View Full Version : Revolution Calling

Vega Van-Derveld
Jan 12th, 2002, 11:31:45 AM
“Dxun - one of four natural satellites of the planet Onderon, Dxun was the closest to the planet, and the home of the Dxun Devourers and Dxun Beasts. In a precise balance of nature, the Dxun moon orbits extremely close to Onderon on a regular basis. Its orbit is so close that the atmospheres of both bodies begin to mix, allowing the vicious beasts to migrate from the moon to the planet. For this reason, it was known to the Onderonian natives as the "demon moon." At the order of the ancient Jedi Master, Arca, a tomb for Freedon Nadd and his Sith artifacts was built on the Dxun moon of Mandalorian iron.”


The YT-1300 ‘Gavourden’, freshly recovered from the clutches of one Vegaa Van-Derveld, neared the surface of Dxun at a steady speed. It tore across the jaded sky with back burners flaring cyan, angling downwards a little more as it prepared for its descent through the top layer of canopy of the Dxun forest. After a lengthy trip from the TSE HQ, to Helios to assemble supplies, then onto Onderon to re-fuel, the group of Sith had finally come within shooting range of their destination.

Having recently lost his wife to the hands of his own son, Vega was bitter and burdened with larger than normal levels of anger within. Though he had in some aspects already gotten over the lost, and his guilt was no longer near, he still felt pangs of depression. Fleeting thoughts of Gitane came every time he spoke with his children, and even forced themselves into his conscious whilst he was training apprentices. He did have some who could lull his mind into a state of ignorance though – Dara, as always, and more recently Lana had the same effect.

Neither was present on this trip, sadly. But that was not important. What was important was the point of the excursion.

The Sith Lord turned away from the main viewscreen of the ship to look back at the assembled party of his apprentices, and smirked.

“Are you all equipped and ready?”

Xavier Sadow
Jan 12th, 2002, 01:38:48 PM
Xavier raises his head slowly, his long blonde hair falling away from his pale face. He slowly uncrosses his right ankle from his left as he pulls away from his position against the wall. His arms slowly slide away from his chest as he adjusts his trenchcoat slightly.

The young Sith looks to his Master with a slight smile and nods to him slowly in response to his question.

Kennon Chishio
Jan 18th, 2002, 03:36:21 PM
Kennon leans off of the wall of the ship and faces his master. Kennon slowly unfolds his arms and lifts his right hand and tosses back his hood. His blue hair stands on end as soon as the hood falls. Kennon lifts his head and looks at his master.
Yes Master Van Derveld I am ready.
Kennon turns his head and looks at the others who all seem ready and quiet skilled.

Darius Van-Derveld
Jan 20th, 2002, 11:12:19 AM
Darius smirked at the question. How interesting that one such as his father would ask him if he were ready. Had he not already displayed his power when he disposed of his mother?

"I am always ready....father."