View Full Version : Intertwined Future

Andraq Novkar
Jan 20th, 2002, 05:50:49 PM
Andraq had woke up in the middle of the night feeling something wrong. He couldn't place his finger on what it was, but he felt it. It was as if it lingered in the air, and it peered into his soul. He woke up and did his usual morning routine, however it wasn't morning, and it wasn't usual. He took his shower, the ions from the head of the shower removed the dirt and he sighed as he stepped out and moved for his clothes. He got dressed and sat down on his bed.

"What is going on?"...He thought as he put on his boots. He stood up and went to the mirror. The braid behind his right ear came down a little past his shoulder and he sighed as he turned around and headed for the door.

He stepped out of his door and pulled it closed. He locked it and went down the stairs. He quickly went down to the last floor and stepped outside. He looked into the sky and sighed...

"Coruscant....the city that never sleeps."

He stepped down the street and moved around some of the garbage and pollutants. Lots of people were around at the time, maybe he would see someone he knew, but he doubt it. So many faces, so many different people that he has met and just moved on. Except for one...But she wouldn't be around...she couldn't be.

He was bumped hard by a pedestrian and looked behind to look at the person. He was already gone...figures. This place was cruel, but he had lived here most of his life...


He turned around to hear someone call his name....but who was it? Where was this person? His confusion kept on but he turned back around and started to walk away again...

Lisseth Keiran
Jan 20th, 2002, 06:05:57 PM
Lisseth stared hard through the poorly lit street, pushing past a few people. She called out his name again, trying to make sure it was him. Her stomach knotted as she felt her proof that it was, a grin spreading over her face.

She neared him and fell short a few feet away, a sudden nervousness seeping through her veins. What if she was bothering him? He could have been out for something important. She thought for a moment about pretending she hadn't called out his name, but she was already in his line of sight. She couldn't escape it. She bit down on her lip and smiled ackwardly.

"What brings you out this late..?"

Her voice was wavering with tension as she blurted the question out timidly. She kept her eyes to the littered ground, not daring to look up at him as her hand twisted and untwisted a coil of dark hair around her finger again and again. She kept silent, chewing at her lip as she listened for his answer.

Andraq Novkar
Jan 20th, 2002, 06:18:41 PM
He turned to meet her and a smile crossed his lips. How did she see him? Doesn't matter, she found him. Her question was the oddest of all for the relevance was most since that was the reason he was out...

"I felt something...I can't describe"

He looked to her then up to the sky as he waited for her and started to walk again. He started to talk to her about what she has been up to, it had been quite awhile since they last saw each other, a few months at least. He looked at her curiously and sighed as he felt it again, and looked to her, her face was worried...

"Why are you out at this time?.."

Lisseth Keiran
Jan 20th, 2002, 09:45:18 PM
Lisseth paused for a moment before regaining her pace just behind him, her eyes keeping to the ground. Why was she out here? She searched through her mind for a memory of reality, questioning herself. Was it that she couldn't sleep? No...That wasn't right. Was she coming home from a party? No..

Her feet suddenly froze to the ground as reality sank back into her mind with a sweeping wind. Her sudden stop caused several people to falter in their step, curses shooting into the air. Though, little of this was noticed by Lisseth as she thought through the months since she'd last seen him.

She had had a job at a local shop when he last had seen her. The owner let her live in a small appartment above it for a trade of her pay. But she'd gotten into a rather heavy argument with the owner. She was thrown out only a week ago. She'd been ducking in and out of bars, hotel rooms, anywhere she could find for shelter.

A cold chill of disgust ran down her spine as she searched for a response to why she was out and about. She looked around for Andraq and dodged lightly past a few people to walk slightly behind him again. Her voice was soft and fragile as she breathed her answer out to him.

"I'm just running a small errand."

Andraq Novkar
Jan 21st, 2002, 02:08:44 PM
" An errand?..."

He arched his brow and walked with her through the crowd and saw a bar. It was filled with patrons, not surprising even at this hour. He stepped in with her and found a table to sit down at and order a drink.

He looked to her and she ordered a drink also and they sat talking about old times, and what was going on right now. The feeling came to him once again and he looked through the bar window. What was going on?

He turned to her as he took both of the drinks as they came from the waitress, he handed hers to her and made a toast.

"To life"

The glasses clinked and he began to drink...

Warren Azalin
Jan 21st, 2002, 05:10:48 PM
"To Life."

It seemed things where normal around Andraq and Lisseth, well as normal as things could be on Coruscant. They clinked their glasses together in a moment of silence, only to have it broken seconds later by the booming sound of flesh and bones slamming through metal and concrete. The quiet bar seen was anything but quiet when the Jedi Master came flying in through the West Wall, crashing through a line of tables before finally stopping before Lisseth and Andraq.

"Ugh...Damn Sith..."

The Jedi got up slowly as he mumbled a few curses under his breath. After all it wasn't every day he was tossed in through a wall. Warren leaned on the table as he brushing himself off, or at least tried to. He could tell he was probably annoying the people he had crashed into untimely...

"Sorry bout that folks...."

He could see they where in the middle of a drink and that he was sorry for..., but no use letting a good chance go to waste.

"Hey, mind if I have some of that."

He chuckled to himself as he took a drink of the near empty bottle next to them. It wasn't much but he needed something to wake him up.

"Thanks, I needed that."

Smiling to himself and at the open hole in the wall Warren reached back under his robes and ignited Salvation where he stood. He could see a few people gasp in shock as the blue blade hummed to life. He didn't pay them any attention though, at this moment he had bigger problems at hand. Jumping out the hole quickly he ran back out into the city looking for his target, hoping he would find it soon....

Andraq Novkar
Jan 21st, 2002, 05:21:07 PM
He stood up and dropped his drink as he saw the blade. This man was the presence. This was what he was feeling! What was it about him? And this Sith he was talking about? He stood up and walked towards the hole to see the man running at something and he turned back to Lisseth.

"That's why I am out here"

He saw her stand up and approach him, but he was walking through the hole to go out and see what was going on. Was this destiny?

Lisseth Keiran
Jan 21st, 2002, 05:30:49 PM
Lisseth chased after him with a sigh of frustration, her feet slowing to a stop as she looked to the broken wall. Her dark eyes stared in a rather terrified awe at the crushed bits spread over the ground. It was only a glimmer compared to the street of wreckage. She looked about, trying to find the man that had interrupted the bar so thoroughly, sending a majority of the patrons fleeing.

Her teeth bit lightly against the tip of her tongue in a nervous habbit as she looked about. She stared at the man as he fought against another. She shuddered with a cold fear from that man. There was something about him that wasn't right...wasn't pure.. She frowned at the feeling of death from him.

A sudden realisation came to her mind and she looked around with wide eyes, trying to find Andraq. She'd forgotten he was there, she was so caught up in trying to figure out what was happening.


Andraq Novkar
Jan 21st, 2002, 05:56:06 PM
He turns as he hears his voice being called by Lisseth. He takes in quick strides and grabs her hand and pulls her with him so that they may continue watching what will happen to the fight that is going on. What are they fighting for, and about?

Andraq turned his head downwards to look at Lisseth, his braid hit the air as he did so and he moved further down the street. He saw dead bodies, wreckage, everything. This was cruelty...how could anyone do this...

He heard the man who crashed into the bar scream things at the other. Such as "Fiend"..."Scourge of the universe!"..Maybe he was on the side of good. He seemed like he was...

Warren Azalin
Jan 24th, 2002, 04:28:43 AM
"Why is it you Sith can never just go away? I mean is it your mission to make my life harder, or is that just a bonus."

Warren had wished this fight had come to a close long ago, for so many already lay dead. It was his mission to protect the innocent, but how could he do that in a planet filled with them. Everywhere he looked he could see the dead, dead because of him, dead because he could not do his job any quicker. Warren could feel the lifeless stare of dead eyes piercing through him. He could also feel the presence of other living bystanders, also watching him fight the Sith. He wished that they would clear out of the area and let him fight, maybe then the casualty count would go down....


"What the?"

The Jedi's train of thought was cut short as he heard a woman call out. He didn't know who she had called for but he knew she had gotten the attention of the Sith, for one. Warren had to think quickly to distract the Sith.

"Hey you dirty Fiend, I'm over here. How bout you get your "Scourge of the Universe" Wannabe ass over here, and let me show you the meaning of a Jedi beatdown."

The Jedi's plan had worked to an extent when he noticed the Sith he'd been fighting now turned to him with a murderous glare. It was a glare Warren had seen many times before in his life, it was one of death..., but not for him. The Sith twisted it's head back towards the two people watching from the streets, letting his gaze fall onto the young man. Warren had noticed the gesture and at almost the same time began running for the man. The Sith was larger and stronger then Warren had expected, but thankfully Warren was quicker then him, not by a long shot though.


Warren had yelled out as if it was his Battle Cry, but in reality he only wanted the man to get out of his way. He had screamed out too soon as he reached the man only in time to push him out of the way, and onto the ground. In the span of about a second everything collided all at once. Warren had pulled Salvation forward as the Sith ran towards him still intent on getting the man that had been there only a second before, but it was too late to stop now. Jedi and Sith crashed into one another as both went flying through the wall behind Lisseth and Andraq... A moment passed when neither Sith nor Jedi moved, both could have been thought dead if not for the fact that there was still life in Warren. He could feel the pain of broken bones and he could feel the sting of a Lightsaber poking through his side. He also felt the warm feel of blood, both his own and the Sith's.. He could tell the Sith was dead by the way he looked, by the way his dead eyes stared back at Warren hauntingly, he could tell by the twitch the man's foot had begun to do in death, but most of all he could tell because Warren's Saber had been driven through the beasts heart, letting only the hilt be seen. Warren let his head fall back as he sighed, he was in pain and he needed help, but at least he had done his job for the day...

"Jedi: 1 Sith: 0...."

Lisseth Keiran
Jan 24th, 2002, 03:23:33 PM
Lisseth stared in horror at the wall, where the two men had sunk against each other, a faint, rather terrified whimper leaving her throat. She closed her eyes tightly and slipped her arms lightly around Andraq to help him to his feet. Her hand went almost immediately to her side to make sure the woven, tattered bag was still there before she moved quickly over to the two.

Lisseth ran her eyes over the closest's limp form, her fingers pressing to his neck for a moment, feeling for a pulse. Nothing. She pryed away a few of his fingers to let the glowing blade disappear into its hilt and grit her teeth. Her fingers dug into his arm and shoulder as she started pulling the corpse from the other man, letting it slink onto the ground with a bloody thump.

She stared at the other man for a moment, worriedly, before pressing her hand to the wound at his side for a moment. She growled lightly in frustration of the depth and looked over her shoulder at Andraq.

"We need to get him somewhere to treat this. Fast."

Andraq Novkar
Jan 27th, 2002, 01:44:27 PM
He looked as Lisseth was tending to the man who was apparently alive. He moved forward as she said that he needed help and he nodded as he walked through the rather large hole that was now a doorway on the wall. He kneeled down next to the man and spoke to him.

"You need care, let us take you to a hospital"

Andraq turned and looked to Lisseth and asked her if he should move him, she quickly nodded and he looked back to the man. He put his hand under the man's back and lifted him up, he held him up by his shoulder and leaned him against his own shoulder, he then started to walk with him, trying not to hurt his wound. Most of the man's weight was on Andraq's arms and shoulders and he continued to walk sideways until he saw a car.

He walked over to it and had Lisseth open the door, he eased the man in and let him lay down in the back seat. Andraq quickly turned to the front door and sat down and looked at Lisseth as she joined him in the front. He powere up the hover transport car and started to fly it, even though he was very inexperienced at it, he made his way to a hospital.