View Full Version : Lighted Dark Side: the passing of shadow to the rebuke of light.

Slayn Cloak
Jan 22nd, 2002, 08:53:01 AM
The departure of time amuses an infinite number of forms. Under close examination it can play out with the speed of earth. Unstoppable, stiff and without drastic change. Instead it seems dormant, moving still and silent. When received throught the eye of children, it can be seen that it moves as quick as that state of mind, burning away in the manner of cellophane to quick to notice until gone. Once forgotten it is a great foe; for it does not exist. The danger then comes once it again is in your mind. Once remembered it's effects are aswell and with them come a great reckoning.
Time had never imposed itself upon Slayn. It was to him little more than a measure. He had been alive now for two-hundred cycles, though his cells and physiology are that of eighteen years. Likewise his mind is far more advanced than could be noticed without close thought. The fact still remains as far as others where concerned, though of cores they are of no concern to him. Only toys or tool for his amusement or advancement. Now is the time, or it seems, that time had imposed itself upon him for the first time.
His father Jeseth had educated him on the uses of time and people; He had also maid clear some of their correlations. Time can be most useful, thought a slow worker in some cases, it can also become a cunning assassin. All children of ambrile are blessed with a longer life span than most species. With the normal life excpectancy and the use of Force energy fortifying their mortality. One of his blood could live a very long time, enough to see enemies fall, councils pass, friends defeated and the greatest of organizations crumble.
This venture brought forth great tidiom and time seemed to stand still. As Slayn pause to think of his great tool, The second sun of this barren planet had began to rise. The sky was brilliantly lit, whitish-blue with an outlining crimson hue. It really was a pleasant site. Gasses and the presence of multiple suns created the beautiful refraction of lights and still Slayn was at a loss. Watching the sky and studying it diligently, trying as best he could to not miss a second, he let out a sigh, a loss, and also an agony.
The terrain was dry and rocky, the horizon was littered with geological structures. Slayn had now been walking north for ten minuets. The Sith Knight turned around and took a parting stare at what was his transportation. A second or so had passed and the lambda class shuttle erupted sending derbies in the air and littering the surrounding area. It was a stolen ship and had served its purpose, it needed to be released. This was another lesson from his father. Charges planted before his walk began granted the ship its retirement. After a passing second of what seemed to be morning, Slayn turned back north and continued on his way.

Slayn Cloak
Apr 4th, 2002, 04:51:39 PM
Morning had passed in an instant and a never ending mid-day was embraced. The light and scorching heat that bore down upon this small waste of a planet, it was completely unbearable to this young Sith Knight. With that sweet morning moment gone the view vanished as well; Slayn was now farther gone, for the endless and vast emptiness had consumed his emotion. He was traveling into trials; he was to face himself somewhere in this emptiness. He was so alone now yet there where eyes upon him; It felt as if from everywhere.


There was a slight twinkling off in the distance he couldn’t quite make it out, but it was worth his time to investigate.

“I have nothing else to do...”

There was nothing to be found, no life, plant or animal. This place is a vast waste land, but still the light flashed, it seemed in fact to be growing in definition. It was completely void of everything, save for the sounds of his foot-steps, as faint as they may be. The sand suddenly stole his attention, it was, or seemed to be moving. The grains flowed under his feet as he had done in training with Master Trace...


A pain shot through him, he felt as if something where erupting from inside him; His skin ripping out-word and something emerging. Slayn cringed in pain grabbing his chest, stomach and folding his arms. He could see that his pain was not as he felt, but he soon blacked out. As his vison tunneled and blindness fell upon him, his body slumped over and slumped into the sand.

Slayn Cloak
Apr 18th, 2002, 05:41:41 PM
It wasn’t that long ago that Slayn discovered the true power of the force; That which gives it power, the Living Force. It was the same energy that had aloud all force users to manipulate their surrounding environments; This power is once removed into a deeper level of life, it is the life.

The power behind all this, everything Slayn had been taught to use and defend, it was all alive. The force powers life and provides vessels of energy. If one was to control this power they could consequently control life, and all matter.

Since he stumbled upon the hypophysis that led him to the manipulation of this power, he was able to create, and manipulate matter. Weapons could be fashioned from living energy which appeared as ink and was molded thereafter. His greatest achievement of course was the raven created form his master Trace Sha. The bird was an omen, he hadn’t understood it then and still lacks that knowledge. That creature was created through his own energy and was made to be a display of power, and dedication to his master. All his creations, save for the bird would simply ooze back into the Living Force; His dark creation will serve Trace until the end of time. It wasn’t long after that, that Slayn excelled in the use of these powers, somber and cumbersome at first, hard to control and a great exhaustion of energy; now it was his greatest ally.

Time had passed since Slayn was knocked unconscious; This place was cold, not in temperature, but in feel. Slayn was uneasy, even in his forced deep sleep he could feel a strange variance in himself, and benevolent power rising. His dreams plagued him, though this wasn’t completely uncommon for him lately. The living force had taken him hostage, it was alive and refused to be mastered. Still as anything this story has two sides. The darkness as he called it in his beckoning, the inky dark substance that he molded to his whim, desperately wished for its own freedom. This was something he granted it, but under his influence, it was he who called it out and molded it into a tool. This power was at war with its self. It seems the darkness dwells in light, as is only befitting for such a power. The light side of this Living Force wouldn’t let its counterpart be in slaved to a Dark Jedi.

Slayn Cloak
Apr 19th, 2002, 06:45:45 PM
Slayn’s mind suddenly became active; He found himself in a dull world, a carbon copy of the prior, but void and dark. He could see nothing, He stood and peered off into the nothing that was before him; Then a voice answered.

Aevenon Cloak
Apr 26th, 2002, 10:43:05 AM
am i...?

strange... this is what life feels like

Opening his eyes Aevenon sees he is not alone in what now seems to be something far more desolate than his previous exsistance. The figure across from him seemed to be surrounded by a darkness more solid than the lack of ambient light around him. His hand reaches out to touch, to feel, to connect, something he has never been able to do in his previous incarnation, but pulls back suddenly when he sees his own aura. A myrad of colored tendrils surround his body, reaching out to lay claim to everythign around him.

even more.. interesting

Aevenon watches in wonder as the blackness and the light meet and connect. Not really touching, but none the less feeling each others energy. Abruptly a realization occurs.

We are the same

Gathering the light arond him as a robe to cover himself he approaches his other half....

Slayn Cloak
Apr 26th, 2002, 03:42:15 PM
A voice? But who?
Slayn thought to himself as he turned around, he could feel something; It seemed unreal at first, for what he felt was his own presence, though somehow different. Once he had the vessel in sight his eyes couldn’t quite focus. It was as if he stare into a mirror, yet the form was slightly different. Slayn felt no fear, but a strange compassion and seance of ease came over him. With almost no hesitation Slayn spoke to this body.

”Who, what are... we?”

His voice seemed to resinate in all the surroundings of this somber place, this mach reality. It was as if they had created it.

Aevenon Cloak
Apr 26th, 2002, 03:53:54 PM
Images flew through AEvenon's mind as a torrential rain. IMages of death and destruction. Mutilated bodies and half-torn shards made a blur which cause him to nearly stumble.

I am myself, yet not.

You on the other hand are totally yourself now. You have nothing of light left in you. You have caused me to be. Yet, I feel an outside hand at work as well.

Appraoching his other half, their auras no longer searching and feeling, but recoiling from each other as a pair of snakes ready to strike, Aevenon calls on his inner strength and summons a shaft of energy to spring forth from his hand.

Grinning slyly

Your move....

Slayn Cloak
Apr 26th, 2002, 04:06:05 PM
Strangely Slayn seemed to understand what was happening, they are the same, but composed of different properties. It was true light and dark a celestial duel was to take place.


Slayn waved his had, it seemed that his power in this realm was ten times its original tole. The blackness he had concurred in the real world was now a part of him and his advisory, yet Aevenon was of the light, purely it seemed. Aevenon was thrown back some few meters and the sand seemed to bend to Slayn’s will. As he walked forward it shifted and shook under his feet, a thought then struck him. I’ve never been this calm, not in battle, are we enemys?

Jehova Eaven
Apr 26th, 2002, 04:11:42 PM
The living desert, the living sky, the wind, even the bodies of the deceased were in some way alive. They held power, the power of the Force. That which gives us all life, also that which takes it away. It can grant those with the knowlege some control of that power, but it can also take it away. Jehova knew that he was not special in the eyes of the Force, indeed who was? But he did know that not many had been given the knowlege. The key info that would allow one such as he to almost completely control the Force and with it all aspects of life...

Aboard a light freighter of the Sith Order. Jehova Eaven was on his way back to Vjun, when he suddenly felt a pang in his chest and his head was filled with images of Slayn laying in the desert unconscious. Just as the pang stopped, Jehova felt ocmpelled to pull the ship out of hyperspace and land on a nearby planet. Then he knew what the images meant, Slayn had been calling to him. He knew, he just knew that Slayn was on this planet somewhere, he knew that he would find him, and he also knew exactly where to look.

After a few moments Jehova came upon Slayn, laying on the open sand. He could feel the dark light emanating from Slayn, it was his Life Force. The cold light was flickering, he was alive but barely. He looked around to see what could have possibly caused Slayn to be in this predicament, Then he saw him, a boy with features almost exactly like Slayn. He also sensed that his life force was flickering.... but there was something that was painfully different, it was his light.... it was... warm.

Aevenon Cloak
Apr 29th, 2002, 04:45:04 PM
Thrown through the air ,he slows himself with but a thought. The ground solidifies into stone to aid his footing as he once again approaches his opposite.

Bringing his hands infront of him in a form much akin to prayer he gathers his aura around him. The colors once pastel roar into their true vibrant nature and explode from his outstretched hand toward his adversary.

The aura of his paralell at first seems to absorb the blast. Then the darkness almost seems to lighten.

Aevenon smiles...

Slayn Cloak
Apr 29th, 2002, 05:10:33 PM
Slayn’s mouth gaped, it seemed that in this realm both their powers were godly and everything could be manipulated. The colors of light surrounding Aevenon minored those which he watched in the sky earlier that morning. He felt a surge of energy, then a small withdrawal of his demeanor, then he saw himself smile. It was not him, but his equal, perhaps in a sense a part of himself that bonded with the living force. Even the smile mirrored him, yet perverted his being. It was not the cold malicious smile granted by satisfaction during battle by a fierce blow, it was one of completion and happiness. With that smile Slayn didn’t feel mocked, but compelled;His energy burst and what Aevenon saw became pitch black casting the same dole afterglow. Slayn pulled from this reality and beckoned forth the darkness, that inky substance he had mastered and perhaps what began this. It came with vengeance and will, more had come now with great ease, thinker and completely tangible. A smile came to Slayn and a short sigh, interrupted by a sudden jolt; Slayn sprung forward the darkness embracing his arms with just a thought. It had consumed his hands and foram, fashioning a dark talons that stretched out at will. He had just reached striking distance when he delivered a sharp slash but was surprised by the outcome of his connection.

Aevenon Cloak
Apr 29th, 2002, 05:25:14 PM
Smiling at his counterpart during his charge, Aevenon calmly awaited the impact. If his theories proved correct this would cause more damage to his other half than to himself.

I hope this works

The talons of darkness raked Aevenon's chest and caused his to gasp for breath, yet in that same instant lines of the same sort appeared across the body of his partner. A feeling of absolute shock and possiblely terror flows out of his counterparts mind and floods Aevenon with the same emotions.

He brings the shaft of energy around and connects with the talons of darkness. Much like opposite poles of magnets the objects repell each other. Yet these poles of energy do so in a much more violent. Both parties are thrown back from the imapct, and as column of light and darkness is forced upwards into the dark sky. Reaching hieghts unimaginable it detonates and pierces the surrounding area so both parties can see they are not in a barren landscape. Mountains thrust up in the distance. Clouds exsist overhead.

Realizing the magnitude of this battle, Aevenon unfolds the gossamer wings from his back. Inspiring nothing less than awe for the sheer beuaty of his image from his aprtner he takes towards the clouds.

Slayn Cloak
Apr 29th, 2002, 05:50:18 PM
Then it’s true, we are one. If we continue this what will then be of us?

Slayn now noticed the beauty of this place, Aevenon was created from Slayn, but seemingly is full blooded ambrellian. He watched in awe as he floated up at that the talons moved and stretched. Once they reached his shoulder blades they erupted into dark wings, they were at first cumbersome, with a wingspan of four meters and some number of great strokes; Slayn caught up with Aevenon. They waned in all directions for some time, as birds at play.

Aevenon Cloak
Apr 29th, 2002, 05:58:50 PM
Realizing he will never be able to confront his other half truely in this exsistance Aevenon slows his asscent and hovers for a a minute while he concentrates his essence to call a resting place into being. Without fully understanding what he is doing the side fo a towering precipiace tears itself from it's earthly body and comes to rest under Aevenon's feet. He motions for his counterpoint to rest here.

Teach me

Slayn Cloak
Apr 29th, 2002, 06:11:55 PM
This body could create a land mass in the air, what was it capable of in the real world; what’s more, how are they to get back. Slayn neared the cold stone and came to rest upon it. He spoke his voice matched his temperament and was cold, but loving.

“You wish for me to teach you? What then would you learn; what then are you?

Slayn thought he was beginning to understand what Aevenon was, or rather who Slayn himself is.

Aevenon Cloak
Apr 29th, 2002, 06:27:07 PM
Aevenon raises an eyebrow at his companion.

"To learn what is nessesary. Control, as even I can tell this world is unnatural. "

is he/am I really this dense

"I assume you can show me what I need. Whatever the costs."

Slayn Cloak
Apr 29th, 2002, 06:38:33 PM
“ I understand, then you wish to be my apprentice; what better then to learn from your complete opposite. You will then follow me and honor me as we are one and together we are balance.”

Slayn watched Aevenon’s expression whilst he spoke, and to his answer. At that the thought of the real world arose.

“How are we to return to the real world, my world, our world...”

His thought’s at that moment lingered on Jehova of all things. This world was so dream like almost as if that is what life was.

Aevenon Cloak
Apr 29th, 2002, 06:57:42 PM
Hang on

Aevenon closes his eyes and at the same time without understanding why, Slayn eyes close as well. Slayn feels comforted in the mental embrace of his counterpart. Never has more warmth been placed into his being.

Both parties lapse into unconciousness. Feeling each other as one for the last time, the accend out of the desolet world into the real. They are lying next to each other, not touching.

Aevenon's eyes are the first to flutter open.

Slayn Cloak
Apr 30th, 2002, 03:08:54 PM
Strange, I, I feel whole; this is new. I know... nothing, but this feeling I.

Light pierced the fluttering lids of this young Cloak, coming into focus he could see a body next to him. It was Aevenon, Slayn’s apprentice, and counterpart. His eyes too it seemed were lost and fixed upon Slayn. It was intense, he felt different, but not altogether changed. !!! Slayn could sense someone watching them; He was at first alarmed, then he realized it was Jehova.

Aevenon Cloak
Apr 30th, 2002, 03:34:59 PM
As Aevenon's eyes open to the lightness, he notices the figure standing above he and his counterpart. Rising quickly to his feet he begins to concentrate his energy as he had in the other world. Nowhere near the volume comes to his aid.

Aevenon ignored the warnings his body gave him and began to lunge for the other being...

Slayn Cloak
Apr 30th, 2002, 03:45:27 PM
Slayn had to react quickly, Jehova would no doubt treat this man as a hostile not realizing his true worth. Already Aevenon had noticed his power was almost non excitant in this realm. Slayn could feel him call to the force, but it granted him no attention. As Aevenon lunged at Jehova to attack Slayn raised his had from the scorching desert sand. He pulled sand from the surfaces with the force and created a cloud of great dust, it was somewhat a remnant of a sand devil. Slayn jerked his hand again and Aevenon was flung backward, softly he was placed in the sand. Slayn spoke to both of his friends in his usual manner, though their minds.

”Be still my friends; Your first lesson Aevenon might have just been learnt. Never are you to attack without full knowledge of your opponent. This is Jehova a Dark Jedi of The Black Hand a fellow ambrellian and a powerful friend.”

Jehova Eaven
May 14th, 2002, 06:29:57 PM
"This is strange," Jehova thought, "Slayn had stopped him yet did not hurt him." A small surge of lightning flew from his fingertips, they flew forward and crackled as it tore through the air and into the child's chest. It burned his skin and sent a small jolt through his body, the boy would understand this as a warning. Before he could even speak, Jehova understood. This boy was Slayn...

Slayn informed him that the man was Aevenon, that he was Slayn in a sense, and that they were in need of aid. Jehova Eaven spoke of his ship and they headed off. Upon entering it the pair entered small quarters near the hold. Slayn had given him word to take them with him to Vjun. Maybe Jeseth would understand...