View Full Version : MacGyver on DVD
Jan 22nd, 2002, 06:56:26 PM
Am I the only dork around who would really like to see the MacGyver TV series on DVD at some point?! :)
I really loved that show. It's so awesome. Probably my third favorite shot, just behind X-Files in first and Simpsons, then maybe Next Generation after MacGyver. Futurama for me has to be somewhere just below those too.
They are putting lots of TV episodes on DVD, I want MacGyver darnit!
Mu Satach
Jan 22nd, 2002, 07:26:48 PM
I think Patty and Selma would like that as well. :D
I never did get into McGyver.
Jan 22nd, 2002, 07:43:37 PM
Patty and Selma would be all over that one... :)
"Don't thank me Mayor. Thank the Moon's gravitational pull..."
As for me, that's one I could do without - I watch a few minutes of it every now and then when I'm flipping, but I can't stand to watch a whole episode of it...
Jan 22nd, 2002, 07:53:35 PM
Apparently Mu, Sideshow Bob, and I are on the same side of the MacGyver issue. That was a show I use to love to rag on. You needed nothing more than the shows own "hackneyed" plots to tear it down. My two favorite examples:
Scene 1
MacGyver suffers a concussion. As he staggers to his feet an oncoming villian begins emptying his AK-47 at him. He's firing the obligatory TV/Movie 120 rounds out of a 30 round banna clip at MacGyver. Now we know MacGyver's strong anti gun stance so we know our hero won't respond in kind. What's a pro gun control hero with bad hair suppose to do? Naturally Macgyver quickly fashions a crude sling from a strip of cloth. He picks up a stone, places it in the sling and begins swinging it over his head. (Remember, the villian has been shooting at Mac the whole time.) He then lets the rock fly and knocks the bad guy off his horse and renders him unconscious. Oh, I didn't mention the bad guy was on horseback? Sorry, I just thought you'd naturally assume he was, many MacGyver villians love to chase our hero down on a valiant steed. Seconds after the villian falls our hero MacGyver collapses and passes out. That right, after suffering a concussion MacGyver not only fashioned a sling, but hit a moving target on horseback from a distance of 20 yards while the target was spraying automatic weapons fire at him. Need I say more? Yes, I think I must.
Scene 2
MacGyver once stopped a nuclear reaction with a candy bar. Let me repeat that, MacGyver once stopped a nuclear reaction with a candy bar.
I'll still never understand how Sideshow Bob keeps getting outsmarted by Bart. I mean if he can figure MacGyver out, why can't he get over on a 4th grader?
Jan 22nd, 2002, 07:59:31 PM
MacGyver once stopped a nuclear reaction with a candy bar
Who hasn't? :)
Jan 22nd, 2002, 08:05:59 PM
Oh come on, you need to at least have some kind of cheese at your disposal to stop a nuclear reaction! Let's get serious here!:D
Champion of the Force
Jan 22nd, 2002, 09:09:32 PM
MacGyver - the only man alive who can fix any problem with a twig. :)
:: has flashbacks of MacGyver building helicopter with twigs ::
Jedi Master Carr
Jan 22nd, 2002, 11:29:40 PM
I liked MacGyver when it was on really it was just an one man A-Team (I guess that is why I like it because I loved the A-team as a kid), it was a solid show sure it wasn't believable, but heck SW isn't believable either;)
Jan 23rd, 2002, 02:23:00 AM
I am laughing too, I know what you're saying EB...
I just thought the show was really fun to watch. I used to watch it like constantly. I like the star a lot and the supporting cast was good (the dude who was MacGyver's bost for instance) and I always thought the plots were fairly intriguing. lol, but I see your point about the corniness of many of the situations. Even so, I loved the show...
Jan 23rd, 2002, 11:00:26 AM
Hey you know what I liked as a kid? Batman starring Adam West. Now I go for the Dark Knight that Bob Kane envisioned. If I saw Adam West's Batman for the first time today I'd probably think it was crap. Oh wait, I did see that kind of Batman, it was called Batman & Robin and what do you know, IT WAS CRAP! ;)
Jan 23rd, 2002, 11:21:01 AM
Simpsons with Adam West funny :)
Jan 23rd, 2002, 11:38:28 AM
Yeah - Adam West didn't need the fake rubber muscles built into his suit. His Batman was simply... Pure... West...
Jan 23rd, 2002, 12:22:45 PM
And how come Batman doesn't dance anymore? Remember the Batusi? Ouuh Ah! Ouuh Ah!
Acutually, I've been a bit unfair to Mac. It's not like that was an EVIL show. It wasn't Full House or Saved By The Bell. BUT I PITY THE FOOL THAT COMPARES IT TO THE A-TEAM! I PITY THE FOOL!!!!!! :crack
Champion of the Force
Jan 23rd, 2002, 05:37:22 PM
The Adam West Batman movie still remains the greatest Batman film ever ;). Some of the dialogue is just wonderful:
Robin: "I'll call us a taxi Batman!"
Batman: "No - taxi is too slow. We'll run!"
:: cue Batman TV theme ::
... and ...
Batman: "Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb."
... and other cuch classics. :lol
Jan 23rd, 2002, 05:46:41 PM
I think the Bat-Shark Repellant will forever be burned into my memory as that ridiculous rubber shark was attacking Adam West... :) I think I saw that that was out on DVD... I don't think I could justify ever buying it, but it would be fun to rent and watch again for a good laugh...
Jan 23rd, 2002, 07:23:03 PM
Davwy's Batman quotes made me laugh so hard I started to tear up. I've had Bat Shark Repellant nightmares as well. As for the DVD, it's an excellent drinking game DVD. Everytime you hear Bat___ have a shot. 30 minutes into the movie you'll be so hammered you'll think Adam West is Val Kilmer.
Jedi Master Carr
Jan 23rd, 2002, 07:33:38 PM
I guess that remark was to me Jeideb:p Really though what I was saying is that ABC saw how successful the A-Team was and decided to put their own version out that was MacGyver but really though it is a little different its a blending of the A-Team with shows like Magnum and the Rockford Files and also a little Indiana Jones. I thought it was a fun show when it was on, sure some of it was corny but as I said the A-Team had the same qualities which is why I liked it (the A-Team could build anything in 15 minutes, it seemed) They are both mindless fun shows IMO.
Jan 23rd, 2002, 07:47:25 PM
Hmm, I don't agree with that at all! I don't think MacGyver was a mindless show whatsoever! I thought it had a lot of good points to make, a lot of good messages within it, and I thought it was pretty interesting and informative. I think it is one of the more thought-provoking shows around.
That's also why I like TNG. Once you get by all of the technobable, and that is absolutely what it is, nonsensical BS that doesn't make any sense at all, the show is really pretty deep most of the time and has a lot going for it. I'm not all anti-Star Trek, but TNG is the only show I liked and it was very, very good. The original series is way too idiotic and corny for me. Boulders falling onto the set that are most obviously made out of paper mache as they didn't even make a sound when they hit, they fall like feather pillows, it was just stupid. It's too poor quality to be considered a good show, just like Lost in Space. Both of them are equally outdated and idiotic. Maybe if it was the only thing that was on. Even Voyager is better than TOS and that show was only watchable for one reason: Jeri Ryan. Well, ok, two reasons, if you get my drift ;) LOL.
Deep Space Nine was idiotic too. I'd say I watched it probably ten times total and I did see a few good episodes, but the others were so stupid as to be laughable.
I also really enjoyed Star Trek: First Contact, that movie is really well done I think. Insurrection sucked hard, unfortunately. It was pretty lame. I'm still looking forward to the next ST movie...
Jedi Master Carr
Jan 23rd, 2002, 07:52:27 PM
I don't really think it was though provoking, but if you did thats cool, maybe you saw stuff in it that I did not. I just watched it to see what new adventures he was up to every week.
Jan 23rd, 2002, 08:00:32 PM
Actually, what I meant JMC was that I've got my guilty pleasures as well. Like you, I enjoyed the A-Team. It was a silly show, but it was funny and the characters could make you laugh. I'd rank MacGyver in the same vain. These aren't quality or thought provoking shows (Hill Street Blues and St. Elsewhere are 80's dramas that quickly come to mind).
Jedi Master Carr
Jan 23rd, 2002, 08:04:05 PM
Oh I didn't think you meant anything by it I figured it was in jest:) I have to say though that I like the A-Team more than MacGyver but that is just my opinion.
Mu Satach
Jan 24th, 2002, 07:48:31 PM
the A-team was perfection... :D
Jan 24th, 2002, 11:07:00 PM
Yar, fair and true!
Jan 25th, 2002, 07:55:40 AM
"I'd rank MacGyver in the same vain. These aren't quality or thought provoking shows."
Maybe in your opinion, but I certainly think MacGyver was a VERY high quality show -- unlike 99% of what is on TV -- and quite thought provoking.
Jan 25th, 2002, 02:50:44 PM
I was always deeply inspired by his mastery of the many uses of the swiss army knife. :lol
Jan 25th, 2002, 03:43:44 PM
I was always terrified by the recurring MacGyver Super Villians. Their bad acting scared the living daylights out of me! :lol
Jedi Master Carr
Jan 25th, 2002, 04:00:46 PM
You must mean Murdock(I am not sure if it spelled the same as the one on the A-Team) played by Michael Des Barres. I actually liked him in the show, my only problem was it always appeared like he was dead and then came back either missing a body part or burned, I think he was burned, blown up, fell off a cliff, fell down a mine shaft, there could be others but I can't remember, but really it is no different than the Joker who always seemly died only to come back countless times.
Jan 25th, 2002, 06:39:58 PM
I liked MaCgyver alot.I always tried to duplicate things I seen him do as a child.I'm lucky I have fingers :)
Jan 25th, 2002, 07:28:43 PM
my only problem was it always appeared like he was dead and then came back either missing a body part or burned, I think he was burned, blown up, fell off a cliff, fell down a mine shaft,
:lol :lol :lol
Good god, I had no idea MacGyver's arch nemesis was actually Mr. Potato head! Yeah, that's who I meant. The former lead singer of Power Station(when they tried to go on without Robert Palmer) and the star of Poison Ivy 2: The Useless Sequel. Why he was never nominated for an Emmy for his work on MacGyver is beyond me. Hey, I wonder how many Outstanding Drama or Lead Actor Emmy nominations MacGyver racked up in its deep, thought provoking run? Stupid award shows, they always ignore those who are truly great!!!!! ;)
Jedi Master Carr
Jan 25th, 2002, 11:10:16 PM
He was a singer? I had seen him in some other TV shows (Magnum PI comes to mind) and some movies (Under Siege off hand) Richard Dean Anderson is not a bad actor, he is pretty good on the Showtime Series Stargate SG-1 (I used to watch the show, I haven't had time lately) he is a solid TV actor and no worse of a actor than other in his genre (Tom Selleck and Scott Bakula both come to mind) now emmy winner he is not.
Jan 25th, 2002, 11:34:42 PM
Des Barres made his name as a British rocker. He wasn't very popular in the U.S. but I do believe he had a bit of a following in Britain. He teamed up with John Taylor and toured with Power Station in the 80's. They were even on an episode of Miami Vice. Richard Dean Anderson is a solid TV actor. (His work on General Hospital was spell binding ;) I wouldn't rank Anderson with Selleck though. Tom Selleck is a great actor (He actually DID win an Emmy for his show), and Magnum P.I. was one of the most popular shows of its time, until The Cosby Show took over Thursday nights. Remember, Selleck had an actual movie career for awhile and he was a scheduling conflict away from being Indiana Jones. Even today, Selleck can make news by doing a guest spot on Friends, but would Anderson even raise eyebrows? As for Bakula, I like him a bit more than I do Anderson (who in all seriousness I really don't have anything against). Quatum Leap was a pretty good show and now he's got the latest Star Trek gig. I still haven't seen a single episode of Enterprise, is it any good?
Jedi Master Carr
Jan 26th, 2002, 12:04:47 AM
I don't know I have heard pretty good reviews but I don't know anybody that has seen it. I like Anderson better than Bakula myself but that is just my opinion. As far as Selleck his career is not once where it was he has only really had two hit movies (In and Out being the last) Its odd to think that if he could have gotten out of his Magnum contract he could have been Indiana Jones, so would that have meant Harrison Ford would have been Magnum:D
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