View Full Version : far more fun(open)

crono katon
Jan 15th, 2002, 07:13:10 PM
After a late night of drinking and party. Crono thought about going home but you never want to wast a good buzz so he figured some playing would do him some good.
So he found the darkest street he could find because you want to fight find a dark place that were the rats hide.
He sets in the street waiting for some one. After about an hour he was about to give as a figure started walking up the street.
"whos there"

Miryan no Trunks
Jan 15th, 2002, 07:21:52 PM
*He was dissapointed.. The blacksmith to whom it had been suggested MnT take his order hadn't had a clue what the material he was looking for was.. The name hadn't even rung a bell. Oh well, what was he going to do about that, right? He'd left, and was now taking a stroll through the city.. It was a rather dull night, he noted with some interest.. In his visits here, MnT had found the sky to either be crystal clear, or in the midst of a storm.. Tonight it was overcast, no wind, no anything.. How bland..*

*Suddenly the voice of a drunk shot out from up the street. "Who's there?" they asked..*

... Just a passerby. No need to concern yourself..

crono katon
Jan 15th, 2002, 07:37:50 PM
Crono Katon got up. He was in the mood to fight but not some one out of the blue...he wasn't evil just board. He makes his way up the road.
"Hey...whats your name passnbyer"
The last words kind of ran together but really he didn't care. He reached down to his side where he had his weapon. He wasn't planing on using it unless he had to...he always keeped it close though.

Miryan no Trunks
Jan 15th, 2002, 08:09:14 PM
... Miryan no Trunks..

*He could sense the weapon concealed in the man's clothing.. Now now, he thought, there shouldn't be any need for that.. In your current state, you'll likely hurt yourself more than me..*

... And your own, if I might ask?

*He kept his tone pleasent.. He didn't want to give the man any reason to get aggressive.. After all, there was no honor in fighting a drunk..*

crono katon
Jan 15th, 2002, 08:19:42 PM
"My name is Crono Katon"
he slowly pulls his hand away from is weapon. He watched the man carfully though, he might of been drunk but not stupied.
says kind of calmly
"So....what are you up to night"
watch to make sure he doesnt do anything funny

Miryan no Trunks
Jan 15th, 2002, 08:30:46 PM
... I was at the local blacksmith looking to see if he could fill an order for me.. Unfortunately, he couldn't..

*Without even thinking about it, MnT's ended the sentance with a dissapointed tone that, if the man knew he was Sith, might have been concieved as meaning he'd killed the Smith for not being able to do as he asked.*

... Might I assume you yourself have had a fun night of partying?

crono katon
Jan 15th, 2002, 09:04:12 PM
"Yeah it was fun but I drunk so much the bar tender kicked me out"
looks around see if some else was coming but there wasn't
"So don't mean to prig but what you do?"
still really wanted to fight and this didn't seem to be going anywhere towards it but you never no

Miryan no Trunks
Jan 16th, 2002, 03:04:37 AM
*Well, no sense in lying to the man, MnT reasoned with himself, if he wished a fight, he was going to take it.. If that wasn't his goal, hopefully MnT's words would persuade him not to get angered..*

... I live for honor through battle, I am a Sith..

crono katon
Jan 16th, 2002, 08:09:42 AM
"sith hm..."
Crono didn't have problem with sith I mean there not his favorite group but as long as they don't do any thing illegal who cares
" Miryan no Trunks here the thing I'm in the mood to fight but ....well you seem like a nice man...so how about duel and when its over no matter who wins no grudges....you up for it?"

Miryan no Trunks
Jan 16th, 2002, 12:15:24 PM
*He smiled.. The man may be drunk, but he was indeed a more reasonable man than most Jedi.. MnT was a strange example of a Sith.. He did not so much care for eradicating the Jedi as he did for helping them grow stronger.. It was his way. He believed that if he knew he had opponents training to beat him, then that in turn would give him even More reason to train even Harder.. So far it had worked well. He could not think of an opponent he had fought, and not been able to share pleasant conversation with later..*

... I'm always up for a good fight, sir Katon.. Although I warn you, I am a rather skilled martial artist, and swordsman..

*He bowed down to Crono, and gathered himself into a rather typical defensive position that, despite it's simplicity, displayed no openings..*

... And I am also bound by honor not to take the first attack.. Have at me..

crono katon
Jan 16th, 2002, 06:59:54 PM
"well I uselly dont like to but okay. How about hand to hand?"
After asking he gets ready to attack..figures if hand to hand dont work he would say some thing. He runs at Miryan no Trunks with the intent to warm up. He jumps does around house and nocks Miryan no Trunks just hard enough to let Miryan he could then he jumps back.
"so hand to hand does work right"

Miryan no Trunks
Jan 16th, 2002, 07:41:13 PM
.. It's my specialty..

*He spoke the words with a smile, before launching an attack of his own.. A single step forwards, with a punch so fast, Crono only registered it after it had already passed the side of his face. It came as a bit of a shock to the man, as the mere air pressure from the speed of the attack caused his right cheek to go numb.. He looked up at MnT, whose eyes were closed, with a smile on his face.. Suddenly they flashed open, and he spoke..*

... Shall we?

*As if to punctuate his sentance, the still-extended fist then smashed into the side of Crono's face, knocking him sideways to the ground, despite that it only had maybe one inch to accelerate the punch through..*

*MnT brought himself back into his defensive position, hopping lightly from foot to foot as he waited for the man to rise..*

crono katon
Jan 16th, 2002, 08:05:36 PM
The blow from Miryan fist was quite painful supprise. Crono got back up and shook his head to get the felling back in some of his face.
"Nice.Your really good"
Crono runs at Miryan. With just about all his strength he punches Miryan in the chest. The blow nocks most of the air out of Miryan. Crono jumps back and says
"At this rate I might be able to go back to the party"

Miryan no Trunks
Jan 16th, 2002, 08:20:27 PM
... Heh, perhaps..

*Having trained himself to be able to reinflate his lungs near immediately after such attacks, MnT was able to speak perfectally fine to Crono, without missing a beat.. He brought himself back into a standing position, and leapt forwards.*

*As Crono went to block from a kick or the likes, he noticed it did not come. Instead, he found out that he had not only misjudged MnT's intention's, but also his jump. The Sith was above him now, completely upside-down in mid-air. Half a moment later, the shoulders of Crono were being held firmly, and as another moment passed, and MnT began to descend, the man realized he was being lifted from the ground.*

*As MnT spun back feet-to ground again, he used the momentum, along with his own strength, to launch the man forwards overhead. He flew in a spectacular arc, and MnT wasted no time in dashing forwards, his ground speeding actually catching up on Crono's air speed rapidly.. As the man began to fall back to the ground, MnT jumped up, aiming a 360-bicycle kick at his falling form*

crono katon
Jan 16th, 2002, 08:44:50 PM
The kick hit crono in the middle of his back. The force of the blow spun him forward. As crono landed he put out his arms to block his face for hitting the road. He got up very slowly.

The hit really mast up his back but it would only slow him down a bit.

The last move really sobered him up. He figured it was time to stop playing around.
Crono runs at full speed toward Miryan. He went to punch Miryan but with no problem he just blocked it. So he went into what looked like a kick but instead he jumped up in the air. As Crono was right above Miryan head he uses all his force to kick Miryan right in the back of the head. Miryan stumbled forward as Crono landed on the ground.

Miryan no Trunks
Jan 16th, 2002, 10:43:46 PM
*Fortunately, it's near-impossible to kick backwards with any real strength, and as such, MnT simply took the hit, and stumbled forwards a few steps to regain his balance. It still hurt, but was nothing he couldn't handle..*

*Getting a quick sense for how far back Crono was, MnT then pressed off backwards in a twisting jump-roundhouse kick that looked like it was heading for Crono's head. However, at the last moment, the Sith twisted the attacking leg downwards, and with Crono's focus awaiting an upper attack, tripped him up with a powerful sweep to the knees..*

crono katon
Jan 16th, 2002, 10:54:08 PM
Crono fell to his knees after the attack. He took a large breath. On the exhale Crono took his right leg and spun it around to trip Miryan. As Miryan fell Crono leped up onto his feet and done a back flip to get a ways back. Breathing really heavy crono says
"I think your winning"

Miryan no Trunks
Jan 16th, 2002, 11:03:02 PM
*Chuckling as he pushed up with his hands, to get onto his knees, and from there, back to his feet, MnT replied..*

... It does seem that way.. But don't be surprised, you've fought with my apprentice Tempist before, right..? I've heard him mention a fight with a "Crono Katon" but only just now made the connection..

crono katon
Jan 16th, 2002, 11:13:21 PM
"You are tempist master....okay that would explain alot. So I take it your a at lest knight then."
takes a few deep breaths again

Miryan no Trunks
Jan 16th, 2002, 11:16:26 PM
*MnT nodded, before rotating his head back and around on his neck, cracking out a crink that the earlier kick had put in it..*

.. At least, yes.. A Lord actually..

crono katon
Jan 16th, 2002, 11:23:43 PM
"wow..that really explains alot"
pop his fingers and legs
"so you want to start again"

Miryan no Trunks
Jan 19th, 2002, 04:07:20 AM
*Chuckling slightly, MnT gathered himself back up into the defensive position he had held earlier..*

... If you'd like, absolutely..

crono katon
Jan 19th, 2002, 06:07:26 PM
Crono closes his eyes. Then he gets in a different position then last time. He rasies his hand as if they were snake heads. Then about 3 times fast then before he runs at Miryan. He takes his right hand and smashes into Miryan chest. Then with out even stopping for a second he jumps up in the air kicks Miryan in the face. After the kick to the face he opens his eye's and looks at Miryan as he get ready to try in block his hit.

Miryan no Trunks
Jan 20th, 2002, 05:18:46 AM
*MnT let his head roll back down, looking Crono in the eyes. He could taste blood in his mouth, and spat it out to the side, whilst not letting his eyes fail from keeping the man in watch.. Suddenly, MnT's face took on an expression, combined with the head motion, that exclaimed that he was about to attack. Crono raised his arms and flinched, ready to defend, but when the actual attack came, moments later than he'd expected, he had already loosened his guard too much.*

*The punch smashed into his forearms, pushing them back against his face hard, and leaving him slightly off his balance. The man began to step back, leaving his legs open for the incoming sweep. It was an incredible display of speed by MnT, not only by the sweep being quick enough to flip the man horizontal without losing hardly any altitude, but also because almost before he had time to start falling, the same leg lashed out with a powerful side-kick that sent his body tumbling down towards the ground nearly 10 feet away..*

crono katon
Jan 20th, 2002, 08:04:58 PM
As Crono fell to the ground he throw his arm out to maybe stop his self from falling face first. Which it did, but the force on his arm from the fall knocked his arm out of place. The pain was felt like some one just hit him with a baseball bat with all there strength. He bit his lip and pulled his arm back in to socket..after saying a few choice words.
"That one really sucked"
He throw the good arm up to start fight again because he wasn't going to let a bad arm stop him.
Crono looked at MnT with a kind of a that is going to cost you look and smiled. MnT was maybe standing 10 feet away watching him. With his good arm Crono punched MnT again right on the chin.

ooc--sorry about that last post.

Miryan no Trunks
Jan 23rd, 2002, 10:45:23 PM
ooc: your arms are 10 feet long? =p lol


*The attack was easily read, and as such, MnT used the momentum of the punch to start him off into a backflip. The maneuver would have seemed, and in fact, been quite pointless if MnT had used it to connect a powerful bicycle-kick to Crono's head. His jaw snapped shut hard, and he was sent head-over-heels up into the air, before crashing back down into the ground.*

... Perhaps you should try less forward attacks.. Such straight forward punches are too easy to read..

*MnT's tone as he spoke made it obvious that he was indeed speaking the words to be helpful, not offensive..*

crono katon
Jan 24th, 2002, 08:41:24 PM
He runs at MnT and drops down to the grow then he puts his leg right behind MnT and tips him. He gets up and steps back a little ways.

Miryan no Trunks
Feb 4th, 2002, 09:04:28 PM
*Rolling back along his shoulders as he hit, MnT used his downwards momentum to flip himself feet-first back up into the air. He quickly turned right side up, before touching the ground, and launching himself forwards towards Crono again.*

*Barely a moment passed before the ground between the two was shortened to near striking range. Almost enough time for Crono to raise a defense.*

*The Sith's right arm shot forwards in a powerful roundhouse that crashed painfully into the man's left cheek, carried through, and quickly reversed direction, an equally powerful backhand colliding with his Right cheek, and sending him spinning towards the ground.*

OOC: Woot, I actually managed to kick out a post ^_^

crono katon
Feb 10th, 2002, 12:18:40 PM
when crono hit the ground it made a loud thump. He slowly got up off the ground and spit the blood that was in his mouth on the ground.

he looks right MnT with out saying word crono use the force to push MnT of balance. After pushing him off balance Crono runs start at him. About 4 feet away he drops to the ground and slides to trip him.