View Full Version : Seeking to know more..

Eldrak Gruuhl
Jan 15th, 2002, 04:55:37 PM
He knew it wasn’t a very wise thing for him to do, seeing as he was not yet trained in any fashion to be a Jedi and the only protection he had were his own wits, Strength, and a Katana sword he had carried for nearly a year but never removed from its sheath, but he had managed to find a transport that took him to the place where many of the Sith and Jedi battled. He wanted to observe and learn more about this conflict he had only recently heard of.

He was surprised to find himself on a world that seemed to be littered with remnants of blood pain and anguish. There were signs of battle everywhere he looked and the scent of old blood wafted through his keen senses like a wave of putrid smelling smoke.

He wandered the field trying to judge by the damage that he saw, exactly what had taken place in times already past, curious if he was going to witness any new confrontations of which he really did not wish to be a part, only observe and learn. He wondered if he would be missed from his wanderings on the planet where he had discovered the Jedi and found Anbira, the man who helped him learn more of his past, but didn’t pay it too much mind since he was not really one of them officially as of yet.

His long shadow crept over the battlefield as he tried to learn more. Learning more was his main goal in all things and the pursuit of that was what had brought him to this place of agony and of honor.

Jan 15th, 2002, 06:29:50 PM
Her haunts of the Greater Jedi Order produced a strong disturbance in the Force. It was a presence that she had not felt since first coming across the Jedi after her escape from the confines of the Royale Order of Sith.

On Yavin, Daleethria had almost willed herself in disbelief that her kinsman had returned. Now anyone could tell they were not related but through the Force, any user that could sense for such anomalies could tell they were clones.

What no one knew but them was both of them held a special bond because of their unique abilities. For Daleethria, her intelligence through her senses had caused her to become mute. For Ogre designate 3, he was so analytical that most could not understand what he said.

Against her better judgement, she followed Eldrak. It was a perfect name for her kinsman that even he did not know the significance. Only Daleethria knew through the Force what significance it held. Whispers of long forgotten memories that plagued Eldrak became a puzzle and then a picture... It would make sense to him in time...

His time alone had made him weak of memory and shy... almost scared to reach out around him. Daleethria had decided to watch over him as she had done with Sanis and then Navaria... her physical body may be gone but her essence lived on and she was more powerful then anyone could imagine...

So she watched, invisible to all, until she wished that her presence be felt...

Eldrak Gruuhl
Jan 15th, 2002, 10:11:16 PM
He found it strange that there was so much silence here on what he had heard in whispers in Yog’s Bar & Grill was referred to as the main point of conflict between the Jedi and Sith. He had seen no sign of anyone battling each other or confronting him as to who or what he was. In fact he had seen absolutely nobody at all.

There were however plenty of signs of other battles having been waged here at other times and he inspected some of the damage and carnage left behind from those previous occasions, hoping to glean some kind of insight as to what types of things happened here.

He found pieces of durasteel, scorched and torn from what looked like they might be explosions, while others looked as if they had been cut with some type of torch. Examining the edges of the pieces that looked as if they were cut a little closer he noticed that there did not appear to be any blowback along the edge. The cuts were so clean and did look like burns, but could not have been produced by a torch or welding device.

He still had not seen what a lightsaber could do but he had read about them and he was beginning to think that these hunks of metal were evidence that lightsabers had been used here. Not really a surprise considering the little he did know about Jedi and Sith, but it was his first experience with seeing such effects up close.

He looked up from the metal and peered around the whole of the land he could see around him, and still there was no trace of anyone. Perhaps his thought of it being unwise to come here was wrong, perhaps there was no danger here.

Eldrak Gruuhl
Jan 16th, 2002, 04:51:14 PM
Time continued to pass by with no other activity save his own here on the battle ground of Sith vs. Jedi. He was disappointed that he had not been able to witness any engaged in the struggle between the two opposing side, but in a way also relieved.

He was relieved that he didn’t have to bear witness to any pointless violence, even though he was sure that the pointless aspect would only really apply to those of the Darkside, while one of the light would seek nothing more than to protect innocents or simply protect peace, just as he had read in the Jedi code.

He had learned a few new things in having come here. He learned a little more about lightsabers and their capabilities and he learned from other past evidence strewn about that the struggle here was brutal and violent. There were signs of blood and turmoil everywhere he looked.

Just the fact that things had been uneventful while he was here was enough to encourage him that the Jedi were doing what they were sworn to adequately. Things were indeed peaceful while he visited here, no innocents were being harmed and the Darkness was apparently not spreading.

Soon his transport to leave this place would be returning as he had arranged and he planned to take a different route back to the meeting point than he had come by, so that he could see other sights here that may tell more of the story of the struggle without end.

Eldrak Gruuhl
Jan 16th, 2002, 10:35:37 PM
During his wanderings he sees something in the distance, two beings who appear angry and are shouting about something. A third approaches them boldly and seems defiant and adamant in confronting them. Eldrack approaches ("") to investigate and witness what transpires, hoping not to become involved physically because he knows he is not ready to tangle with the likes of a Sith, and his first impression of the two who arrived first is that they are Disciples of the Dark…Sith.

Jan 17th, 2002, 11:47:15 AM
It seemed that Eldrak's nature to be inquisitive still held true. Daleethria was rathered pleased that the area that he had chosen to investigate was devoid of everything but wreckage and the like.

But then she felt the ripples of darkness nearby that warned her that Sith had entered the area... Daleethria was hoping Eldrak wouldn't notice but not much ever got past him before, so it didn't now.

Again, she followed, unnoticed to all... making sure he wouldn't get himself into too much trouble.