View Full Version : Shooting Gallery - XA FEL

Zara Drecker
Jan 16th, 2002, 05:23:25 PM
(Continued from Taking of Zhar thread)

"Allright, are we ready?"

"Argus 1 and Herenasa fleet active and ready Captain" replied Jyanis Scorpion.

"NRSF fleet and NR additions ready" repiled Zara's XO

"On my mark, jump for hyperpsace............. NOW!"

The smaller ships jumped first, lighter and faster to accelerate. The larger Capital ships were next, leaving the enromous SSD's, Defender and Argus to go last. With such unusually huge ships, it was best for all others to either jump first and get out of the way for the biggest ships.

"Alright lets get this bucket of **** out there...."

The huge vessel that was the NRSF flagship fired up it's sublights, the tailports glowig brighter and brighter as it did. The Argus got to speed first and disappeared first. A few seconds later, Defender also reached jump speed and fled into hyperspace.

"Lets hope this damn thing holds to gether this time" remarked one of the bridge officers.


OOC : Full fleet stats shortly