View Full Version : Chicago Critics Nominations revealed

Jan 18th, 2002, 02:31:09 PM
here we go (http://www.aint-it-cool-news.com/display.cgi?id=11278)

Big things I see is LOTR gets a fair number of nommos, Blackhawk Down doesnt, Hayden Christiansen gets a nomination, and Buscemi gets another supporting nod

Jan 18th, 2002, 04:34:59 PM
I almsot posted those last night. With Ebert so behind BHD I was bit surprised at it's lack of nominations, I mean he is THE critic in Chicago afterall. :)

Jedi Master Carr
Jan 18th, 2002, 08:04:18 PM
I know some critics have been down on the movie for several different reasons (poor character development, hardly any mention of why they are there) just look at how it was snubbed at the Golden Globes, so really I doubt it is going to get a best picture nod at the Oscars, by the way what was the last film not to get a Golden Globe Best Picture nod (in either category) and get an Oscar nod instead? Just curious thats all. Really what surprised me the most was Moulin Rouge, the director got nominated but not the movie, that is a huge shock in my opinion.

Jan 19th, 2002, 02:16:39 PM
Nearly every year there's at least 1 film that doesn't get nominated by the Globes for Picture or Director that gets an Oscar nod. Last year all of the final nominated were at least up for one or the other. In '99(or the 2000 award season) I think there were several. I KNOW FOR A FACT that Green Mile wasn't nominated in either category. I'm pretty sure the same can be said about Sixth Sense(I know it wasn't up for Pic...I'm not sure about Director), and The Cider House Rules. The year 1998(or the '99 award season) Life is Beautiful and Thin Red Line both were honered by the Academy and were not by the Globes. Other years contain similar results.

Oh and Moulin Rouge is UP for Best Picture..in the Musical or Comedy category.

Jedi Master Carr
Jan 19th, 2002, 02:28:02 PM
Oh I was talking about the Chicago awards, I was surprised Moulin Rouge wasn't nominated. Here is another question though what is the last film not to get nominated at the Globes and win best picture? I can't think of any at least but I suppose there might be one or maybe not.