View Full Version : Director's Guild Nominee's

Jan 22nd, 2002, 01:38:16 PM
Usually a very good indicator of th director's that will be nominated. Usually it's 4 of the 5, but last year all 5 nominee's corresponded.


As follows:
Ron Howard - A Beautiful Mind
Peter Jackson - Lord of the Rings
Christopher Nolan - Memento
Ridley Scott - Black Hawk Down
Baz Lurhmann - Moulin Rouge

Jan 22nd, 2002, 01:43:20 PM
I haven't seen Beautiful Mind or Black Hawk Down yet, so I can't comment on those. From the rest, I think I'd have to go with Peter Jackson. What he did in bringin LOTR to the big screen was IMHO amazing. Memento was good, but it seemed too "gimicky" to me, having a movie that moves backwards - and while I liked it, I don't think it can take down LOTR. And while I really liked Moulin Rouge (I might be in the minority here on that one), I think its strength lies in its costumes, choreography, and music - I don't think it can win for best director.

Just my $0.02...

Jan 22nd, 2002, 02:09:33 PM
I'm at a loss who I'm rooting for. I was VERY glad to see Nolan and Scott make the list. :) I am shocked that Altman was overlooked, especially since he'd been winning award after award for Best Director.