View Full Version : Ship Order - Winged Mon Calamari Cruiser (NR)

Admiral Ackbar
Jan 18th, 2002, 06:12:44 PM
Mon Calamari Cruisers

Introduction to MC80 series and later

The Mon Calamari Star Cruisers are the main cruisers in the New Republic's battle fleet. They are durable ships that are as fast and almost as tough as the larger Imperial Star Destroyers. It must be noted that even Imperial Navy commanders have reluctantly admitted that the Mon Cals are superior space combatants.

The Mon Cal cruisers were originally civillian ships designed for pleasure cruises and colonization efforts. However, when an Imperial ship found the Mon Calamari homeworld, the Empire's invasions forces were dispatched immediately. After forcing the Empire from Calamari, the Mon Cals converted their ships to military duty by adding thick hull plating and numerous weapon emplacements. The Mon Cals became totally committed to the Alliance's cause and built huge shipyards in orbit around Calamari.

Each Mon Cal cruiser is unique in design, to the Mon Cals, their ships are as much works of art as weapons of war. While this individualized design bewilders most technicians, the Mon Cals find it a logical approach. Mon Cal ships are notoriously difficult to repair, but they are so durable that they are seldom damaged in combat. Notable Mon Cal ships include the round, blimp-shaped Headquarters Frigate (also known as Home One) and the winged Medical Frigate.

Home One served as Admiral Ackbar's command vessel for the attack on the second Death Star and went on to excel in a number of other pivotal battles against Imperial forces. An exceptionally well armed vessel, it carries an incredible ten squadrons of starfighters, for a total of 120 fighters. Its weaponry includes twenty-nine turbolasers, thirty-six ion cannons, and multiple fractor-beam projectors and shield generators. Mon Cal ships have unusually powerful shields-extra shield redundancies allow the Mon Cals to quickly replace damaged shied arrays even while in combat, and this made it much more difficult for Imperial guns to wear down a Star Cruiser's defenses.

Even standard Mon Cal MC80 cruisers maintain three squadrons of starfighters (thirty-six fighters), forty-eight turbolasers, twenty ion cannons, and six tractor- beam projectors. A number of more powerful cruisers, including the MC80a, MC80B, and MC90, are being built.

While beings of all species serve aboard Mon Cal cruisers, the command sections are geared specifically for the Mon Cals' unique aquatic anatomy. Controls are affected not only through computer keyboards but by making specific movements in the command chairs-while natural to the Mon Cals, these movements are often difficult for other specied to perform. Bridge display monitors are geared to the Mon Cals' vision spectrum- to humans, these holodisplays seem warped and distorted.


MC80 Star Cruiser

Name: Mon Calamari Shipyards MC80 Star Cruiser
Type: Cruiser
Length: 1200 meters
WEG Hyperdrive: x1
WEG Sublight: 6
LucasArts Sublight: N/A
ILM Sublight: N/A

48 Turbolaser Batteries
20 Ion Cannons
6 Tractor Beam Projectors

To the Rebel Alliance, the addition of the Mon Calamari Star Cruiser to its fleet was a godsend. To the Empire, it was a nightmare. The Calamari Cruiser's creation was the direct result of Imperial arrogance and perceived invulnerability. In the early stages of the Galactic Civil War, the Imperials brought an armada to Mon Calamari and demanded that it declare allegiance to the Empire. When they refused, the Imperials brazenly razed the planet and enslaved the race. They believed that the Mon Calamari, a peaceful race of explorers, would not and could not strike back at them. The Mon Calamari began forming an underground and a militia and bided their time. Meanwhile, Imperial officers started to take Mon Calamari as personal slaves. Admiral Ackbar was himself a slave to Grand Moff Tarkin, who noticed Ackbar's intelligence and on a whim taught him military strategy and bounced battle plans off of him. Ackbar was rescued by a daring Rebel strike that was intended to capture Tarkin. The primary mission was a failure, but the rescue of Ackbar, who had been privy to Tarkin's battle plans and became an expert in Imperial defense strategy, provided the Rebellion with a capable and willing military officer and inside information on the Empire's war goals. What is more, the rescue and installation of Ackbar as an officer motivated the Mon Calamari race to revolt and join the growing Rebel Alliance. They modified their huge ships of exploration, outfitted them for war, and donated them to the Alliance, giving the Rebels their first capital ships. This was sorely needed, for up until then the largest ship the Rebellion could field was a Nebulon-B Frigate. They had nothing that could stand up to a Star Destroyer, much less a fleet of them, and although a Mon Cal Cruiser is not quite the equal of a Star Destroyer, their addition to the Fleet enabled the Alliance to go toe-to-toe with Imperial fleets for the first time. Mon Cal Cruisers are huge, seemingly organic ships. Each one is a work of art, sculpted to the designer's personal specifications. The work stations aboard most Cruisers are designed for Mon Calamari and Quarren physiology, although they were modified for humanoid use during the Civil War. Mon Calamari Star Cruisers were not used in a major engagement until the Battle of Endor, where they played a vital role. Without the capital ships, the Rebel Fleet would have been decimated when it retreated into the waiting fleet of Star Destroyers. Admiral Ackbar directed the battle from the bridge of Home One, the largest Mon Cal Cruiser that existed at that time.

Admiral Ackbar
Jan 18th, 2002, 06:17:52 PM
Shipyard Beta and Delta

Construction of 1 MC80 Starcruiser - winged hull starts january 18

Starfighter compliment to be added

Admiral Ackbar
Jan 23rd, 2002, 05:28:07 AM
Resume of the production

Construction started 18 of january
Construction ended 22 of january

5 day construction output:

2 shipyards at 250 m/day in five days
2 x 250 x 5 = 2500 meters

Ships produced:

1 MC 80 Mon Calamari Cruiser Winged hull
1200 meter

Fighters (included with the Cruiser):

1 squadron B-wing
16.9 meter
12 x 16.9 = 202.8m

1 squadron A-Wing
9.6 meter
12 x 9.6 = 115.2m

Additional fighters (for the NR fleet):

O/W Fighter Class A1: 9.4 meters
4 squadrons
4 x 12 x 9.4 = 451.2m

2 squadrons
12 x 22= 528m

Total: 2497 meters

The additonal 3 meters will be used to build Admiral Ackbar a giant size AIBO dog. :p