View Full Version : The Bypaths of Destiny
Jan 8th, 2002, 03:19:49 AM
The Eclipse class star destroyer Sanguine blended beautifully with space, its pure black hull mating with the darkness as if part of it itself. Saurron's soul was part of darkness to be sure if he had one. His race was said to be a creation of the Darkside itself. A manifestation of pure evil that could be passed on to another through a process, the passing of the Dark Gift, such a thing did not come easy. There were the chosen to be sure and after many years a Vampyre knew who to pass it to and who not to.
Saurron stood on the bridge gazing out to the stars knowing that any one of them could end his existence in a matter of least that is what he has been told and has believed for four hundred years. The Coven ships, the Sanguine and the Interdictor Cruiser Despondent where both equipped with window shields that defracted the Cursed Stars harmful rays which beat upon everything in space.
Where is that insufferable humanSaurron cursed.
He spun sharply causing his cloaks to fly upward then settle at his feet as he stopped in front of the Sanguine's commanding officer.
Inform me immediately upon Mr. Prents arrival.
Saurron strode off before the officer could answer his obedience to the command given to him. Saurron's voice once again boomed.
I will be in my chambers. Advise the Despondent to cloak and move to its predetermined coordinates.
Saurron coldly stated without looking back nor breaking his swift stride. He then stopped gazed forward caught by a thought, then turned head over his shoulder peering at the commander with ice blue eyes...
Commander, where is the Sith Witch?
The Commander looked quickly to his left and spoke to a crewman sitting below. Looking back up with rigid respect and fear the commander answered.
"My Lord, she is in her chambers"
Saurron turned once more and headed towards her chambers a smile crossing his lips.
We'll see.
She was one with the Darkside and could slip out easily if she wanted too, fooling sensors and personal that monitored most ships. He rounded the corner of the large corridor where her chambers where located. Saurron's pale hand pressed the announcement button signaling ones presence
Sorsha Kasajian
Jan 10th, 2002, 12:06:28 PM
:: The room was pitch black as she sat in deep meditation, extending her senses far beyond the confines of the ship. Reaching out with psychic tendrils, she touches the mind of <a href=>another</a>, but the contact is broken quickly as Saurron announces his presence. Her eyes snap open wide, flashing gold as she turns to the door ::
Jan 10th, 2002, 07:36:26 PM
The chamber door hissed open revealing Saurron's tall frame in the dimly lit doorway. He entered slow and smooth as if not walking at all but floating upon a cushion as he moved. Coming to be in front of the Sith Witch his eyes passed over her then met with hers. There was always a contrast of gazes between them but it was the right combination for evil. His was cold and unfeeling while hers had an edge that could cut air itself.
Torturing someone's mind again Sorsha? A slight smile passed over his face revealing his the very tips of his fangs.
Sanis Prent
Jan 10th, 2002, 08:28:23 PM
(The communique had been recieved a day ago. I dropped what I was doing to answer it. Not that Saurron and I were particuarly in good standing. I'd tried to kill him before, and well...I doubt that his memory was that bad. Nevertheless, we had arrangements for mutual benefit to take care of. And they were arrangements I wanted very much.
My corvette intercepted Saurron's star destroyer near the planet Reytha. As it approached slow, I signaled the Sanguine)
Sanguine, this is the Buxom Clover. Mister Prent is aboard, and ready to confer with your commander.
Sorsha Kasajian
Jan 12th, 2002, 03:11:21 PM
:: she rises to her feet, standing naked before him in the dim light ::
"They shall scream soon enough for denying me my acension, Saurron. I intend to bring them what they've feared most, and not even the darkness will save them when the changewinds come for their precious Empire."
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Jan 12th, 2002, 05:57:52 PM
The black monolith of a ship hung there in the stars for long moments long enough to make Sanis wonder if the transmission had been received or not. Just then a voice came over the com.
"Starship Buxom Clover, hold your position we are checking your ships id transponder code."
Jan 12th, 2002, 06:58:01 PM
Dead ice blue irides searched golden ones but he did not enter her mind.
Indeed witch, yet be mindful, the Darkside of the Force has many depths from which unseen events rise, of this I am sure.
Saurron closed his eyes momentarily
He is here, The door opened on its own accord behind himI will summon you. Then you can finish this most troublesome human for me, but not until I am sure the Princess Leia's course will run through this sector. He turned and walked out without another word knowing she could not wait for the chance to take the battle to Sanis once again.
Jan 14th, 2002, 04:48:20 AM
"Buxom Clover your cleared for landing. Tractor beams will bring you in, shut down all sublight engines."
With that Sanis's ship lurched forward as two tractor beams locked on, and drew it forward to the Sanguine.
Sanis Prent
Jan 14th, 2002, 08:51:28 AM
That's a negative, Sanguine. Mister Prent insists upon meeting on the planet below.
Jan 14th, 2002, 01:37:48 PM
"Master Saurron gives his word he will not harm you, and the meeting and information transfer will take place on board the Sanguine." "Besides, the systems star is due to shine upon said surface." "Abort all sublight engines to avoid damage to your sublight drive systems."
A third tractor beam locks on to the Buxom Clover as a compliment of eight roaring Tie-D fighters are launched from forward hanger bays and head on a semi circular course around the Buxom Clover as it is mercilessly pulled toward the Sanguine.
Standard Patrolling Tie-D fighters come into view through the Buxom Clovers screens and front advantage point upon the Corvette as they fly to and fro in five groups of three around the Sanguine and immediate area.
6 Turbo laser batteries and two ion guns train their sites on the Buxom Clover upon approach.
Sorsha Kasajian
Jan 14th, 2002, 08:06:25 PM
:: Sorsha watches Saurron leave and reaches for her boots. Sanis Prent had escaped her twice, but he would not elude her again. There would be no one to save his worthless hide this time. Not Lady Vader, not Rama Sha. No one ::
Lilaena De'Ville
Jan 15th, 2002, 02:33:02 AM
De'Ville paced the floor, her arms aching for her son. She had given him into the arms of another, trusting his safety to an old friend from another life. Idiot. She wanted Jax in her arms where she could protect him. Yet the Force dictated to her its will, and she was compelled to send him away from herself.
Frell the Force. Premonitions or not, now she didn't have a child to worry about. At least, not one she had to actively take care of. There was business she had to take care of. Sanis Prent and the Sith Order figured mostly in her thoughts.
Sanis wanted her to kill Sorsha Kasajian for personal reasons. He had lied to her, telling her it was Sorsha who had hired him to poison her, but it didn't add up. Lilaena completed another turn of the Infiltrator, and headed back to the cockpit. If it wasn't has to be someone from TSO, or someone connected deeply with the Order.
The timing had been too convenient, and had played right into the Order's wishes. De'Ville turned a corner in the corridor, and found herself smashed into the bulkhead as a horrid screech tore at her ears. She pushed off the bulkhead and struggled up the hallway, running into the cockpit to check the ship's systems.
Real space greeted her from the viewport, and she threw herself into the pilot seat, engaging evasive manuevers even as she realized her sublights were burnt out. Whatever had thrown her out of hyperspace had done a number on her engines at the same time. She scanned the area, filling with anger as she saw the Interdictor and the TIE-D fighters circling a corvette.
De'Ville ripped apart the lower console, and crossed some wires, then ran to the access panel for the sublights, hurriedly getting power back online.
Sanis Prent
Jan 15th, 2002, 12:09:31 PM
(Sanis' voice came through the comm)
Saurron, I seem to remember you having a nice sun-proof suit. I'll see you on the surface.
(The Sanguine detected an engine surge from the far side of the planet, as a Corellian YV-666 freighter descended to the surface. Then it dawned on the vampyre...the Buxom Clover was a decoy. Sanis had piggybacked a transmission to the corvette, which was in turn sent to the Sanguine, as if coming from the Clover the whole time.)
You can keep the Clover...she's past her overhaul time anyways.
Jan 20th, 2002, 01:22:26 AM
As Sanis finished his words Saurron arrived back on the bridge. He could not have used a more suitable name for the human.
Cunning, were he not would surmise that Sanis were a Vampyre himself.
Send a technical retrieval team to the decoy ship. Board her and download all data from her banks.
It was Saurron's full intention to make Sanis wait on the surface as long as he could, burning as much sunlight from the cursed star as possible. His protective suit did indeed keep those harmful and deadly rays from destroying the Vampyre yet it had it's weaknesses as did everything in the universe. Sanis's weakness at this point was revenge, his thirst would drive him to a fatal mistake if it had not already.
Sorsha heard Saurron's whisper.
Sorsha....Meet me on the main bridge.
It drifted to her as if spoken from a dream. In fact, it was the Darkside that carried the Vampyre's thoughts to her making him audible to her through space and time as if he were there in the room. She would know where to go following his voice as if there were an index finger motioning her to follow right in front of her.
Two Dark Sentinels joined her as she strode through the halls to the nearest turbo lift.
Saurron turned to his ranking naval officer. Make ready a shuttle, escort craft, and troops in the aft hanger bay. Move the ship to a polar orbit and engage all of the gravity wells.
Saurron stared out unblinking through the forward transparasteel plates watching the technical team approach the now still, and unmoving Buxom Clover. Just then another craft exited hyperspace and erratically changed course. Immediately six Tie D fighters fired warning shots about the incoming vessel and took flanking positions while three more passed head on just below its hull. The fighters took offensive maneuvers forcing the unknown craft towards the now moving Sanguine.
A voice hailed the new arrival..."Make your heading towards the Sanguine and cut all sublight engines."
Lilaena De'Ville
Jan 20th, 2002, 03:17:01 AM
Six TIE Defenders swooped in on her almost before she got to the engines, their warning shots skimming the bow of the Revenge. De'Ville cursed roundly, quickly finding the circuits that had been blown by the jerk into real space. She worked quickly to restore power to the sublights, slamming her hand to the comm terminal and answering the hail.
"I don't know about you, but I'm pretty much dead in the water right now, thanks to your little Interdictor." As her fingers worked, her mind flashed over the name of the Eclipse class Star Destroyer. Sanguine. It meant red. Blood red. Other than that, she had not a clue as to its origins. It wasn't a TGE ship, at least not one she had ever heard of, and unless it was brand spanking new it didn't belong to the Sith Order either.
A voice crackled over the comm as the Infiltrator drifted in space. "Do not attempt to restore sublights, and prepare for tractoring."
De'Ville made a rude hand gesture to the comm, and laughed as the sublights roared to life beneath her. She scrambled to the pilot seat and strapped in...then hesitated as the TIEs circled her. Lilaena was not afraid, but she could sense a dark presence on the Sanguine. It was familiar.
"Sorsha." The Sith witch, her former master's apprentice...and the woman Sanis Prent told her to kill. De'Ville abruptly cut all sublights, intending her ship to stay intact. She toggled the comm channel to the ESD. "Sublights have been disengaged."
The small TIE Infiltrator looked passive as it drifted towards the hulking ESD.
Jan 22nd, 2002, 04:22:23 AM
The Sanguine still headed for the polar position as Saurron had ordered. Turbo lasers trained their sites on the Infiltrator. Looking out her view port DeVille watched as the tie d peeled off to resume their patrol. Two tractor beams locked on to her hull and drug it into the aft hanger bay where it would glide in and stop only to be surrounded by troopers wearing ebony black suits with emblems of the Coven standing out in high contrast on their shoulders. Tech crews hurried to the craft as normal procedure. They waited for the ramp to open revealing its passenger.
On the command bridge Saurron waited staring out of the main viewports at the end of the command walkway for the Sith Witch to arrive. Plans had changed however Saurron would wait till the crew on the Buxom Clover returned with what data they could from the ships banks, portable computers and droids.
A slight shimmer in the Darkside ran through Saurron. Another Force user was present now on the Sanguine, and he knew Sorsha had felt it also. He would meet with Sorsha and then contend with his new guest.
Sorsha Kasajian
Jan 23rd, 2002, 12:29:02 PM
:: Sorsha strides onto the main bridge, shoving aside a deck officer who was too lax in getting out of her way. She shot him a gaze then turned to Saurron::
"Why is De'Ville here???"
:: her tone was laced with malice as she recalled their <a href=>first meeting</a> ::
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Lilaena De'Ville
Jan 25th, 2002, 01:43:55 AM
De'Ville clipped her saber to her belt, adjusted her blaster, and slipped her vibroblade into her boot as the Revenge clunked against the deck of the Sanguine. She straightened, and took a deep breath.
Perhaps this is what I felt coming. My final meeting with Kasajian. She eyed the hatch, and then hit the button to open it. As the ramp descended, Lilaena walked slowly out, her jumpsuit allowing her a full range of movement. At the bottom of the ramp stood several tech crews, ready to board the craft. De'Ville smiled at them...
... and flipped her saber into her hand, igniting it and cutting the nearest two men with it as she darted forward. The jaded amethyst blade cut completely through the first and stopped halfway through the second with one slice. De'Ville pulled her arm back and the second man flopped wetly to the ground. Troopers immediately opened fire on her, and she deflected the shots, taking the time to scatter the rest of the techs, some of whom ran up the ramp into her ship.
Lilaena pulled her blaster and shot a trooper through his or her body armor, and then deflected a few more shots into the approaching troopers. With a cry she ran at full tilt to the wall facing her. It was immense, the entire docking bay was huge, and she was not running towards the door. The troopers shrugged, and shot at her back, even as she used the Force to speed her run. Moving evasively, she was singed by a bolt, but not injured. As she ran, the Dark Jedi shot at the wall three times, blasting a smoking hole in a vent at least fifteen feet off the ground.
Lightsaber disengaged..and with a jump that defied normal abilities De'Ville was scrambling into the duct, blaster bolts tickling her heels. She moved away from the open vent, and clipped her saber to her belt again. She needed an audience with Sorsha Kasajian, and the woman only understood one language. If De'Ville came to her in peace, the witch would kill her without a thought.
In order to serve them both, De'Ville would have to get the drop on the Sith. The woman, used to climbing through vents and finding her way in the maze of Coruscant's underworld, began her ascent to the bridge. She'd studied the layouts of capital ships while at the Sith Order, paying special attention to the ventilation and garbage systems. Of course, she hadn't intended to use them herself, but if an enemy ever got into them on her ship, she wanted to know her way around them.
De'Ville reached a T junction, and took the shaft straight up with a leap, fingers grabbing the edge of the top, and hauling her slim body into the adjoining vent. There wasn't much room to move around in, but there was enough. The woman continued on.
Jan 27th, 2002, 05:39:44 PM
Saurron only gazed back in return.
Perhaps you could tell me.
Just then the deck officer briskly walked up and stood nervously ridged.
"My lord the occupant of the captured ship has escaped landing bay security"
Saurron never turned his head from Sorsha even at the news of failure.
Whatever the reason, she will come to us...that is if my son and Lady Razielle does not find her first.
The deck officer grabbed his chest in agony. There were many ways to cause harm through the Darkside of the Force, and Saurron had exploited all of them in his days as a champion for the Sith Empire. The officers chest buckled inward shoving his ribs, broken and shattered into his internal organs. Shards of bone stabbed at his heart, lungs, and upper intestines causing him to flounder to the ground.
Sorsha Kasajian
Jan 28th, 2002, 08:41:50 PM
"I think she wants to play again."
:: Fire springs from Sorsha's fingertips as she summons a flame wraith, slowly crafting it into the form of a serpent ::
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Lilaena De'Ville
Jan 29th, 2002, 03:14:28 AM
De'Ville climbed through the ventilation systems of the Sanguine, almost completely unaware of exactly what she was getting into. But she had half a plan, and the other half was rapidly forming as she traversed the ship.
She could feel Sorsha's presence on the ship, and headed towards her. There was also something ...else... Lilaena couldn't quite wrap her mind around the other strong life sense she felt on the bridge. It was unlike anything -
- no that was not quite right. It reminded her of one she had encountered briefly on Coruscant, before Jax had been born. The albino. De'Ville felt a shiver of ice cold fear, and channeled it into anger, fueling her body with the Force. Since they had met last, De'Ville had grown much in the Force. Sorsha would be surprised.
Lilaena leapt up another shaft, steadily drawing closer to the bridge.
Sanis Prent
Jan 29th, 2002, 04:10:24 AM
(Meanwhile on Reytha...
...I touched Layla down without much ceremony, keeping the systems in idle, but not powering down. I kept one foot in the door and one foot out with Saurron. Beautiful relationships didn't necessarily have to have trust involved, and it was a safe bet that neither of us trusted the other.
I reclined in my captain's chair, turning on some music as my sensors kept an active sweep of Retha's orbit. It was then that I noticed another ship approach the Sanguine... infiltrator. And one with a less than cozy reception. It got my mind working at least.)
Gavin LeStat
Jan 30th, 2002, 04:34:53 AM
His boots rang out as he crossed the landing bay floor at full speed. Sliding to a stop in front of the ventilation shaft De'ville had escaped into, Gavin's lip curled in appreciation for her tenacity. His middle finger and thumb produced a loud snap almost drowning out the whirring hum of the motivators on the six searching spheres that finally caught up to him. They entered and split up searching the intruder out. Gavin glanced down at his wristband double checking its settings then raised an eyebrow at Lady Razielle.
"We'll see how far she gets." Nodding his head as if he had already caught her.
Lady Razielle
Feb 4th, 2002, 04:37:18 AM
"Your optimism is...endearing Gavin. But the game is just beginning... Come, let us go find our mouse, shall we?"
With that she turned from her examination of the ventilation shaft and headed towards the blast doors of the landing bay. Pausing for a moment before exiting, she ran nimble fingers over the keypad of the control pannel beside the door.
"Well... she better decide what she intends to do onboard Sanguine , the hunt has begun and things will be heating up for our friend in the vents soon enough. Although I do fear I may damage some of our own crew in the effort... Good thing the mortals are easily replaced.. One of their better traits."
Her ominous words were followed by the slamming of the blast doors behind them.
Lilaena De'Ville
Feb 6th, 2002, 04:18:58 AM
De'Ville crawled through a vent opening, and dropped lightly to the floor, touching the bulkhead for balance. She ran lightly down the hall, and crouched at the floor, prying up some of the bulkhead paneling and dropping into a garbage compactor. She did not hold the Force inside her, not wanting to give the Witch any indication of her presence.
However, by the time her damage was discovered here, it would be too late. She sloshed through knee high ...water... and felt the wall. Yes, here it is. De'Ville activated her lightsaber, and the jaded amethyst blade buried itself into the side of the container. As the walls were thick, it took a few minutes, but she cut a hole between two adjacent garbage compactors.
Lilaena reached down and scooped up the liquid around her legs, splashing the moderately sized hole, and cooling the edges as steam rose from the cuts. There was no indication that the compactors would activate, yet...her danger sense was working overtime. When the edges were suffieciently cool, she pulled her slim body through the hole, and splashed down on the other side. This compactor faced the other direction, and she soon had the door open, and crept into the dank hallway.
A trooper was walking the hall, stuck with garbage duty he was bound to be morose. As if stormtroopers have feelings. Feeling a surge of what could be classified as pity, De'Ville reached out from her dark corner as the trooper noticed the open door, and snapped its neck. The trooped sprawled on the floor as she released it, and then she bent herself to the task of removing, her armor. The brush cut on the female's head did nothing to hide her formerly soft features.
De'Ville dragged the body into the compactor, and then closed and locked the maintenance door. Placing the dead trooper's helmet on her own head, she headed straight for the 'lift...and the bridge, lightsaber hilt in her hand, and blaster rifle slung over her shoulder.
She knew what it was to be a stormtrooper...and the stench inside the armor was all too familiar. Sorsha must see reason...there is no reason we should fight. But she would be expecting a tussle, and De'Ville hated to disappoint.
Gavin LeStat
Feb 7th, 2002, 01:45:06 AM
<center><img src=></center>
The Sith probe droids flew with amazing speed searching out De'Ville in the increasing heat of the ventilation shafts that ran through out the upper decks of the Sanguine. She was an expert at her movement within these confines but was hard pressed to match the uninhibited speed of the droids. They did not reach out to the force but rather noticed any abnormalities within the shafts that might lead them another way.
The whirring of its small repulsors echoed throughout as no. 3 droid halted its forward movement. Signaling its findings to Lady Razielle and Gavin it continued pursuit through the pried up plating and into the compactor where it transmitted more findings... a dead body. Closer inspection showed the tattoo of the Coven sign on her neck. The droid peered at a hole cut into the wall, only a saber could do such a thing. It proceeded without dread...showing its findings and on which level it was on.
Gavin and Razielle sped to the nearest turbo lift shoving military personal and droids out and headed upwards through the decks of the Sanguine. The probe droid had been stopped by the locked door however droid 5 and 6 picked up where no. 3 left off whirring past the very door no. 3 was hovering behind. The two droids showed Lady Razielle De'Ville's possible outs. A clear view of the nearest lifts status showed it heading for the command deck.
All levels had been put on alert. The hallways teamed with troopers in their ebony suits marching through, looking in every room every corridor. Razielle and Gavin's lift also raced on, level after level. It would take several minutes for it to reach the upper decks and she had a head start on them.
Gavin looked over to Razielle as her comlink sounded, it was Saurron obviously wanting to know what the status was.
"Boy are you in trouble" Gavin smiled and tried in vain to contain a laugh before she answered Saurron.
The strangest things were humorous to Vampyres.
Sanis Prent
Feb 7th, 2002, 08:15:15 AM
(Meanwhile, the Sanguine tech crews were finishing their search of the Buxom Clover. However, the search had yielded very little relevant information. A complete computer core dump was processed, and the only issue of relevance was an itenerary for Mr. Prent over the next two weeks. Most involved work at the Sector Rangers headquarters on Coruscant, but there was something else. In eight days, he was scheduled to meet a contact on Zanqeen, somewhat of a siphoning point for those in the underworld.)
Lady Razielle
Feb 7th, 2002, 09:32:46 AM
Exiting the lift, Razielle narrowed her violet eyes on her Master's son. His remark made her irate enough to cause a ticking of the mucsles under her right eye.
"Gavin, unless you have something useful to aid us in the search, refrain from commentary. Your Father wouldn't have sent me if he wasn't confidant that I would deliver."
Nearing the bridge, Razielle heard the hydrolic hiss of another set of lift doors opening behind them. Stepping out from the lift was a dangerous looking woman, in her hand she clutched a saber hilt. She was also armed with a blaster rifle. So they had located their prey at last.
Unfortunately for her, Razielle and Gavin were between her and her assumed target, the bridge of Sanguine. Raising her comm to her lips Razielle smiled and issued a soft command.
"Seal off the area.. Inform Saurron."
Throughout the length of the hall, blast doors slammed shut, lifts were disabled and the Security Offcers of the ship were alerted to the position of the Razielle and Gavin as the two watched with intent for the slightest movement of their opponent.
Feb 8th, 2002, 02:57:26 AM
Seated in the RAPTORS pilot seat, watching the hyperdrives chronometer count down, Mockadane decides to trip the over-ride switch and drop the modified Y T 1300 out of it's super accelerated travel 10 seconds before the computer would have. Signaling to His co-pilot seated at the mid-station of the new plan, an affirmation came over the speaker at the same instant Mockadane reached for the controls. The Inertial dampners eased the effects of the light freighters entry into real-space to a slight jolt, as the streeks of light returned to pinpoints in the galexy.
The huge mass of the Eclipse Class Star Destroyer was easier to make out since its positioning from Mockadanes flight-path, had made it look like a dark blot on the planets surface. Even though it was still some distance away, the sheer size of the interstellar battle cruiser was enough to humble all who gaze upon her.
As soon as Eldorack lined up the communications dish at the huge ship, a tight beamed encrypted message spilled forth. The personal decryption device, Mockadane had given to Saurron, would allow a secure com-channel. While Eldorack was waiting for a reply to the message, Mockadane was running passive and directed radar from the the sensory detectors mounted on both sides of the ship.
Sorsha Kasajian
Feb 8th, 2002, 04:08:22 PM
:: Sorsha reaches out through the force and finds De'Ville's mind ::
*** "I don't know what you could possibly be thinking, De'Ville. But I warn you, you've made a fatal mistake in trying to take me here." ***
Gavin LeStat
Feb 10th, 2002, 10:59:48 PM
"Oh relax would..."
Gavin cut off in mid sentence as Razielle raised her comlink at the site of their mystery guest. The security lift had delivered, and Force speed could not match the inherent rate of movement of Gavin's race. His saber hilt had been raised from its resting place in an instant and was pointed directly at De Ville. There were several feet between he and her, yet he pointed it at her rotating his wrist slowly back and forth as if his blade would reach her when ingnited nevertheless. The blast door came down as Gavin distanced himself from Razielle creating a semi circle he moved to take a flanking position around the assumed felonious trooper. Gavin inhaled taking in her scent . It was a woman all right, and he could hear her tendons tighten around the saber hilt she held.
"Not to smart sneakin around babe" Gavin's cocky statement was followed by fanged grin, and another step in her direction.
"Take off your helmet trooper"
Feb 10th, 2002, 11:43:53 PM
The shuttle left the Buxom Clover and returned to the Sanguine amidst the TIE fighters that cris crossed about the sector. Saurron had already been advised of their return and the information on Sanis was to be brought to him immediately.
Just then the Sanguine's commanding officer approached Sorsha and Saurron as they stood together awaiting word of their visitor.
"Lord Saurron, Lady Razielle, and your son have made contact with the intruder."
Just then a freighter class ship exited hyperspace. TIE defenders immediately swooped in flanking the ship as it got its bearings.
Another officer approached, and reported to the commander. He in turn faced Saurron. " Another ship has entered the sector, and has transmitted a highly encrypted message."
Saurron's lips curled into a smirk. Do not inhibit that ship let it pass
"Do you not wish to view the message my lord?"
No, I know who it is Saurron's eyes shifted to Sorsha. She must be very intent on reaching you...witch. His eyes shifted back to the Commander. Instruct them to take her to my chambers.
Saurron's chambers, there were safer places in the universe to be sure...
Miranda Dunleavy
Feb 11th, 2002, 12:30:46 AM
For a brief moment, everyone stopped what they were doing to watch the fiery haired woman walked onto the main bridge of "The Despondent". On either side of the walkway, technicians and officers dared to glance upwards as Saurron's assassin passed them by ... mostly getting the glimpse of a dark blue cloak out of the corner of their eyes.
She stopped short of the glass that protected all of them from the unforgiving vacuum outside. Emerald eyes scanned the endless void, pleased that the orbit they now were in was blocking the accursed system's primary star's influence. True, the glass was outfitted to protect her kind from its affects but being a Vampyre, it was natural to fear the sun ...
The Heavy Interdictor Cruiser was in orbit around the planet's South Pole, cloaked, waiting for orders from the Master. They were to be Saurron's ace in the hole. Nobody knew of their presence except him.
It was her first time away from the safe haven of the Coven's planet since joining under Saurron's wing. He trusted her implicitly after the dealings with the Father and wanted her to accompany him on this mission. She only wished that Soth was here but he had decided to leave and so Miranda stayed behind. Saurron had given back purpose to the Assassin and in that time Miranda had found that this unlife was more then just killing and following orders. Ironically enough, it was time for just that.
Her acute senses picked up the Captain of this vessel approaching her and turned around, catching him off guard.
Miranda had her arms crossed and quirked a brow.
"What is it?"
She took great pleasure in watching him swallow the lump in his throat before speaking. She knew that all the crewmen onboard feared and admired her .... Some where even lucky enough to please her greatly ...
"Master Saurron has wished you to move "The Despondent" into a new orbit around Prent's last know location."
Her eyes shifted to right to one of the helmsman.
"Take us into a standard orbit at those coordinates and then scan for anything in that general area."
The Tech nodded and swiveled his chair around back to his console.
"Yes Mistress."
She returned her attention to Captain Grace.
"Inform the Master that it won't take long to reach our new orbit and to inform me of any new orders as needed."
Grace saluted and turned on his heels, which Miranda did herself. She cupped her chin in thought, gazing out into the sea of blackness. Commanding ships wasn't her speciality and the red-head wondered when her true talents would be called into question as the ship veered, heading towards its new orbit ...
Lilaena De'Ville
Feb 14th, 2002, 03:06:47 AM
"I don't know what you could possibly be thinking, De'Ville. But I warn you, you've made a fatal mistake in trying to take me here." De'Ville shook her head from side to side, and silently cursed. Unable even to send a minor subliminal inclination to a person standing in front of her, there was no way she could reply. Only in times of intense stress or confusion could she overcome the blocks to her telepathic abilities.
The 'lift opened, and she stepped out into the hallway, unable to conceal the saber hilt in her hand. As she set foot on the passageway, her danger sense flared, and she turned around to face a young, pale fleshed man, flicking a lightsaber handle around like he thought he knew how to use it.
He was too far away to do any damage, yet the sense she got from him belied his careless attitude. "Not to smart sneakin around babe" He stepped forward as he grinned, exposing very sharp looking canines. "Take off your helmet trooper."
As he spoke, a woman sidled around behind him, affectively flanking her and blocking her way to the bridge. I could kill them both, yet that would weaken me for when I face Sorsha. She still was not positive how Sorsha would react. But it wouldn't be good, however it ended up going. Stuffed up inside the black armour, there really was only one way to do this. Lilaena smiled inside the helmet, carefully setting the blaster rifle on the floor.
Setting the lightsaber beside it, she slowly reached up and pulled the helmet off her head. With soft clicks, the armour pieces released, and fell to the ground, exposing the black jumpsuit she wore underneath. The lightsaber hilt leapt into her hand seemingly of its own accord, and the Dark Jedi faced her two opponents, the young man edging nearer.
His sense ...disturbed her. De'Ville did not ignite her saber, chosing not to aggravate what was already a bad situation. It would only take a flick of the wrist, and her vibroblade would be buried in his cocky throat. Her fingers twitched, and then stopped, as a group of security personnel gathered behind her. The man in front of her shrugged, and she blazed hate at him from her eyes. Not today. But you will feel the bite of my blade. I swear it will be so. She did not put down her saber, keeping her physical eyes on the pair in front of her, and watching the guards behind her through the Force.
Lilaena raised an eyebrow. "I demand to see the Sith, Kasajian." She was not afraid, her fury squashing any misgivings she might have held at one time. Any move he made towards her she was ready for. But if he behaved politely, there would be no need for his bloodshed. Yet.
Gavin LeStat
Feb 15th, 2002, 04:20:44 AM
Gavin could hear her thoughts loud and clear and he returned them with a single wink of any eye. Just another mockery of her blazing fury. For some reason he did not fear death, and it showed. He twirled his saber in one hand and placed it back were it hung on his belt.
"Pretty tough talk for a human."
His eyes widened then resumed their normal size as he simulaniously drew his face near hers. She stiffened but would not retreat from his advance. De Ville could hear him inhale close to her neck. Gavin turned to Razielle.
"What does my father wish us to do with her?" He asked with an upwards nod.
Lady Razielle
Feb 15th, 2002, 03:21:35 PM
Razielle sauntered slowly over to Gavin and the woman who was now totally surrounded. She watched with great interest as the female was obviously getting ready to pounce on Gavin as if he weren't quite capable of defening himself, then thought better of it when the odds of her demise were greatly elevated by the timely arrival of a Security Squadron.
Razielle felt the many emotions bubbling up around her, intrigue and excitement from Gavin, loathing and annoyance from their captive, apprehension and absolutely loyalty flowed from the Sanguine officers. It was the annoynce that gave her pause. This woman had just been fairly certain she would just merely walk away...
Razielle weighed the different possibilites quickly in her mind before shrugging and anwering Gavin, completely ignoring he comentary from the captive, orders isued from prisoners not high priority enough to even deserve a response.
"I have no notion what your Father wants with this one, she isn't entirely impressive. He does however want her delivered to his quarters. So, shall we be off?"
The lot of them were about to start the small procession to Lord Saurron's quarters when Razielle held up a hand..
"Just a minute.. She is armed with more then she seems or she wouldn't be so eager to be on her way to the predator's domain."
Without so much as the bat of an eyelash, she was relieved of a vibroblade, blaster rifle and her saber. The weapons were confiscated and by Razielle's orders returned to the ship she had previously departed.
"Now then... Gavin lead on.."
Razielle moved to the back of the procession, insuring that either way the woman would make it to Lord Saurron.
Lilaena De'Ville
Feb 17th, 2002, 04:32:11 AM
Defenceless, and yet, not without defence, De'Ville felt a little trepidation about her meeting with Gavin's "Father." He was obviously a man of some influence on board. The captain of the Eclipse class Star Destroyer, perhaps. The man who accompanied her was about her own age, perhaps a few years younger. And he had a lightsaber, obviously Force sensitive from the way he carried himself and the sense she picked up from him. The woman was as well.
There was a darkness on this ship that she didn't quite understand. It was not the same feel as she had often felt onboard a ship in the Sith Order's fleet. These people did not feel the same as the average dark sider. There was something deeper. Something darker.
The entire ship was saturated with it, and she had been reckless not to have noticed it right away. As she walked along passively with the two Force users and the security team her mind was active, mapping her progress, and keeping herself ready for any opportunities that might arise. They were not walking towards Sorsha, and, unarmed as she was, De'Ville didn't mind much.
Anything could become a weapon in the right hands, anyway. For now she would meet with Gavin's father. Her danger sense flared as she let the thought run through her head, and Lilaena suddenly thought about Pierce.
I miss you, my heart. Refocusing, she centered herself, and drove all thoughts of her husband from her mind. At a time like this she couldn't afford a distraction.
Feb 19th, 2002, 09:07:15 PM
Saurron shifted his eyes to those of Sorsha's. Shall we?
The meeting between the two could not take place on the bridge of the Sanguine. Stranger things have happened in the past thus rendering capital ships out of control. Though Saurron did not believe his guest to be a suicidal assassin he thought better than the bridge as a place to confront her. The master Vampyre and Sith Witch arrived in his personal chambers. Lavish and dark, it was adorned by long hangings of red that flowed freely from an unseen ceiling. Artifacts stood upon short pillars. Natural light via candles fought to giving away their short life casting their yellowish sheen upon the ebony walls and floor. Light that only gave birth to shadows who danced about, moving here and there swiftly.
Saurron's hand rose in front of Sorsha, it was open showing his palm. It then closed, and she was obscured from sight, and from De'Ville's senses. Enveloped in shadow she would remain, until Saurron was ready. He knew all to well Sorsha would strike her first and talk last, but Saurron wanted to know what it was that drove De'Ville to where she was a evil... that the Darkside of the Force kept for itself like a selfish child.
Outside the huge arched doorway he sensed his son and Lady Razielle his most loyal of Vampyre's. Ice blue eyes hung there in the shadows as he motioned for the two halves of the doors to open slowly revealing her, Gavin, and Saurron's unseen guest. You see, it was this fact that intrigued him the most. For with all the foresight he possessed did not show him this happening. This even was either an aid in his quest against the Princess Leia and Obiwan, or an abomination to be dealt with swiftly. His thoughts raced towards Sorsha. She was a fury, a whirlwind of anger, and he would have no qualms to release her in all her might to dispatch De'Ville should that be the path the Darkside chose.
Welcome to the Sanguine Ms.....? He tilted his head, and motioned his hand searching for her name.
Lilaena De'Ville
Feb 21st, 2002, 03:13:16 AM
Stripped of her weapons, De'Ville immediately tested the troopers surrounding her for weaknesses. As they walked, Gavin in front, and the woman behind, she was able to identify two or three weak spots that she could penetrate. The woman ...Raizelle, the Force whispered to her... held her lightsaber in her hand. With a flick of her wrist, Lilaena would call it to her own hand and strike down this insolent pair of Force users.
And then, even as her calves tensed to make her move, she lost track of Kasajian's Force sense. De'Ville continued to walk, surrounded by dark suited troopers, but casting about for Kasajian in the Force. Nothing.
She could imagine several possibilities, none of them good.
The other presence, the one she had sensed earlier, was still on the command deck. But they were not headed for the bridge, instead the group halted in front of an huge arched doorway, the troopers falling back as Gavin waved them away. Fool, I will - De'Ville did not make a move, however, as Raizelle and Gavin flanked her and the door slid soundlessly open.
The man standing inside what must have been his personal quarters was tall and pale, obviously the sire of Gavin who stood to her right. His light blue eyes caught her gaze, and held it. "Welcome to the Sanguine Ms.....?" His head tilted to the side and he gestured slightly, as if he were encouraging her to tell him her name.
De'Ville was reading nothing but deadly calm in the room, the man before her filled with the Dark side, yet it was still much different than any other life sense she had felt. Besides the albino and the two beside her. However, this one was more powerful. An image of him flashed in her mind, overlaying what she actually saw, showing the pale man covered in blood from head to toe and laughing.
She blinked, and the image disappeared.
"I am called De'Ville. And you are...?" He did not answer, so she kept speaking, her eyes tracking away to the side, looking for any control consoles of any kind. "I have no quarrel with you, as of yet. But I must speak with the one called Kasajian. You are hiding her." She detected that he was indeed using the Force, holding it within himself even as he used it in large quantities. How he was using it, she guessed at. Her fingers itched for her lightsaber as her danger sense kept getting stronger, and the pommel of her saber twitched in the hands of Raizelle.
Feb 27th, 2002, 10:08:22 PM
The two halfs of the arches making up the large entryway unto Saurron's chambers melded to one another sealing out the obtrusive light that tried in vain to enter within. Only flickering flames provided light for her to see now as the shadows danced willfully about the large expanse of a room. The ceiling could not be seen as the pillars reached upwards in vein. Shadows beat down the many flames light only to rest upon the pillars as if hanging on for dear life.
Saurron gazed calmly at De'Ville. Surely a charectistic most uncharicteristic of a Sith or ex Sith as were the case. He was not Sith of the Sith Empire nor had not he been for some time. He was Vampyre. A race and kind of evil unto itself and most hidden among lore and legend as a way to make the superstitious stay inside...but there was truth in their existance and Saurron was proof. True, not all worlds had heard of these beings yet word was spreading of blood drinking beings and the like...spreading fast. The fear of the darkness and the Darkside was spreading with it.
Saurron breathed inward taking in her scent detecting her midichlorines that ran rampad through her blood...her lifes blood. She saw his tongue run around his right fang as he turned away only to speak to her as he faced the other direction.
Miss...or is it Mrs. De'Ville? He paused then continued before she could answer.
You speak of a quarrel not existing between you and I, yet you have killed some of my crew. Now, I have to ask myself what is it she wants with my Sith kill her perhaps?
He turned to look over his shoulder at her...his ice blue eyes hanging there still. They gazed on riding on wings of daggers through her very being where she stood.
Lilaena De'Ville
Feb 28th, 2002, 03:35:45 AM
Like father, like son. This man had the same elongated canines as Gavin, and as she watched, the tip of his tongue ran around his right fang as he turned away from her.
His words sent a chill...or was it a thrill? through her body, and he turned to look over his shoulder at her, his light blue eyes seeming to skewer her where she stood. Gathering her composure, she addressed his first statement.
"My name is only De'Ville, and needs no other adornment." Lilaena continued, more brave than she herself knew as the vampyre continued to fix her in his gaze. She did not understand yet what race he was, nor did she as of yet know anything about the Coven. Ignorance, as they say, is bliss. "I have an urgent matter to discuss with your Sith Witch. Kasajian has something which belongs to me. And I have information that she may find useful.
"The Witch understands only the words of actions." If Kasajian was indeed listening in from the bridge, or another room on the ship, De'Ville carefully worded her statement. "I chose to speak her language, and prove the earnestness of my offer...a deal, if you will." She paused, and then did something uncharacteristic. If he referred to Kasajian as his Witch, then he was indeed very powerful.
"I will repay you the value of the troopers whos lives I took, as I have no quarrel with you. Indeed, if Kasajian will stop to listen, there is no reason why she and I should battle here." It only occured to her then that she still had not gotten the man's name.
Mar 5th, 2002, 11:57:59 PM
Facing the other direction his words were all she heard. She could not see him move nor speak yet his voice filled in her ears smooth and deep as if delivered atop a velvet pillow.
As you wish...De'Ville.
My name is...
Saurron turned to her recapturing her eyes once again with ice blue. Moments passed, it was as if she had lost time, for he was directly in front of her now grasping her hand in his, the back of which bore two holes, and was already being lowered from his deep kiss. His hold was loose and she could pull it away from his pale hand at any time or could she? Saurron's tongue tip met the corner of his mouth then trailed along just inside his bottom lip wiping the crimson away.
His gaze never wavered from hers as he finished his sentence.
Upon that he released the shadows of Force that hid Sorsha from De'Ville and bid her to his side his lips never moving nor uttering a word.
Lilaena De'Ville
Mar 8th, 2002, 03:06:10 AM
De'Ville stared at her hand, sitting loosely in Saurron's grasp. Two small dots of blood appeared on the back of her hand, dimpling up above her skin.
As Kasajian appeared to her Force sense, and walked to Saurron's side, De'Ville blinked, and pulled her hand back. To her surprise it came easily out of his hand. He seemed to be smiling, although his face was impossibly serene. And his blue...
A thought choked itself into her consciousness, grasping at her mind. Jax.
Lilaena straightened her back, and faced Sorsha. Their eyes bored into each other, neither one willing to look away first. "Kasajian, I understand you have something that belongs to me."
Gavin LeStat
Mar 10th, 2002, 09:48:15 PM
Gavin folded his arms, then stepped down the two steps away from the archway. His fingers tapped his arm while he and Razielle watched Saurron, learning from him, as he conversed with De'Ville. Then he drew her blood, tasting her only but it was enough to bring a wicked grin to his sons face. The air was filled with her bloods scent now, he could even sense the heat that accompanied the red liquid. Gavin glanced over to Razielle then returned to the back of De'Ville. It would be interesting to hear the Sith Witches response he thought as he leaned against a pillar his arms still folded while he crossed a leg over the other with the toe of his boot meeting the ebony sheen of the black floor.
Lady Razielle
Mar 11th, 2002, 09:32:24 AM
The scent of De'Ville's blood drifted through the air, it reminded Razielle of her Hunger and the fact that although she had recently fed, she wanted more. Such was the way with her. She was after all, still very young, amoung the Vampyre race and as such she was cursed to know great pain when confronted with Hunger.
Her own canines lengthened slightly, as if reaching out for a taste. The only thing they bit into however was the tender flesh on the inside of her own mouth. It did however cause a trickle of blood which caused her further discomfort with its teasing flavor. Gavin chanced to look over at her then. Whether it was due to the scent of her blood, or if he was watching her reaching to Lord Saurron tasting Miss De'Ville, she did not know.
She slid her violet gaze away from her Master's son, and returned her attention to the matter at hand. They had only to await the response of the Sith Witch, for the next phase of this drama to unfold before them.
Sorsha Kasajian
Mar 12th, 2002, 11:29:03 AM
:: Sorsha strides up to De'Ville, 'til they were practically nose to nose ::
"You're hurting my feelings, De'Ville. To think of me as such a simple creature, and now to accuse me of thievery."
<table border=0 cellpadding=15 cellspacing=0 background= width=555 height=284><tr><td width=271 valign=center><img src= width=240 height=182 alt="Sith Witch"></td></tr></table>
Lilaena De'Ville
Mar 13th, 2002, 01:57:57 AM
Nose to nose with Kasajian, De'Ville did not back down. She stared at her, considering with part of her mind which blood vessel in the witch's brain she would pinch off first.
"Simple? Nothing is ever simple, Kasajian, you know that. Although your thirst for blood is admirable, from a certain point of view, you do indeed have in your possession something which belongs to me." Lilaena could feel the eyes of the two who had escorted her boring into her back. It was slightly unnerving, but she blocked the feeling from her mind, while keeping tabs on the two.
Saurron was simply watching, his blue eyes looking not at Kasajian, but at De'Ville. She kept her focus on the face mere inches from her own. Cards on the table, or close to my chest? She narrowed her eyes in thought. I've come too far to play it safe. Going for sabacc.
The randomizer in this paticular game, Saurron, was someone to consider in this move. But De'Ville had come too far in the past hour to hesitate now.
"You have the soul of Pierce Tondry. I want it back."
Sorsha Kasajian
Mar 13th, 2002, 02:15:49 PM
"Oh I see. Is that why you've been hunting me?"
:: Her eyes widen as she laughs ::
"Tondry knew the price for my help and he paid it. What are you willing to sacrifice to me to get it back?"
<table border=0 cellpadding=15 cellspacing=0 background= width=555 height=284><tr><td width=271 valign=center><img src= width=240 height=182 alt="Sith Witch"></td></tr></table>
Lilaena De'Ville
Mar 15th, 2002, 12:31:41 AM
De'Ville allowed a slight smile to touch her lips. "I can give you an enemy on a platter. There is a way to humiliate and gain satisfaction at the same time. I can give that to you."
She eyed Kasajian coolly, not backing down from her.
Mar 16th, 2002, 11:46:16 PM
Saurron merely gazed on unaffected by De'Ville's words of Tondry's condition and her wish to restore him to his self, as he was before that fateful night in the Coven Citadel. Pierce had made a deal with Sorsha...the price...his soul. Steep indeed, nevertheless he paid in full and now De'Ville wanted it back as if it were some lost trinket to be recovered. Saurron grinned slightly at this thought, fleeting as it were.
The two women traded words face to face never leaving each others eyes. De'Ville's attention was fixed on Sorsha, then she felt it... Saurron's whisper fell upon her ears as his lips lightly brushed them with no trace of heat indicative of a living body in his breath. It was cold and dry as the planet Hoth's air sending a chill through her spine...
Perhaps it is I, with whom you have your troubles with after all my lady. Yiet san sui vrock mensla, tui brookuqui.
The rest of what Saurron said was unknown to her as it was in Vampyre tongue yet she fully felt the meaning as she turned her head in defiance to see that he was in fact not in her ear, but standing where he had been.
Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 7th, 2002, 12:10:10 AM
Unnerved, Lilaena fought her reflexes to brush at her ear where she had so plainly felt his lips. She inhaled, drawing on the Force to keep her steady. The Dark side did not do much to calm oneself, but she became as hard as granite, determined and full of anger.
"If my quarrel is indeed with you, I have no knowledge of it, Saurron." Her eyes refused to meet his, instead dwelling on the bridge of his nose. Force or not, this man was creeping her out. She considered abandoning her reckless quest, and leaving, but something inside her refused to leave. Not quite yet.
Apr 11th, 2002, 09:59:16 PM
He grinned, the tips of his fangs protruding just into his lower lip. Then he slightly tilted his head as if to gain a better look upon her as would a bird of prey sighting in on its next meal.
Where you not one of Sanis Prents Sith targets?
He folded his arms as if to repel any other answer than yes. Saurron had heard reports of Sanis and his actions against his Sith targets. It wasn't personal, well, not to Sanis, but Sith did not see it that way. Very few were forgiving in nature.
Saurron walked slowly behind Sorsha peering over her shoulder as he came around the other side in a deliberate stalking manner. Sorsha stood firm never taking her eyes from De'Ville, her body welling with anger. Saurron knew she would not give back the soul of Tondry at least not at this rate, thus creating an impass. Sanis was waiting. That fact in itself did not bother Saurron in the least however the more time that crafty human had the worse things could become. Very resourceful he was, and time was becoming short now...Saurron could feel it.
Saurron rounded Sorsha and halted very close to De'Ville. Now he was close to her this time. Close enough if she moved in any other direction than to the other side she would touch him. She didn't have too. He did it for her, leaning in he spoke softly but his words carried a heavy load...
Kill Sanis, and you may well have the soul you yearn for.
Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 12th, 2002, 12:50:58 AM
De'Ville didn't like men in her personal space. Saurron leaned against her, his body touching hers in a way that suggested...something. The hair on the back of her neck tingled as he spoke, his lips actually brushing her ear this time. She blinked.
"I...I cannot kill Sanis myself." She turned her head away from Saurron, and then back towards him. He was standing extremely close, and Sorsha was still glowering at her from behind him. Do you, then, have power over her? Her thoughts were hidden behind her mind blocks, yet...
His eyes were amazingly blue. From this close up she could see just how pale they actually were. With effort she looked away from them, and closed her eyes, seeing through the Force. "Yes, I was one of Sanis' targets. He told me that Sorsha was the one who hired him. But he lied." De'Ville opened her eyes again. "If he guessed my intent and had time to speak, I would fail. The yslamiri he carries with him at most times would spell my doom."
She raised her head defiantly, "But he believes I am under his thumb because of this. I am not. Why else would I be here, talking to, instead of killing Kasajian?"
Sorsha Kasajian
Apr 12th, 2002, 09:02:19 AM
:: Sorsha bursts into a giggling fit, her eyes sparkling with mirth at De'Ville ::
<table border=0 cellpadding=15 cellspacing=0 background= width=555 height=284><tr><td width=271 valign=center><img src= width=240 height=182 alt="Sith Witch"></td></tr></table>
Apr 17th, 2002, 09:42:54 AM
Why indeed?
Saurron afforded her no way out.
If it is Pierce Tondry's soul you seek, then it is Sanis Prents life you will take. Even if you need a little help from your friend...Kasajian as you so affectionately refer to her.
His voice had lost the velvet undertones that once smoothed it. His eyes now glowered down upon her as well. It soon became obvious to De'Ville what must be done. Saurron turned from her swiftly and approached Razielle and Gavin leaving Sorsha to stand behind her.
In a graceful march up the stairs he spoke to both of them while on the move.
Ready two shuttles for departure, we are leaving immediately. Make sure they are equipped properly. Seems we have a reunion to attend.
He reached the two Vampyre, Lady Razielle and Gavin then turned back to face De'Ville and Sorsha. Saurron gestured with his hand towards the now parting arched doors.
Ladies, if you please.
Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 17th, 2002, 09:53:00 PM
De'Ville closed her eyes momentarily, and cursed the day she was born. Frelling stupidity coming here in the first place. Better to kill Kasajian and bring her body to Sanis. That way she would get the name of her attacker, or at least have the satisfaction of one more kill before she died.
She walked slowly forward at Saurron's insistance, gauging the strengths of those around her. Sorsha she could take, and perhaps the younger man and the woman. But Saurron was more powerful, and seemed...older, more experienced. The others she would defeat in a one on one battle, and perhaps even two of them at once, but not all three at the same time. And certainly not if Saurron joined in.
She had no choices left, having burned her bridges behind her. Live Wire would laugh if she could see me now, and perhaps caution me to stop throwing myself off cliffs. De'Ville followed Saurron, her mind bent towards killing Sanis. She must have Tondry's soul.
Gavin LeStat
Apr 24th, 2002, 10:37:25 PM
"Humph" Gavin snorted in a mocking way.
He was less than impressed, but then he was with most humans. He shot De'Ville a smirk as she passed by with Sorsha in tow.
Taking two steps at a time he caught up to her.
"You know what, Sanis is gonna $!@#^%# kill you... heh."
He grinned showing his fangs then put his darkend eye cover on and double timed it to lead the way.
May 17th, 2002, 12:02:55 AM
Gavin passed by his father to lead the procession down to the hanger bay. After many turbo lift rides they made it to the main hanger bay where a loan assault lambda sat ready. It was elongated made to carry more troops, or other things. The groups boots clacked upon the glossy bay floor as they strode across it. Nothing would stop them now. Saurron would exact his revenge upon the human. Perhaps Sanis should have taken his offer that night high up in his Coruscant suite. That night would live on in Sanis's dreams of retribution against Sorsha for very long time. In fact Saurron's promise of giving Sanis everything he knew about the blonde would fuel the fire in which drove him to keep tabs on the Princess Leia as Saurron requested. Saurron grinned to himself as the thoughts of these things passed through his mind.
The ramp was down and the procession made their way onboard. Once inside the Lady De'Ville, and Sorsha were instructed to don the same black UV suits that the Vampyers wore in sunlight situations. Of course the Vampyres began slipping into them as well. Twelve Dark Troopers in there ebony armor already at aboard the craft. Clearance to leave the Sanguine had been issued. Codes were tranponded, and received as the small ship left the glossy bay floor and heading towards the magnetic shield and the black mat littered with white dots that was called space. A blue hue immediately filled the view screen as the shuttle angled down to enter the planets atmosphere closing upon Sanis's position.
Sorsha Kasajian
May 17th, 2002, 10:27:52 AM
:: Sorsha watches De'Ville with gold eyes as she waits. They were dilated, like a cat's eyes, and very unsettling to look at on a human face. It was not a force trick, and De'Ville begins to realize that Sorsha is not fully human, but a genetic hybrid of some kind ::
Jun 5th, 2002, 01:40:54 AM
Looking over Eldorack's shoulder at the mid-stations incoming message's view-screen, Mockadane paused for a moment lost in thought. This brief interruption let Eldorack know that Mockadane was carefully plotting the safest option for those that were accompanying him as well as himself. The lower left of the five screens showed a new associate manning the lower quad laser turret, possibly watching out at the stars for threats. Glancing towards Eldorack, Mockadane spoke in sharp abrupt tones as to make His point clear.
"Charge the main Guns, and get yourself into the upper turret after sending the sensory array readings to the cockpit." Watching Eldorack punch in a few commands at his terminal He stood and faced Mockadane with a look that only they understood. Before they left one another to do there assigned tasks Mockadane reiterated that Eldorack was to watch out for threats from above as Mock targeted the surface threats.
Mockadane climbed into the pilots seat and thumbed a couple of toggles as He put on the ship's internal linked headset. Hearing Eldorack and Synteck's affirmatives on system checks pertaining to the RAPTORS targeting and communications Mockadane's thoughts were abruptly cut off as He looked over at the copilot-pilots seat. The station not necessarily manned from the cockpit, rather Eldorack liked to supply his effort from the mid-station, without the distractions of events transpiring in the viewpoint. Dog looked on with a quizzical look Mock couldn't make out, but cautioned him anyway.... "With knowing hearts and skeptical minds we tread forth into uncharted territory!" The big man Quoted from a passage he had once read. Dog cocked his head to the side in a funny pose and all Mockadane could do was smile and pat his head before he caught a glimpse of the shuttle's launch from the underbelly of the massive ship.
With a wink at the K-9 Mock flipped the mouthpiece down into place... " Look alive... I'm tracking them in a defensive pattern in a one kilometer radius. The engines of the Correllian light freighter screamed into service and tracked in a lazy swoop around the Lambda trajectory. At 2.5 Kilometers above the surface, Mockadane shifted the decent of the raptor into a two kilometer radios and deployed three repulsor-sensors at 33.3 degrees from each other to watch the immediate terrain and outlying regions from mischievous acts.
Once this task was performed The raptors partical and ray shielding was initiated to full and Mockadane brought Her in to rest on her repulsors, starboard of the shuttle...75 meters out as to give a clear view of both vessels
Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 5th, 2002, 12:34:05 PM
De'Ville sat quietly, completely covered in her suit, goggled and obscured like the others with her.
The back of her hand hurt.
She extended her senses...and probed ahead of the shuttle on the planet as they neared their destination. There was a spot..a blind eye in the Force... it meant only one thing.
Yslamiri. It was definetely Prent down there. In spire of her anger, Lilaena felt a chill run up her spine. Fear? Yes...perhaps.
She kept her head about her, taking in her surroundings and placing everything in her memory. Kasajian sat near her, but not too close. The man, or creature, called Saurron was sitting beside the Witch. Her keeper, perhaps? De'Ville sat back, relaxing while she still could.
Gavin LeStat
Jun 5th, 2002, 10:52:18 PM
Gavin watched De'Ville with a smirk. Tossing her a full face helm he makes yet another cocky remark.
"Hey, wear this, I'm sure you don't want Sanis to kill you at first sight. "
He grinned at her then sat next to Razielle as the shuttle headed toward the surface of Reytha. The four TIE D escort ships peeled away as the shuttle entered the atmosphere of the destined planet. Just then a loan YT-1300 sped past the Lambda and veered away, well out of the shuttle pilots sight yet held fast on their scanners looming just within range. The landing gears hydrolics could barely be heard in the shuttles interior as the wings swung upward allowing the gracefull ship to set down. Dust rose then disapated as vents released there gases as they always did upon landing.
Sanis's ship sat there across from the Lambda. With the cockpit view ports of each ship facing one another it was as if they were staring each other down.
Sanis Prent
Jun 6th, 2002, 12:07:40 PM
(I'd been kept waiting...and it had taken its toll on my mood. With half a dozen other things pushed back by half a day, I wasn't in the mood for small talk. When the first ship came down to escort the shuttle, I got a funny feeling. Call it a sixth sense, I really don't care. I didn't exactly press the flesh with upstanding members of the community, and the unwritten rules kept both sides in an uneasy agreement. A second ship was added baggage, and a hinderance to business as usual. Keeping an eye on it, I kept Layla's systems in idle...ready for anything. Marcus kept a passive lock on the approaching own sabacc chip in the game. I stood on the gangplank, seeming calm as before a storm. I'd been kept waiting too long though, and though I didn't have any particulars, I could tell that somebody was trying to slip me a mickey, or worse. Saurron's dealings were as risky as they were profitable.
Just my kind of bargain.)
Jun 9th, 2002, 09:50:01 PM
As the TIE Defenders raced back and forth across the star dotted galaxy. Four were of interest to anyone really watching the skies. The Sienar fleet systems engines roared towards the wayward floating ship Sanis had seemingly sacrificed to allow a safe landing on the planet below. In unison magnetic tow cables shot from the aft of each of the four Defenders latching onto the dead ship and finally coming taught. It was being towed, towed far away...sectors from the planet Reytha and ships around it.
The Lambda's ramp lowered, and for a moment there was no movement. No one ran down the ramp. Nor was there a rush of troops surging outward to encircle the money lusting human. Saurron's thoughts faded to the Coruscant meeting once again, as he drew to memory the feeling Sanis had for his long lost love. He didn't even love himself but he loved her. Saurron's tongue absent absentmindedly paused on his own razor sharp fang drawing a dot of blood from it. Then he grinned. It was now... the telling hour.
You two... will know when to come to me, He pointed at Sorsha and Lady De'Ville. and you two... know... what is to be done. Saurron glanced at Razielle and Gavin
The master Vampyre exited the ship as he strode down the ships ramp. Though Sanis was still on his gang plank Saurron did not slow his pace as he headed towards the other ship where gun for hire stood ready...and irritated. The dying days last light, it shone bright for now, reflecting as it set, off the helm Saurron wore. Even though it stared straight at the Vampyre he did not wither nor slow. The Cursed Star had no effect as he made his way to rendezvous with the human. Black robes flowed raising up with the coming of the evening winds of Reytha thus revealing his secret. A protective UV suit that dark as the night he loved beat back the destructive rays that would otherwise spell his doom. Saurron grinned within his helm as the tactical, and environmental readouts scrolled and flashed on the inside of the transperasteel shield.
It was not a secret to Sanis as a matter of fact it was like a replay of that fateful day on Coruscant that brought the determined human and the master Vampyre together for the first time...
Sanis Prent
Jun 11th, 2002, 11:40:30 AM
Time is money,'ve kept me waiting.
(My voice was calm and cool, and I kept my place.)
Jun 12th, 2002, 10:08:22 PM
Light winds once again grasped at his long flowing robes and cloak that surrounded his body. Saurron seamed more confident this time somehow. It was daylight, surely Sanis could pull much of the same moves and have somewhat decent success, but there was something else. Unknown to Sanis Saurron had immediately commissioned the TSE labs to build him a "better" suit. One that would rebuild itself should it be...damaged so to speak. Nanite technology was amazing these days, and it served Saurron well now. True, his skin would only stand so much punishment from the Cursed Star, but now the light would not see his skin for long...
The ships, facing each other, were close together. Saurron moved quickly across the gap, but stopped upon Sanis's addressing of him. Folding his arms as if to mock the mere human.
Ohhhh I'm sure you can absorb the cost... for what I am about to bestow upon you Mr. Prent will change your life forever.
His voice was filled with deep meaning and carried with it a deep tone, but Sanis heard it filled his ears with a velvet touch. Making him think of... if nothing else the sweet taste of total vengeance for his lost love...his only love.
Saurron had a flair for the dramatic, but it was merely an indicator for those who knew him, to begin a heightened level of awareness.
Gavin LeStat
Jun 20th, 2002, 10:15:05 PM
Gavin felt it first. His own father calling to him. Then Sorsha...then the Lady De'Ville. Vampyre were born of the Darkside and Gavin was a born Vampyre, making him most special...most special. He turned to Sorsha then to LD.
"Here, and don't get any funny ideas lady...that is if you want to make it back to your lovely"
De'Ville looked down through her helm. It was hard to see at first until the sighting lens flared to life. Read outs flickered in front of her distracting her eyes for a moment then she saw what exactly it was.
It was her Saber...
Gavin slapped it into her hands.
He left her standing there next to Sorsha, and walked into the cockpit of the Lambda shuttle. Flicking a switch with his elongated nail that adorned his index finger he contacted the Sanguine.
"Target these coordinates with ion cannons, and turbo laser batteries then wait for my command. Second, deploy the Orbital Night Cloaking Satellites immediately. I want them fully operational within the half hour."
The son of Saurron placed his helm upon his head and moved toward the exit then turned to Sorsha and De'Ville once again.
"Time to shine ladies! No pun intended of course." He smirked.
That was their cue to follow him out of the shuttle.
Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 22nd, 2002, 10:57:03 PM
De'Ville stared at the saber hilt in her hand, and then back up at the one called Gavin as he walked into the cockpit. She looked sideways at Kasajian, but the Witch wasn't paying any attention to her. Or, if she was, it was impossible to tell simply through her body language, as the helms and black suits disguised her entirely.
Sanis wasn't stupid, he would recognize her saber hilt...or would he? What the frell was Saurron trying to prove by this little jaunt? De'Ville clipped it behind her on her belt, so it was out of sight, and slowly followed Gavin down the ramp. As the sun hit her, she noticed the goggles were darkened, and the suit...
She probed with the Force around her, and found that the suit blocked UV rays. Why would anyone need a suit that blocked out ultraviolet? The back of her hand itched.
Gavin LeStat
Jun 30th, 2002, 06:17:00 PM
Almost immediately the satellites shot like missals from the various bays beneath the Sanguine. Only ship such as this could complete task such as this. Stabilizing jets fired as each of the units found their programmed place among the orbit of Reytha.
online: ready for activation
The message was repeated seven times across the screen. The new orbital would revolve with the planets rotation casting the area in darkness until they were destroyed or until they were deactivated. A technology more than suited for the Vampyre race. It was only a matter of time now...
The cursed stars rays met with Gavin's suit now as he walked calmly to the end of the ramp, turned, and folded his arms awaiting De'Ville and blonde Sanis hated more than anyone in is pathetic human life.
Sanis Prent
Jul 4th, 2002, 12:03:31 AM
(I scowled at the approach of other black-clad figures)
I told you before, no uninvited guests.
Sorsha Kasajian
Jul 8th, 2002, 09:48:41 AM
:: Sorsha grins beneath the darkened helm, her identy concealed from Sanis. She could hear his heartbeat. Soon, she would taste his blood ::
Jul 9th, 2002, 08:46:10 PM
Hmmm...I must have innocently forgotten your stipulations Mr. Prent. However, the information you seek can not be retrieved without these...uninvited you call them.
The Cursed Star seemed to shine defiantly against his helm, casting a great reflection against Sanis's beloved Layla where he stood amongst the gangplank. Yet the destructive rays appeared to fade... prematurely in fact. It was a sign of things to come.
Long shadows fell here and there across the lands of Reytha. Not like those of a sunset, but an irregular set that met one another and began forming a uniform darkness mimicking night. It was as if great clouds were forming across the sky yet not moving along with the natural movement of natural things. The shroud of the Darkside was being dropped.
Unnatural things indeed were afoot now.
Sanis Prent
Jul 9th, 2002, 10:32:04 PM
(My hand began to slowly trail down to my belt, resting on a small device clipped there)
You've got ten seconds to make me interested, Saurron. I don't like this, and our meeting is about to come to an abrupt end.
(The sky seemed to be darkening...quickly, and in a way I'd never seen before. My eyes returned to Saurron, and narrowed, as I activated the microdeflector generator on my belt)
Gavin LeStat
Jul 10th, 2002, 10:05:43 PM
Gavin walked with the two towards his father. Even from where he was Gavin's acute vision could see the distortion of the personal shielding Sanis had recently activated. The abnormal shadows continued to fall all around them and it was now apparent to Sanis that Saurron had something to do with this event. Nevertheless it would be night soon...sooner than Sanis expected. He looked at the chronometer on the heads up display inside the helm.
"Perfect timing."
Jul 12th, 2002, 11:26:09 PM
Ten seconds to me is a very long time Mr. Prent. I am delivering you everything you could have ever wanted in your human least... too this point. What with your dealings across the galaxy it would not surprise me if half of the New Republic fleet arrived here and now.
Deepened blackness fell across Saurron where he stood darkening the land around him. He cast his gaze upward as Sanis watched his helmet tilt. It was not a shadow from a passing cloud. It was something else. Saurron's hands rose to his helmet and removed it, then hung it on his side. The tinted, mini shield protected visor covered his eyes no more. Sanis still stood in the suns light for now and it caused Saurron to blink and squint a few times. did have its benefits at times.
Saurron's whisper reached Sanis loud and clear.
And what of whom I pursue? Do you have her future travel log coordinates for me? I suggest that you do Mr. Prent, and not in delayed transmission after you have left.
The two were at his side now. All of the black suits were exactly the same. Glaring at him with lifeless visors. It was no wonder why Sanis had his reservations.
Lilaena De'Ville
Jul 16th, 2002, 10:31:41 PM
De'Ville stood beside Saurron, pieces of a puzzle in her hands, but none of them falling into place. Who were these people? Why had she never heard of them before? But in front of her was Prent...and beside her was Kasajian.
The Witch seethed with anger - why, she didn't know. Prent had reason enough to hate Sorsha, but De'Ville had not heard of the Witch's motivation. Perhaps she had none. The Sith were notorious for going off half cocked with little to no prior reasons.
It was a waste. De'Ville's resolve hardened as she watched the artificial night come over the planet. She didn't even know what planet they were on. Knowledge was power. These people, with their UV suits and connections with the Sith, had all the knowledge. She was in too deep. But she'd make it out. She always had.
De'Ville held her stance loosely, flanking Saurron who had Sorsha on the other side of him. Sanis was nervous, and he reached down, activating something on his belt. A personal shield, perhaps? She focused her attention on him, feeling her anger building at his arrogance.
Sanis Prent
Jul 17th, 2002, 10:34:56 PM
(I reached into my jacket with a slow and deliberate motion, to guarantee that what I withdrew would be to their benefit and not otherwise. The disc was small and translucent, and with a flick of my wrist, I tossed it to the master vampyre, the dying rays of the artificial twilight casting a last gasp of hue across its crystalized contours.)
Its a loose itinerary, with most of her official business. Doesn't include last-minute plans and personal matters, but its cross-checked and good to go, and its not cheap to keep those kinds of tabs on Jedi these days.
Jul 21st, 2002, 01:11:37 AM
He stared at Sanis for a moment as he spoke then shifted his eyes downward to the disc in his hands, then back up to Mr. Prent. The Satellites had done their job now. Darkness was complete yet the two that stood before Sanis still wore their helms. Red readouts scrolled in front of their eyes as the image of Sanis glowed a pale red.
Well, I must say you have definitely delivered, thank you Mr. Prent. It has been...a pleasure as always.
With that the engines of the shuttle came to life. Marker lights began to blink in there own rhythm as Saurron turned and strode away towards the ramp. He stopped in his steps and turned slowly feeling that Sanis was about to say something not so nice.
Well, Mr. Prent, the information you so adamantly sought in trade for this has been intrusted with the two in front of you. I am sure you will not be disappointed.
Saurron grinned, then turned and headed towards the shuttle. A flip of his hand cast the disc into Gavin's as he neared.
Riuin sieuck en druiths fuir puirtea.
"Yes father."
Iuou Vampouir!
"Yes father."
Gavin made a face as he slid the disc into the data viewer.
Gavin LeStat
Jul 31st, 2002, 11:44:04 PM
"Mockadane!" Gavin yelled into the com. "Wake up damit!"
Gavin continued looking at the itinerary of the Jedi and all looked good. Some of the dates had already passed but there were plenty more to follow up on, some taking her through some very deep space.
"Time for you to earn your money for once big man!"
Saurron's shuttle began to lift...
Aug 2nd, 2002, 01:35:26 AM
The semi annoying voice of Saurron's and Sari's son screamed through on the com speaker inside the cockpit of the Raptor. The three display screens in the Raptors's pilot station adjacent to the tracking and targeting screen all glowed a faint blue with the thus letting Mockadane know that all was well.
"Calm down Wesley, all is well, I'll most likely kill you in the morning." Mockadane's cynical voice came through the speaker in Gavin's ear. Eldorak's chuckle followed closely.
Sorsha Kasajian
Aug 12th, 2002, 09:51:55 AM
:: One of the black clad figures removes it's helmet, and loose blonde curls spill around her shoulders ::
"Nice to see you again."
Sanis Prent
Aug 12th, 2002, 11:24:12 AM
(It took a monumental amount of restraint not to draw my shell gun and put a round through the center of my ire. Like a wound that wouldn't heal, she grew and festered in the darkest of my nights. If there wasn't a smile on my face to greet the world, it was because the blackest of all cats had crossed my path. In a profession such as mine, personal feelings are poison.
My hesitation suprised me as much as I imagine it suprised her. She never did seem the chatty type. The fact that she hadn't tried to rake her nails into my soul gave her half an ounce of credit to her intent. It wouldn't buy much I was selling...but for now, she could put a lease on the moment.)
...the pleasure is all yours, Sorsha Kasajian.
Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 12th, 2002, 02:08:49 PM
De'Ville felt the quick prick of fear in her heart as she faced the one who had trapped her so neatly. Hardening, she channeled the fear into anger, and the anger into power. Sanis was not proctected by the ysalmiri she had sensed (or not sensed) from orbit. The null space existed behind him...most likely in the ship.
She also did not remove her helmet, but instead used the Force to yank his prized Mandalorian shell gun from his holster. It smacked into her outstretched hand, and she smiled beneath the darkened visor. The helmet muffled her voice, and twisted it, so Prent could not recognize it. "I'm sure the pleasure is all ours."
Sanis Prent
Aug 20th, 2002, 05:12:18 PM
(I spread my arms wide. I hadn't drawn my piece at the sight of the Sith Witch, and despite the antics of her "friend"...I was going to keep a cool head here...even if it killed me.)
It seems we have crossed each others paths in several unpleasant ways, Sorsha.
Sorsha Kasajian
Aug 21st, 2002, 11:19:24 AM
"It was you who crossed me, and I swore by Vicet that I would punish you for that. No matter how long it took."
Sanis Prent
Aug 21st, 2002, 11:26:32 AM
It's finished.
(I took a prolonged breath)
Here and now.
Sorsha Kasajian
Aug 21st, 2002, 11:52:03 AM
"Is it really?"
Sanis Prent
Aug 21st, 2002, 11:53:34 AM
(Reluctantly, I nodded.)
I'm willing to end it. I'm tired of playing tit for tat with you.
Sorsha Kasajian
Aug 21st, 2002, 11:56:37 AM
"So you wish to walk away?"
Sanis Prent
Aug 21st, 2002, 11:59:03 AM
From all of it. All debts paid. Out of jail, and passing "go".
(A dour expression crossed my face)
I want nothing more to do with you and your friends.
Sorsha Kasajian
Aug 21st, 2002, 12:09:12 PM
"Saurron arranged this so that I could kill you ... or make you scream for Death's release."
:: she pauses, looking through his eyes into his soul ::
"I shall allow you to walk away, but if this is a deception, all the pain and suffering I've given you up to now. It'll be a prelude of what's to come."
:: she steps back with a cautious bow ::
Sanis Prent
Aug 21st, 2002, 12:12:53 PM
(I allowed her to depart. It felt like a blight on my soul was lifted. If I never saw her face again after this day, I was that much better for it all. Glancing back to the other helmeted woman, I extended my hand)
I'll take my gun now. I'm leaving this hell-hole.
Sorsha Kasajian
Aug 21st, 2002, 12:18:00 PM
:: watches cautiously, her eyes darting back and forth between them ::
Aug 27th, 2002, 11:13:50 PM
The Raptor lingered not far from the scene. Once the shuttle, that carried his employer and his most dear, had cleared minimal safe distance, Mockadane slid in the displacer disk. This little device bought time from orbiting onlookers by stealing a few degrees of planitary coordinants every 1.62 seconds... leaving the location detectors running haywire for a few minutes.
The voice over the big man's headset brought with it a tone of danger... "Doing this will surely make Saurron mad!" Eldorack said calmly.
Mockadane's reply was to the point..."My job is not to protect all who walk and talk to Saurron, My employer is safe, thats what Im paid for ... and as for this, we will call it professional courtesy!" Mockadane remembered the time when he met Sanis ... Mock thought to himself..., if he chooses to leave now it will be his choise.
Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 28th, 2002, 01:04:10 AM
De'Ville watched the encounter, her hand firmly gripped around Sanis' gun. She could not face him now...but soon. She would find away around the nanites in her blood.
Slowly and deliberately, she cracked open the shellgun, and emptied the chamber into her gloved hand. There was only one shell inside, one with an orange stripe. She held it up between forefinger and thumb, so he could see it.
Then, she placed it within a utility pocket in the UV suit.
Sanis Prent
Oct 3rd, 2002, 12:52:12 AM
(I extended my hand forward, to retrieve the now-unloaded weapon)
Lilaena De'Ville
Oct 3rd, 2002, 12:57:20 AM
The woman flipped the gun to him, as the second ship flew in close, boarding ramp extending. Sorsha used the Force to leap inside before it had landed, and De'Ville followed suit, but waited until it was a bit closer.
No reason to flaunt her abilities in front of Prent. She had his shell, and that he wouldn't forget. The ramp closed behind the two women, and the ship roared off, breaking through the atmosphere and into space.
Sanis Prent
Oct 3rd, 2002, 01:26:32 AM
(I watched Sorsha and the woman leave. It was a cautious exit. I never let my guard down. Yet, as the gangplank seemed like I'd aired out a lot of dirty laundry, and taken care of old ghosts. Bittersweet, in retrospect. Maybe it was a trend of coming days of normalcy. I was tired of playing the grudge. There's no money in a payback; just a big deception.
As I left the planet...I wondered if I'd ever cross paths with the Sith Witch again. Or for that matter, the Vampyres who watched over her now. It should have been a release. Instead, nagging concerns hung like dimming afterimages of headlights fading away through a cold winter night. I could almost see the path of destruction we all walked on.
I wondered, as Layla departed, if we'd actually cleared it.)
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