View Full Version : Going Home - Bakura

Navaria Tarkin
Jan 12th, 2002, 08:09:40 AM
What goes around comes around....

It was simple belief that karma would take care of everything in time. Such was the case with the Sith Empire. Their hubris had grown so large that deceit within their ranks came to them as a surprise ... and a surprise to the rest of the galaxy. There was a great disturbance in the Force the day the Conclave broke free of the Empire's control and left a wake of destruction to all the planets that were once part of that organization.

When the news hit every corner of the galaxy, whispers of what the Empire would do spread out like wildfire. No one knew for certain what each planet would do or what would happen.

For the Jedi Knight Navaria... all she could think of was home. Bakura. When she was still apart of Dalethria, Navaria had witnessed the destruction and death that was caused by her and the Sith. Now it was her chance.... although a small one, to make what was right. To reclaim her home.

She had aquisitioned an X-wing and left word with the other Jedi what she was going to do. Time was of the essence and if they wanted to join her, there was a set of coordinates where they could meet her in the forest outside the main city of Salis D'aar. If she had to go this alone so be it, but she was hopeful that some of her brothers and sisters would come.

The X-wing had just exited hyperspace not too long ago and what Navaria saw caused her to pause. It was like an asteroid belt of pure metal scrap that surrounded this part of the planet. The shipyards that she vaguely remembered being constructed in its infancy were nothing. The part of her that was optimistic thought that with the coup... almost all the workers on those platforms got out in time.. though the realist knew that to be false.

The Knight prayed silently to the Force to guide those that had died on a safe journey and then navigated her way through the wreckage....

There was nothing on her scopes nor any visual signs of craft in the area. Everything was pulled out of here as was reported. That was good for Navaria and good for Bakura. Hopefully there wouldn't be that many soldiers remaining on the surface that were still loyal to the Empire.

She started her approach vector and wondered again if this was to be a mission to do alone. It did scare her somewhat but the need for justice for her people outweighed any fear. It was her duty as a Jedi and the words of a Jedi she respected so much rang in her ears that helped to subside those fears...

For a Jedi... great things are expected...

And with that in her mind, Navaria entered the atmosphere of Bakura ....

Jan 12th, 2002, 11:44:29 PM
Satine Capashen's vessel, Tolaria, exits hyperspace, just long enough to discharge one of the Dragon Fleet Manufactured Pyro-GX attack craft, bearing one passenger. The black craft (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=10883) glides through the sky, and begins its entry into the atmosphere. Navaria's comm lights up as the ship comes up beside her X-Wing.

"Hello, Jedi Knight Tarkin. This is Sidar Kondo piloting the GX Geisha. Satine Capashen sent me to help you, and wishes to convey his apologies for not being able to come in person with his fleet to supply troops to help out. He is busy taking the system of Zhar. Something about finally having a base for Dragon's Fleet...Care for some help from me?"

Gaeriel Captison
Jan 13th, 2002, 03:00:54 PM
The woman once known as the Prime Minister of Bakura paced inside the windowless room, wondering what sort of hell had transpired outside. There was blaster fire, screams of death and panic and fear. Alot of fear. Gaeriel was no Force user but she could feel that emotion within each scream and order being carried out.

She welcomed it. Finally the Empire was getting what it deserved after taking over her planet and killing her husband.

Ever since the uprising started, they forced her into this room with guards posted outside. They fed her once and she knew by the look in their eyes that something major had happened. Confusion and there was that fear again reflected in those orbs. She had been planning in secret to overthrow the Empire's control for sometime now and the plan was almost carried out once.... (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=7896&highlight=training+in+the+eye) but was pulled back because Dalethria showed up with an Apprentice of hers. It took all her will to talked down her people.

To them it seemed like the right time to strike but Dalethria was a Sith, a Force user, and there were two of them. It was enough for Gaeriel to realize that all their hard work would have been destroyed.

It had been days since whatever happened and Gaeriel was still locked inside these walls with no contact from her people. Something else had to have happened but what? Could it be the Jedi or even the New Republic finally coming to the rescue?

Gaeriel had no answers but deep down, change was to occur...

Tired of pacing and waiting this day, the brunette settled on her bed and waited for that sign.

Jan 13th, 2002, 03:24:34 PM
Cloaked in illusion, Akrabbim traverses the forest in silence, attempting to enter undetected. He had recieved the coordinates of the Jedi meeting point Navaria had given. He had arrived earlier, stowing away on a derelict transport. Hopefully, at least one of the Jedi wouldn't be detected at all. It is always nice to have an ace in the hole.

Drin Kizael
Jan 13th, 2002, 07:18:43 PM

:: Drin Kizael sat in front of a holonet terminal at the Derris IV spaceport, strumming his claws on the desk in frustration. The stubbornness of that woman was unnerving. Doubtless a family trait.

:: When he flew her to Yavin, following their escape from Nydalla, it hardly seemed appropriate or even wise to stay anywhere near the Jedi Order. He could not find the only two people he would want to see, Boaz or Morgan. Feeling his job complete, he took off for the nearest non-Imperial inhabited world.

:: The news reached him two steps off his ship. The coup within the Sith Empire was all anyone could talk about. He immediately thought of Bakura, and placed a transmission to the Academy first chance he got.

:: So here he was, calming techniques instinctively kicking at the unsuprisinng news that Navaria was rocketing headlong to her homeworld.

:: But alone? As foolish as that was, he could not help but think of an old friend and master who would have done the same thing. He was also fully aware that others would follow her, whether for her or the battle. She would be well taken care of. But the Trianii had reasons of his own to involve himself in Bakura's liberation.

:: The Jitarn's Redemption was in hyperspace within the hour.

Navaria Tarkin
Jan 13th, 2002, 09:43:57 PM
A member of the Dragon Fleet? This was surprising since the Jedi was only expecting ... well Jedi. Not that she didn't welcome the help. His transponder check out on her X-wing's readout and Navaria answered back.

:: Sidar Kondo. Of course you are welcomed and I'm glad to hear that Satine did not deploy his fleet here. It will not be necessary. Stealth is the key and a few beings willing to do this. Follow me and keep radio silence unless there is an emergency. ::

She signed off and led Sidor to the rendezvous point. It was a small area that could hold a couple of small craft that Navaria found one day roaming around the nearby forest of Salis D'aar. The curious place you find with your friends when parents tell you no, you can't go there. Navaria had often wondered how this area became cleared of trees. Maybe a smuggler had done this on purpose to do the same thing she was doing, hiding her craft. She did know that before Bakura fell to the Empire, Dalethria herself used this area to hide ... the name of the ship it was on the tip of her tongue ... ah... the Koriolos. Named after the first ship Navaria got a slicer job on.

That was something much more settling to remember then why Bakura was targeted. It was because of hatred. Even for a Sith as Dalethria, she never wanted Bakura to fall. Both of them wanted it to stay free... The anniversary of their mother's death (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=8673&highlight=Bakura) change all that.

Still inside her ship, Navaria calmed her mind and focused her thoughts on the here and now. Such thoughts had to be put aside for distractions would hinder her mission. Locking down the X-Wing, Navaria opened the hatch and pulled out some tarps to cover her craft, making it blend into the foliage

Jan 13th, 2002, 11:31:38 PM
Sidar jumps out of the Pyro, and hits a button on the standard issue wrist-comm, and the fighter craft's skin matches the coloring of the terrain. At Navaria's odd glance, sidar explains in his gravelley voice. "It's a specially modified Pyro. IT has stealth blending."

It was then that Navaria took a good look at her new ally. He was about 6 and a half feet tall, blue skin, and tatoos marking his lineage on his forhead. He had pure black eyes, and white hair, and was heavily muscled.

"So, when do we get started?"

jedimaster skywalker
Jan 14th, 2002, 12:06:44 AM
Luke walks out from a nearby tree and approaches Navaria, "I was wondering if you were going to make it or not."

Navaria Jumps as Luke startles her.

Jan 14th, 2002, 09:46:25 AM
As Luke steps from the tree, Sidar gets into a fighting stance, his blaster into his hand quicker than annormal man could blink. He levelled it at the newcomer, and asks, "This a friend of yours Navaria?"

Navaria Tarkin
Jan 14th, 2002, 03:05:27 PM
She was impressed with Sidor's craft.

"Well, forgive me and my ancient technology."

Navaria said jokingly and was quickly startled at the sound of Luke's voice. She turned around, a hand over her heart.

"If you were going to come with me, why didn't you?"

Her features softened.

"But ... I'm glad you're hear... dramatic self and all. Now..."

Navaria pulled out her sabre and started to move forward.

"... we better get moving... there might be other surprise visitors wishing to help and we need to meet up with them. I'll lead since I know the way like the back of my hand."

It would take about ten to fifteen minutes to reach the rendezvous point and then they could asses what soldiers and equipment were left....

Jan 14th, 2002, 03:11:41 PM
Sidar puts his blaster back into its holster, and unsheaths a no-dachi--a heavy sword that most people had to wield two-handed, but the Metathran could use one handed with no problems. With the other hand, the Officer takes out a lightsabre, built like Satine's black one, and smiles.

"Lead the way Navaria."

Drin Kizael
Jan 15th, 2002, 06:32:49 PM
:: A sense of deju vu swept over Drin Kizael as the starlines broke into pinpoints of distant light outside the viewport. Seeing the wreckage of the shipyard and absense of capital ships in orbit proved a graphic reminder that this chapter in his life had come full circle.

:: It was the crisis on Bakura that forced him onto this path in the first place. Unable to hear more political rhetoric and circular debating, he flew to the besieged world on his own in secret. The mission could barely be called a marginal success, driving home the sad state of the galaxy and the radical imbalance in The Force that existed.

:: He returned to a sight much like the one before him, Dagobah abandoned, the Jedi Order defeated by the hubris of the man they followed. Even upon the news that that man was dead and the Jedi had survived, the point had already been made in his mind. There was no room for him in this new galaxy.

:: Yet here he was, drawn out of his self-imposed isolation once again by the most ironic of messengers.

:: Kizael took the Redemption into the atmosphere and zeroed in on the coordinates provided him by the Order.

Jan 16th, 2002, 06:50:54 PM
Akrabbim follows the group toward their destination, preparing for the assault ahead.

If you wish, I could infiltrate the base when we get there. I can make myself look like a Storm Trooper and walk right in.

Navaria Tarkin
Jan 17th, 2002, 10:37:07 PM
She led the group through the dense forest and was surprised in hearing Akrabbim response.

"You honor me greatly by helping us... your idea is good. Save us a lot of trouble in trying to force our way there. Perhaps we..."

Navaria motioned to Sidar and Luke.

"... could provide the distraction to get you in there?"

It wouldn't be that much further until the forest would open up and Salis D'aar would become visible. Already she could smell familiar scents of the city, and new ones which were caused by the plague of the Empire's occupation.

She could also feel fear and confusion all around her. Seemed that the soldiers were indeed unprepared and left all alone...

Jan 17th, 2002, 10:45:13 PM
"Sure. What kind of diversion would you need? A few thermal detonators exploding in the middle of the troops?"

Navaria looks at Sidar, surprise at the suggestion showing on her face. A few seconds more, and she remembers that this was a trained soldier talking, not a Jedi. The leader of Satine's elite Dragoons, actually, so it shouldn't come as a surprise that the Metathran would suggest such a thing.

Jan 18th, 2002, 12:43:43 AM
The cloaked Jedi's eyes seem to glow slightly in the anticipation of subterfuge. Defeating the enemy without landing a blow is always so... disheartening to the opposition.

Actually, I have in mind something far more subtle. I can create an illusion around one other person as well. What I propose is to go in with another Jedi and infiltrate. Then, we simply take two soldiers and steal their armor. I and my associate wear the armor. They slip into Storm Trooper routines, while I return for another Jedi. We repeat the process until we are all inside.

Then, the real fun starts. One of us "discovers" the downed soldiers. Then, I simply unmask one of the real Storm Troopers, making him look like one of us. As you can tell, chaos will soon overtake the camp. While everyone is pointing fingers, we go to the command center and take it. Misson complete, and we let the troopers do the fighting for us. What do you say?

Jan 18th, 2002, 07:34:57 PM
Sidar cackles in glee.

"Oh, I like..."

Drin Kizael
Jan 18th, 2002, 08:35:41 PM
:: Kizael stood at the edge of the forest, well out of site of anyone in the capital city. The sounds and smells of the riots gnawed at him, but he blocked it out for sake of the larger picture. Helping these people would have to be a coordinated effort.

:: Soon he heard the approaching party. His first reaction was to hide, but he immediately recognized Navaria and the presence of more Jedi.

:: He did not reveal himself immediately, instead listening to the plan being discussed. One of them, not a Jedi, but attuned to the Force in his own way nonetheless, laughed in approval. Indeed the plan was clever ... if they were talking about actual enemy Stormtroopers and not misguided civilians in poorly fitting Stormie armor.

:: As the group drew closer, he stepped out onto the trail, far enough away and cautiously enough to not startle anyone, but as expected, it didn't work entirely.

:: Kizael held out his hand gently in Sidar's direction. "At ease, soldier. I am here to meet Navaria. These are the coordinates I was told to make the rendezvous."

:: The Jedi relaxed his posture and smiled as the woman stepped forward, taking note of the absense of the Padawan braid she wore when they first met.

"I regret missing your well-earned promotion, Navaria. ... Master Skywalker, your reputation preceeds you." He turned to the group at large. "I am Drin Kizael."

"I heard your plan," he said before an awkward silence could set in. "These are confused and frightened sentients whose chain of command has been ripped from under them. We do not want them hurting each other any more than they already have, much less shooting each other for suspicion of being the enemy."

"Our top priority is stopping the violence. Trust me, our mere presence in the middle of the uprising will be enough of a distraction to allow a small group inside."

:: He nodded to Akrabbim. "In fact, your illusion skills would be best used with the infiltration team."

Kat Kariena
Jan 21st, 2002, 11:10:14 PM
Kat sat up in a tree listening and waiting until she saw them aproch, and still she sat up there and listened. Jumping down she landed softly and quietly behind everyone and continued to listen, not saying a word, nor calling attention to the fact that she was there.

Navaria Tarkin
Jan 22nd, 2002, 10:23:25 PM
Drin's approach had startled her. Navaria had not seen the Jedi since their escape from Nydalla. It was an honor to be at his side again for it if were not for this Tranii, her well earned promotion probably would not have happened.

She bowed to Drin.

"The pleasure is mine... thank you for coming. I hadn't foreseen it."

Blaster fire was heard off in the distance and the Knight sighed.

"I don't want anymore of my people being hurt. If indeed the citizens of Salis D'aar are trying to overthrow the rest of the Empire's soldiers... it may well get too chaotic."

Her attention returned to the group and took a step back.


Not even she had heard the Jedi approach the group.

Jan 23rd, 2002, 07:58:20 PM
Sidar sighs, and smiles wryly.

"For a paranoid soldier this is too much. You Jedi type need to stop sneaking in here!"

Kat Kariena
Jan 25th, 2002, 10:58:39 PM
Kat nodded, "Yes. I heard you could use some help. Am I mistaken?"

Jan 26th, 2002, 09:12:04 PM
Akrabbim shakes his head slightly... these men must be defeated quickly, and decisively.

I disagree, Drin. Some of these Stormtroopers will die, regardless of our actions. My plan would allow us to use chaos to our advantage. They will not fire on each other, they will simply distrust each other too much to work as a group. Each soldier will be faced with a simple question... to attack someone and hit a friend in error, or refrain and spare an enemy. Most would opt for refraining, yet keep their guns trained on the man in question. Once the paranoia sweeps them all, we simply step in, and I use one last illusion. It will take all my strength, and I could use the help of another, but it will end the conflict with almost no bloodshed.

My plan is this. We breed paranoia as I previously stated. Then, once no one trusts anyone else, we simply show ourselves, and claim to have infiltrated the entire camp. I, with the help of another Jedi's strength, will create an illusion which makes it appear that the vast majority of the Stormtroopers are Jedi. Any trooper who looks around him will see himself in a group of 20 or so Stormtroopers, and everyone outside that group will appear as Jedi. Except for the truly insane, we will appear to be the vastly superior force. They will lay down their guns, and we can take them. No bloodshed.

Any other fight will result in more death. Why not take the simple way out?

Drin Kizael
Jan 27th, 2002, 06:32:32 PM
:: Kizael raised an eyebrow at Kariena's arrival. He couldn't help but wonder why so many Jedi are compelled to be so mysterious. Akrabbim snapped him out of his musings.

"Very well. No point wasting any more time. Two women and a felinoid won't be bought as stormtroopers, however ... so...

"Navaria, Kat, you're with me. We will quiet ourselves into the palace undetected when Akrabbim's distraction gives us an opening."

:: He turned to the others in the group. "The show is all yours gentlemen. Are we ready?"

Navaria Tarkin
Jan 27th, 2002, 08:04:05 PM
"Very well ..."

She looked to those that were going.

"Be careful though. There will be a lot of citizens trying to overthrow the few remaining soldiers present. Many are friends ..."

It was hard swallowing the lump in her throat. Navaria wondered what greeted her after this was over with. Her face was not of the woman they despised and surely they will attack her on sight. How was she to explain her incredible tale.

Those unpleasant thoughts aside ... what she really was looking forward to was visiting her mother's grave. She hadn't seen it in a long time. Not since the anniversary where Dalethria had come home to Bakura and was rightfully spat on.

She prayed that it was untouched during the occupation...

Kat Kariena
Jan 27th, 2002, 08:35:45 PM
Kat nodded at Drin, "Alright."

She glanced at Navaria, "You going to be alright?"

Jan 28th, 2002, 01:24:43 AM
Concentrating on the image of a Stormtrooper, Akrabbim transforms his appearance. In a muted burst of light and shape, Akrabbim suddenly appears to be an average, standard Imperial issue trooper.

I'm ready. Who am I bringing with me?

Navaria Tarkin
Jan 28th, 2002, 12:45:59 PM
"Yes Kariena."

She put on a smile like a good trooper.

"I'll be better once this is over with."

Akrabbim's little light show stole her attention. It was quite an amazing talent to be able to cast illusions like he could.

"Looks like it will be you and Sidar."

OOC~ I have no idea what happened to Luke =|

Jan 28th, 2002, 08:19:09 PM
"Alright. Any special things about having an illusion cast over me?"

Kat Kariena
Jan 28th, 2002, 08:19:27 PM
Kat nodded, "Understandable."

She watched Akrabbim create his illusion, "Have fun."

Marc Tarkin
Jan 29th, 2002, 12:49:53 AM
Not too long ago Marc had been spending some time at his family’s vacation home. While there he had occupied himself learning more about his sister, now calling herself Dalethria instead of Navaria, and her most interesting new family.

It had been a while since he left Meras, burrowing one of the transports that his family had kept on the planet, It bore neutral markings that made it look as if it were no more than a civilian craft, when in fact it had belonged to a family whose history was rich with Imperial dealings and relationships.

Marc was clothed in normal civilian dress, not wanting to draw any attention to himself as he traveled to Bakura to see his Mother’s grave. He had learned much about his sister’s new life, but one thing he failed to hear of was the fact that their mother’s grave had been moved.

Seeing that he had still heard no assignment details from Mr. Tondry, his commanding officer, he thought his leave from the Imperials was still active and he was free to travel wherever he wished. If Tondry needed him, he would find him, there was no doubt about that.

The approach to Bakura was somewhat disturbing. Its nearby area in space was cluttered with what looked to be debris, but not necessarily battle debris, as he was unable to see the remains of any spacecraft. It was all very curious. There had never been any kind of facility here large enough to create this much debris had there?

It was also strange that he was not contacted when he entered their airspace.

”No one wanting to know what I am doing here? He thought to himself as he piloted the small shuttle to the closest spaceport near where his mother’s grave was supposed to be as far as her knew.

As he flew over a small town near where he was going to set down he noticed that it looked as if there had been some military presence here, though the garb did not look Imperial. In fact the garb looked very much like some that he had seen some of the troops back at the Sith Empire when he was first taken their after the Dagobah mission.

“What the frell?! He said out loud this time as it looked like total chaos had broken out below him.

”I would probably be better off if I don’t land in the spaceport.” He thought, nodding in the affirmative to himself. ”But I will see mother’s grave, no rebellion or whatever the dren is happening down there will stop me.”

His shuttle veered from the course he had been traveling and turned, heading for the woods.

Jan 29th, 2002, 06:37:43 PM
With a gesture of his left hand and similar flash of light, Alpha is covered in a Stormtrooper illusion.

No trouble at all. Let's go.

Drin Kizael
Jan 29th, 2002, 11:30:17 PM
"We will approach as close as we can until your signal. Akrabbim... when you are ready, just think it, and I'll hear you."

:: Kizael gave a slight telepathic nudge to indicate that he had made contact. "May the Force be with you."

:: The three Jedi made their way through the edge of the forest. Soon they found an opening to duck in undetected into the city limits. The streets in some parts of town were all but deserted, the echoes of distant riots sounding that much closer.

:: Kizael quickly stopped at one corner half a kilometer from the palace. "Hold," he whispered. They were close to the entrance of the garrison base, halfway between the remaining Imperial loyalists and the impromptu revolt. A rear guard unit had been stationed, clearly not liking being stuck back here, and far too jumpy to be susceptible to mental command.

"Not long," he whispered with a nod to Kat and Navaria.

Jan 30th, 2002, 12:16:46 AM
Sidar looks at himself, and smiles, his pure black eyes widening somewhat.

"Wow. Nice trick..."

Jan 30th, 2002, 01:03:41 AM
Let us be off, then.

Akrabbim and Alpha head off to the main compound of the base. They wait until no one is specifically looking in their direction and simply walk in. When they reach one of the main buildings, Akrabbim whispers to Alpha.

I need you to grab two Stormtroopers and hold them for a few seconds. That's all the time I need to knock them cold without any damage to their bodies. Can you do that? If so, grab the next two you see alone.

Navaria Tarkin
Jan 30th, 2002, 01:15:26 PM
Navaria nodded and pulled out her lightsabre. She wanted to be ready when Sidar and Akrabbim started the party.

Quieting her mind, her eyes scanned the area, keeping a watchful eye on the soldiers and on the very edge of her senses, the Bakurians that were forcing their way in this direction.

Marc Tarkin
Jan 30th, 2002, 03:57:16 PM
He slowed his airspeed and clipped along just above the tops of the trees hoping he would be able to land undetected by anyone, though it did see that the riotous activities were probably so distracting that a simple looking civilian shuttle wouldn’t catch much attention. But one could never be too careful in what looked to be a hostile area.

He flew for only a few minutes when he stopped and hovered over a small clearing in the trees. The ground below was devoid of any signs of civilization and looked as if it would suit his purposes well.

He landed the shuttle and began to make preparations to depart toward the city on foot. He strapped on a blaster within a chest holster, which he covered with a light jacket and placed a more powerful and longer-range blaster rifle in a duffel type bag that he slung over his shoulder.

Just as he started to step towards the exit of the shuttle, as he reached for the door’s activation switch, he realized something.

“My ring….”

It was the rather large gold ring he wore on his right hand, and emblazoned with a very noticeable Imperial symbol.

”It would probably be best if I tuck this away and not make it obvious what my allegiances are.” He thought.

He tugged off the ring, tucked it into a pocket, and then activated the door. The smell of fires and carnage drifted in quickly. It seemed being even a couple of miles from the nearest town the scent of fighting and unrest had permeated the air, a sign the fighting had been going on for a while.

He stepped off the shuttle and then turned back towards it with a small device in his hand, pressing a button on the device aimed at the craft, he grinned then turned around and headed into the woods, bearing in the direction the town where his mother’s grave was located.

Jan 31st, 2002, 08:32:29 PM
Sidar smiles, and nods, looking around the corner, and seeing two stormies walking towards them. The blue-skinned metathran warrior nods, and as the troops walk past, Sidar grabs them, one in each hand, his muscles bulging as he lifts them off the ground, and brings them closer.

Jan 31st, 2002, 10:22:41 PM
As soon as Alpha grabs the Stormtroopers, Akrabbim lunges toward them. He grabs each trooper by the head, and begins his Force Confusion attack. He floods the men's minds with images, light, sound, color, and pure chaos. To a Force user, accustomed to the myriad of sensations from the Force, this particular attack only dazed. To a normal human, the effect was extreme sensory overload. After a few moments and muffled shouts, the two men go limp in the other Jedi's grasp.

Now, quick, get them into a storeroom and take their armor.

Navaria Tarkin
Jan 31st, 2002, 11:49:32 PM
Navaria glanced down at her chronometer and sighed.

"What's taking so long."

She turned to Drin and Kat, still speaking barely above a whisper.

"You think they ran into trouble?"

Feb 1st, 2002, 09:00:58 AM
Sidar quickly kicks open the storeroom, and takes the armor off the limp soldiers quickly. Finishing, Sidar pops his head out, and tells Akrabbim, "Ok, the armor is off, where do you want it?"

Kat Kariena
Feb 1st, 2002, 12:36:48 PM
Kat shook her head, "If they were in danger we'd know..."

She herself paced back and forth getting a bit restless.

Feb 1st, 2002, 09:20:26 PM
Akrabbim begins donning the armor offered by Alpha.

I want the armor on us. Makes the coming illusions much easier.

*Drin, you ready? Alpha and I are ready to perform the major illusion. When you are in position, notify me. I will then start the chaos. When it reaches the peak, we can step in and accept surrender.*

Feb 3rd, 2002, 10:30:21 AM
Satine shrugs and dons the armor, cinching it in a few places to make it fit.

Marc Tarkin
Feb 3rd, 2002, 01:43:04 PM
His trek through the woods was not quite as uneventful as he had hoped it would be. He was moving quietly through the woods, staying alert of both sight and sounds when he hard what could either be animals or people moving nearby. He took cover in a thicket since the sounds were coming nearer and reached inside his jacket, taking the handle of his blaster in his hand but not removing it yet.

It took a few minutes of waiting and watching before the source of the sounds came into view. It was a group of regular civilians, mostly composed of women and children, being led by a pair of armed men. Marc couldn’t be sure but he assumed that they were refugees of some sort or another looking to escape the riots that he had seen when he flew over the town.

He felt it best to let them pass and not reveal his presence. Doing so would delay his trip, but was the best course of action in this situation, considering his clothes were not an exact match to the tailoring of the ones these civilians wore and he couldn’t be too sure whether or not they would be hostile towards him. Best not to draw any attention to either these refugees or himself.

Drin Kizael
Feb 3rd, 2002, 02:26:43 PM
Kizael stood patiently against the wall of an apartment complex, watching the two humans with him grow restless.

He looked toward the guards down the street when the telepathic message came. *Yes, Akrabbim we are in position. There is a perimeter guard unit between us and the palace. When they respond to your illusion, we're going in.*

He turned to Kat and Navaria. "Go on my signal."

Feb 3rd, 2002, 11:14:53 PM
Now it was time for some theatrics. Akrabbim turns to Alpha, requesting that he follow along. He turns and yells down the corridor.


Akrabbim continues yelling until about half the garrison has converged on the area. He explains what happened... or what they should think happened.

... so then we just came in and found them here. But wait... didn't I see you running the opposite direction just a couple minutes ago?

The startled trooper jumps back a second, then starts protesting.

Well, we can figure this out quickly enough...

Akrabbim quickly grabs the man's helmet, yanking it off him. As he does so, he quickly puts the illusion of a cloaked Jedi's head over the man's real head. The other Stormtroopers react accordingly. He whispers to Alpha...

Now might be the time to head out and let the chaos ensue.

As accusations and threats fly, Akrabbim and Alpha dart away. Akrabbim sends the message to Drin to begin the assault.

Drin Kizael
Feb 4th, 2002, 02:52:53 AM
Kizael's ears turned at the sound of distant commotion. Soon, the stormtrooper guard down the street reacted to a call over their helmet comlinks and disappeared in the direction of the garrison basecamp.

He heard the mental signal. "Assault?" he said aloud.

He arched a curious eyebrow at the telepathic call, feeling the equally confused glances of the women behind him.

Kizael merely shook his head and waved them on. "I know a secure way into the estate. Once inside we must find Prime Minister Captison if she lives."

Gaeriel Captison
Feb 4th, 2002, 02:33:44 PM
Gaeriel woke with a startle as the door to her room slammed opened.


Two blaster rifles were pointed in her direction so she had no choice but to comply. The two soldiers took a side to the side to allow another enter the room.

Like his men, he was dressed in the blues and blacks of the Empire's Army. The name on his uniform was Tanner and the markings her bore were of a Lieutenant.

He gave her the once over and then turned around to leave.

"Bring her along."

She didn't struggle as the two soldiers grabbed her arms and her voice remained calm.

"What's the meaning of this?"

Tanner looked over his shoulder and said nothing as his men led the Prime Minister out of the room.

The first thing that hit her was the alarm. Something serious was going down in order for that to be going off. Most riots were handled without the whole base being under alert and what little she could figure out being under lock and key, there was a small perimeter force keeping the citizens at bay.

Under different circumstances, the change of scenery would actually be a pleasant one, but who knew what they were going to do with her.

Quickly they led her down one of the many hallways of the mansion and Gaeriel realized they were on the second floor by familiarity of the layout ....

It was also quite fortunate that she was to pass by a large enough window to see outside. Troops were running back and forth in a hurry and there were no sign of her people anywhere.

Again the question came again ...

What's going on out there?

Navaria Tarkin
Feb 4th, 2002, 03:25:21 PM
Navaria nodded and started to get up to follow Drin when she doubled over in pain. It came fast and without warning as her abdomen was cramping badly. She couldn't block the pain right away because of the surprise, instead the Knight forced herself to stay quiet as to not give away their positions.

She was on her hands and knees now, sucking in deep breaths as she called upon the Force to quell the pain.

Marc Tarkin
Feb 5th, 2002, 12:06:18 AM
He stayed in the thicket and out of sight for at least fifteen minutes after the group of what seemed to be refugees passed. There had been no other sounds but to be sure, Marc pulled his multi phase binocs out of his pack, and scanned the surrounding area with both IR and movement detection enabled.

He saw nothing and decided that proceeding on his way was safe and would most likely be without incident. He still had about a mile and a half to travel before he would reach the outskirts of the town he was heading for. He would need to stay alert until then, and once there be at least four times more cautious.

”Wish I had known there was some kind of revolt or whatever going on here before I came. It would have been simpler to blend in had I been prepared.”

He thought to himself as he moved silently through the woods.

Kat Kariena
Feb 5th, 2002, 04:42:32 PM
Kat was started by Navaria and knelt beside her, "Are you going to be alright?"

Kat knew they would have to hurry soon, otherwise their confused friends down there would figure out what was going on and they would lose their chance.

Serena Laran
Feb 6th, 2002, 03:38:15 AM
Brevet Vice Admiral Laran sat securely in the command chair of the ISD Kelvin. Under the leadership of Grand Admiral Millard of the Imperial Navy, she had assumed command of the Kelvin and was even now using it as her flagship. Her command group, Seti, pieced together from the Guild Sector Fleet, was on its way to Bakura.

Bakura held interest to the Galactic Empire, as it was rumored that the Sith Empire had withdrawn completely from all of its holdingd due to some sort of inward power struggle. As a result, she was to discover the planet's alignment, whether it was still to the Sith Empire, to itself, or to any other group or faction.

Their long range Arakyd intelligence had its flaws after all. All of their current data on the planet was partially out-dated. Serena tapped her long fingers on her arm rest, and craned her neck back at the tactical officer. He met her gaze uneasily, and then quickly returned to his console where he was undoubtedly going over the latest in tactical warfare.

Hopefully no force would be needed, but Laran was fully prepared for any situation. Invasion Group Seti included, in addition to the ISD Kelvin, the Interdictor Cruiser Resolute, Abolisher Cruiser Tempest, Quasar Fire Carrier Flurry, and the Star Galleons Drysso and Aetriix. It was a small group to be sure, yet adequate to her task.

To the red headed Admiral's left, someone cleared their throat, and Laran turned her attention that direction. "Yes, Ensign?"

"Sir, we are preparing to exit hyperspace near Bakura, moving into a high orbit as you ordered, sir." Serena nodded, and the ensign backed away, heading towards his station.

The Kelvin would enter orbit right away, while the Resolute planted itself in the space lane away from the planet. Nothing would be able to leave Bakura's immediate space once the Interdictor Cruiser powered its gravity wells. For the moment, however, the fleet was only at yellow alert. There could be hostiles in the area, but at the same time, the present government was no doubt recovering from the Sith's iron fist. They could be welcomed with rejoicing in the streets of the captial - yet Vice Admiral Laran allowed herself no time to dwell on fantasies.

The remaining ships were a few minutes behind them, and would join the Kelvin in orbit of the planet.

Laran counted down the clock silently in her head, and then the swirls of hyperspace straightened...became lines..and then the lines separated into separate stars and systems. The planet of Bakura sat before them like a large fruit in the universe, and ripe for the picking.

The comm pinged. "This is the INT Resolute, checking in."

"Welcome to Bakura, Captain McGregor, you know your orders." Laran toggled the comm back.

"Indeed I do, Admiral. Resolute out."

Serena turned to her comm officer, a smallish woman with bad skin. Her name escaped her at the moment. "Get me Prime Minister Captison on the comm immediately, Major. They've spotted us by now, and we need to let them know of our intentions immediately. If there is no Prime Minister left, we need to know that as well." The major nodded ...Kol, Major Kol...., and Serena sat tensely in her chair, her six foot frame folded uncomfortably into a knot of sudden tension.

The remaining four ships would be dropping out of hyperspace just as they recieved back their response from the planet. If they got any sort of response at all. Laran allowed none of her feelings to show on her face, hiding behind a wall of ice and attention to detail.

If nothing else, her performance would be flawless. How Bakura responded was entirely in their own hands.

Drin Kizael
Feb 8th, 2002, 05:40:42 PM
Kizael was confused. They were about to go when an image of a woman flashed in his mind. As if on cue, Navaria inexplicably bent over in pain. He knelt over her, feeling her draw on the Force to ease the pain on instinct. She truly had passed the plateau of Knighthood.

But he knew this was not the cause of his sense of alarm. The image he saw was of a red-haired woman ... in Imperial uniform.

Kizael looked skyward. He could not see anything through the daylight and the clouds, but he knew. He reached out with his senses, racing into the upper atmosphere in his mind's eye.

The Jedi sighed. Here they were in the farthest reaches of the galaxy -- literally a short jump from the starless void beyond its edge -- and still the Empire must make it's presence felt.

He turned back to the more immediate problem facing them. "Navaria, are you alright?"

Navaria Tarkin
Feb 8th, 2002, 11:10:29 PM
There was only one explanation as to why this was happening to her and even then, Navaria couldn't believe it. She could feel it as if it was her having the child ... the pain and emotional stress were vibrant and real. Dalethria was in labor and although they were light years apart, the link that was shared through all the clones was still present.

The pain disappeared completely as Navaria put up her blocks but then something else was happening. Still kneeling on the ground, she looked up at Drin and knew he felt it too. Ships had exited out of hyperspace above Bakura and the Imperial symbol of the Galatic Empire was burned in her minds eye.

"Looks like we aren't the only ones here who wish to help Bakura."

She stood up and sighed.

"The Empire has sent a convoy ... not sure what they want but we need to deal with that later."

Navaria readied her sabre and began stalking forward, looking back long enough to get in one last reply.

"We have to get Gaeriel free."

Gaeriel Captison
Feb 10th, 2002, 11:38:42 PM
Heading down the massive stairway to the first floor, a Sergeant saluted Tanner in which the Lieutenant returned.

"At ease, soldier."

The two men behind Gaeriel stepped to her side so she was within reach. She merely stood attentive to what was going on, not even flinching in the least.

The Sergeant fell back and nodded.

"Sir, there's an incoming transmission from space."

A look of hope crossed Tanner's eyes.

"The Empire?"

His subordinate only wished that it was indeed the Sith Empire.

"No, sir. It's the Galactic Empire and they demand to speak to the Prime Minister."

"Is that right?"

Tanner turned around and glared at Gaeriel through small slits.

"Isn't that convenient."

He returned back to his men.

"I find it odd that they decide to show up during all this confusion. Wouldn't surprise me in the least if they had a hand in what happened.

Continue radio silence as General Deier ordered. The only transmissions we're waiting for is from the Sith. If they decide to land troops ... we'll deal with that later. Dismissed."

Tanner watched the Sergeant salute once more and run off. He had no idea what was going on outside but orders were orders. It didn't matter that the man who gave them could no longer utter them. Duty demanded it.

"Alright, Ms. Captison. Get moving."

Given a look to each soldier beside her, signaled them to start moving again. Having the Prime Minister was the only card that they had and Tanner would be damned loosing that. If it came down to using her as a tool for negotiation then so be it ... He would never surrender. Never would he wish punishment from the Sith on anyone. He'd take death any day ... But that is if they got here in time .... if they were coming at all ...

In Gaeriel's mind, possibilities were being mulled over. One bad seed was being replaced with another now that the Galactic Empire was here. But was it really? Perhaps these oppressors could be brought down with the Empire's help. It would leave her in a bind later but at least there was hope. What didn't make sense is that from what see was able to observe ... the Galactic Empire being here was a surprise. What was happening outside started before Tanner knew of their arrival.

Unless it was a small force sent by the Empire to cause chaos and confusion ... but that didn't jive with their usual tactics. No ... it had to be something else out there ...

She walked obediently to wherever they were taken her, trying to mull over the best course of action. Deep inside, Gaeriel knew that Bakura's future was at stake here and she needed to be ready.

Serena Laran
Feb 11th, 2002, 04:12:19 AM
Kol looked up from her station, and shook her head. "There is no answer, Admiral."

Serena stood, and paced to the woman, leaning on the back of her chair and looking at the console. "Try again. Perhaps they are having communication problems."

"Our scans have not discovered any missing satelites in the communication grid -"

"Major. Send the transmission again." Laran's voice dropped a few degrees, and the stumpy woman quickly obeyed.

Major Kol looked up again after a minute. "Admiral, they aren't responding."

An ensign spoke up, "Sir, remaining ships have entered real space and are moving into their positions."

The six foot tall Admiral returned to the command chair, and sat lightly on it. "Send our hail again, on all known diplomatic and political channels. Keep the invasion group at yellow alert, and make sure those Star Galleons stay behind the Resolute. I do not want our supplies to get torched if things get ugly. Keep continuous scans of the capital and the surrounding areas, I want to know if anything bigger than a sparrow gets into the air. Lieutenant," she turned to an older man in an immaculately pressed grey uniform, "Prepare a small landing party. Take only as many as you need to protect yourselves, I don't need stormtroopers overflowing the streets of the capital."

Lieutenant Faust saluted smartly, his fingers barely touching his hair. "Certainly, Admiral."

Serena steepled her long fingers beneath her chin and prepared to wait...but not for too long.

Marc Tarkin
Feb 11th, 2002, 05:01:36 AM
His trip through the woods had been progressing uneventfully for several hours now when suddenly the silence was disturbed by a beeping sound.

”Frelling Dren!" He mentally cursed.

Reaching into his pocket, he withdrew the device he had pointed at his shuttle earlier and pressed a button on its surface. He didn’t take the time to look at its display because he was too worried the sound it had made may have alerted someone in the area that they were not alone. That is, if there was anyone else in these woods. His last contact with people was the near miss with the group of refugees.

Blue eyes scanned the surrounding woods as he stood still and silent, looking and listening carefully. He saw and heard nothing, but that wasn’t comforting enough. If some of ones the refugees were fleeing from had happened to be following and were close enough to hear the unexpected sound that had just come from his pocket, they surely wouldn’t give themselves away as they came to investigate. No one would be that stupid.

"Why didn’t I set it on silent mode?" …passed through his mind as he crouched low near a felled tree. The lightening scorched surface of it not providing too much in the way of camouflage, but at least he wasn’t standing prone and visible.

Marc decided that all was clear enough for the moment that he could at least look at why the thing had gone off. He raised his hand in front of his face and saw the text warning scrolling by. His shuttle was receiving a standard hail from an Imperial signal. Was it meant for him?

A few quick keystrokes and he was now receiving the message in text form on the display. Now he knew the message wasn’t for him, but for Bakura’s government.

"Probably coming in to clean up this little uprising or whatever the frell is going on here." He thought, letting his eyes wander around his immediate area again, still unsure if there may be danger waiting to leap out at him from the woods.

He didn’t want to risk voice communications, and he wasn’t even sure he should attempt text communication with all that was going on around here. He was a soldier on leave and really shouldn’t be in the middle of a conflict between the natives of this planet, but the Imperials being here made the situation entirely different.

He decided to follow his sense of duty and let them know there was a friendly on the ground. He would send a brief text message, routing the signal through his transport, in hopes that if anyone were spying on communications it would lead them to it instead of himself. He typed slowly, still looking up every once in a while.

<font face=arial color=teal>Off duty Imperial operative planetside. Personal craft location: Thirty clicks outside capital……Mjr. M. Tarkin.</font>

Feb 19th, 2002, 06:36:13 PM
Once Alpha and Akrabbim reach a relatively safe location, Akrabbim sits and begins the final illusion.

Alpha... I'm going to need your help on this. I need you to lend me your strength. This large of an illusion will not be easy.

Akrabbim concentrates, reaching out to the minds of the soldiers. Each soldier sees Jedi all around. The resulting confusion is extreme. Accusations fly more and more, trust falling apart. Each man is confused, wondering whether to shoot the apparent Jedi or ignore it as a trick.

"Drin, strike now! If you can get here soon, you may be able to take the garrison with minimal casualties. Attack before they see through the ruse!"

Feb 19th, 2002, 10:29:23 PM
Satine strengthens the illusion wiht his own powers, adding the image of himself in the Jedi illusions, flames surrounding him. He smiles a bit as this illicits screams of terror from one or two of the troops.

Serena Laran
Feb 20th, 2002, 03:22:33 AM
Off duty Imperial operative planetside. Personal craft location: Thirty clicks outside capital_Mjr. M. Tarkin_

Serena studied the message over the shoulder of Major Kol, and straightened slowly. Tarkin was a familiar name, and she had heard there was a grandson of the infamous Grand Moff in the Empire still. She had never met the man, but did not doubt his existance.

Kol was looking up at her, a slightly inquisitive expression on her face. Laran looked down, impatiently, and took a moment to make her decisions. "Send a reply on the same frequency, text only." If he had a reason to send only text, then we'll respect his situation, and do the same. "We are determining our course of action, and need accurate planetside information. Consider yourself recalled to active duty, Major. I am sending a task force down to the planet. Captison will not answer hails. V.Admiral Laran."

Kol typed the message as quickly as Laran voiced it, and encrypted it as per current Imperial protocols. With another tap on the console, the tight band transmission was away. The Vice Admiral stood back, and waited for Lt. Faust to report from the shuttle bay, and for Major Tarkin's response, if there was one.

Drin Kizael
Feb 20th, 2002, 06:07:40 PM
Kizael, Navaria, and Kariena had made their way through the outer gates and were on the grounds when the next mental signal came. The estate were almost devoid of Loyalist guards, but they could see a swarm of activity inside the mansion.

"They most likely have the Prime Minister locked in her quarters, but they may have moved her with the revolt happening on their doorstep." The felinoid looked to the other two, indicating that the mission had reached a critical point in his tone.

"You two make your way to the master bedroom. The most secure passage is by those stairs and up through the east wing." Kizael pointed to the door, wondering if they would start wondering how he knew so much about these grounds.

"I will sweep the administrative offices and the reception hall. Signal Akrabbim when you find her. Once we do, she will be able to stop this uprising far more efficiently than we could."

He turned to go, checking his lightsabre's accessibility. "May the Force be with you."

OOC: Akrabbim, Alpha ... you guys might want to rethink your posts. Satine isn't on Bakura. Sidar is. Remember? :)

Kat Kariena
Feb 23rd, 2002, 10:52:43 PM
OOC: oye, I need to check this board more often x.x

Kat nodded and ran off towards the door, the feline Jedi had indicated.

OOC: there... now it's a little better x.x

Drin Kizael
Mar 5th, 2002, 10:22:30 PM
The three Jedi inside the estate made their way across the grounds with no interference thanks to the clamour going on within the garrison. They approached a side entrance, where finally they were forced to face a contingent of four guards.

Kizael strode right down the center of the walkway, waving to Navaria and Kat. "Follow me," he said casually.

Four carbines were immediately raised in greeting. Drin held his hands out wide in a peaceful gesture.

"We have gone to great lengths to ensure our intervention here be without bloodshed. Please don't jeopardize that trend."

The emotional spike was subtle, but clear. One of them clicked on his helmet comlink, but before he could get anything out, he flew from his feet, head rattling from its impact with the duracrete wall. The other three reacted just as abrubtly and opened fire.

Kizael's arms became a blur, whirling to intercept the crimnson bolts within his wide reach. Energy splashed against his hands and arms, stopping as the Imperial loyalists began to wish they had accepted the giant felinoid's offer.

The Jedi flipped back his cloak, producing a lightsabre. It flared to life with the expected snap-hiss, but the unnerving sound was drawn out as the blade grew to almost 3 meters.

Kizael barred his teeth, exposing his fierce canines. The vineyard farmers in Stormtrooper armor needed no more encouragement. They turned to run, but before they could get 2 steps, they were knocked out by a sharp rattling of their own helmets.

The lightsabre closed down as he pulled a keycard from one of the fallen guards. "You two check the master bedroom and the rest of that wing. I'll take the servants quarters and administrative offices. Check in periodically." And with that, he opened the door.

Marc Tarkin
Mar 13th, 2002, 03:44:44 PM
The reply he received wasn’t much of a surprise. He had a duty and that was his reason for sending the Imperials a message in the first place. He responded to the message sent via the same means as the first.

<font face=arial color=teal>Aye Admiral. From what I have seen there appears to be a revolution between civilians and what appear to be Sith Empire troops, though I saw no signs of Sith themselves in my fly by. My current position does not lend itself well to provide any further information, but I am making my way towards the town where Captison’s offices are and will give you an update on the situation as soon as I am able. Tarkin out.</font>

He wasn’t certain if there would be a response or not, but according to his current standing orders and what he had said, he needed to try and make better time through the forest, but the issue of remaining alive in a hostile environment was still something he had to consider. He looked like a civilian, but the fact that he was not fleeing away from the conflict but towards it made his predicament dangerous. He would remain cautious, but try to move faster.

Serena Laran
Mar 14th, 2002, 02:26:02 AM
Lt. Faust stood outside the Sentinel class landing craft, one of many shuttles and support ships docked in the aft docking bay of the ISD Kelvin. He checked his chrono as the last of the troopers climbed into the shuttle. Three squads of soldiers, six speederbikes in the cargo hold, and five crew members for the shuttle Delirious. Adding him as command of the op, that made thirty three individuals going down to the surface.

It didn't seem like enough troops. The Sentinel class shuttles could hold a full six squads, and their armour and weapons capabilities made them suitable landing craft. Of course, they could simply send down all the AT-AT and AT-ST walkers in the Kelvin...

Faust stood up straighter and activated a hololink to the bridge. "Admiral, the Delirious is manned and ready to deploy at your command." She wanted to be covert, they would be covert.

Serena Laran allowed a slight smile to touch her lips at the Lieutenant's words, and then replied. "Very good, Lt. Faust. Take your landing party out when you recieve clearance. Major Tarkin is heading towards the capital. Apparently there is a rebellion of sorts between the citizens of Bakura and troops of the Sith Empire, but no sign of the Sith themselves. Try to assertain the situation, and get back to me as soon as possible."

She paused, then continued, "Get in touch with Tarkin, of course. And find the Prime Minister. Laran out." She reached over and flipped off the hololink.

Minutes later she watched the shuttle arc towards the planets surface, landing in the forests near the capital, but not too near. She steepled her fingers beneath her chin, and waited.

Navaria Tarkin
Mar 17th, 2002, 03:30:15 PM
And she was off even before Kizael finished his sentence, taking the key card as she passed him by. Her concern for Gaeriel was strong but the loyalist still here most likely would not have harmed her. The Prime Minister was a valuable asset for negociating... Which is why the Jedi had to find her quickly to quell the fighting outside.

Navaria remmbered this place quite vividly as she rounded the corner to the back entrance near the patio. On the edge of her senses two guards were heading her way. No more then a whisper of her cloak was heard on the winds as the Knight stopped; completely stopped. She denied herself the air she needed as the tall well kept bushes obsurced her body from view.

Opening her mind to the Force, Navaria found the two loyalists heading her way. They had come to investigate the sounds of battle in front; wondering what had happened to their comrades since they could not communicate to them over their comms. She could feel their concern and she could also feel fear. Fear for being left behind by the Empire and the ever simplistic yet real fear for their lives. It was impossible to tell what was happening but being soilders they were ready to lay down their lives for the orders given to them.

Reaching out with her thoughts, such emotions inside them became nothing more then a dream as both guards fell into a deep slumber as their bodies slumped to the ground unharmed.

Navaria stirred to life once again and removed the guards weapons and removed the power pack, rendering them useless. She tossed them into the bushes and continued to make her way around back without any opposition....

Mar 25th, 2002, 07:56:53 PM
Sidar smiles as the objective of distracting the stormies was accomplished, and then he hears a beep on his comm. Ducking into the Shadows, the soldier looks at the message, and curses silently. Sensors on his Pyro said a few stormtroopers were in the forest, probably heading for the capital. He should stop them to give his friends a chance to get in to the Prime Minister.

But how... Sidar thinks, looking around, and seeing an old motorcycle. Running towards it, the Metathran grins, and jumps on, hotwiring it quickly, and gunning the engine. He zips off at a fast pace, and heads for the stormtroopers' location, taking out the large mini-cannon from his back.

Serena Laran
Mar 26th, 2002, 02:44:36 AM
Lt. Faust stood on the soil of Bakura, and inhaled the spicy forest air. Alien planet. Would'nt be surprised if a few Ssi-rruk paid this place a visit again. The Imperium had not yet ventured back into Bakuran space, chosing to remain withing the boundries of its own systems on the outskirts of the galaxy.

He shuddered as the three squads spread out and began making the shuttle secure. It was said that the explorers who tried to map Imperium space never came back. Probably fueling some of the lizards' damn technocrap. He put his macrobinoculars to his eyes and scanned the area.

Three groups of nine troopers each faced him. The Delirious was covered with a camo sheet, and covered with branches. Four troopers had even pushed a tree over, toppling the vegetation onto the shuttle. Faust could barely see it, and he knew where to look. Inside were the five crew members, awaiting the signal to pick up the team.

Hopefully they wouldn't need a quick extraction, but stranger things had happened. Faust turned to the men, each one out of standard trooper forest gear. The shiny white armour was really not appropriate for sneaking about in the forest, and would not help them to blend into the citizens of Bakura once they reached the capitol.

"Remember men, the Admiral wants us to be silent and swift. Our Major Tarkin should be about two klicks in that direction, heading towards the city. We'll meet him halfway there. You know your orders. Now, move out." Faust fastened the binocs to his beltpack and took the initiative, the three squads fanning out behind him. One squad ran ahead, scouting their route, and one fell behind, covering their back trail.

The Lieutenant stayed with the third squad in the middle, each alert to their surroundings. These were all professionals, the best of the best in his command, and they knew what they were doing. Clothed in green fatigues, not unlike those the Rebels had worn during the battle on the forest moon of Endor, their faces painted with black and green oilbased face paint, the Imperial troopers blended into the surrounding like ghosts.

Blaster rifle held in his hand, Faust held up his hand, as a trooper ahead signaled him before crouching into a thicket. Behind the lieutenant, the remaining two squads disappeared into the thick underbrush. He ducked down as well, beginning to hear the familiar whine of a speeder bike.

Looks like we've got company. Was it Tarkin? Or someone else? One way to find out. They would wait.

Mar 26th, 2002, 08:09:14 AM
Sidar moves his bike around the forest with ease, looking for the troopers that his ship's sensors had reported in the area. They had to be here somewhere, and the Dragon Fleet General was going to find them...It was just a matter of time...

{OOC:Sorry bout that! I hadn't realized they weren't wearing armor. I just had noticed that snetence about how it wouldn't help, and I still thought they were wearing the stuff. That's what I get for not being fully awake! sorry. :)}

Drin Kizael
Apr 11th, 2002, 03:39:46 PM
Kizael padded swiftly and silently through the halls of the capitol mansion. The halls were almost barren due to the chaos outside, but the few guards posted inside were wary since the alarm was triggered in the garrison base just beyond the gates.

Searching both floors of the administration wing proved fruitless. The Jedi paused, frustration creeping in around the edges of his consciousness. At last he came to a restricted corridor where two guards stood with weapons ready.

Kizael cracked his neck with a tilt of his head and marched purposefully around the corner. Blasters came to bear on the Trianii walking casually down the middle of the hall, who replied to the motion with the snap-hiss of a lightsabre.

Two crimnson bolts flashed across the expanse of the floor, but to the Jedi they crept toward him like slow pitches in laser ball little league. Kizael batted them aside with a sweep up his sunset gold blade, aiming the bolts at the wall barely a meter from their heads.

"Where is the Prime Minister?" he growled.

One guard found the nerve to stammer out, "She's not the one in charge here anymore. Go home, Jedi."

Drin continued to walk forward, sighing. "Don't make me do it."

The guards looked at him quizzically. Kizael raised his hand and started to wave it sideways, "You will tell--"

"Alright, alright," the other guard blurted out. The first one glared at him. "She's not worth having our minds invaded. I'm sick of this Force drek."

Any retort was cut off when an orange and white fist slammed into the man's skull. Kizael looked down at the smart one. "Where is she?"

Navaria Tarkin
Apr 15th, 2002, 11:54:30 AM
The guard at the back entrance was easy to take care of. A simple thought and he too had fallen asleep and was unharmed. It was mere child's play to open the door with the key card and sneak inside.

Navaria's awareness would be her guide in avoiding any confrontations. Any twinge of thoughts or emotions would be her signal. It worked quite well. She rounded the corner and moved towards the stairs, just as three soldiers missed her on their patrol pattern.

Getting up the stairs was going to be a bit difficult as she peeked around the corner. They were to her left but there were also two guards stationed there. Hardly any other soldiers were here. Probably too busy trying to figure out what in the Force is going on out there.

Gripping her sabre, Navaria stepped out of hiding and walked forward purposely.

Instantly guns were trained on her.

"Don't make me do this the hard way. Just ..."

Shots were fired and her lightsabre came to life; easily blocking the blaster bolts. It didn't slow Navaria down for she still advanced much to the guards surprise.

Shots started to go wild since the Jedi was too fast and agile for them.

In one fell swoop, the blue blade sliced the blaster rifles in two. Navaria extended her hand outwards and caused the men to fly backwards into the wall.

They were stunned from the impact and in a blur, Navaria ran up the stairs and headed straight for the main bedroom. It was one of a few places that the Prime Minister could be held.

The memories of walking these walls as Dalethria came back to her and it only took seconds to find herself outside the master bedroom. Oddly enough, no one followed her but that didn't mean they wouldn't be soon.

The Force told her that no one was inside but it also told her that two guards were behind her. She sighed and made her way inside the bedroom, locking the door behind her.

It wasn't the most sturdy lock so if the guards really want to get at her, they would.

Inside the room, everything was neat and pristine. It was like no one had lived inside here for quite sometime.

Footfalls were getting close behind her and Navaria decided to avoid anymore confrontations as she spotted a window.


She called the Jedi Master through the Force.

Gaeriel is not in the bedroom. I'm heading back outside. Let me know if you need me.

What a surprise the window was locked as Navaria tried to key it open. She used a password to override such a simple device and crawled out the window.

It was only a one story drop. Controlling her fall with the Force, Navaria landed deftly on the ground and disappeared behind the mansion once more ...

Gaeriel Captison
Apr 15th, 2002, 09:45:30 PM
They had taken her to the main office that Tanner had converted to a make shift war room since the rebellions started. It actually pained Gaeriel deeply that her own office was now a place for military strategy.

A place that planned death instead of the peace that she had brought to her people... As snatched away in a heartbeat because of self serving Sith that had no business being here anyway.

Which is why they left. They weren't coming back but Tanner was delusional. Even now, as Gaeriel sat across from her own desk, that the Lieutenant now occupied, his own belief that his people would be rescued burned into those hardened eyes.

His people were tired but loyal, and it was that loyalty that was going to get them all killed.

"You do realize, Lieutenant, that the Empire doesn't care about you. If you don't comply with their demands, they will kill you all. Is that what you really want?"

Tanner watch as some heads turned inside the office. He knew what the bitch was trying to pull.

"We die. You die. It's that simple. Even the Empire isn't foolish enough to loose you. They need you to keep the citizens in line here. Just like the Sith knew it."

"Yes, the wise and powerful Sith that abandoned you. Let's bring them into the discussion as well since you know they aren't coming back."

It was subtle, but Gaeriel saw that eye twitch of his. Nerve struck.

"You are all alone out here in the Outer Rim."

His thick eyebrows tightened together.

"Even if what you say is true... There is another dictator coming in to take over this worthless planet anyway. Either way you loose, Ms. Captison."

"My people will endure as they have under the Sith's rule and they will so under the Empire's if it comes to that."

She leaned forward with her jaw set defiantly.

"We will survive ... I'm not so sure about your chances ..."

Marc Tarkin
Apr 23rd, 2002, 11:17:11 PM
He was getting closer to arrival in the capital city of Bakura. His only standing orders were that he was recalled to active duty and that an Imperial Task force was coming down to assess the situation on the planet. He was left to assume that he was to meet them either at the capitol or en route.

Now with a strong sense of urgency Marc moved quickly through the woods. His blue jacket not providing the least bit of camouflage and his increased pace not providing much in the way of discretion. He would have to rely on his military training if he were spotted and considered an enemy by anyone else who might be in the woods.

About a click away from the city he thought he could hear the whine of speeder bike engines off to the west, but they did not seem to be getting louder. Their volume remained relatively constant and level off in the distance. His trek went on uneventful in the way of running across any hostiles. He only saw a few of what appeared to be civilian refugees fleeing in the opposite direction he was traveling. He assumed them as refugees seeing that they were compromised of mostly women and children, not armed for battle.

He thought to himself as he slowed and krept upon the waning edge of the forest and could see the outskirts of town ahead. ”No sign of any Imperials as of yet. I should probably see if I can make it to the capital mansion and ascertain what has become of Captison.”

As stealthily as possible he emerged from the woods and made his way quickly while crouching low towards the nearest building he could find, He had his hand blaster drawn but kept it under his jacket, hoping that he would not be too appealing a target for any trigger happy civilians or Sith Empire personnel.

Serena Laran
Apr 30th, 2002, 01:29:24 AM
The speeder had whizzed by the squads, and the men had quickly gotten back on track, trying to make up for lost time.

Except that the speeder was coming back.

Faust cursed softly, and aimed at the righ engine, blowing a hole in the casing with his silenced blaster. The sooner this disturbance was taken care of, the sooner he could get his report on the city up to the Admiral.

If he didn't report in, she would send more troops. Something that he highly doubted anyone would want. Well, except for the Diktat.

Drin Kizael
May 2nd, 2002, 07:00:50 PM
A squadron of guards, hand-picked soldiers who had proven their loyalty, filed into the hall.

They moved with urgency once word of the security breech reached them. One by one the men took up positions along the narrow corridor, seeking cover along the walls and aiming their blasters nervously at the white blast door several meters down.

The sound of wrenching metal echoed from beyond the door, testing the resolve of many of the men as they looked about hesitantly. Soon an uneasy silence settled, but the door did not move.

Suddenly sparks erupted from the door and descended as blinding energy sliced through the durasteel plating.

Crimnson bolts lit the corridor as the door was blasted away from the outside. The return fire from the still-smokey entrance was immediate, cutting down two guards in the first wave.

Drin Kizael broke through the smoke, sunset-gold lightsabre weaving a figure 8 energy trail. Blaster fire riccocheted in every direction off the spinning blade, shattering windows and furniture in the hallway outside the Prime Minister's office.

"Enough!" the Jedi growled, waving his hand in an upward swing down the middle of the enemy. With that, an unseen force ripped through the guards, tumbling several bodily to the floor and flinging the blasters of every one from their hands.

Having used the energy absorbed by the first volley of blasters to accomplish the feat, the massive felinoid did not even appear taxed.

"Until now," he roared. "I have dealt with misguided farmers following orders, and treated them with appropriate restraint. You, on the other hand, have no such claim in your defense." He puncuated the statement by looking deliberately at one of the men shot in the fray.

One loyalist moved as if to charge. Kizael just turned his gaze with a low, gutteral growl. Any fight left could almost be seen seeping out of him.

Drin strode purposely down the corridor, veering his course toward a guard with apparant rank. Never missing a step, the Trianii scooped him up by the back of his collar and continued into the reception area. The man was dropped uncerimoniously in front of the key console of a wide set of double doors.

Needing no further prompting, he fumbled with the code and unlocked the door.

Kizael burst in before the sliding doors were completely open, slamming Lt. Tanner into a wall across the room with a gesture. The remaining TSE loyalists found themselves holding half a blaster before they knew what happened.

"Madame Prime Minister," the felinoid said with a disarmingly gentle voice. "I trust you are well."

Gaeriel Captison
May 19th, 2002, 02:07:15 PM
With what she had just witnessed, Gaeriel had to question her own sanity. The last few weeks have been so tiring and draining that what she saw could be classified as a delusion.

Yet, it was no delusion.

It didn't take long for the Prime Minister to recognize Drin Kizael. Needless to say, a very tall and large Trianni Jedi was something you didn't quite forget. it was a sight for weary eyes.

One year ago, this nobel and brave soul came to Bakura. His only purpose was to slow the Sith that had recently taken up residence here. His plan was to destroy the shipyards that were newly being constructed. Alas, Drin was only partially successful but his presence here did more then just physical damage.

Before leaving to complete his dangerous mission, Drin had met Gaeriel briefly, along with some of her own people. The mere sight of this impressive looking Jedi filled her people with hope. It was at that moment that they all realized that there were still some in this insane galaxy that did care.

Now ... they had come back. Including Drin.

With renewed strength, Gaeriel rose from the chair where she had been held as a prisoner, and stood before Drin. She was very small standing next to the great Trianni but what he possessed in physical power, her will was just as unbreakable.

"Drin ..."

She began, truly smiling for the first time in months, not caring that the soldiers in the room were still in shock with what just happened.

".. yes, I'm well. Now that you are here."

More soldiers yelling could be heard from outside. She caught the unconscious form of Lt. Tanner and then addressed the remaining guards.

"I offer the chance to side with us once more. I warned you that no good would come if you continued to hold me prisoner. The Empire's intentions are still unknown at this time but I promise you, Bakura will be free..."

She opened her arms in a welcoming gesture.

"I am offering you to be part of that new found freedom.... If you help us..."

Drin Kizael
May 19th, 2002, 03:31:21 PM
"The Empire's intentions?"

Drin Kizael stood near the window, keeping a cautious eye on the wavering loyalists as the Prime Minister addressed them. Her words caught him off guard even more than the two soldiers.

The Jedi closed his eyes, stretching out across the endless expanse of the Force. The view of the open sky raced past his mind's eye. Clouds gave way to the upper atmosphere, then space, where a formation of dagger-shaped capital ships stood out against the backdrop of stars.

The image raced back down toward the planet's surface, stopping at the site of a skirmish in the forest. He saw a squadron of Imperial commandos advancing into the city limits,

Thankfully, Sidar Kondo had delayed them enough for the rescue to be completed as it had. But Kizael's fellow Jedi were out there, unaware of the arrival of the Galactic Empire.

"Navaria..." he telepathically called out. "We have uninvited guests."

Serena Laran
May 22nd, 2002, 01:17:18 AM
ooc: for the purpose of continuing on, I am just going to assume that Sidar was knocked unconscious by the speeder crash and left for dead by the Imps. /ic:

Lt. Faust eyed the road through macrobinoculars, and then waved his troops onward. Using the road was risky, but there didn't seem to be any traffic on it. And the sooner they got to the capital the better. The distraction with the speeder patrol had probably cost them the element of surprise, and Mjr. Tarkin was most likely already in the outskirts of the city.

The group of camo troopers reached the edge of the forest near the road, and emerged from the brush with little to no noise. Faust activated a commlink, hailing Tarkin. If he was inside, he could give them information about where to best punch through into the capital building itself.

The three squads of troopers jogged forward as one, and Faust tapped up a text message for the Major.

Mjr Tarkin, task force is nearing the outskirts. Current coordinates 129-218, N-NW. Advis_ Frell! His finger pushed send before he realized it, and Faust cursed again silently as his troops melted into the woods.

There were life forms ahead, apparently moving towards the city, and away from what appeared to be a guard outpost. Faust's nose twitched. Ozone. He scowled.

Jedi, here? It didn't make sense. But since when did anything have to make sense? Perhaps they were Sith from the Empire. He quickly sent off a message to the Admiral onboard the Kelvin as his troops moved quietly towards the small band of beings.

Serena clasped her hands behind her back as Major Kol handed her a flimsy. "Lt. Faust sent this a few seconds ago. No holo or audio, text only." The Admiral dismissed the smaller woman with an icy stare, and then read the flimsy.

I have detected the presence of at least one Jedi on the surface of Bakura. If the NR has interests here, it will make things interesting. If they are not working with the NR, and if they are not Jedi, but Sith, this will make things very interesting. TSE may still have a very strong presence here.

I have yet to reach Major Tarkin or the Prime Minister. My investigation continues. Faust out.

Vice Admiral Laran crumpled the flimsy in her pale fist, and sat in her chair, focusing her attention on the green/blue planet in the viewscreen.

Marc Tarkin
May 22nd, 2002, 08:21:06 AM
He was positioned near a small grove of trees and bushes and could now see the capital mansion. Things actually looked relatively quiet here, more so than he had initially expected considering the skirmishes that he had negotiated his way around en route here. The case being as such, he decided to try to approach the building and gain entry if possible.

He stepped away from the trees and began to walk as casually as possible, as if he were completely comfortable and like he belonged. As he approached the main doors and the guards positioned there, the comm. device in his jacket pocket began to vibrate, but now was not the best time to check what had been sent. He kept his head up and eyes forward on the guards except for but a brief moment in which he turned and saw a most peculiar alien looking out one of the windows.

What the frell is a Trianni doing here? He thought to himself trying to keep the look of confusion from appearing on his face as he got closer and closer to the main doors. Bakura wasn’t typically visited by too many alien species, and Trianni were especially rare in this sector.

He arrived and was stopped outside the main doors where the guards asked for his identification and business at the capital building. His reply came.

“My name is Marcus Ranwel, I am here on a diplomatic envoy from the sector of Lillagranda. The rest of my entourage was split and separated from me as we made our way through the city. I have business with the Prime Minister concerning assistance in this conflict that is taking place here.”

He was lying through his teeth, but figured that with the confusion of the ensuing rebellion, his attire, and the overall tension that he might just pull this off, and at least gain some covert intelligence regarding the political situation here.

Navaria Tarkin
May 26th, 2002, 07:45:11 PM
She made her way around to the front of the mansion, keeping her senses open for possible guards or any beings in the area. Most where distracted with civilians or the other Jedi that were causing them a bit of ... trouble.

There was something in the Force that was trying to warn her ... or tell her, that something important was happening.

Still using the surrounding bushes for cover, Navaria turned the corner and took in what was going on.

She could see two guards at the front doors were speaking to a human male. Navaria was able to hear some of the conversation and felt no danger from them.

The Jedi started to make her move to get in the clear when she did a double take.

That man...

Navaria sunk back into the bushes and narrowed her eyes at him. Whatever the Force was trying to tell her now was blaring in her mind. He should be familiar to her but ... Navaria didn't know how....

She opened herself up further to the Force....

Navaria... We have uninvited guests.

It was Drin and she visibly pouted.

I'm near the front entrance. Someone is here claiming to be a diplomat of some kind but I don't see anyone else.

Drin Kizael
May 28th, 2002, 03:07:59 PM
Kizael looked back out the window, down at the tense meeting at the front doors of the mansion. He got the impression that whatever the newcomer was trying to sell the guards, they weren't buying.

He made eye contact with the human and held it for half a second. He realized how odd the sight must be, a lone Trianii in the mansion literally on the opposite side of the galaxy as his home. Though the stranger's visible reaction was suppressed as only a professional could, Kizael smirked.... Imperial.

"Madam Captison, we must get you to a communications center. The people have to know you are back in charge."

Serena Laran
Jun 14th, 2002, 01:28:38 AM
Serena sat tensely in her seat, fingers steepled beneath her chin, awaiting word from Faust on Bakura.

Then the comm officer spoke up. "Admiral, we have a communication from the planet."

Laran looked up, "Excellent. Tell Faust I need to kn-"

"It isn't the Lieutenant. It's Prime Minister Captison...but she's not addressing us, its a general transmission to the planet."

The Brevet Vice Admiral frowned, What is going on down there? "Give me a copy of that message. And resend ours, maybe she'll respond this time."

"Yes sir." Major Kol returned to her workstation.

Marc Tarkin
Jul 9th, 2002, 09:32:03 PM
His encounter with the house’s guards did not bear much fruit. He wasn’t the least bit surprised that he was not let in, but he was not able to gain even the slightest bit of intel on the Prime Minister or her whereabouts. Though, the steadfast and almost paranoid refusal of his entrance by the guards gave him the hint that it may very well be possible she was here. But they could just be trying to give that impression too. He could not be certain.

At least they didn’t detain him and allowed him to leave without frisking or questioning him further. He turned and started to walk down the path, ducking behind a bush just as they averted their eyes towards some commotion the other direction. The city was still in a slight state of unrest and it was working to his advantage.

From the bushes Marc trotted towards the side of the house, but each step towards it became slower as he saw a woman standing in the very spot he was trying to get to. To say the least she was a familiar woman.

Gaeriel Captison
Jul 10th, 2002, 01:03:59 PM
Between the scattered conflicts within the streets and the Jedi fending off the straggling forces of the Sith Empire, a voice rose above the sounds of battle.

The people recognized who it was immediately.

<My fellow citizens and Sith Empire loyalists. Bakura is ... free. Long has the Sith abandoned the right to lay claim to our world and you who fight in their name fight for nothing! You are alone here. You die alone here ... waiting for the armies of your rulers that will never come. You accomplish nothing in a name that holds no meaning to you.

Tanner is now in custody, along with his loyal soldiers that did not wish to share in Bakura's new found freedom. I suggest that those still at large make that decision now. The Galactic Empire has orbited around the planet and so far, their intentions are unknown.

I am to speak to them immediately and once myself and the Jedi have ascertain the situation ... I will inform all of you.

But I promise you all, Bakura will remain free.

Prime Minister Captison out.>

Gaeriel ended the transmission and let out a heavy sigh of relief before looking to Drin.

"It's still not over."

She hit a key on one of the many panels on the console to receive the transmission from the Galactic Empire.

"This is Prime Minister Gaeriel Captison of Bakura. I hear you have been trying to contact me, Admiral Laran. My apologies for the delay. There was a rebellion that was taken up most of my time."

Serena Laran
Jul 10th, 2002, 01:50:05 PM
Serena nodded at the small holo of the woman which rested on the arm of her chair. "I am here as a representative of the Galactic Empire. I was sent to Bakura to determine what the situation was after the pullout of the Sith Empire, and to find out how best we could assist." Not entirely true, but with the Prime Minister back in power, the Bakurans wouldn't come easily.

"I have three squads of men down on the planet even now, and I ask that they be treated hospitably. They are not on a mission to destroy or to fight, simply to observe." Serena stood to her full six feet of height, and turned to look a the wavering hologram.

"Also, I would like permission to come to the surface myself, so we might talk face to face."

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 10th, 2002, 08:58:05 PM
The elegant voice of Gaeriel Captison captured everyone's attention instantly. It was far more elegant sound to hear then those of blaster fire and screams. Those of the Sith Empire were caught in a horrible realization. The Empire was not coming back and now they knew it to be true.

Granted, the Jedi could have taken that approach but without any real proof, a Jedi's word meant nothing to a soldier from a Sith organization. Their words meant nothing but lies as they were taught from the beginning.

This Navaria knew well.

Then she picked up a sense that someone was watching her .... Watching her intently.

She cursed herself for becoming lax but hearing the Prime Minster's voice, the Knight was taken in with each word. Her home was free.

Navaria saw that it was the man that was trying to get inside the mansion and failed.

There was no danger but caught a surprised feeling when Captison mentioned the Galactic Empire.

Since there was no point in hiding any longer, for everyone knew the Jedi were here, Navaria appeared fully from her hiding place and walked right up to the man.

At first the sense of deja vu was minor but as she studied his face and his features .... She couldn't help but know him. Everything about him screamed familiarity.

"Have we ... met?"

She asked awkwardly. Her guard was up incase he tried something but her gut instinct told her that no harm would come from this.

Drin Kizael
Jul 22nd, 2002, 04:16:54 PM
"I have three squads of men down on the planet even now, and I ask that they be treated hospitably. They are not on a mission to destroy or to fight, simply to observe."

From the far end of Gaeriel's office, Kizeal watched the hologram of the Imerpial woman and smirked. Three squads sent planetside to observe. That was rich.

The Jedi quietly turned from the conversation between Laren and the Prime Minister and stepped outside. He thumbed on a comlink on a shared frequency to the other Jedi and Sidar. There was no more concern for secrecy or their transmission being overheard

"This is Kizael. As you heard, Prime Minister Captison is secured. Meet back at the front of the mansion. Kizael Out."

He lowered the comlink to his side and looked back into the office, wondering how this would play out from here. The fate of the Bakurans was back in its rightful hands. What they did next, if anything, was up to Gaeriel.

Marc Tarkin
Aug 19th, 2002, 09:56:39 PM
“Navar….Dalethria!” He corrected himself in mid sentence. After their last encounter he had come to learn his sister was no longer using her given name, but for some reason something about her seemed very different from their meeting a few months prior.

“What are you…”

His question was cut off before he could finish as the voice rang out over his sister’s comm.. unit. Hearing the message caused Marc’s head to tilt to the side and his eyes display even more confusion than they already had within.