View Full Version : Operation Shadowfax: Sluis Campaign

Khan Surak
Jan 17th, 2002, 06:57:42 PM
Much has changed. And even more will be different when we are finished. Let us occupy an insignificant world at the edge of the galaxy, and we shall shake the universe.

:: The bluish green orb known as Dayark lay dormant, yet the space around it was filled with activity. Like a deadly mandible, several ships of the Death Fleet were arrayed near the shipyards that orbited this backwater world. Two daggers emerged from the depths of the massive structure, moving out towards the rest of the Fleet. Many eyes lay upon them from the ships and the massive shipyards, for they signaled the start of a new era. The Wolfhound and Timberwolf, Imperator Mk II Star Destroyers, lumbered their way toward the large group of ships, the composition of which held many more dagger shapes and several new ones to this galaxy. One pair of storm-grey eyes watched the scene from farther away than others did. The flesh around the eyes tightened and they focused like a predator ::

The shift in plans will not hurt us. We have adapted. The solution is to make this problem an asset. Yes.. it is all coming together. If the enemy does not run.. then they shall die.

Ulric Kernsky
Jan 18th, 2002, 03:37:19 PM
The veiwport of the Orion allowed the personle on the bridge a breath taking view. For through the veiwport the full majesty of Death Fleets TF 3. With the ISD2's at the for followed by the Hounders and Typhoons. Flanked by the Dominators the Storm-class Star Destroyer Orion brought up the rear.

"Comodore sir, all ships report ready." said the comm officer.

Starying off into the distance by the veiwport stood Comodore Ulric Kernsky. Pivoting on hs foot Ulric turned towards the comm officer "Communicate to all ships, they are to lay in the jump cordinates for the outer reaches of the Sluis Van system. helm bring us about and prepaear the ships for hyperspace."
"Yes sir!" rang out from a number of stations.

"When we have entered hyperspace send the fighter commander to the war room. I'll be there if anything happens." and with that the Comodore exited the bridge.

A few minutes later the Wolfhound and the Timberwolf entered hyperspace soon followed by the rest of the taskforce including the Orion.

Ulric Kernsky
Jan 20th, 2002, 09:16:31 PM
A blinding light appeared in space as the ships of DF Task Force 3 came out of hyperspace in the out limits of the Slussi system.

Aboard the flagship Orion, the ship was alive with activity for the ship was finally going to be put through her first ingagment. On the bridge something much different was happening.

From the comm station on the bridge a message was sent out to the defenders of Slussi. "Under the orders of Khan Surak this system is here by placed under the control of Death Fleet. All defenders are ordered to stand down and surrender your ships and weapons and you will not be harmed. I will await your reply. Commodore Kernsky out."

With the commpletion opf the message the Task Force seperated into two groups. The first was comprised of the Orion, Wolfhound, Timberwolf and Dragon's Pride. The second was comprised of the Panther, Atlas, Vermillion, Dark Talon, Protector, Guard, Fury and the Grim. Drive flares began to light as the first group pulled ahead and were about half a km off before the second group started after them.

The Enemy
Jan 28th, 2002, 05:38:38 PM
Above Sulis Van sat the lonely two kilometer shipyard. It orbitied on the dark side of the planet, so it could hardly be seen by the visual sensors. A cluster of small frigate ships include one Loronor class and two Corellian corvettes. Four patrols of three fighters(T-wing configuration) circled the planet, in a line, half a kilometer apart.

The repsonse to the invasion force was plain and simple. The Warlord Badosai was a cruel man but considered himself ingenious, though he probably wasn't. Ordering his foot troops off to their designated spots incase invasion were to occur, he send out the response, via holonet.

"Invading force, while you may think yourself superior you will not get this planet. I advise that you leave here immeadiatly or to further involve yourself in this conflict would be quite bad for you. I give you twenty minutes to respond. But take my advice, leave now, or be mailed home."

Ulric Kernsky
Jan 28th, 2002, 08:00:53 PM
"You have had your chance warlord. You will now feel my wraith."
spinning on his heel Kernsky walked away from the comm station and back to his command chair.

"Flight Officer launch all fighter squadrons. Weapons Officer raise shields and man and charge all guns. Comm Officer order the rest of Group to do the same. Then get me the Atlas and tell them to set for Strategy 6."

In the maw of space around the taskforce hundreds of fighter began to spew from the fighter bays of the Star Destroyers as the Task Force prepared for battle.

The Enemy
Jan 30th, 2002, 07:17:31 PM
The Warlord look at his Leuiteniants. This was a time of invasion and sacrifices were to be made. So he made them. "Gentlemen, evacuate the cities. Have all fighters pull to their designated spots on the planet. As for the gentlemen in space, wish them luck. They will need it."

His orders, simple as they were, were carried out with extreme efficentcy as the men rushed to their posts to control their own chunk of the battle. They may lose, but the Invaders we're losing some too.

Ulric Kernsky
Jan 31st, 2002, 03:46:25 PM
Swarms of Tie Defenders raced from the Star Destroyers out to meet the Sluis Defender's. Following close behind the fighters came TF 3 lead by the Atlas and Panther. Aboard the Orion Commodore Kernsky allowed himself a small grin.

The Enemy
Feb 2nd, 2002, 11:56:01 PM
The 6 Corellian gunships split off into groups of three on both flanks of the main battle group. Meanwhile, the 10 Corellian corvettes also split into halves and held position above and below the main group. All the ships launched their starfighters, and upon a recall, all the starfighters from the surface climbed back to space near the Sluis Defense group.

The Three Carracks formed a triangle around the Nebulon B2 Frigate and Loronar Strike Cruiser. The 4 T-Wing squadrons formed a screen in front of the Sluis Fleet, and the remaining 168 fighters preformed a tight superiority patrol around the arrayed Sluis force.

The entire force held position next to the shipyard, which offered little protection with it's mainly defensive weapons and had risen it's weak shields. It sported 8 multi-purpose warhead launchers, 3 of which were fitted with the rare mag-pulse missiles and the other 5 with advanced proton torpedoes. Also along the shipyard were 20 ion canons and 2 more warhead launchers that utilized the lethal diamond-boron missiles.

Aboard the Nebulon B2 Frigate 'Yrotsi'khala', the Sluissi Defense Fleet commander patiently awaited the invaders' next move.

As the movement of warships occured in space, the movement of troops occured on the surface as well. Roughly 120,000 Sluissi militia and 6,000 Sluissi troops had begun preperations for a ground assault, fortifying the cities and laying traps in the countryside. It would be a bloody battle indeed.

Ulric Kernsky
Feb 24th, 2002, 07:28:36 PM
12 klicks out from the aproching Slussi Defense Fleet the forces of Death Fleet excelerated. Leading the way were the 2 Typhoons followed by a wedge of Star Destroyers lead by the Orion.

Turing to the flight officer Kernsky tapped him on the soulder,"You may tell Lady Vader that she may launch here fighters now and have all fighters set for Attack Plan Alpha."

Lady Vader
Mar 1st, 2002, 07:49:23 PM
*Lv had been pacing back and forth in the hangar bay like a caged tiger. She'd already inspected her pilots, her squad, even to the point of inspecting the small wiring on their ships. She was anxious to get out and fly. She did enjoy being in the belly of the Star Destroyer they now road in, but to fly her own ship against others was a thrill that could never be replaced.*

*Just when she thought about making another run through of the missle controls of her ship, the call finally came for them to launch. She wasted no time in barking orders to her crew, who scrambled for their fighters.*

*Within mere seconds, they were in their ships and out the bay doors, flying in formation and towards the enemy. She opened her comm to her pilots.*

Attack Plan Alpha. And show them no mercy people.

*She got varying replies as each pilot went into the attack plan they had been ordered to. Their TIE Interceptors looked like any regular Interceptor, except for theirs were slightly larger, having been modified with shielding and heavy lasers. Their compliment of torps were among the best and would soon start punching holes into the enemies ships.*

*LV sat comfortably in her seat, though kept an edge to her awareness, ustilizing the Force to let her know what was in and around her. She switched comm frequencies to speak with her Commander.*

Phoenix Wing is in position, sir, and going in for the kill.

*She smiled, her humor evident over the comm.*

If you have further orders, you know where to reach me. LV out.

*With that, she switched the comm back over to her squadron's frequency. It certainly felt good to fly again.*

The Enemy
Mar 1st, 2002, 10:32:36 PM
"Here we go, comrades... victory or death."

A chorus of the same last words echoed throughout the bridge. The commander was never one for speeches, and this was probably the only combat these Sluissi would ever see.

"Sir, three squadrons of fighters have detached from the main invasion force and are accelerating towards us."

"Have our four T-Wing squadrons engage them no more than 2 klicks in front of us. Advance one gunship from both of our flanks to aid them. The remaining fighters are to continue their routes around the battle group. All capitol ships fire at will."

"Yes, sir!"

The commander slithered across the bridge to the holographic display of the battle. Slithering was the form of Sluissi movement, since their lower bodies were tails. Their upper bodies were somewhat eel-like, yet they were indeed humanoids.

The T-Wing squadrons screeched ahead in groups of three, and were prepped for combat. Once they were two km out, they went into a holding pattern and awaited the enemy fighters. The two front Corellian gunships lumbered ahead to take positions on the sides of the fighters.

Ulric Kernsky
Mar 1st, 2002, 11:37:47 PM
In space before the Orion the 2 Typhoon's executed the first phase of Attack Plan Alpha. Making a short hyperspace jump behind the Sluis Van defenders.

Rotating on their axis the Atlas and Dire Wolf let lose all of their destructive power on the 4 Corvette's covering the rear of the defender. 60 Turbolaser Batteries, 40 Ion Cannon's and 18 Proton Torpedo's impacted with the shields of the Corvette's. The relatively weak shields of the Corvette's could not stand the shear destructive power that they faced and failed allowing the late arriving Torpedo's to impact with their hull wreaking massive damage.
From the bays of the Typhoons streamed 12 squadrons of Tie Defenders each. 4 smaller ships of the Hounder Gunship-class came from under the massive shadows of the Typhoon's. Forming into squadrons the Tie Defenders launched 100's of Torpedo's at the crippled Corvette's.

The Enemy
Mar 2nd, 2002, 04:39:21 PM
OOC NOTE:You did not state if you jumped so you were lower than us, or above us. Because one can't hyperspace through something directly in front of it, I will assume you jumped above us. Third, you attacked 4 corvettes at once with one blast from each of your weapons? That could take a while. Remember, you need to over 4 posts weaken the hull/shields before you can destroy a warship.

IC: The 5 quicker corvettes above the battle group quickly turned about and advanced toward the enemy carriers as they lumbered to turn around. The Corvettes got into position surrounding the ships and began firing on the Atlas and Dire Wolf when the carriers own weapons came to bare. The Typhoons proceeded to hammer the corvettes as they released their fighters. The shields on the corvettes were dwindling when the TIE Defenders released their proton torpedoes. Many of the torps were shot down by the Corvettes, yet many also impacted.

The five corvettes below the battle group followed suit and opened fire immediately on the underbelly of the Hounder gunships as they advanced towards them. 2 Squadrons of B-Wings broke off from the main battle group as soon as the Typhoons exited hyperspace and launched 12 torpedoes at each engine assembly of the Typhoons before they had finished their turn about. They then proceeded to take more torpedo runs at the Typhoons from above them, one squadron per carrier. 2 A-Wing squadrons also broke away and began dogfights with the TIE Defenders after the TIEs launched their first torps.

The shipyard's defenses also opened fire, with an ion canon barrage slamming into the sides of the Typhoons. The mag pulse launchers fired continuosly on the Hounders, disabling them for several seconds as the 5 corvettes below them slagged the shields on their underbelly. The proton torp launchers opened fire on the Typhoons as well, firing 5 torps at the Atlas. The two diamond boron missile launchers opened up, and fired into the squadron formation of the TIE Defenders as they made their runs, devastating the TIEs formations and destroying mass clusters of them.

The two rear Corellian gunships turned around as all this was happening and advanced, taking up position on the side of the battle and began firing on the TIE Defenders.

Ulric Kernsky
Mar 2nd, 2002, 08:38:45 PM
OOC: Three pionts. First shields can be taken out when facing overwelming force. Shields will fail on corvettes after only 6 Proton Torpedo's. I could have stressed the piont by saying I destroyed the ships but I did not. Your corrovettes only recieved minimal damage to thier hulls and loss of shields.

Second you could not shoot down, ................576 torpedo's. Maybe half of them. But enough should get through to destroy your corrvettes.

Third if I can not take down the shields of 4 Corvettes with the combined firepower of 2 Typhoons. There is no way that you can even breach the main shields for the Typhoons or the Hounders. Both posses shields much stronger than your Corvettes with just their main shields, but they also posses backup shields that will stop any attack made by the pitiful forces that are attacking the Typhoons and Hounders.

Due to communications problems with my leader I will also refrain from posting till I get some intelligance.