Jan 13th, 2002, 02:10:51 PM
Disappointment… Unrealistic… Shocking… While Poreon was off in uncharted space shooting probe droids at planets for intelligence purposes, rumors of dissident and rebellion had circulated through the Star Destroyer Dragon’s Glare like it was high school all over again. The rumors had ended up being true, but there was nothing the Sith Knight Poreon could do being thousands of light years away from any inhabited planet.
Angered at the “Conclave”, he seized the moment, though. As the Rebellion started, Poreon commandeered the Sith Empire Star Destroyer Dragon’s Glare for his own personal use. It would join his small Flotilla at Corusca Prime.
While in hyperspace on the way to Corusca Prime where Poreon’s main base of operations rested on an IL-60 Stardock, Invisible Foe, Poreon thought about what went down in history that day. Poreon felt three things: failure, anger and disappointment.
Failure… Poreon’s ultimate fear. He had failed the Sith Empire by not being at the right spot to stop an insurrection and save the Empire’s glory; but more so, he had failed himself and his past. Born on the Super Star Destroyer Still-Murk, Poreon was raised in the light of Fleet tactics and command. Joining the Imperial Empire at a young age, Poreon grew wise in tactical command. With Viscera and Piett, Poreon himself had rebelled against Grand Admiral Thrawn to help form the Galactic Military Alliance. Now the Galactic Empire, Poreon left the Empire after a good ten years of service as Admiral to study the Sith and aide the Sith Empire in forming their gigantic Empire.
Now, everything Knight Poreon had worked for was destroyed. Everything Poreon lived for was stolen. It even seemed like Poreon’s life had been taken.
Anger and disappointment were the next emotions Poreon felt on that long hyperspace journey to Corusca Prime. The two emotions focused on one general thing: The Sith Empire. It angered and disappointed Poreon that the Sith, the evilest people in the galaxy, would surrender every possession at the sign of rebellion. It seemed so unrealistic that his people would lay down their arms and not fight back against the rebels. He was disappointed in the Sith Empire’s actions.
The Star Destroyer slipped out of hyperspace seamlessly and fell into a orbit around the emerald looking gas giant, Corusca Prime. In a few seconds, the mining planet’s moon and base of operations came into view along with the IL-60 Stardock that housed the Imperial Star Destroyer, the Bouncer, a few support craft and some wings of starfighters. On the moon, a massive mining complex spread across the whole surface area of the planet. Built back during the Galactic Military Alliance’s reign, the moon’s miners provided the galaxy with over 60% of its Corusca supply. The moon itself boasted magnificent defenses including planetary ION cannons and 1000 TIE Devil Squadrons.
Landing in one of the Stardock Destroyer berths, the Dragon’s Glare began undergoing transponder changes to identify it as under Sith Knight Poreon’s personal command. While the Star Destroyer restocked its consumable and gasoline and underwent a cleaning, Poreon notified the whole crew that they were free to go on shore leave for an indefinite period of time. Poreon had serious thinking to do.
He took one of Phantom Squadron’s—his personal escort—TIE Defenders. Painted in the customary Phantom Squadron black with silver racing stripe, the TIE Defender would be Poreon’s new and last home.
Taking off, Poreon quickly jumped into hyperspace blindly, relying on the Force to escort him safely through hyperspace. During his second cross-galaxy journey of the week, he hibernated fitfully. Dark dreams filled his subconscious and even darker thoughts filled his conscious thought.
Angered at the “Conclave”, he seized the moment, though. As the Rebellion started, Poreon commandeered the Sith Empire Star Destroyer Dragon’s Glare for his own personal use. It would join his small Flotilla at Corusca Prime.
While in hyperspace on the way to Corusca Prime where Poreon’s main base of operations rested on an IL-60 Stardock, Invisible Foe, Poreon thought about what went down in history that day. Poreon felt three things: failure, anger and disappointment.
Failure… Poreon’s ultimate fear. He had failed the Sith Empire by not being at the right spot to stop an insurrection and save the Empire’s glory; but more so, he had failed himself and his past. Born on the Super Star Destroyer Still-Murk, Poreon was raised in the light of Fleet tactics and command. Joining the Imperial Empire at a young age, Poreon grew wise in tactical command. With Viscera and Piett, Poreon himself had rebelled against Grand Admiral Thrawn to help form the Galactic Military Alliance. Now the Galactic Empire, Poreon left the Empire after a good ten years of service as Admiral to study the Sith and aide the Sith Empire in forming their gigantic Empire.
Now, everything Knight Poreon had worked for was destroyed. Everything Poreon lived for was stolen. It even seemed like Poreon’s life had been taken.
Anger and disappointment were the next emotions Poreon felt on that long hyperspace journey to Corusca Prime. The two emotions focused on one general thing: The Sith Empire. It angered and disappointed Poreon that the Sith, the evilest people in the galaxy, would surrender every possession at the sign of rebellion. It seemed so unrealistic that his people would lay down their arms and not fight back against the rebels. He was disappointed in the Sith Empire’s actions.
The Star Destroyer slipped out of hyperspace seamlessly and fell into a orbit around the emerald looking gas giant, Corusca Prime. In a few seconds, the mining planet’s moon and base of operations came into view along with the IL-60 Stardock that housed the Imperial Star Destroyer, the Bouncer, a few support craft and some wings of starfighters. On the moon, a massive mining complex spread across the whole surface area of the planet. Built back during the Galactic Military Alliance’s reign, the moon’s miners provided the galaxy with over 60% of its Corusca supply. The moon itself boasted magnificent defenses including planetary ION cannons and 1000 TIE Devil Squadrons.
Landing in one of the Stardock Destroyer berths, the Dragon’s Glare began undergoing transponder changes to identify it as under Sith Knight Poreon’s personal command. While the Star Destroyer restocked its consumable and gasoline and underwent a cleaning, Poreon notified the whole crew that they were free to go on shore leave for an indefinite period of time. Poreon had serious thinking to do.
He took one of Phantom Squadron’s—his personal escort—TIE Defenders. Painted in the customary Phantom Squadron black with silver racing stripe, the TIE Defender would be Poreon’s new and last home.
Taking off, Poreon quickly jumped into hyperspace blindly, relying on the Force to escort him safely through hyperspace. During his second cross-galaxy journey of the week, he hibernated fitfully. Dark dreams filled his subconscious and even darker thoughts filled his conscious thought.