View Full Version : Overwhelming Darkness (Open to a Jedi Knight)

Daegal Murdoch
Jan 20th, 2002, 02:31:58 AM
The Sith Warrior entered the battleground, clad as he normally was, although the only thing visible was his massive black cloak that surrounded him, nearly engulfing him whole.

"Perhaps I can find a challenge this day.", Daegal thought to himself. Feeling a lightside force presence nearing, Daegal reaches for his sabers.

"Come out, come out. The faster you make your presence known, the faster I can do the galaxy a favor."

OOC: I would appericiate it if you would either post your AIM or MSN screenames or contact me on AIM as SithDaegal or on MSN as daegalmurdoch@hotmail.com. In my experience, roleplays seem to work better when the two sides can communicate ooc as well as IC.

Also, for the purpose of storyline, this thread takes place after http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=11741.

Dasquian Belargic
Jan 20th, 2002, 11:53:37 AM
The wind picked up to a gentle breeze, fluttering Dasquian's doe brown cloak in the wind. The Jedi Knight paced out slowly towards the man from which the dark presence ebbed, apparently unarmed - his hands folded neatly behind his back.

"And what favor would that be?"

The Jedi stared empathically at the Sith, his hair lifting partially to show his point tipped ears - one of the many unusual features of the time travelling Belargic twins.

OOC: This is set outside of the Rise Of The Old Republic series, so as to not clash with anything.

Daegal Murdoch
Jan 20th, 2002, 12:18:27 PM
"Ridding it of your useless presence."

Daegal ignited his two sabers, one blue and one gold.

"Prepare yourself, lightsider."

With that, Daegal charged his opponent. As he neared, he leapt off the ground. He brought his gold saber overhead in a large, downward arc and stabbing with his blue saber at the Jedi's chest.

Dasquian Belargic
Jan 20th, 2002, 01:14:36 PM
As he had expected, the man had launched into an attack - and so, Dasquians hand flicked forward from behind his back, clasping together at arms length now holding a saber hilt. The bright orange beam that escaped from within hissed loudly as the Jedi angled the beam diagonally.

"When will you darksiders learn?"

He hoped back a foot as the blue saber neared his chest and hooked his own saber downwards to knock the tip to the side. His head snapped upwards to see the gold beam rushing down towards him. Dasquian gritted his teeth and flipped backwards artfully, binding his saber with Daegals during the short flight.

He landed softly, his saber at an awkward angle holding the Sith's beam at bay. He ducked out to the side and cast his right hand up into the air, sending a force push strong enough to shake the Sith for a second as he leapt away.

Daegal Murdoch
Jan 20th, 2002, 03:36:11 PM
Daegal staggered slightly, the force push knocking him off balance, if for but a second. As the jedi flipped away, Daegal disengaged his blue saber. He reclipped it to his belt and smirked.

"Just because I am evil does not mean that I have no honor. If there is a weapons imbalance, then it will mean nothing when I defeat you."

Daegal extended his unoccupied hand outward, angled towards the ground. Closing his eyes, Daegal brought his hand up and suddenly a force wall appeared in front of the jedi. As Daegal began an ancient chant, another wall appeared to the Jedi's right. Drawing upon all of his dark energies, Daegal completed the ancient chant and two more walls sprang forth, completing the enclosure around the Jedi.

"Fool. Did you honestly think you could defeat me?"

Dasquian Belargic
Jan 22nd, 2002, 12:22:15 PM
Dasquian watched through the transparent blockade with a tranquil aura about his person. He, in all honesty, did not think he could beat the Sith - he knew he could. It was his duty as a Jedi; to protect and serve, to defend the innocent, and to this he would always hold true.

"You cannot cage the light," Dasquian nodded lightly, "There is a way over every wall and blockade in life..."

And with that, the Jedi prepared his escape. He leapt backwards than ran at the wall infront of him, jumping into the air. His heel jammed hair against the apparently non-existant surface allowing for his body to be propelled up into the air. As he made his ascension, his body twisted so that upon striking the opposite wall, the soles of his feet rammed against the horizontal.

And so the Jedi Knight had escaped. He soared down outside of where the walls had closed him in, and twisted his saber sharply back into two hands, a slight smile covering his lips.

"I am no fool, Sith. Your tricks cannot out-smart me."

Daegal Murdoch
Jan 22nd, 2002, 05:51:29 PM
Daegal stretched his arm outward, parallel to the ground with fist closed. A sly grin crossed his face as he spoke, "We shall see. We shall see."

With that, he opened his hand, sending a ripple of pure energy towards the jedi. The force push would surely knock him off of his feet.

Dasquian Belargic
Jan 23rd, 2002, 01:05:18 PM
Playing into the Sith's attack was the easy option here. With a light jump he rode the wave of energy, his body corkscrewing through a flip to land as the wake of the force push washed over him. It caused him to stumble back slightly, but did not phase him.

He then set on at his first offensive and pressed towards the Sith, leaping quickly from one side to another in strafing jumps, halting finally to Daegals right. As he landed, he hooked his left foot out to the side and rose his left elbow up to jab at the Sith's head whilst attempting to topple the Sith with a low kick.

Daegal Murdoch
Jan 23rd, 2002, 07:02:47 PM
Jumping to avoid the kick, the elbow was now at chest height. It connected with much force, causing him much difficulty in breathing. As he landed Daegal feigned a kick to the jedi's knee and followed quickly by smashing the hilt of his saber into the jedi's face.

Dasquian Belargic
Jan 24th, 2002, 02:24:19 PM
Dasquian recoiled away as the butt of the weapon jammed against his forehead and stumbled back, replying to the Sith's attack with a quick upper-cutting swipe aimed at Daegals chin.

Daegal Murdoch
Jan 24th, 2002, 07:29:05 PM
Leaning quickly to the left, Daegal managed to avoid the uppercut that surely would have broken his jaw. Concentrating on the pain of the past, he brought his leg up quickly. Daegal delivered a force enhanced kick to Dasquian's midsection. The jedi doubled over in pain and Daegal grabbed a handful of his long, blond hair. Lifting his head up slightly and then bringing it down voilently, the jedi's face was smashed into Daegal's knee.

Dasquian Belargic
Jan 26th, 2002, 04:39:41 AM
Dasquian's legs almost lifted into the air from the impact of the kick. He grimaced and let out a rasp whilst swiping his saber towards Daegals legs, causing the Sith to let go of his head. Hopping back away quickly, he began to concentrate on the Force, tapping into it to begin working a healing effect on his probably broken nose.

"I commend you on your skills, Sith. You are more of a challenge than my last opponent posed."

The Jedi Knight flicked his saber back up into a guard and began murmuring to himself. A cool breeze grew slowly upwards, rising into a swirl gust behind the Jedi. The swirling air was ice cold, and span with a ferocity unlike that of a normal gust. In a quick nod of his head, the Jedi's attack grew further, reaching about four foot high whilst still growing, making it's way slowly around his body to pass infront of him.

Daegal Murdoch
Feb 16th, 2002, 09:21:52 AM
Daegal charged Dasquian once again, noticing that he was creating a huge gust of wind. He hoped to break the Jedi's concentration, so he would need a powerful attack. As he neared Daquian, Daegal dove through the air, intending to tackle Dasquian to the ground.

Dasquian Belargic
Feb 16th, 2002, 12:43:56 PM
The Sith did indeed achieve his goal, and the whirlwind attack was cut short as Dasquian was forced to deal with the attack. He leapt backwards quickly and swept his saber downwards in a cutting strike to deflect any saber swipes that would come through the cloud of dust formed by the wind.

Daegal Murdoch
Feb 17th, 2002, 12:36:00 PM
Daegal decided not to use a saber strike, but to instead harness his power with the force. He raised his hand and used a powerful force push to send the Jedi soaring through the air several feet.

Dasquian Belargic
Feb 24th, 2002, 07:06:27 AM
Dasquian was pushed into the air and caught himself only as he landed with a hard thud, springing back to his feet with a low centered run and beam cut. From the run, he pushed upwards with a force push directed at Daegals ribcage - not very powerful, just enough to push him off center. Then, he came in with the saber jab, aimed straight at the Sith's face.