View Full Version : And With the Fury of a Thousand Voices

Milivikal k'Vik
Jan 11th, 2002, 12:54:31 AM
Bast Castle had places with interesting things left behind by Lord Vader. Various artifacts of ancient Sith, records, weapons and even a coffin, complete with a "corpse".

As interesting as some of the other artifacts were, the coffin was something of note. Or rather, the occupant of the coffin was.

Milivikal kVik had been, at one point, a source of pride for the orignal Jedi Order. Her voice was amazing, but her control of sound using the force was unparralled. Able to simulate half an orchestra, and create almost any noise, pitch and rythm she wanted, Mili was highly sought after by the art community. However, most of her talent was put twoard impressing possible Republic members into joining.

Accidentally, she found she could impose her will through subtle suggestions in her music. But once she realized she could, she tried it a few more times, and slowly spiraled to the dark side.

Her final performance resulted in 26 dead, 317 crippled, and 2482 injured, and pursuit by all on planet Republic Jedi. After brutally slaying another fourteen people (three neatly decapitated by lightsaber, two's throats cut out by a vibroblade, eight by eardrum explosion, and one by being shoved off the edge of a walkway and landing in the path of oncoming traffic), and badly injuring a pair of Jedi Knights, Milivikal new her game was up. With the help of Vicet, she cast herself into a physical death.

Unwittingly, the Jedi bolstered the effect of the artificial death during their funeral ritual.

So four thousand, eight hundred thirty nine years, 17 days, five hours and 42 minutes later than was originally intended, she woke...

Jeseth Cloak
Jan 11th, 2002, 10:14:52 AM
Somewhere in the upper chambers of Bast, near the room where Jeseth had chosen to make his quarters, a single candle smothered light across the brown surface of aged leaf of paper; A single leaf of aged paper among a sea of many more, all of them bound like prisoners to the thick black spine that made up the cover of Jeseth's book. It contained not spells, nor secrets or coordinates... It contained...

<color=orange>I want to dream forever,
In a world I know is fake.
I want to be lost forever,
I can be anywhere far away.
I want to be gone forever,
I don't want the light of day.
I want to sleep forever,
But I don't want to be dead.
I want to dream forever,
But I want it all in my head.<color=orange>

A set of pale slender fingers moved across the parchment, clutching within their grasp a writing utensil. Jeseth raised a brow as he finished his poem and tucked the instrument that he held back within his coat pocket. The book closed and snapped shut, and then he placed it back among the maw of other books. It needed no protection: The simplicity of it kept it well hidden from prying eyes. None at Bast knew of it, except perchance Hob... but Hob knew much of this place's hidden secrets.

For a moment he paused before walking away from the alter-type podium he had been standing at. A great disturbance in the Force... his pupils dilated as through his eyes he saw flashes of events past, and events yet to come, here on Vjun. Outside, the rain continued to pour, but its usual clattering lashes of lightening were lacking.

I wonder if the others have felt it as well...

Evil Hobgoblin
Jan 13th, 2002, 08:28:49 PM
Hob had foreseen it.

The shift had been coming for some time. Several days- or had it been a week? weeks?-

Hob had been busy with his work, and his practice. Even the strong had to hone their skills, and so it was with Hobgoblin and his ability to see into the future.

Which brought the Dark Dwarf's thoughts back around to where they should be. The present was where the focus was.

In truth, Hob had sensed the rumblings for some time. He had lived in Bast for all of its' life, and the girl in the coffin had changed subtly over the last decade or so.

It seemed to Hob that the past month had seen the Force shake so much it had been an earthquake's equivalent.

In his lair, Hob clutched a crystal that hung from a chain around his neck. It was something he had fashioned a while back from one of the crystals that grew in his domain. The energies it held were powerful, and they granted Hob control over things he should not have been able to touch for some time.

In his domain, Hob sat in a lotus position atop a pile of gold ingots. He meditated deeply in the Force, then spoke a single word.


There was a torrent of crashing and rumbling, it seemed, as Hob was flushed from his room, through the halls of Bast to where he wished to be.

Jeseth heard a rushing sound outside his door, as though the wind was holding races with itself in the hallways of Bast. Then it was over, and gone.

Hob stood from his lotus position and gazed around the trophy room of the fallen Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Vader. A device he had seen in the universe outside Vjun many times caught his eye, and Hob wondered that he had never seen it in the room before. It was a lightsaber, that ignited itself and cut through its' glass casing. Hob caught it, and held it in his hand.

Hob would definitely have to learn about this device.

Then he turned the weapon off and began rummaging through the other things in the room, paying no heed to the coffin. It's time would come soon enough.

Sorsha Kasajian
Jan 14th, 2002, 08:43:44 PM

:: Sorsha sat, holding ShenLong's Fang in her black-gloved hands. The legenderary sabre of the Angel of Death was now hers, a gift from her Sister. She closes her eyes as her thoughts drift to Vjun. Her last visit there.

Hob. What a fool he was to direct his malice towards her. He had no inkling of what she really was, and what she had now finally become. None of them did. Not the Sith, not the Jedi, and not the ones she called Master. She was a destroyer of life, taken in the night as a child and turned into a demon. Far more creature than human, killing is all she knew. It's what she did best.

And now she was on her way back to Vjun. She would use this sabre to rend the gates of Bast Castle, plunge it into Hob's bitter heart, and free the Hellmaid that had finally awaken ::

"Everything will be different now." she hissed aloud in a cold reptilian tone. "And if the Dark Jedi stand in our way, they will all die!!!"

Tirsa Krylana
Jan 14th, 2002, 09:25:45 PM
:: While Sorsha was off plotting death and destruction, Tirsa and Endo were lazily hanging out in the cockpit of "The Chimera" ::

"Are we there yet? And if we are, can we turn around?"

:: said the Nebari as acid rain and more Force using beings really weren't on her list of things to do ... but Sorsha wanted to come here to free someone so who was she to argue. Besides, there might be some killing involved :D

Leaning back in her co-pilot's seat, Tirsa watched her little pet Tamaran, named Kleeo, frolic up and down the console. The little guy was navigating the controls carefully, sniffing at various buttons and poking his nose at things. Tirsa had to smile at Endo. His little antennas were at attention, all worried about the creature ::

"Oh don't worry. He already went to the bathroom."

Endo Freedoo
Jan 14th, 2002, 09:30:22 PM
I’m not so worried about that as I am about what it is treading so very close to…

:: Came Endo’s Rodian only speaking voice. ::

...Don’t you remember the manual I had you read?

:: Tirsa looked at him curiously, seemingly not remembering. ::

That is the co-piolt’s ejection control it is getting closer and closer to.

Jeseth Cloak
Jan 17th, 2002, 05:15:45 AM
Back Within The Depths Of Bast Castle…

Jeseth had paused as he heard something rush by outside of the room. His cloak wafted in the stale air as he took a few steps forward, looking into the hallway in time to watch a few torches began to rekindle themselves. By the feeling he had sensed, it was likely Hob… perhaps Hob knew a bit more about what was unfolding. Jeseth himself had never questioned the presence that was now growing, for it had seemed to him as if it had been a part of Bast for as long as he had come to inhabit this place...

Hob could feel a cold wind washing in from the entrance to the room in which he sat. Jeseth walked in slowly and talked to the back of Hob’s head. “I take it that you have noticed the change as well?” Hob was still rummaging, not saying anything in response. “What’s happening, Sight?” Jeseth’s eyes were scanning the room, the cool currents of air shifting his hair about fluidly.

Trace Sha
Jan 18th, 2002, 11:29:40 PM
On the Chimera

:: He listened to Sorsha’s words, not sure of what she meant buy ‘different’. Different from what? And why was it that he and Arriana had been brought along on this trip? Was there some reason for malice from Sorsha towards those of the Black Hand? He seemed to recall her being one of them at one point, but knew not the details or even that she had departed their small tight knit group.

His expression remained, as it had been during this entire flight, emotionless and unrevealing of what he was thinking. He seemed only a spectator of all that occurred around right now, though the talisman he wore on his coat, given to him by Dalethria, was tugging at him mentally doing what it could to let loose the chaos within him in support of Sorsha’s cause. ::

Milivikal k'Vik
Jan 18th, 2002, 11:59:58 PM
If her air supply hadn't been a concern, Mili would have hissed.
There are... others... She thought with contempt.

Her eyes devoured the room through the cloudy translucent glass that composed the lid of her coffin. It was difficult to see, especially due to the room's poor lighting. But she could feel them nearby.

One was short and aged, and the other, he had wings.

I should like to have those wings as a decoration. It was something to take care of later. For now, kVik mentally made her way through the room, examining a series of metal cylinders with crystals, but she could not remember what they were or what they did.

Milivikal began to examine the coffin itself.

After five minutes she gave up. It was infuriatingly well put together.

There are others here, sister. They have noticed me.

imported_Arriana Rezner
Jan 19th, 2002, 07:02:42 AM
Arriana looked over at Sorsha was a partially glazed look, her attention half focused on the woman, half on what was soon to come. She had no comprehension of the relevance of her being on the trip to 'Vjun', however assumed that it must have been in some way a test for Sorsha to see whether she was worthy. Or something along those lines.

She looked back to Trace expectantly and chewed the inside of her cheek as he simply stared of into space, sighing.

Evil Hobgoblin
Jan 19th, 2002, 11:38:12 PM
Hob did not reply immediately. His attention had been drawn by the slightest bit of fog on the coffin's glass viewing window. The woman inside of it was awake.

If Jeseth could see the words flowing around the head of the woman in the coffin, he gave no sign of it. Hob had always had a certain gift with being able to visually see loose thoughts.

But what Jeseth did or did not know would not affect the outcome here. Hob brushed his hand across the crystal hanging from his neck. His appearance stretched and distorted itself, becoming taller and more shadowy with his face totally obscured. His hands were the only things visible, and his fingers had become long and spindly. One of those hands hovered above the coffin briefly, then jerked upwards.

The coffin hopped off the ground and began to hover. "A force of nature seeks to engulf Bast," the figure spoke in deep tones. "But that force has chosen a body, and there is no being in the galaxy that does not answer to its consciousness' desires."

The hooded shadow gazed down at the coffin. "Long have you slumbered, woman. Know that it was under my eye you lived, and your life has been in my hands for many years."

The lightsaber that Hob had been holding reappeared- where it had gone to when Hob's appearance had changed was unknown- and it ignited itself. The blade was deep red as Vader's had been. "Now come," he began to leave the room, and the coffin followed him. "We will confront these forces, Deception. The survival of the Black Hand depends upon our actions here today."

Sorsha Kasajian
Jan 25th, 2002, 04:37:22 PM
:: Sorsha closes her eyes, drifting into deep meditation as she reaches out with the force ::

*** "HOBLIN!!! I AM COMING FOR YOU!!! NOW!!!." ***

Endo Freedoo
Jan 25th, 2002, 04:43:39 PM
:: Activating the ship’s PA system, Endo announced to all on board, that could understand Rodian. ::

We will touchdown on Vjun in 10 mintues.

:: He closed the channel and looked at Tirsa. ::

No, we can’t leave here…..unless…

Tirsa Krylana
Jan 25th, 2002, 11:50:23 PM
:: she got a gleam in her eye ::

"We accidentally bank right and go into hyperspace?" :D

:: Reaching over, Tirsa picked up her little pet before it wandered anywhere near weapons control. If it was anything like her, Kleeo would blow things up without meaning to.

Not that blowing a hole in Bast Castle would be really bad ...::

Milivikal k'Vik
Feb 1st, 2002, 06:14:07 PM
Lightsaber... Mili hissed inwardly. Anyone who weilded a lightsaber was either experinced with them or a total fool.

"You will do no such stupid thing, dwarf." The voice rang out through the room, angry and laced with suggestive undertones that said he should simply leave.

"I seek to leave my prision, which I would have survived with or without your supervision. You overestimate your importance.Leave." The last word was seemingly hissed into his ear.

She took comfort in the fact that they would likely be destroyed if they did not yeild to her and her sister. Milivikal would be free of the confines of the coffin if they were alive or not. Sorsha was coming.

Jeseth Cloak
Feb 19th, 2002, 01:15:46 AM
Jeseth began to follow Hob, the coffin moving ahead of him - until he heard a voice and both of the males stopped in their places. Who's voice had been heard, he did not know. Jeseth placed a hand over the box and reached inside with his Force-senses, tugging slightly at the heart he now knew was within. It must have given the occupant a rather unpleasant sensation. Perhaps this would remind the creature of it's own mortality. Whoever had the ability to speak from within a meditation trance was obviously very close to awakening from it, and likely quite experienced with the Force.

"Tell me, who are you?" The winged Dark Jedi spoke into the nothingness-void before him, hoping the life form would hear him.