View Full Version : Art of Negotiation: Centaur

Telan Desaria
Jan 10th, 2002, 01:09:16 PM
OOC:Centaur is an immense fictional world in the Colonies Region, with a a large population of 12 billion and well balanced economy. This takes place just after the Imperial conquest of the Imperial Remnant.

A Return Home

" Admiral, your shuttle is ready," Captain Vosst said, moving up the catwalk towards the command
chair. He stopped at his usual perch whenever the Admiral was present, halfway up the walk.

Telan Desaria, Baron of Raenoria, Fleet Admiral of the Empire, slowly turned his chair about and faced the commander of his flagship. He slowly blinked and steepled his hands, his every move exaggerated. Over his his eyes there seemed to be a transparent gloss. He opened his mouth to
speak, then closed it. He waited another moment, then opendd it again. This time, something
came out. " Do you know how long it's been since I've been home, Captain?"

" No sir. I would imagine a long while. I've been your exec since the Saurron, and you haven't
been back in that span."

Desaria let his mind wonder back to his command of the ISD Saurron and the brief battle over a
moon whose name the Admiral barely remebered-Belkedaan, he thought. The Vong were a
worthy biological adversary that he didn't have the pleasure of combatting as a member of the
Imperial Admiralty. " Yes. it's been a long time. Over five years. What I dread, Captain, is seeing
my father. He is a Grand Admiral in the Centaurian Navy-which, as a turn of protocol, he outranks
me by one grade. I don't know how he'll react. We had a relationship of admirable quality, but we
lost contact with my promotion and reassignment."

" You think he will chastise you for not keeping in touch?" Vosst asked, taking a step forward.

" That is one fear, yes, He is one of the largest and most powerful aristocrats on Centaur. He has
been dealing with people lesser than he for decades. I have never been able to stand the
pressure of his gaze."

" You'll do fine sir, After all, if you can stand up to-" he glanced into the straboard crew pit and
saw the COMPNOR officer sitting at his console, dutifully typing notes-"certain superiors, you will
be able to stand up to your father,"

" Thank you, Captain. The ship is yours. I believe its time to begin. Before I can integrate
Centaur into the Empire, I will have to face my father. Who, with my luck, will greet my at the
landing pad..."

Fleet Admiral Desaria stood, passed Captain Vosst, who ordered the the Admiral's personal
escort of three TIE Executioner squadrons launched, and began the long walk fore towards the
landing bay. He arrived ten minutes later after a lift tube ride and boarded his shuttle. It and its
escorts departed and headed towards Centaur, where the forest world below awiated.

Telan Desaria
Jan 10th, 2002, 01:24:33 PM
The Landing

Fleet Admiral Desaria's Lambda-class shuttle and its three squadrons of TIE Executioners
descended through the atmosphere at lightning's pace, through high clouds that obscured the
Imperial party's view of the ground, then low, pillowy forms that only slightly obstructed their
vision. Finally, the sprawling metropolis of Titania could be seen.

Hundreds of enormous of skyscrapers reached up into the atmosphere, rivaling the cityscape of
Coruscant itself. There were pyramidal type buildings and domed halls of every type-constructs
of sorts with one exception: they were among the forest. Immense trees lined the streets,
providing shade for the pedestrians and hovercraft. Some plants grew between the houses of the
residential buildings, making sure that whatever polution there be was aborbed quickly.

There were massive skyhooks lumbering above the city with industrial complexes sprawling about
them. Dozens of vessels could be seen leaving the planet and coming to from every direction.
It will be a welcome addition to the Empire, Desaria though, viewing his home again.

" So that's how they keep the pollution down," commented Commander Fondran, Admiral
Desaria's chief aide.

" Say again?"

He pointed out the viewport towards a skyhook. " The Skyhooks, sir. By keeping all industry on
the skyhooks, pollution is routed towards the upper atmosphere and away from all vegitation. It
saves the plant life from any harm. Very ingenious."

Desaria raised his eye brows. " Growing up here, I never thought about it. But yes, we do try to
do that."

The pilot of the shuttle poked his head into the passenger compartment. " We've been assigned
to a military base landing pad. We'll be down in a minute; we're beginning our final approach."

The Admiral looked at the six members of his delegation. " Put on your smiles, boys." A feeling of
calm came over Fleet Admiral-Baron Desaria as the shuttle touched down. Perhaps his father
wouldn't be there. Maybe he would be able to reconcile after Imperial business was completed.

The landing ramp began opening, the compressed gas hissing down as it went. Admiral Desaria
could not see any of the Centaurian representatives, but he remembered the custom-they would
wait for him to leave the shuttle. His two Fleet guards marched down the landing ramp , and he
followed in their wake, and as he stepped out he could see the Centaurian sun blocked by a faint
sheen of high clouds. Commander Fondran came next, then the mission's representative from
Imperial Intelligence, Commander Ethin Aleraat, and lastly, Colonel Mathis Gessant, standing out
from the group in a tan uniform and standard rank plaque, signifying him a Colonel in the Imperial

The group of officers assembled in a diamond, with a Fleet trooper on each side. Military
hovercraft were flying overhead, carrying heavy weapons in tow and sporting turbolasers from
their hulls. Men marched in formtaion about the base, some that put Imperial units to shame. I
must remember to tell General Tscheel to have the Achilles' troops drill more often. he thought.
With a shudder an elevator came up from in front of the assembled Imperials. At first, Desaria
could see the heads of four men and a woman. Then their bodies as they elevator raised more
and more through the duracrete. Two wore uniforms cut along Imperial lines; white tunics and
black trousers, with code cylinders and rank plaques that looked as if they could have been stolen
from off the uniform of an Imperial Captain and a Grand Admiral.

The others wore all black, though their styles were different. One, a man Desaria's age, wore a
long cape. They stepped forward in unison towards the Imperials and stopped just short of arms'

" I am Chancellor Arvem Gerion, former Moff of the Ciret Sector, of which Centaur was the capital.
To my left is Field Marshal-Baron Vin'jent Gertallya, head of the Centaurian Army. This is the
Commander and Chief of our proud Fleet, Grand Admiral-Baron Reyel Desaria, and his
Aide-de-camp, Captain-Countess Reginta Vellara."

The younger Desaria swallowed hard, but allowed his professionalism to get the better of his
attitude. He introduced his party, and when he was done, saluted his opposite numbers. They
returned it, all of them being members of a military caste society. His father looked him dead in
the eye and stepped forward from the Centaurian group, stopping ahead of the Chancellor.

" Son," was all he said.

" Yes father?" the younger asked, staying within the safety of the Imperial party.

" It has been too long."

" It has, sir," the younger replied, finally summoning the strength to step forward. " You look well,

" I am."

Commander Fondran smiled, happy that his superior was at least speaking to his father. But that
they were being so proper and manersitic gnawed at the essence of what he hoped was the Fleet
Admiral's hidden agenda-to reconcile with his father.

Chancellor Gerion spoke up. " Fleet Admiral-Baron Desaria, welcome home. The Supreme
Council eagerly awaits you. We have many things to discuss. But first, we have a parade and
celebration in the honor of the Empire. " The Chancellor took his guest around the shoulders and
lead him through his entourage towards a waiting line of hovercraft, the Centaurians and Imperials
following in their wake.