View Full Version : The Lightwood Cup. (Finished)

Verse Dawnstrider
Jan 21st, 2002, 12:04:23 AM
::Verse walked down the walls of the GJO to his V-Wing. He was followed by his padawan, Xazor. He had planed this mission to get her some field training. Also to find a lost Jedi artifact. He told his of the item and it's history as he loaded his gear.::

"Long ago the Jedi had many items of the Force. They were much like our own Light Sabers. They could help increase Jedi Powers among many other things. The item we will seek is called the Lightwood Cup. First my Padawan you must understand one thing. You do not need to be sentinet to use the Force. There is a tree on Dagobah that absorbs the Force. On the planet Raboria there is said to lie a tree much like the one on Dagobah. It had healing powers unlike anything seen. The sap it produces could cure any illness and heal any wound. The tree was called a Lightwood. Out of it's truck a cup was made. The cup always produced a small amount resadue of sap. One can not even see it because it is so little. It is enough though to turn any liquid into a healing potion. When drank it could heal anything. Then the resadue would return. It is even said it could heal the body tot he point of a old age. Old age is caused by the breakdown of the body. The cup healed that. The cup and all traces of it were lost in time though. I have searched many libraies and holocrons for the information on it current location. It is back on it's home planet of Raboria. That is where we are heading."

::Verse packed the last of his bags into the holding area of his V-Wing. He looked at Xazor. He was proud of her progress. She would be a fine Jedi. She would see all the worlds he could carry her to. It was time he got back to the field anyway. When was the last time he had a padawan? Fire Hazzard was the last. When she dissapeared it was a hard pill to swallow. This new padawan filled the hole though. Verse never got to know Fire that well. They never traveled. Maybe that is why she left. One could never know. Verse ran a hand through his long ash-blond hair. He breathed in the sweet smell of the Jungles of Yavin-4. He was only 25, but he had seen much in his short life. He had been a Jedi for 8 years. I planed to die a Jedi. There was still much to see till then.::

"Do you have a ship? If not I have a spare seat in my V-wing. It was custom made with a second seat."

Xazor Elessar
Jan 21st, 2002, 09:16:38 PM
Xazor listened as her Master told her the great tale. He was so wise and knowledgable. She admired him for everything that he said and did and she wished to be at least half as good a Jedi as he someday. She smiled as he finished the story. They approached his ship as he asked his question.

"Actually, I have an X-Wing....but right now it is being reserviced. I was planning on taking another mission after this one, so I figured I would get it fixed up. If you don't mind me going with you, I'd love to."

She said with a smile.

Verse Dawnstrider
Jan 21st, 2002, 09:41:03 PM
::Verse nodded to the younge woman.::

"Just put your stuff in."

::Xazor nodded and placed her stuff in the V-Wing. The two Jedi, Master and student, got in the V-wing at took off into the air. Once in space Verse set the coords. to the planet Raboria. The stars turned to lines as they entered Hyperspace.::

"I will teach you a trick to pass the time younge one. When on missions like these, you may be in hyperspace for some time. A Jedi can enter a trance and go without food or liquid for a long time. It will seem to us that no time had passed. We will be in a trace. We will be in hyperspace for two days. Just think "Wake up in two days" when you enter the trance. You will wake up in two days or when danger is near. Just let the Force flow in you and sleep. Just consentrate on sleeping. The rest will follow. Like this. Watch carefully. I can only do this trick once before we get there."

::Verse felt the Force in the void of space. The paricles in space carried teh Force as well. Verse programed his mind to wake up in two days or at the first sign of danger. He let the Force put him to sleep. His breathing slowed s if dead. It was followed by his pulse dropping. He entered a trance and hoped his Padawan would follow. He sent out one last call to Xazor before he went to sleep.::

Two days. Just two days.........

Xazor Elessar
Jan 21st, 2002, 09:55:48 PM
Xazor watched her Master fall into the trance. She had used these deep sleeping tools a few times herself and knew exactly what he was talking about. She closed her eyes and focused the Force in her soul. She slowed down her breathing to an extremely low rate. This, in turn, dropped her heart rate considerably. She felt the particles flowing through each inch of her blood. She then said once last thing.

"See you in two days......Master....."

She said as she thought "wake up in two days or when in danger....." And then fell into the deep trance.

Verse Dawnstrider
Jan 22nd, 2002, 05:51:54 PM
::Verse floated in his mind. How funny it was that a man from a barren planet could be so strong in the mind. It was ironic. Time crawled by at a slow pace, but all flew by. Minutes turned to hours. Hours turned to days. Days into years. Then like seconds. All at once. Verse eye stapped open at once.::

"Wake up Xazor. We are there. Open up your eyes little one."

::Verse looked down at the world. Raboria. The clouds swirled over a dence forest. The forest covered the planet. One big forest. Verse tuned into the Force. He could feel the tree. It called to him. Verse had always been able to talk to nature. One of his Force traits. He figured any Jedicould. They just needed to learn to listen and speak the right way. Verse slammed his ship at the planet. He had to find a place to land. He flew over the forest. No where. He could not crash the ship. It would be pointless. Then he saw it. The landing strip teh Jedi used to use. He laned his ship on the pad. After opening hte hatch he got out. Both his Light Sabers draw. The pad was still in perfect shape. Someone had been keeping it that way. Hundreds of years would have ripped the thing apart. He could do little now. Xazor had not awaken yet, There was no danger yet. Verse could sence that. How long though? How Long indeed? Started to unpack his things. He carried little. A change of cloths, a charger for his LS's. One that plugged into the ships power cell. He also had a menal recorders. It straped to the side of his head like a ear piece. It allowed him to make mental records. Also record what he saw. Now to wait on Xazor.::

Xazor Elessar
Jan 22nd, 2002, 09:30:36 PM
Xazor felt something strange....like she was under water and slowly floating to the top. Suddenly she opened her eyes. She sat up and looked around. Her Master was out of the ship......and the ship was on the planet! She excitedly uncliped her safty harness and hopped out of the craft. She located her Master around the other side of it.

I have awakened, Master. I am glad that we arrived safely. What an interesting place...

She said as she started to walk around and look at the plant life that seemed to...own the planet. She smiled at its beauty and splendor. She turned around and faced her Master. She then noticed that both of his lightsabers were drawn. She closed her eyes and opened her senses to the Force. She scanned the area for danger......but did not pick up on any. She opened her eyes, confused as to what her Master was picking up on...if anything at all.

Is something wrong, Master? There is no danger...why do you bare your weapons?

She asked with curiosity. No worry, though, for she trusted her Master whole-heartedly and knew she would be safe.

Verse Dawnstrider
Jan 22nd, 2002, 11:09:18 PM
"Nothing. I landing pad has been cleaned and fixed up. Someone had to do that. I need to had my ship."

::Verse made his ship hover with the Force. He placed it in hanger near-by.::

"That hanger hasn't been fixed like the others. My ship should be safe. Come. We have lots of ground to cover."

::Verse started to jog down the path. The path had been used recently as well. Something was out here. It may be a friend. Maybe a foe. One could not know. Verse came to a patch of trees. He bent down to the ground and called a small animal to him. He spoke to the creatures mind.::

<Friend, who other walks these paths?>
<The Guardians>
<Yes, The spirit Guardians....>

::Verse looked at the creature. Something as not right at all. Why would spirits fix the hangers and landing pads? While he was hear he could teach Xazor a neat trick.::

"Xazor. I shall teach you a Jedi Art called "Beast Tongue". It will allow you to talk to any animal. Speak to the creatures mind like you would. Just let your animal side do the talking. Get a little wild."

::Verse looked at the near-by trees. Something was out here. Something that Verse had no idea about.::

Xazor Elessar
Jan 23rd, 2002, 10:10:52 AM
Xazor smiled and bent down to the small creature. She examined it for a moment and linked her self to it through the Force. It was a strange feeling, but she then decided to speak to it.

Hello small one. Do you have a name?

She said gently as she reached over to touch it. The creature seemed to show signs of friendliness and spoke back to her.

My name is Che-chi. You are a Jedi. What is your name?

It looked in awe as she crouched over it. She smiled at his question.

My name is Xazor, nice to meet you Che-chi. Yes, I am a Jedi. I am here on a mission. It is part of my training.

She said back to it. Surprisingly to her, it was actually quite intelligent.

Be careful, Xazor....and have fun!

It spoke to her again.

I will. Thank you for talking with me.

She said as she stood up. She smiled as it quickly scampered away. Her Master started jogging down a near-by trail and she ran to catch up with him.

Did I do alright, Master? It spoke back to me..I didn't know that we could do that!

She exclaimed. She felt something strange then. It was almost a disturbance. She looked at her Master and scanned his thoughts for a moment. Surprisingly to her, his guard was up more than normal.....as if something was about to happen. She looked around as they jogged down the trail. She felt something strange about this place and wondered it her Master felt the same thing. She placed her hand on her saber as they ran...in case something happened.....

Verse Dawnstrider
Jan 23rd, 2002, 06:26:23 PM
::This was not right. Verse could feel that. He felt a Dark Force around him. He could not locate it though. It was there, yet not there at the same time. Something was wrong with that. It allowed Verse to sence something was around, but not let him now how far or where exactly. As the two ran he heard a rumble behind him. He turned his head and saw what looked like black water. It looked like it was transparent though. He could feel the death of the animals in the things wake. He shouted to his padawan.::

"Run Xazor! Run like you will not see the light of another dawn! I have a feeling if that thing catchs you, you will not see anything!"

::Verse called on the Force. It took off. he had taught Xazor how to increase her abilities. He ran and jumped on a old log. He rode it down the hill. This woul d get him up faster. He came to a cliff side. It went straight u. Verse called on teh Force and jumped up the rock face. He climbed up and reache dteh top. He held his arm down for Xazor to catch if she made it.::


Xazor Elessar
Jan 23rd, 2002, 09:57:56 PM
Xazor focused the Force deep within her soul. She increased her speed, power, and strength. She didn't look behind her, but ran for her Master. She reached the cliff where he was at and saw him reaching for her. She called on the Force and jumped as far as she could. She caught his hand and held on as he helped pull her up to him. Her heart was racing and she was short of breath. She focused and calmed herself down.

We have to do something before it gets us!

She exclaimed. She had a feeling that her man-made weapons would be of no help against this foe.

Shade Magus
Jan 23rd, 2002, 10:11:58 PM
Shade walked down the ramp of his ship as he had just finished landing on the planet. He had recieved the coordinates in a letter left for him by his girlfreind and Verse. He looked around til he could feel their auras. He walked in that direction as he looked around. He could feel the presence of others, but couldn't see them and it disturbed him.

Verse Dawnstrider
Jan 23rd, 2002, 10:16:17 PM
::Verse nodded. As soon as he did the wave changed. It turned into a shadow. The shadow turned into a dozen shadowlike men. They glided up the cliff toward the Jedi. Verse ignited his Light Sabers.::

"What is this Darkness? It seems to have no end...."

::Verse ripped his LS through the men as they came close to his Padawan and him. The two Jedi hacked and slashed just to see the men reshape into new creatures. They were stuck between the rock and the hard place. Verse long blong hair raced behind him as he spun and attacked. Creatures grabbed him to find there hand cut off. Verse threw as many things at them as he could with the Force. He moved faster, stronger, and better than many fighters. It wasn't enough though. Then Verse had an idea. He looked at teh treecover that stopped the light.::

"Xazor! Cut the branchs! Let the light in. Lets destroy this darkness!"

::Verse jumped and grabbed a limb. He flipped himself up into the branchs and started to cut the limbs away. Light started to peak through. He hoped his planned worked. The darkmen started to climb the trees. Verse cut faster. The trees were so thick. Atlast some light shone through. Then it beamed down through the tree he was on onto the creatures below his tree. The screamed and melted away into nothing. They were just shadows. Verse jumped dpwn waiting for Xazor to finish.::

Shade Magus
Jan 23rd, 2002, 10:25:07 PM
Shade heard the shouts and instictively dropped. He waited a moment before he could recognize the voices and he jerked up. He started to run towards them as they got louder.

Xazor Elessar
Jan 24th, 2002, 02:03:08 PM
Xazor cut away at the branches as quickly as she could. Suddenly she hit a major weak spot in one of the trees and a huge lot of brances came falling down. Light penetrated the shadow beings and they melted away. She jumped out of the tree and walked over to her Master. She retracted her lightsaber and clipped it to her belt.

That was too close....

She said to her Master as she caught her breath. Suddenly she felt a familiar force....she closed her eyes and scanned the area for any auras. She quickly opened her eyes and smiled. She had found an aura....it was of the one she loved.

Shade is here!

She exclaimed to her Master. She took off running in the direction of where she felt his presence.

Shade Magus
Jan 24th, 2002, 04:06:58 PM
Shade jumped up as he ran into a thicket and soared over them. For the first time since he had started his Jedi training he gave into his instincts and soared through the air. His ki enrgy increased his speed as he relearned how to fly in only a few moments. He took off leaving a cloud of dust behind him. He raised about 10 meters in the air and then went forward at full speed until he caught sight ofthe pair and he dropped down to them.

"You guys ok?"

Xazor Elessar
Jan 24th, 2002, 04:11:10 PM
Xazor caught sight of Shade and ran full speed for him. She outstretched her arms and hugged him, almost knocking him over.

Yeah, we're fine. We just ran into something unexpected. I am so glad you found us, I couldn't remember if I wrote down the right coords or not!

She said with a slight laugh.

Verse Dawnstrider
Jan 24th, 2002, 04:46:37 PM
"I am glad you two are having a 'moment', but Shade, you just rushed in here headstrong. You could have been killed! You had no idea what was going on. I am glad you are here. we may need all the help we can get, but you need to think. I know Kat very well, and I know she is smarter than that. I think we should split up. What ever is attacking us will go after me. I am the strongest by far out of all of us. They will follow me."

::With that Verse took off. he ran through the trees and underbrush. He could read every brach like a book. He didn't know how Shade got there, but he knew it may be trouble. Two padwans could get into a lot of trouble. Add that to the fact they were dating. Besides, if anything happened to his Padawan, Verse would kill himself. He lost his last one. He didn't plan on losing his second. Verse looked at a few branchs. They were broken. Something had been by here. Something big. Verse saw a print on the ground. He felt it with his hand. These was fresh. He looked and saw a temple faintly in the background. He had just hit paydirt. Verse looked at the temple. He needed to check it out. This would be a good time. No one to worry about. It was too dangerous for Xazor and Shade right now. Let them have there moment. Give them time to talk. Life was to short not to love. They should have time to do so. ::

Xazor Elessar
Jan 24th, 2002, 04:51:42 PM
Xazor listened to her Master speak. It had been her idea to give him their location....so it was her fault. After he scolded Shade, he took off through the trees. Xazor shook her head and then turned back to Shade.

I am worried about him. What if the thing does catch him? What would I do then? I'd kill myself! I guess, though, I know him well enough to know that somehow he'd get out of it.

She said with a smile.

I am just so glad that you are here!

She exclaimed and hugged him again.

Anyway, he said that we should split up. Do you think we should stick together, or go different ways? It doesn't really matter to me. It'll be fine either way....I just hope he's okay.

She said. Her thoughts drifting back to her Master. He was one of the only people that genuinly cared about her......she didn't want to lose him now...

Shade Magus
Jan 26th, 2002, 02:33:11 PM
Shade looked at Verse and then turned his head to scan the area.

"I think we should stay together. Both of us are padawans and I don't think we will do good alone. The question is which way shoudl we go?"

Shade looked around and spotted a trail going in the opposite direction of Verse and one going in the direction of Verse.

"Well...which one shall it be?"

Xazor Elessar
Jan 26th, 2002, 04:20:47 PM
Xazor thought for a moment before she said anything.

You're right. We should stick together...we don't know what's out there. I think we should go this way.

She said, motioning to the path leading towards her Master.

I am glad you are here.....otherwise I'd be doing this alone!

She said as they started to jog down the appointed path.

Verse Dawnstrider
Jan 26th, 2002, 07:56:46 PM
::Verse ran down the path. Out of nowhere a shadow creature burst from the trees. It looked like the shape of a Rancor. Verse rolled to the side as the beast attacked him. Verse grabed a vines and pulled it from the tree. As the creature got back up, Verse ran through the creatures legs in a figure 8 making himself go faster with Force. The Creeture feel backward intot he trees. The branchs buckled and held it's weight. Verse used a Force Jump straight into the air into the branchs above the creatures head. He sliced a large branch and slammed it through the creatures head with the Force. The creature's body fell limp. Verse jumped from the tree and ran into the temple. Something was really not right.::

Shade Magus
Jan 27th, 2002, 09:42:45 PM
Shade started down the path and caught up to Xazor with ease. He looked over at her as they went deeper into the woods.

"You will never be alone..I will always be with you. In mind, body, and spirit."

Xazor Elessar
Jan 27th, 2002, 09:57:41 PM
Xazor smiled and closed her eyes for a moment as Shade spoke these words to her. They were comforting to her soul. She smiled as they continued down the path.

As I will also be with you wherever you go..no matter how much distance seperates us physically. I too will be with you in mind, body, and spirit.

She said as they continued.

Shade Magus
Jan 28th, 2002, 07:43:49 PM
After a few hours of hiking they finally came to a stream. Shade could tell they weren't far from Verse, but they needed to rest. They found a small stream off the trail and he went over to check the water. He scooped up a handful of it and sniffed it.

"Well....it smells ok enough. You have an instruments with you that could check the ph levels?"

Verse Dawnstrider
Jan 28th, 2002, 09:37:50 PM
::Verse came to the entrance of the Temple. His advanced Jedi sences told him the other two were close behind. He would wait for them. After a second look he saw that this wasn't really a temple. It was a wall. On the inside he could see a forest. A glow seemed to come fromt he center of the place. It was strange indeed. Old markings hung on the walls. Old Jedi code. Few knew what this read. In the wall was a small vault. Verse opened it to find a holopad. It wa s still in good shape. Verse pressed a button to see what the message could play. Most would be coruptid over time. An Alien appeared. He looked like a tree in many ways. He told Verse this was a journal. The massage started.::

I have arrived here. My thoughs on the Lightwood are true! It does have healing abilities far greater than any Jedi right now. I am able to talk to it in a way. I can sence what it feels I....

::That part of the message ended. Verse scanned through to see what else was left. He came to another part.::

Sith are everywhere! They came for the cup. The Lightwood drove them off, but Shadow Demons started to appear. They seem to be trying to destroy us and wait on their masters to return. The have killed most of the Jedi. In fact i am the only one left. Wait....They are at the gates!! The Lightwood will not let them in the forest, but they are at my gate! I will try and stop them. I will place this in the wall till I am able to record again. The cup is too dangerous. Beware of it's other power. Eternal youth. Even I have been tempted. After I created it I would not return to it. It is to tempting. If I a Jedi Master am tempted every day, how can others with hold. Beware...

::Verse hungs his head and put the item in his pack. The Masters memory would live on. Now he had to wait for the Padawans.::


Shade Magus
Jan 29th, 2002, 06:26:14 PM
Shade stopped drinking the water and looked up. They had been at the watering hole for an hour and everything had seemed fine until now. He had felt a disturbance in the Force. It wasn't far from here, and it was close to Verse. What was it? HE looked over at Xazor.

"Do you feel that?"

Xazor Elessar
Jan 29th, 2002, 10:01:58 PM
Xazor looked around a moment before saying anything.

I did........it is close to my Master. I will be right back. Stay here with my things.

She said in a quick breath. She took her lightsaber off of her belt and then took her belt off of her. She threw it down on the ground in front of Shade with instruction to watch it. She engaged her lightsaber and took off running down a trail towards her Master's aura.....and the disturbance.

Master.....I am close to you. What's wrong?

She asked him through the Force. She was running faster now, calling on the Force to give her speed, strength, and endurance.

Verse Dawnstrider
Jan 30th, 2002, 04:38:42 PM
::Verse felt the surge in the Force. The shadows were coming. They were coming fast. Most of them were still alive. They were still here. He felt his padawan talking in his mind. Then he felt it. The darkness was behind them as well! He sent a message to the two padawans::

The Darkness is behind you! Quickly, get to the temple gates were I am! Do not attack anythign on the way! Just get here fast!

::Verse opened the gates up wider. A strange light poured out. It stoped a shodaw that came out of the forest and destroied it. Verse ignited his Light Sabers. He cut down a stone that held a mirror. He killed the LS blades, and held the mirror so that he could direct the light. He destroied all teh shadows coming atout of the woods. He hoped the two young warriors would hurry.::

Xazor Elessar
Jan 30th, 2002, 08:12:30 PM
Xazor heard her Master speak and then felt the disturbance again........but this time it was closer to her. She called to Shade through the Force as her pace quickened.

Shade! They're coming! They are right behind you! You gotta take my belt and run! Find me! I'll meet you at the temple........please be safe...

She used a Force jump and flew over a large tree that had fallen. She looked behind her and suddenly saw a Shadow beast. She yelled out with her mind and soul to her Master. She feared for her life. She called on the Force to make her stronger and faster. She felt herself running at an extreme rate of speed now. She then saw another path to her left. She jumped up and ran down that. A little ways off she saw her Master. He was running towards her as she was going his way. The shadow beings were closer to her now than they were before. Her lightsaber was still engaged as she ran, careful not to hurt herself. She almost reached her Master when she suddenly got tripped up on a vine. She lost her footing and fell hard to the ground. She landed on her left wrist and growled in pain. She crawled along the ground as she tried to get up, but the vine was wrapped around her leg. She reached out for Verse.

Master.........help me.........

She cried.

Shade Magus
Jan 31st, 2002, 02:12:17 PM
Luckily Shade had ignored her request to stay behind so once she called for him. He was there before anything had time to happen. Befor ehe got to her, his lightsaber had already been unclipped and ignited. He got to her and cut her free. He then started swirling his weapon around as some kinda beast cam towards him. He let go of all his consiousness and allowed the Force to flow through him. He felt as it increased his speed and strength. It heightened his senses and reflexes. It made his lightsaber an extentision of his own arm and allowed him to swing more freely.

Verse Dawnstrider
Jan 31st, 2002, 03:58:44 PM
::Shadow beasts poured out of the jungle. They surrounded the two padawans. Verse ran and jumped in the air. in midjump he grabbed a branch and swung beside teh padawans. He had to keep them at bay long enough for the padawans to seek cover. He hovered slightly in the air with the Force. Even under the trees he could feel the suns energy. He felt it course through the trees. It was the giver of life. Verse focused hard and channeled that energy. He started to get a faint glow. It was warm and golden. Suddenly it exploded in flash. The flash hung in the air as the rays of light poured from verse's body.::

"Run! I can only do this for a few seconds!"

::Verse pushed the rays out a little futher. The shadow creatures backed away shielding their eyes in horror.::

"Behold the Dawnstrider Light!!"

Shade Magus
Jan 31st, 2002, 09:40:22 PM
Shade thumbed his lightsaber off and then sent out a Force wave to help Verse. He then gabbed Xazor's arm and pulled her towards him.

"Let's go! We have to get out of here now!"

Xazor Elessar
Feb 1st, 2002, 09:50:10 AM
Xazor was in awe by her Master's bravery and skill. Suddenly, Shade grabbed her and hurried away from the scene.

I don't know where to go! Come on Shade! This way!

She yelled to him. She took off down a path that led deep into the jungle. After a few minutes, Shade caught up to her and they ran for quite some time. All of a sudden they came to a dead end. Xazor stopped quickly as she almost ran into the "wall" that was blocking their way. There was no place to go. She closed her eyes and opened her senses to the Force. What she saw surprised her.

It's an illusion!

She said as she ran toward the wall. If it had been a solid structure, she would have knocked herself out.......but she ran right through it. She stopped on the other side and looked at Shade's shocked expression.

Come on.........I see something........

She took off again and ran further.....suddenly she came upon what she saw........it looked like some kind of ancient building. It was covered in vines and brush that had grown on and around it. She spotted an entrance and ran towards it and then stopped as she peered inside. Everything was dark.....she couldn't see anything. Shade kept his distance from the door. She didn't wait for him, but used poor judgement and walked in by herself. Suddenly there was a loud slamming noise, and the little bit of light that had escaped to the inside of the building..........was now gone. Some kind of door or slab fell into place where the entrance had once been. Xazor screamed as she tried to look around. She couldn't see anything. She pounded her fists hard against the new door.

Shade!! Shade help me, please!!

She screamed from inside. Her heart was beating fast now and her mind was racing.

Oh Master........I shall never see you again..........

She started crying hysterically as she fell against the floor of the room. She cried hard into her hands in the silence. Thoughts of her training flashed through her mind.....and mental pictures of her Master.

I shall never see you again.........

She cried out again. Her heart ached for herself........and for him. She then remembered Shade and cried even more. She thought she'd never see either of them again........

Shade Magus
Feb 1st, 2002, 11:17:51 PM
Shade ran to the door and tried to move it but it wouldn't budge. He focused all his energy and it still did not move. As he sliced at it with his lightsaber it gave little way. He didn't know what to do. He sent a message to Xazor through the Force as he suddenly remembered something he had packed just incase of these situations.

Xazor! Back away from the wall now!.

Shade looked through his bag and then brought out some explosives. They would blow up a small village if they were set strategically, but they would have to be done this way if he wanted to knock that wall down. HE began setting the charges in different places, while still keeping a look out for other beings.

Xazor Elessar
Feb 1st, 2002, 11:57:28 PM
Xazor did as he told her and backed far away from the door. She backed up until she felt the other side of the room. She leaned against the wall and cowered in fear.

Please get me out of here, Shade!

She called to him loudly.

Verse Dawnstrider
Feb 3rd, 2002, 12:09:08 AM
::Verse saw the padawans run into the forest.::

"Damn them both to the Nine Hells!"

::Verse dropped to the ground and ran after the two Padawans. He came to the a Temple. Inside he could feel the presence of his student and her mate. In the opposite direction he could feel the Lightwood cup calling him. Which to get? Verse ran into the temple and met up with Shade. He made his way through the darkness with his Mind's Eye.::

"Where is Xazor? Are you two ok?"

Shade Magus
Feb 3rd, 2002, 01:04:35 AM
"She is locked in here. Don't worry about us. I can take care of this situation. Go for the Lightwood cup! Keep it safe..we will meet you back at your ship!"

Xazor Elessar
Feb 9th, 2002, 07:46:35 PM
Xazor suddenly felt the presence of Verse. She shook with fear of his disapproval.

He is going to be so mad at me....

She thought to herself. She pushed the thoughts out of her mind and ran to the door. She banged her fists on the wall and yelled from her mind and heart.

Master!!! Master please.........help me....don't leave me......

She cried out. She fell to the floor and wept in the darkness.

ooc: I got on the internet for a few minutes here in Florida...I won't be back on until Tuesday the 12th though........cya later....:))

Verse Dawnstrider
Feb 9th, 2002, 11:26:50 PM
::Verse felt his Padawn in his mind. She was begging him not to leave. He could not. She was becoming a daughter to him. Verse ignited his saber. He called to his Padawan with his mind.::

Xazor, step away from the wall!

::When he senced that she did he slammed his blade into the wall. He started to push it with all his might in a circle. He called to Shade.::

"Don't just stand there boy, help me."

::The Padawan nodded and slamed his LS into the wall like Verse was doing. The two had to work togther to make this work.::

Shade Magus
Feb 10th, 2002, 12:14:01 PM
Shade was so busy that he nearly forgot about the explosive charges on the gorund before he almost hit one. He then grabbed Verse on the shoulder to hold him for a moment.

"Wait...don't hit anymore. I forgot about the charges. Let's use them to blow a small hole in the wall and we can get done quicker and get out of here easier."

Xazor Elessar
Feb 12th, 2002, 04:12:11 PM
Xazor cowered against the opposite wall as she watched the blades of her Master and boyfriend pierce through the wall. Suddenly they stopped and she heard talking again.

What's going on? Is something wrong? Why did you stop? Am I going to get out? Help me, Master............please..........

She spoke these things to their minds as she wept in her hands. Hope was a thing of the past....and this darkness was now her future. She feared the worst......but had faith in her Master.

Verse Dawnstrider
Feb 19th, 2002, 08:57:22 PM
::Verse slammed his shoulder into the stone when teh circle had been cut. He pushed it with the Force. It feel in letting light shine over Xazor. His padawan was safe. He helped her out and turned to leave. He started to jog out and called over his shoulder.::

"Come on people. The Lightwood Forest is just a few minutes away. Lets get there and be safe from this hell hole. The sooner we get the cup the sonner we can leave."

::Verse Ran out of the temple and started toward the gate to the Lightwood Forest.::

Xazor Elessar
Feb 19th, 2002, 10:01:31 PM
Xazor was still pretty shaken up from the whole event. She knew she had to continue, though. Doing as her Master instructed, she ran after him, using the Force to make her faster. Once she had caught up to him, she spoke, almost in a whisper.

Thank you, Master. I owe you my life...

She could not say anymore, but continued running.


Verse Dawnstrider
Mar 1st, 2002, 11:29:24 PM
::The trio made it to the Forest and were covered by the light. Such power and energy came from this place. They walked for hours and finally came to a altar. On it was a cup. A wooden cup that glowed with white light.::

"By the makers. Xazor, This is it! It is the cup!"

::This could save hundreds of lives. Heal any wound. Cure all illness. It was great. wonderful. It could even grant enternal life! To life forever. Never grow old. Fight on and on and on....forever....forever.. Verse shook his head and stapped out of his daze.::

"Sorry about that, but isn't it great?"

Xazor Elessar
Mar 2nd, 2002, 02:56:34 PM
Xazor nodded as she approached the alter with the cup on it. Her eyes took it in, fully consuming her soul. Every thought about it consumed her very being. Life forever......the healing of any wound, and the ability to fight on and on.....she too was caught up in it all, but then was snapped back to reality at Verse's words.

Yes, it is truly wonderful, Master....

A thought suddenly hit her. With power such as this, will not everyone want the cup? It would become an obsession to the Jedi. There would be great wars over it........many would die and there would be much tragedy in the galaxy just because of this single artifact. Suddenly the real world came crashing down in Xazor's face. She shook her head and turned to Verse.

I foresee many bad things because of this. I do not think it is as wonderful as it seems. Appearances are deceiving.......

She said, glancing back at the cup. Images of the horrible ramifications it would bring ran through her mind and she pushed them out so she could think.

Honestly, Master.......I do not think it is a wise decision to keep it...

She said firmly. She knew it was not right of her to stand against her Master.....but something in her soul just told her that this was a very bad idea.

Verse Dawnstrider
Mar 2nd, 2002, 09:48:40 PM
::Verse breathed in deep.::

"I do not know yet. Let us camp here tonight."

::The darkness grabbed Verse again. The power that could come with this. People would do anything to be healed where others could not. Money, power. verse would become a Jedi Master that had no equal. He could get away with battle, only to be healed within moments. Stay forever young. Women would coem to him forever. He could have the mother for years, then have the daughter when the mother is gone. Verse snapped out of it.::

"I think it would be best for you to hold this for me. I will gather Firewood for us. Hunt some game as well. keep it safe till I deside what to do with it."

::Verse gave the cup to Xazor and ran into the woods.::

Xazor Elessar
Mar 2nd, 2002, 10:17:02 PM
Xazor was shocked that he had given the cup to her to keep safe. She smiled as she thought of how valuable her Master's trust was. Holding the cup in her hands, Xazor could already feel its power. She had picked up on Verse's thoughts and shook her head as he left for the wood and food.

Well, I do not think it is a good idea.

She said to herself. She set up a large tent she had packed and situated her bed inside of it. She took the cup and walked into her tent and sat down. Looking at it, she thought. She was all alone with this cup that had the power of eternal life! She could not believe how trusting Verse was of her. If she was not wise, she would have taken it and run off......but she knew better. The cup possessed powers of evil, things that would corrupt the Jedi. She knew that they would have to destroy it............or destruction would become of them......

Verse Dawnstrider
Mar 3rd, 2002, 11:38:06 AM
:: A few hours later Verse returned. A large deer was thrown over his shoulder and he pulled a bundle of wood behind him. He had tied the wood together with vines he had found. He placed the deer on the ground. He then skinned and gutted it. As he was doing so he pointed out to Xazor what parts could be eaten, where to cut, and how to skin it. He told her to study up on animal antomy when they got back.::

"If you are alone in the wilderness and know people will not be there to pick you up for a while, you must know how to do this. The skin can be made into a blanket. The meat and fill ou hunger, and teh bone can be used to make tools."

::Verse started a Fire and showed Xazor how to do so. After he had it going strong he took the cup. He looked at it an sighed. A saddened smile came across his face and he threw it into the fire.::

"Sometimes things can be too good. I am use the creator of the cup only whated to help, but he made the cup to powerful to use. Sometimes you must go against me if you know what you say is right. Many times I will know what I am doing and you must trust. There will be a view times when even my eyes are clouded. You did good to see that evil the cup could bring. It would have thrown off the natural balance of things. I am proud of you. Let us get some sleep and go home in the morning."

::Verse placed his head on a tree root and went to sleep. Slowly, but surely, the cup went from wood.....to ashes.::

Xazor Elessar
Mar 3rd, 2002, 11:52:49 AM
Xazor nodded and smiled at Verse.

Thank you Master. You are very wise and I hope to be at least half the Jedi you are, someday.

She said in heart felt tones. She watched the cup catch a few flames as it sat in the fire, and then she turned away and went into her small tent. She laid down on the ground and covered her body with a thin blanket she had brought. She slowly drifted off to sleep as she thought of going home....

Verse Dawnstrider
Mar 6th, 2002, 04:31:20 PM
::The next moring the two Jedi boarded the ship and left. All was well one again. A artifact of great power was found and destroied. Life goes on. That is how things work. Temptation is not a sin, just if you fall into the trap. A master and Padawam had learned a lession this day. Both would increase their knowledge later in life. This was just the begining.::