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Khendon Sevon
Jan 12th, 2002, 04:51:51 PM
The room was brightly lit by glow panels positioned overhead; the only shadows escaping the power of the lights were congregating around a table, Khendon and Mark. The two masterminds were up to new tricks, more deadly and devious that previous. Their current design, pound for pound, was more revolutionary than the Erebus. So far, after several hours of pondering and conceptual sketching, the two men had turned out two blue prints, which were projected by a holographic display located on a table in the center of the room.

The two designs were totally different, each demonic and captivating in its own way. Key technologies that were already researched and in production were outlined in blue while new technologies that still needed to go through the design process were outlined in red.

Khendon took a seat, as did Mark, both smiling wickedly as they began doing their own computations and adjustments to the designs. The United Imperial Technologies’s laboratory on Omerose was specifically designed to suit black projects such as the one the two designers were currently working on. Each research lab contained one small room for drafting, such as the one Mark and Khendon were currently located in, and one larger room for prototype construction, coupled to the drafting room, which in turn linked to the honey comb of corridors that led throughout the large installation.

“We’re going to need some more designers on this project, and some unheard of technology to place these designs among the elite, otherwise they’ll be just another fighter type,” said Khendon in Mark’s direction, “about fifteen minute ago I called in a little help.” Khendon grinned as he finished what he was currently working on.

A shutter opened to the right of Khendon revealing the construction room, which was filled with materials and equipment, along with racks and complex computing systems and consoles.

Mark Fenix
Jan 13th, 2002, 06:15:34 PM
Fenix pondered over the blueprints and sketches he had drawn up. Khendon and he had discussed the idea for a long time, but they only recently had the technology and resources to build up such war machines. Theoretically, with the proper build and parts more advanced and more revolutionary than anything has seen in the galaxy, one could easily cripple a medium-sized fleet.

"So you're suggesting hardpoints all over the frame for variable weapons?" Khendon took note of a small scribble on the side of one of the blueprints.

"That's right. They'd be able to be equipped for any predicament. I've even been considering an optional set of armor for each that can be attached to the hardpoints and ejected during battle. Plus the armor would be able to store more weapons and backup systems." Fenix studied his designs a little more. He turned to face another panel, one that listed technologies and what was currently available. The resource list sparked an idea in his head, and he turned back around to face Khendon.

"You know, with what we already have, within a few weeks we'll be able to build not two, but three. Can't you just imagine it? It would be our own 'Triumvirate of Terror.'"

"You're right. Have you selected candidates to pilot them?"

"I've got the top three on my list. Guess who they are."

Khendon stroked his chin, and thought for a moment. "Well, obviously you would pilot one... then you would assign one to me... who else?"

"You remember Vapor, don't you?" The two hesitated for a moment, and then simultaneously grinned.
"I suppose I'd better start designing a third tonight..."

Vapor Kazuna
Jan 14th, 2002, 08:38:17 PM

Vapor slowly awaked from his deep slumber. He sat up in his bed, still groggy, and tried to discern what had roused him. Bleary eyes took in his surroundings: a dimly lit room, fairly small, yet large when you considered the fact that this was all on a starfighter. A holographic screen sitting on a desk across the room from him displayed the image of a human face, with its mouth moving. Vapor rubbed his eyes and finally heard the low voice that had been trying to talk to him for at least five minutes now.

“Kai, why are you bothering me?” Vapor asked in a fairly annoyed voice.

The face on the screen brightened up and smiled. Kai was a fairly new artificial intelligence program designed for Vapor by a Balmorran computing corporation. It was incredibly smart and could run Vapor’s entire ship for him while upgrading itself, though it was incredibly quirky and could really get on your nerves. Vapor got out of his bed and started to walk around his cabin, getting dressed while the machine began to speak.

“I’m sorry for the interruption Vapor. I wouldn’t have disturbed you for a message, except that this one is fairly important. A communiqué from Khendon Sevon with priority encryptions arrived five minutes ago. I just thought you would like to know.”

Vapor chuckled to himself. Only someone like Khendon would have been able to find him, in here of all places. Sitting down at his desk, he brushed aside Kai’s holographic face and opened the message. He began to read, with a curious expression on his face that quickly turned to an amused grin.

“Kai!” Vapor said, as the machine’s face reappeared. “Ready the ship for hyperspace, we’re going to be making a trip.”

“Where to, Vapor?”


Khendon Sevon
Jan 21st, 2002, 07:29:08 PM
Khendon keyed in several mathematical equations and frowned, the power source needed for the project would be grandiose, he would have to employ the latest in technology, luckily, generators with the required outputs were already being produced for his mass produced superiority fighters. With a few nimble movements of his hand, Khendon ordered three of the generators to be hauled from storage, and for the ionization reactors currently in the production room to be removed.

So far the two had produced rough wire sketches of the endoskeleton, wiring, and most other hardware; they hadn’t thought about the exoskeleton or total shape, how could they? The two were so worked up with just searching for the needed technologies and brainstorming new ones that they hadn’t even had time to talk for nearly thirty minutes.

“I think we can start working on the outside form, now that we have most function. The design should be leaning towards stealth and sleekness, but should have an aggressive, terrifying look, don’t you agree?” Khendon stroked his goatee silently waiting for Mark to finish what he was currently working on.