View Full Version : Ezboard has a stick...

Jan 12th, 2002, 02:26:08 AM
Well it seems that all of us who have boards at Ezboard need to look at waht happened at The Allspark today. This image is probally the best explination of what happened today. Now it is only an opinion, but the events contained with in are true.


Well I think we might need to use Jeseth's Idea after all......

Jan 12th, 2002, 03:38:37 AM
Slow night???

Jan 12th, 2002, 04:28:29 AM
So let me get this straight: Vanchau took away the EzOp's account and handed it to someone else because he was considering leaving Ezboard?

Man, I know ezboard is evil, but that's a bit hard to swallow.

Marcus Telcontar
Jan 12th, 2002, 07:48:06 AM
You just dont DO something like that. That is soooooo wrong.

They lost SWFans, which was one of their longest running boards - actually damn near their first - cause of their stupdity and bad management.

Remember Picture Request, that supeb 1600 post thread at GJO? It was eaten by a EZboard bug. And GJO is a paid up board and NOTHING is done. There is clearly a problem and nothing was done.

Account deletions, board erasures..... reducing features... How the frell have they survived this long

Jan 12th, 2002, 11:05:08 AM
Remember Picture Request, that supeb 1600 post thread at GJO? It was eaten by a EZboard bug. And GJO is a paid up board and NOTHING is done. There is clearly a problem and nothing was done.

Dude, they have a queue. Give them time on that one :)

Sanis Prent
Jan 12th, 2002, 11:32:23 AM
Time? Give them time?

Dude, have you suddenly become Neville Chamberlain Fett?

I mean, does Vanchau have to occupy the Rhineland, annex the Sudetenland and Austria, and invade Poland before you realize that this is ****ed up?

Jan 12th, 2002, 01:09:00 PM
Well, I just noticed they've changed the threads there, so ours wasnt even on a list. So, its the fault of the people who should be looking :)

Darth Lynch
Jan 12th, 2002, 01:27:01 PM
I knew you would post this FB:)

The real funny thing(if it can be said to be funny) is two months ago Vanchau decided who to give the"ownership" of the AllSpark after the people voted for whom they wanted to govern the board when a debate arose and one admin tried to seize power from the others and replace them with buddies etc.

The well liked admin/owner won of course and the admin who tried to seize power along with his buddies lost out. During the two months it was actually peaceful. Now since apparantly the admin group under Kalidor couldnt afford gold status and decided to move to another board the "corrupt" admin talked to Vanchua and pointed out they were moving thus Ez would loose out on some cash and offers to pay for gold status and BAM NEW OWNERSHIP.

I'm so not impressed and more than a little disappointed in this. Although a tad ironic....the admin in charge now had planned to move the AS off Ezboard himself once to his own YaaB board.

Jan 12th, 2002, 03:40:24 PM
Yeah, I figured that with the talk of moving everyones board a little while ago that this might be a deciding factor. Stuff like this really makes me mad. It's stupid to see a board go through this, and even stupider to see how people are reacting to it. Basicaly Ezboard has destroyed that community for me. And there are rumors of a possible court case as well, and the whole thing is one big mess and it hopfully it will not get any bigger. But you never know about this stuff...

Jeseth Cloak
Jan 12th, 2002, 04:46:43 PM
Well, if ay groups here still want to go with my idea in a few weeks... just please make sure that each group's members vote one way or the other and let me know. x.x I really need to know which hosting package to buy before I go ahead with anything.