pm, I believe.

Just a reminder.

Jan 23rd, 2002, 09:07:33 AM
Thanks for the heads up - I'll keep an eye out for it.

Jan 23rd, 2002, 10:22:05 AM
I really hope I don't forget to watch that. I just have to remember, watch NFL Primetime and then flip over to A&E, watch NFL Primetime and then flip over to A&E, watch NFL Primetime and then flip over to A&E, watch NFL Primetime and then flip over to A&E, watch NFL Primetime and then flip over to A&E, ...

Jan 23rd, 2002, 12:49:52 PM
Wouldn't it be better if Lucas gave the interview ON NFL Primetime?

Jedi Master Carr
Jan 23rd, 2002, 07:48:05 PM
LOL I think that would work for Jedieb. Man Sunday is bad night for me not only is the Lucas 2 hour biography is on but Stehpen King has another miniseries on ABC starting at 9 called Rose Red, that looks really creepy, I guess I am going to have to tape one and watch the other one later, luckily I have two TVS in my house:)

Jan 23rd, 2002, 07:51:06 PM
Lucas is going to be on Primetime! SWEEEEET!

"George Lucas FROM......."

Best Primetime ever. ;)

Jan 23rd, 2002, 09:39:41 PM
I'll probably forget about both...

Jan 24th, 2002, 10:44:27 AM
Didn't want to start a new thread for this - on Ep-X, someone reported that:

Apparently, on Entertainment Tonight on Thursday 7.30pm(EST), there will an EXCLUSIVE Behind the Scenes footage of Episode II shown.

They didn't list their source, so it may not be so - but its worth a look anyway...

Jedi Master Carr
Jan 24th, 2002, 06:35:06 PM
Yeah I saw that on thefoce.net I wonder what it will be about? I usually don't watch ET, I find much of what they say to be tabloid junk but I guess I will turn in for this episode.

Jedi Master Carr
Jan 24th, 2002, 07:24:01 PM
I just saw sw preview on ET, the clips was pretty good and they mostly concentrated on Jango who looks very cool in the clips. They also show some of young Boba. This is part of what is suppose to be on the website tomorrow, according to ET.

Jan 24th, 2002, 08:52:23 PM
Yeah - I caught it too --- nothing too much that we didn't know already, but it was nice to see some of the filming --- just watching it got me all pumped up to see it (like I wasn't already...) I thought it was funny that they ended with the shot of Jango with the colored umbrella that we saw in the select photos...

Jan 25th, 2002, 10:35:36 AM

Official confirmation from the official site... Also watch for him on 1/30 in "Conversations from the Edge with Carrie Fisher" for a heart-to-heart chat.

Jedi Master Carr
Jan 25th, 2002, 03:26:42 PM
the force.net says that Access Hollywood and E News Daily will both have some new footage today, I think it is different from the ET stuff last night, because they say Anakin and Mace is in it.

Jan 27th, 2002, 09:09:56 PM
The Biography is about half way through and it's awesome! BTW, there's a favorite SW poll at A&E. After 5,000 votes the totals are:

Star Wars
The Empire Strikes Back
Return of the Jedi
The Phantom Menace

LONG LIVE ESB!!!!!:duel

Jan 27th, 2002, 10:10:36 PM
I didn't get a chance to see it. I didn't forget, just couldn't get anyone to tape it for me seeing as I don't get A&E...

Jan 27th, 2002, 11:49:37 PM
I taped it.

Cut out all the commercials too.


Anybody have the Oxygen network?

Jedi Master Carr
Jan 28th, 2002, 12:17:13 AM
I loved it and I even taped it, now I guess we know why he didn't touch SW again until recently his wife got half his money and he was struggling. I really liked all the personal information but they never really said certain things like when did his parents die or are they still alive. I was curious if his father lived to see his success from SW.

Jan 28th, 2002, 09:48:00 AM
Unfortunately, I missed it... :( Maybe it will be on a rerun or something.

Feb 4th, 2002, 08:27:54 PM
From what I remember, his father passed away before the success of SW came. He did live to see some of GL's early successes I think, but I'm fairly certain he didn't live to see the phenomenon his son created.

Feb 4th, 2002, 09:15:37 PM
That's unfortunate, the kind of multi-generational phenomenon that GL created would make any parent beam with pride!

Feb 6th, 2002, 11:12:43 AM
I think Lucas's father would have been more impressed with the business empire GL has created than the films themselves. He supported GL at USC, and paid the bills for his tuition, but he was a businessman at heart. I don't think that it's an accident that GL has been as successful as he has with Lucasfilm.

Jedi Master Carr
Feb 6th, 2002, 12:04:22 PM
So I wonder why they left that out? Maybe they just didn't have enough time, they covered just about every angle of his life though they kind of skimmed over some of poorer films (Howard the Duck) and didn't mention his television work (Young Indiana Jones Chronicles probably because it wasn't consdiered a success ratings wise) For that matter they didn't deal with Indiana Jones that much I guess because it was more of a collaberation even though it was Lucas that came up with the idea orginally.