View Full Version : Well this just sucks...

Jan 12th, 2002, 05:30:59 PM
Harry Potter has taken over the fifth place spot on the all time worldwide box office earnings listing, effictively taking the original Star Wars out of the top five listing after nearly 25 years. With a current total of $800.4 million the children's book adaptation beat out A New Hope ($798.0 million) by little more than $2 million.

The film will most likely overtake Independence Day sometime this week and then set its sights on Jurrasic Park ($920.1 million) and Episode I ($925.5 million).

But not forever...:)

Marcus Telcontar
Jan 12th, 2002, 05:42:06 PM
Does it suck?

What would you prefer, Potter or Titanic?

The Potter moive was pretty good. I'd prefer LOTR to be getting these totals, but I have no problems something that is pretty good getting these numbers.

Jedi Master Carr
Jan 12th, 2002, 08:45:24 PM
Potter has no hope of catching Titantic, especially since its US run is about over (It should end at about 310 maybe its only at 302 right now) I can't see it making that much ww to catch it especially since it will be compeating with LOTR overseas by now.

Jan 13th, 2002, 12:49:05 AM
ANH came out a long time ago, before there were frickin' theaters in a lot of foreign countries, honestly. It only matters what did happen then, not what happens now. ANH was an amazing performer in 1977, it did well again in re-release in 1997, but time erases some of these records. Not so with the U.S. box office records, though. ANH is hard to top, and when you do, don't expect it to be for long. The film is not by any means finished in U.S. theaters. It has many more re-releases to go in many, many more decades.

Harry Potter is not a better film than Titanic, sorry. I think Titanic was at least done by a masterful director with a great command of his craft, even if he is unpleasant and a bit arrogant, I am a James Cameron fan. Even if Titanic is his worst film, which it is, it's still NOT that bad of a movie. It's a solid film and better than Potter I think most people would say.

Episode II should be the 2nd film to clear $1 billion overseas. Neither Potter nor LOTR has a chance.

Potter will not cross $900 million I don't think. Hasn't it been slowing and grosses evaporating by this point? It was a simultaneous type release, so I don't see it getting to $900M...

It will not reach much more than $310M here, as was said. It has slowed a lot. It's sad that it'll pass ROTJ barely, but what the hey, right? That film has a lot more releases left too. It doesn't matter all that much, but LOTR won't pass either ESB or ROTJ, fortunately.

I LOVE LOTR, though, don't get me wrong. That film is so cool.

Jan 13th, 2002, 01:24:45 PM
If a Starwars movie can't be official #1 (and it really is )(it would take to long to explain why) I would prefer it to be Titanic.Titanic was and is a great movie. Do I think it made 600 mil in the US?? and 1.9 bil or whatever world wide HECK NO!!!!!!(do not trust BO numbers) But I do think it was a GREAT!!!!! Movie and am proud to have it as the #1 movie in the world(if not SW) The thought of HARRY POTTER being number 1 just makes me Ill.:x :x :x :x but than agian thata just my opinion :D

Jan 13th, 2002, 09:21:17 PM
Well, it was expected that HP was going to do well internationally. I don't really mind.

Jedi Master Carr
Jan 13th, 2002, 10:21:26 PM
I think buff read too many posts from our former board conspiratist or maybe iis the dread whoops I better not say his name or else Jedieb will kill me:p

Marcus Telcontar
Jan 13th, 2002, 10:29:00 PM
oooo, I had forgotten him!

What was his name again?

Marcus Telcontar
Jan 13th, 2002, 11:49:23 PM
I see that Harry Potter seems to have passed 850 million worldwide and is still going. it is still pulling millions from UK, Australia, Japan (Fact is, seems to be huge there, 100 million there in itself)

However, in a lot of territories like Finalnd, Potter is being overhauled by FOTR. In Australia, FOTR was far, far bigger to date and should overhaul Potter in a week or two. Even in the UK, HP will likely be pulled in by FOTR in the end. With FOTR ending up bigger in most places other than the USA that HP, That says it's chances of going past the eventual total of HP worldwide will be good.

I have no doubt HP will beat or at the least get close to TPM in the end. 70 million worldwide isnt too hard to do, especially as it has not finished it's run in plenty of places. What will be interesting is what LOTR does, as it has not opened in several big markets like Japan. That willl add 100 million no doubt. It's hard to say what it will do right now, but Intl should ber higher than HP. Overall, will be close, but LOTR needs to do more in the USA.

Jan 14th, 2002, 07:13:59 AM
:lol :lol

he brain washed me master carr :cry

Jan 14th, 2002, 09:53:20 AM
For the love of Yoda don't say his name!! They might release him from whatever institution he's in!:crack

I think that both HP and FOTR will certainly outgross TPM internationally. (Hasn't HP already done that?) Without knowing how many markets they have left it's hard to say if they'll top TPM's WW box office. I wouldn't be surprised if they did. In fact, I think FOTR has a solid shot at crossing the $1B mark. They've both had the benefit of a couple of years of inflation and maybe even bigger markets. We won't know how they stack up until we see how AOTC does this year.

Doc Milo
Jan 14th, 2002, 02:24:28 PM
Is the link between the Ezboard MB and this one still there? I was thinking, if it wasn't Jed!#%^& won't be able to find us here! :)

Jedi Master Carr
Jan 14th, 2002, 08:02:16 PM
The link still up so if he is still out there he could find uso_O Lets pray he doesn't come back.

Jan 14th, 2002, 08:20:35 PM
It's like we're afraid of the boogeyman or something!

Mu Satach
Jan 15th, 2002, 01:43:03 PM
Originally posted by Jedieb
For the love of Yoda don't say his name!!

I'm getting flashbacks to the 13<sup>th</sup> Warrior.

Jan 15th, 2002, 05:13:51 PM
I e-mailed him :)

Told him how much you guy's miss him and he said he was on his way !!

Jedi Master Carr
Jan 15th, 2002, 08:20:12 PM
Uh Oh he's loose everybody hide the women and children and take cover becasue no one is safe.

Doc Milo
Jan 16th, 2002, 03:13:15 AM
I think I'll register his name before he gets here :)

Jan 21st, 2002, 08:39:45 AM
I guarantee he will be back when AOTC opens. That is going to be painful, almost as bad as me coming back!!! Haha, kidding...

I know his name still, even with those four numbers ;)

I have no doubt the box office figures reported are, more or less, correct. No number is going to be accurate, not for TPM, not for Titanic, not for any movie, because of various factors such as people sneaking in, tickets sold for one movie and people going to another, all of those types of things. You must just assume that 1) those things mostly cancel each other out 2) they are too small to make any significant difference and 3) what happens to one movie also happens to all other movies.

I will say that I think the admissions numbers for TPM are very inaccurate, but the gross for the film is probably 99.95% accurate or so. 99% accurate at least. I just disagree witht he admission figure by a solid 5 to 10 million. You cannot with any level of accuracy take the average ticket price for a year and divide that into the box office gross, LOL, that is like saying the price of admission for all movies is exactly the same when it obviously isn't. A PG film is going to have cheaper admission averages than an R film, and not by a couple of cents either, by a couple of dimes. When you extrapolate that over such a large number, you are talking about probably 7 to 8 million admissions not counted.

They say TPM had 83 million admissions. I have two problems with that. First problem is they are using the average ticket price that was calculated at the beginning of January 2000. That ticket price was not the same nor was it even similar to the ticket price in May 1999, June 1999, etc. So that was not an intelligent thing to do on their part (you may have noted that official figures said TPM had 90.7 million admissions, then when they decided to use the 2000 ticket prices instead they came up with 83 million; in truth, it should lie somewhere in between those two numbers as May is somewhere in between Jan 1999 and Jan 2000). My second problem is clearly that they are using an average ticket price that is going to be higher than that of TPM. While the average ticket price probably reflects a PG-13 film very well, it probably gives an R-film many extra admissions and takes away many from a PG movie.

They say the average ticket price was $5 or whatever, I say it was probably $4.75 because so many children saw TPM and got discount admissions because of that. So, I would estimate TPM had 90 to 95 million admissions, not 83 million. I would say Titanic had exactly as many admissions as was stated as it is a PG-13 film, although given the number of elderly people who went to see it I also think it is possible Titanic was cheated out of several million admissions too. Either way, the system is screwed up and everyone gets shafted except the R movies, and obviously it makes them look great when the average ticket price reported is obviously much less than what an R movie averages given that only adults (for the most part) are able to see R films.

A lot of that is besides the point anyway, though, because the U.S. does not track admissions, only revenue, so saying the admissions are inaccurate is rather obvious anyway because they are only estimated figures based on two numbers, the average ticket price and the total gross, one of which is suspect, the other of which is no doubt almost totally correct (the gross).

JediEB, you crack me up. I love that. "For the love of Yoda!" I am going to be using that more, it's hilarious.