View Full Version : Ghostbusters 3 petition

Jedi Burge
Jan 15th, 2002, 03:21:44 PM
Someone at the ghostbusters.net messageboards posted that he started a petition for ghostbusters 3. It never hurts to try something like this. I think there should be a Ghostbuster 3 and for this reason i support the petition and decided to bring it to this board.

here is the link:


Jan 15th, 2002, 04:37:48 PM
Hmmm... Another Ghostbusters... I like the idea, but I don't know if it would work. All of the original Ghostbusters, while still around, are much older and there would be a different feel to the movie. Also, while I loved the first one, I thought there was a big dropoff in the second one. I liked both, but the second one just didn't measure up to the first one IMHO. A third one might be pushing it...

Maybe they could come on for a cameo in the Sixth Sense II.

"Hey kid, what's bothering you?"
> "I see dead people..."
"Ok kid, we'll take care of it. Ready guys? Stay close... stay close... ready... GET HER!!!!!!!!" :)

Champion of the Force
Jan 15th, 2002, 05:19:39 PM
From what I've heard, Dan Akroyd and Harold Ramis were considering a Ghostbusters 3 as recent as last year, but Bill Murray isn't coming to the party and has thus held up any possibility of the film materialising.

I think I read it at ComingSoon.Net a while back.

Jan 15th, 2002, 06:53:50 PM
The second one was soooo bad that I'm not really looking forward to a 3rd one. Ghostbusters had a lot of potential to be a great series, but the second one kind of killed the momentum. I don't think we'll see a 3rd one anytime soon.

Jedi Master Carr
Jan 15th, 2002, 08:42:22 PM
I actually like the second one but now they are too old to really do it. If they were going to do a 3rd they should have done it right away instead they put it off and now I don't think it shouldn't do it.

Jan 15th, 2002, 08:59:32 PM
I heard rumors that if they did make a GB III movie, it would be with a new generation of Ghostbusters. Like the Xtreme Ghostbusters catoon series. They had Egon as the mentor type person, and then four new ones to actually go after the ghosts.

Jan 15th, 2002, 11:03:07 PM
I knew it.

Ghostbusters: The Next Generation. :p

Jan 16th, 2002, 10:01:12 AM
Their age really doesn't bother me. I mean, it's not like these guys were uber athletes running around chasing ghosts. Remember what the stairs of Sigourney Weaver's building did to them?:)

Jan 16th, 2002, 10:50:17 AM
I don't think it is exactly the age that bothers me either (LOL EB on that stairs scene), but they will be older and it will have a different feel to it. Back with the first two, they were right on the money with their jokes and wisecracks (especially Bill Murray), and it just felt right. Now, I'm not so sure - they've all grown as actors and I don't think that that type of movie would quite work for them now.

Jan 18th, 2002, 02:15:17 PM
Bill Murray said he wasn't interested in a 3rd one at all, and at that point, Ackroyd and Ramis dropped the idea altogether. After the mediocrity of the 2nd, I do hope a 3rd would come around and redeem the franchise.

Champion of the Force
Jan 19th, 2002, 06:56:08 PM
Bill Murray said he wasn't interested in a 3rd one at all, and at that point, Ackroyd and Ramis dropped the idea altogether.
That's what I figured. I managed to find the news article I mentioned above from ComingSoon.Net which would appear to verify it:

Talking to "Ghostbusters" creator/writer Dan Aykroyd at "The Curse of the Jade Scorpion" press junket, Cinescape got the final word on any possible movements for a "Ghostbusters III".

Aykroyd says, "You know, in life, one has to be able to let go of things, and I've been able to let go of that and it's been a tremendous liberation for me. For years I was consumed with trying to get that movie made and I wrote a script which is the best devil script or Hell script that has come out of Hollywood. I mean I know that it, I know it's really good."

That was definitely not the deciding factor to let the project go, however. "It's a rights issue actually," Aykroyd adds. "Essentially, it's not something that [Bill Murray] wants to do again and for some reason, he feels that it's really a vehicle that should remain with the two first movies and he has one fifth of the rights and so he's locking off his rights and saying, 'I think we should just leave that period of our time alone and I don't think we should re-visit that.' And he's got the power to do that and so we'll move on and do something else."

Jan 21st, 2002, 08:26:58 AM
I thought the second one rocked. It was just as good as the first one pretty much. They both were great films. I would absolutely love to see a third GB film.

Hey you know that paintaining of the weird medieval looking dude that comes back to life, blah blah, etc? I saw that actual paintaing, the same one used in the film, at Sony Prop House here in Los Angeles when I was on assignment for my Film 180 class! It was pretty tight, but we saw a lot of stuff used in various movies. Very cool.

Jan 21st, 2002, 10:00:31 AM
Yeah - while I enjoyed both, I think that sometimes its just best to let certain things go. The first and second ones will always be thought of in a good way by me (especially the first), but I don't think that a third one would be doing justice to the ones that are out there - as Bill Murray aptly put it, Ghostbusters is "a vehicle that should remain with the two first movies". Let's leave it at that.