View Full Version : Black hawk Down

Jan 11th, 2002, 06:20:50 PM
Unbelievable. Oh man...just got back. I think I went to war..... I'll post more thoughts later.

Jan 11th, 2002, 06:36:17 PM
I want to see it, but Ewans accent was cringe worthy :)

Jan 11th, 2002, 08:11:14 PM
Do you think it was better than Saving Private Ryan?

Jan 11th, 2002, 11:59:24 PM
Hmmmm better...no I don't think so. Though I think I'm gonna have to see it again. More intense...in a way, but the battle lasts 95 minutes so after awhile it's almost NOT intense because you're so damn used to it. It's just as grisly as SPR. I don't know...it is definitely an achievement.


More thoughts now. We don't really delve into any of the characters to much(except maybe Hartnett). At times this was a bit frustrating, with such a large cast it was difficult to keep track of who everybody was.

The battle was well done in the fact you always knew what was going on, where they were, and what was the goal. Scott constantly switches POV of the mission between those on the ground(and the different groups) to the men in the Black Hawk choppers, to the Genral watching the engagement on satellite.

There are some truly memorable monets and images that stay with you upon leaving the film. The chopper entrance over the desert/beach was awe inspiring. The night firefight....the ambush of the HUMV's...I could go on. It is a spectacular achievement by Scott...one that gets better the more I dwell on it.