View Full Version : Dark Skys ( Open Challenge to a Jedi )

Jan 9th, 2002, 06:14:20 PM
:: In the middle of a thick dence forest lie a large clearing, in the center of that clearing sits Darth Phantom, a Ronin Sith Lord just returned to the only home he has known, The Sith Empire.
Phantom sits meditating. Off to the right lie a small brooke, running through the trees into the abyss, to the left sits a large stomp with Phantom's cloak neatly folded upon it. A mild wind can be felt from the North, The only path also lies in the North.

A light sprinkle begins, Phantom opens his eyes and looks toward the heavens. Dark heavy rainclouds fill the sky, Lightning can be seen closing in. Phantom feels a presence standing near the opening of the clearing. Getting to his feet, Phantom smiles ::

Jan 9th, 2002, 07:40:40 PM
Satien steps into the clearing, his pure black sabre already ignited, and a katana on his back. He smirks, and pulls back the hood of his cloak, revealing his mane of silver quills of hair.

"Ah, Phantom. Ready for a fight?"

Jan 9th, 2002, 10:55:36 PM

:: Phantom says with a puzzled look on his face ::

Indeed I am.

:: Phantom bows slightly in respect ::

Make your move.

Jan 10th, 2002, 06:08:23 PM
"As you wish..."

Satine bows--a sign of respect--and then jumps into the air, landing behind the Sith, and kicking him. Phantom jumps out of the way. Satine charges, swinging his sabre to Phantom's left side.

Jan 22nd, 2002, 10:18:20 PM
:: Without even thinking Phantom takes a step back avoiding Alpha's attack. Phantom takes his oppertunity and strikes the now over extended Alpha. Stepping in Phantom nails Alpha in the kidneys, with his other hand he reaches into his cloak and pulls out a long, thin knife. Phantom jams it inbetween Alpha's ribs and twists it. Alpha screams in pain as he arches his back, Phantom removes the knife and stabs Alpha in the back of the shoulder::