View Full Version : Rise Of The Old Reublic: Hunter's Prey

Aaron Belargic
Jan 11th, 2002, 04:09:42 PM
Aaron Belargic had been wandering across the planet's surface with Dasquian, his brother. Gazing down at the device that Master Viscera had given them, he realized it was faltering. The planet was consumed by strange interferences that made it difficult to find one's way around even in broad daylight. They had been pulled out of hyperspace by some large gravity well while in route to The Sith Empire planet of Fondor. For a while the ship refused to move, lying dead in space as they drifted closer and closer to the strange planet's atmosphere.

The shock wave the ship sent out upon its fiery impact shook the ground and sent most of the trees in the area flat to the ground. Aaron and Dasquian had survived easily enough, tucked away inside of the compartments which were normally reserved for storing sleeping cots and clothes. They grabbed as many of their belongings as they could and stepped away from the smoking smoldering ship.

"Brother, we've seem to have gone from bad to worst. We're supposed to be arriving in Fondor in twelve hours... We won't make it." Aaron sighed, tying back his blond hair neatly. His pointed ears were more prominent now, one of the only distinguishing things that set the two twins aside from humans. "I don't like this place any better than Coruscant, but at least we weren't completely lost there. I sensed something while we were landing..." Aaron felt his mind consumed, like it was being submerged in water.

But nothing came. Only a deathly silence... and then a rush of the present. He could hear some animals chirping and the sound of wood crackling behind them from the crash site.

Dasquian Belargic
Jan 12th, 2002, 11:40:55 AM
Dasquian looked up at the wreckage of the craft before them and sighed heavily. He looked down at his feet and tucked the items he had taken away from the ship more neatly under his arm as he turned to look around the area. The energy that had taken the ship down out of the air had been very powerful.

"... We must try and salvage the communication equipment from the ship or we will be stranded here."

The Jedi Knight sent out a short wave of the Force, using the ability as a radar to try and locate anyone else who might be on the planet, of unknown location and name, with them. Life signs of animals and a few humans were returned.

"Brother...I do not think we are alone."

He cast a glance up into the sky, a chiseled look of concern covering his face.

Shawna Brunet
Jan 21st, 2002, 11:10:04 AM
Shawna's stubborn nature decreed her reluctance in joining TSE prematurely. She had a fortune to secure before settling down as an apprentice in training. The Mercenary also had her doubts they would accept a Huntress not used to taking commands. There is no insolent being like a soldier of fortune. After parting ways with the Sith, asking them to drop her off on a neighboring planet of TSE, as she sensed a disturbance, she ventured off into a secluded area on the seemingly abandoned planet, as she set about in pursuit of her acquistion.

Only a week before, in the cantina she frequented on that desolate abominable twin sunned planet, she had a rendezvous with a mysterious Sith Lord, who presented her with a contract to capture a Jedi Knight, offering her a sizable amount of credits to bring him back alive, relaying her the last known coordinates of the Jedi.

The Sith sensed her ability with the force, while raw and unpolished, would prove to be a benefaction in securing a seasoned Knight. The Mercenary also had other resources that would assist in her plight. Shawna demanded half the sum up front, her customary way of doing business. He agreed with no hesitation. With her new found fortune, she acquired a vast arsenal of weaponry; her holstered signature DL-44 slung low by her right hip, three throwing daggers, two inside her boot sleeves, and one strapped to the inside of her right thigh, a twelve inch vibroblade sheathed in its scabbard by her left hip, and a modified BlasTech EE-3 blaster rifle, fitted with a Viper zone control micro grenade launcher, that would come in handy for heavy assaults. Her belt was fitted with five Mier-Lang concussion grenades.

Shawna's best defenses were two Mandalorion iron gauntlets encasing both forearms, for protection against a light saber's blade. She had to go through a multitude of connections to procure the treasures. Purchasing her transport, a modified Imperial speeder bike from Black Marketeers, drained her resources, but she knew bagging a Jedi would replenish her fortune and affix a competent reputation needed in her line of work. She would then commandeer his ship. A Mercenary could not afford to underestimate his/her abilities. Doubt only attracted failure, which procured ones death.

Mounting her speeder, she activated the engine and repulsor lift coils, as the bike hovered. She then dropped it into first gear adding throttle pressing on the rocker-pivotal foot pads, while maneuvering the hand grip evading the dense folliage of trees. Clutching, shifting, then adding throttle, with her left hand she rotated the vector-shift back, canting the foreward directional vanes up, as the bike cleared a massive boulder. Rolling the bike, playing with the vector-shift, she straightened out the speeder, screaming along through the canyons.

She sensed a force signature as she neared her target, activating the control panel and arming the blaster cannons. The sight of a fully operational speeder bike, was enough to coerce most to drop their weapons in surrender. Closing in on her prey, she sensed not one, but two force signatures, as she grinned in anticipation at doubling her bounty. She noticed two blonde men in the distance as she gave her bike throttle, preparing for the ensuing battle, adrenaline fueling the soldier of fortune at the challenge of facing two Knights, augmenting her concentration. It was time to test the Jedi, as a pernicious grin played across Shawna's fair features.