View Full Version : *An interruption* (open challenge to a Jedi)
Miryan no Trunks
Jan 5th, 2002, 05:14:47 AM
*The morning was beautiful, the bright blue sky acting as the perfect surrounding for the sun.. Not a single cloud could be seen in any direction, yet there was a nice breeze blowing in from the sea, 10 feet in front of and over 120 feet below the form of Sith Lord MnT.. He stood perched upon the top tip of a rather large stone, one foot touching the ground by toes alone, the other leg brought up, knee to chest. Both hands were in front of him, positioned as if in prayer, yet remaining a few inches apart. His eyes were closed, and did not even flinch as his hair was blown against them. It was too warm of a day, so his trademark trenchcoat was on the ground below, folded neatly.. Because of this, his two lightsabers, Life and Death, could be easily noticed in the custom belt-sheathes he had fashioned for them. But even more noticeable, was the large broadsword his apprentice Tempistopps had crafted for him, strapped across his back..*
*He stood in perfect silence, meditating in his normal training (and, for that matter, standard for All times) clothing. Black tank top, cargo pants, and durasteel-rimmed boots. His body was misleading in it's appearance.. His body was largely muscled, true, yet not grotesquely so. In fact, it was so well toned, the muscle-mass so condensed, that even the most studious of examinations would never be able to reveal just how physically strong and fast he was..*
*Suddenly though, his meditation was broken, as the approach of a Jedi made itself known to him, through their force signature..*
*Fully awakening, MnT once again felt the oceans breeze brushing against his face, heard the waves crashing against the rocks at the bottom of the cliff, smelt the sea from even this high up, and saw the sun glistening off the water, out along the horizon. Turning around, he stood facing the direction from which the Jedi was approaching, stood and awaited their arrival..*
Marcus Telcontar
Jan 5th, 2002, 05:59:56 AM
:: Whit the almost infuriating calm that only a Jedi deeply in with the Force, Marcus Q'Dunn, Jedi Master, also one of the very Warlords ever to come from the Jedi ranks. A rarity, he was a Jedi that was a warrior, a fighter.
Dark haired, dark eyes reflecting his inner peace, he strode forward, no weapon in his hands. But, he was still obviouly armed. There hung on his belt the Archaic FlameSabre Athona and one his back, was something else. A sword. A genuine sword created with the Force and arts long gone, taken from the dead hand of it's creator. His clothes hid something else.
He was only above average height and obviously fit, but he walked as if the gravity was light, which for him it was.
"Now here is a rarity. A Sith that is polite enough to wait for an opponent."
He came to a stop 6 meters away, hands loosely at his sides. "I presume that is what you are looking for, for why else are you here?"
Miryan no Trunks
Jan 5th, 2002, 08:10:33 AM
*MnT smiled slightly and stretched his body out, raising up onto the very tips of his toes, his arms, hands, and even fingers reached up as high above his head as he could manage, whilst he replied..*
... I believe you'll find me a rarity for a Sith in more ways than just that, but as for my purpose, sir Q'Dunn..
*He had heard enough about this Jedi to recognize him fairly quickly.. As if the powerful force signature emanating from within him was not clue enough towards him being one of the few Jedi Masters..*
... I am simply here meditating as part of an extensive training rejime I'm putting myself through.. But.. I have not fought with a person, let alone a Jedi Master, in quite some time, so as such, I would be honored to have this battle..
*Bowing deeply in his traditional method to honor both his opponent, and the upcoming fight, MnT then brought himself into a standard martial arts defensive position that, despite it's simplicity, Marcus could not see a single opening in..*
... My honor forbids me from taking the first move, so whenever you're ready, have at me..
Marcus Telcontar
Jan 6th, 2002, 07:18:13 PM
:: "A Sith with honour? Isn't that a contradiction in terms?"
While he spoke, his eyes scanned the area, noting landmarks and other items that were of interest. The forest, the cliff, the water below... making a judgement and a mental note of each feature and what it could be used for.
He sayed at ease, not matching the martial stance that the Sith took. And a rather handy idea came to mind. A hand stretched out, then with a mental urge, the used the Force to toss the Sith over the cliff. No pausing to see the results, the Jedi began to run at full speed for the forest. A push off with one foot had him leaping high into the upper branches of the first tree, then using the Force to jump to another and another. He stopped when he was deep enough, turned, and stayed on the branch he was on. On his back, there was a curious weapon, something he had practiced with, but never had the chance to use. Seemed like a good time to test it out, especially just as the Sith would most likely be coimng after him, a touch annoyed.
He wont see me, but he will sense me. But he wont know the range of this weapon and he wont know I have it. Come on Sith, come closer....
He could sense where the Sith was coming from. He took out an arrow, placed it in the bow he carried, then pulled back slowly, allowing the string to touch his cheek.
And waited for a clear shot.
Miryan no Trunks
Jan 6th, 2002, 10:08:45 PM
*Awaiting the first move, MnT had barely time enough to smile as he saw what the first move would be. Using the force for the first attack was the only way to go about it. Physical attacks were both too easily defended against, and too easily reversed. The force was the only smart way to go about it.*
*Bringing himself into a backflip as he was launched off the cliff, MnT spun 3/4 of a full circle, and pressed back with his legs. The action simply worked as a vessel for the force push that would propel him back onto the ground, and as such, it worked. He gracefully touched down a moment later, but upon a quick check with his eyes, could not see Marcus anywhere..*
"... Hmm, he's quite fast, yet.."
*He thought to himself, then searched out with the force.. His position was easily traceable, but what was that he was pulling from his back..? Upon feeling it's form, MnT discovered it to be a bow.. Excellent.*
... Hardly, I live for honor through battle, and by learning to be as powerful, and viscious a warrior as possible, you can also become stronger by setting your Own limitations..
*He spoke this loudly, while continuing to look back and forth across the front of the forest, as if he could not sense Marcus.. Suddenly, the distinct sound of a bow being fired touched his well-trained senses, as well as that of the incoming arrow. Immediately sensing the position of the arrow, MnT waited until just the right moment, before flicking his right arm up in an arc so fast, that not even Marcus' Master senses could see it as anything more than a near-invisible blur. Stopping almost as fast as it started, his arm snapped to a halt just up and away from his head, the arrow the jedi had launched clearly visible in hand.*
*Not willing to risk the possibility that the arrow had a timed-explosive or any such thing concealed within, MnT quickly flipped it around and flung it off the side of the cliff, where it fell to the rocks below, before being crushed against them by the waves.*
... Your aim is quite good, had I not caught that, it would have stopped between my eyes.. Now, I believe, the turn is mine.
*Checking first, that Marcus was not taking aim with another arrow, MnT then focused his mind in a sphere around the Jedi, using the force to shake and snap the branches all around him. Jumping away to another tree would result in his being beaten bloody by the branches and shards of wood that would be ricocheting every which way, and if were to just sit there, he would soon find himself approaching the ground, for in a mere second or two, there would be no attached branches underneath him.. MnT watched through the force with interest, at how Marcus would get out of the situation..*
Marcus Telcontar
Jan 8th, 2002, 08:08:07 PM
:: He felt something wrong with the branch he was on and when a brief second later he felt the branch snap, the Jeid was ready for the fall to the ground, landing lightly with the Force as a cushion. Branches and splinters also rained down as he rolled away, hand moving to the quiver on his back. His hand found an arrow, somewhat larger than the first, he rolled to his feet, reloaded and fired in one swift and smooth movement.
The bow twanged, the arrow shot out. It flew straight for the head of the Sith, almost reaching him before suddenly diverting, hitting a tree nearby. Marcus gave the Sith a cheeky wave, then pointed to another tree, where a second arrow, fired while the Sith was distracted was lodged.
It exploded, detonating the tree trunk and spraying the nearby area with shrapel and flame. As the flame cleared, the Jedi was already gone, running fast deeper into the forest and beginning to formulate a bit of a plan in his mind::
Miryan no Trunks
Jan 9th, 2002, 04:29:20 AM
*A force shield erecting almost on instinct alone as the Jedi pointed towards a location on the opposite side from the arrow MnT had tracked, his instinct proved correct, as an explosion suddenly threatened to tear through him.. As the flame and burning shards of wood coursed around the protective sphere, MnT could sense the Jedi hurrying deeper into the woods.. This, MnT knew, was not a particularly wise move in his part, for MnT had spent the vast majority of his martial arts training, in forests.. As soon as the flame was not a threat, MnT dropped the shield, and leapt up to a particularly high branch, pushing off it almost immediately after grasping hold of it. He quickly followed the Jedi through the forest, sending out a "ghost" image of his force signature that followed the Jedi along the ground at a good pace, while keeping his Own signature well masked..*
*Soon enough, MnT caught sight of the Jedi, and continued to dash along from branch to branch, making no noise distinguishible as being anything less than the wind alone.. Looking forwards, he focused his mind onto a tree along-side of the Jedi's path, and through the force, caused it to snap half-way up, before coming crashing down so close to the running Jedi, that he had less than a second to try and avoid it..*
Marcus Telcontar
Jan 13th, 2002, 06:31:26 AM
The Jedi turned too late, looked up as the branch snapped and dropped straight onto his head. He tried to move out of the way but he was too slow. But just as the Sith was about win a small victory in this battle, the Jedi improbably and seemingly impossibly faded out of existence, revealing the Sith had been duped, before he was tripped up and pushed off the tree with an invisible hand…
Q’Dunn’s eyes reopened as he allowed the mental trick to fade. A good 100 meters away, maybe more, he sat with his back propped on a tree, undergrowth all around him, making direct observation impossible except from up close. Fact was, he had not really moved from where the Sith had last seen him. He was sweating with the concentration he had just used, it was difficult even for a Master to split his attention and try two things at once with the Force. The mental effort was extreme to say the least, hiding himself in the Force and making an illusion of himself that would dupe a Sith. It had been necessary to stay still and avoid other diversions. And then there was keeping track of where the Sith was. Not really possible except for the fact the Sith was also playing tricks in the Force, giving himself away. Hiding with the Force was a double blind, you blinded others seeing you in the Force temporarily, but you also did it to yourself. Doing other things in the Force had the effect of revelation, if you knew what to look for.
To trip Miryan out of the tree made it necessary to be revealed, before fully concentrating on Hiding, this time completely. There wouldn’t have been time for anyone to gain a sense of direction of his sense in that brief second he was fully open.
Hiding with the Force didn’t cut you off from the Force. It just reduced what you could actively do to a point where you were a passive receiver, if done to the fullest. He had learned it over the years he had been firstly of the Dark Side, then even further the years he strode to keep his identity secret.
Okay, he thought, now what? To be honest, he was not here to fight, he was instead here to meditate by himself. It was only the fact he had sensed a disturbance near him that made him curious and come this way. He had to admit Jost had been quite right about what an effective weapon a simple bow was. Almost a real Jedi weapon, elegant, not random. Bit unweildly and not easy to handle, but quite nice. Took a good deal of strength to draw and fire too. And he had other devices he habitually had that would be of use. And he was in a forest, where improvised devices could be found everywhere, plants, rocks, earth…..
Now there was an idea. Would be an effective trick, except it was not something he was strong at doing.
If you listen, the Galaxy will talk to you in ways you wont expect. To do so takes skill and wisdom, but do not dismiss the messages you could be told. All things are connected in some way
Wise words from Jost on their parting. Yes…… but first it was time to move and hide physically. Then to test what Jost had told him. The other thing was now, even if the Sith did sense him, there would be doubt if it was real or not.
A small bird, dark in colour, darted about the forest, seeming to move by hopping from tree to tree. Another bird, larger winged passed, causing the smaller one to divert and fly past a figure that was by now prowling about, seemingly looking for something. The little bird came to a stop on a branch, chirping slightly as if in challenge to the interloper. It fluttered it’s wings, then began to scrape it’s beak on the branch. Another bird landed directly above the figure and with splat on the shoulder of the Sith, relieved itself. An insect buzzed past, unconcerned. It was as if the Jedi had disappeared from the face of the planet, leaving no trace.
Except for a single broken leaf, and a disturbed tuft of grass, next to a footprint in the mud. Pointing deeper into the forest, as if an invitation.
Miryan no Trunks
Jan 13th, 2002, 07:05:45 AM
*He had already been tricked once by the deception of the Jedi.. MnT was quite dissapointed, it seemed none of the Jedi had a sense of honor in battle.. From the younger members throwing meaningless insults around, accepting challenges then running away, and turning their back without explanation later, to the stronger ones using illusions and mind-tricks to weaken their opponents.. It was as if the Jedi truly did not expect to be able to defeat their opponents in battle, and so chose to attempt to dispatch them in any means possible.. It was rather sad really..*
*He looked down the path that the footprint and assorted hints led towards, and refused to move. It was obvious to him now that Marcus was well knowledged at hiding his presence, moreso than himself. The Jedi would doubtful under any circumstances leave a trail so obvious behind. MnT did not move, but instead, opened most of his senses, physical and force based, and searched out.. *
*Aside from the few animals coursing their way around the forest, there was no sign of the Jedi.. MnT sighed, typically refusing to use such a technique in battle. It was apparant, however, that it would be neccesary to do so if he wished this battle to continue..*
*Opening his eyes, MnT let his eyes go blank, not focusing on anything. It came easily to him now, but before, he had needed to train hard at the ability to see, through your normal eyes, that which your "third eye" could see. The forest suddenly appeared to be pulsating with brightly colored energy to him, the floor especially, as the waves of red and purple rolled along the ground underneath him, being drawn and sent up the shafts of the trees. Turning around, MnT found what he was looking for. Marcus was up against a tree, about 100 or so feet away.. He noticed that physically and force-wise, it was as if the man was simply not there, but the life-force inside did not lie. Besides, even the most powerful of the Saiya-Jins, whose biological structure allowed them to use Ki far more efficiently then anything else in the galaxy, had trouble generating a ki "ghost" of themselves, strong enough to actually fool anyone.*
*Beginning to walk over at a leisurely pace, MnT kept all his senses open, one could never tell where the attack was coming from, with opponents like this.. Using the force somewhat to ensure his words came crystal-clear to the Jedi, MnT cleared his throat and spoke*
... Running away Jedi? Are you that unsure of your own skills, that you will not even grant me a proper battle? Or perhaps so sure of your Force abilities, that you think you needn't dirty your hands with the blood of a mere Sith Lord?
*The last few words were said with a touch of Sarcasm.. He knew that Marcus was of the Master level, yet he did not think the Jedi either strong enough, Or stupid enough, to think of a Sith who had reached the rank that he held, as a weak opponent..*
Marcus Telcontar
Jan 22nd, 2002, 03:22:22 AM
Above the Sith a few birds danced, then flew off as a large parrot landed. The brightly coloured bird preened first, before, abruptly and improbably spoke in passable Basic.
"Go back" it squarked. "Jedi not there! Find Jedi!"
The bird fluttered off, flapping it's way deeper into the forest.
There was no sign of the Jedi. Except for a single broken leaf, and a disturbed tuft of grass, next to a footprint in the mud. Pointing deeper into the forest, as if an invitation
Miryan no Trunks
Jan 28th, 2002, 04:57:40 AM
"... Bloody hell..."
*If there was one thing he hated, it was having to search for an opponent, through physical senses alone. Especially when the opponent was strong enough at Hiding himself that the only way he Would be found, would be when he Attacked.. Being a Sitting target held no honor, and neither did keeping an opponent feeling as such..*
... Come Out, Jedi! I feel not like playing this sick little game of yours, nor do I feel like presenting myself as a lost child, open for you to toy with! If you want to fight me, Fight me! Do not mock this battle by turning it into little more than a game of hide and go seek!
*Using the force to ensure that his voice reached far and wide throughout the forest, MnT simply stood his ground, his force and physical senses both completely open, and awaiting sign of the Jedi, or an attack..*
Marcus Telcontar
Mar 8th, 2002, 04:06:24 AM
The birds flew about, but with no sign of the Jedi. One bird flew down onto a branch, chrirped, before seeming to face the Sith and then abruptly speak in perfectly clear Basic, except with an odd lilting accent.
"Impatient are you now? Why, I even gave you a hint where I am to be found. Aye, but you have been an interesting one to study from afar"
Yes.... a very interesting one to study.... and .... honourable? What is this??
"What is this I feel you think? You are concerned with personal honour? Ahhhh.... then floow the path that is set before you Miyran no Trunks - yes I know who you are. We have met before"
"So you would think you have honour? This is a most curious thing for a Sith to have. Would that not weaken you? Would that not leave you open to the Light Side? A Sith does not have honour, not a true one. Only a Jedi has honour. I sense that is the path that is open to you and you have opened the door yourself. Break free of your anger, break free of your hate, for only the Jedi can you be truly honourable.
Or has the Darkside fed you lies to trap you? Break free, step the path that leads to me. Only by daring to escape Darkness can your honour be complete!"
Miryan no Trunks
Mar 8th, 2002, 10:03:40 AM
*Watching the bird with a careful mind, MnT showed no signs of surprise at it's sudden vocalization. Dealing with a Jedi Master, such things were far from improbable. Instead, he just stood there listening to it's words, as if it were no less different than listening to another person speak. Finally, it was his turn to reply, and with a slight scowl, he spoke.*
... Impatient? Hardly. I Simply will not willingly let myself walk into an inevitable trap.. And indeed, Sir Q'Dunn, we have met before, if just briefly..
...But yes, I do indeed believe myself honorable, for it is honor through battle, that I live for. And no, little bird, it does not make me weak. For you see, by training myself to be stronger when fighting honorably, than my opponents are when they are not, I only continue to grow Stronger. I set my own limitations, and as such, my strength never ceases to increase..
*He stated this quite matter-of-factly, as if he'd had to say it all before.. Indeed, as an honorable Sith, he had been faced with such accusations and assumptions before, and had dealt with them in the same way..*
... As for your light side, it has never tempted me, nor Will it ever tempt me.. I may not kill for pleasure as so many of my fellow Sith do, but I will not help those who are too weak to fend for themselves in life. If they can not deal with the hand fate has dealt them on their own, then what use are they in this world? It is not the darkness that feeds lies, Jedi.. Perhaps you should take another look upon your "light"..
... Reality is the ultimate proof of it all. Darkness exists. It is everywhere, it is everything. When you bring light into the picture, it pushes away the darkness, it covers it up. It does not get rid of the darkness, for as soon as the light expires, as it always does, the darkness is right there again.. You Jedi say that you want the universe to exist in some pure harmony, with everyone happy and living in peace. That idea is no more than a dream. A lie. An impossibility. People cannot live in peace. To do so would mean to get rid of all conflict, and that can never happen, save the lobotomization of every living being..
... Perhaps you yourself should reconsider the path that lay in front of you. Stay with the Light, live a life dedicated to keeping the weak weak, instead of having them fend for themselves, or shed the lies and impossible dreams, and allow the reality of the universe into your existance. Live life for yourself, as those who have not been clouded by the Jedi ways know to do, every day..
*Before, the suggestion that he become Jedi would have been a stain on his honor, but as he existed in the universe, and experianced it, MnT realized that such words were without meaning. The Jedi tried to live in a fantasy that taught that everything could be happy and fine, so long as they spread their beliefs. It was not an insult to him now, but instead, a window of opportunity. After all, if a Jedi could try and pull him in with their ideas of happiness and peace, he could try and help them back out into the real world, away from the fogged version of reality the Jedi lived in daily.*
Marcus Telcontar
Mar 21st, 2002, 05:46:45 PM
“If that is your idea of honour – then tell me something. It is not honourable to kill a non-combatant isn’t it? And yet, within the Dark Side, that is the type of thing it calls you to do. You can have true Honour, which not yet comprises how you present yourself in battle, but how you live your life, how you serve others.. you have a twisted sense of it if you think that it precludes how you treat others. Could you draw your sabre back and execute a baby? No? Then how can you reconcile that back to what the Dark Side is? The Dark Side is based in power for yourself, it is selfishness, it is deceit and death. Death of innocence, peace and calm. Birth to anger, hate, suffering which the Dark Side revels and you draw your power from. If you cant cut down your enemies child, then your not fully in the Dark Side. But it’s not honourable, is it? I perceive that you are trying to have it both ways and I will tell you, you can’t. You can have honour, true honour, the honour of a complete and true Warrior, or you can descend into the Dark Side completely. While you hold onto the concepts of honour, your not going to be fully in the Dark Side and thence… you are open to the Light Side.”
“If your strong enough inside, examine yourself and choose. Maybe not now, but one day you will. One day you will be in the position where you are going to choose – you sabre will be ready to take innocent blood. You will have your choice then. Do you kill without reason and loose your honour, but descend into the Dark Side, or do you stay your hand, keep your honour, and be a Light to others? Because that is what you are doing by having honour – your being a light to others in your own way. Your one who is helping perpetuating Light, by your selection of what you want for yourself. You want the Dark Side fully? Cast your honour aside”
There was a pause and the bird flew away… and a moment later, the Jedi’s voice spoke from…. Some where. It wasn’t precise.
“Examine the Dark Side’s own lie about the Light. The Light shines in the Darkness,, but the Darkness does not understand it and you have shown, you don’t. You think we have an impossible dream? Well, while just one person, one innocent exists, Light is not extinguished. Your darkness is only defined as an absence of Light, no more. It is you who dream the impossible. You try to put the Light out.. but the true strength we Jedi have is that you cant.”
“The Dark Side has deceived you Miryan No Trunks. There can’t be honour in Darkness. Only in Light can there be. “
"And if you think I have some idealistic notion of what could be - then maybe you should relearn what a Jedi truly hopes for. You the one with a fogged reality if you think that's what a Jedi really wants is all light and fluggy, love and peace, some sort of twisted Utopia that is in actuality a trap and a cage. Now think.... whatr is a Jedi really after?"
Miryan no Trunks
Mar 21st, 2002, 08:40:16 PM
.. I believe your ideas of honor are different from my own, for my honor has served me well, as do I the dark side... No, It is not honorable to kill for no reason. But if the death of an individual will serve a greater purpose than their life on it's own could ever hope to, then there is no reason for their prolonged existance. Likewise, if a person lives a weak and dishonorable life, there is no honor lost in their death.. You serve an old phrase well, Jedi, as I'm sure I do also. "The dark and the light are too used to themselves to see each other clearly." The Jedi will never truly understand the Sith, and the Sith will never truly understand the Jedi. The darkside is not all about simply killing everyone, as you seem to believe.. It is about strength and power, the ability to grasp hold of one's ambitions, and make them become reality. True, those who kill without reason and act on simple impulse grow strong faster in the darkside, but I have surpassed those who joined the sith before I, and only continue to grow.
*He smirked lightly, Marcus Q'Dunn may have fancy words, but that did not make them correct.. MnT knew his honor well. It was what he lived by, and what made him strong. If it was not compatible with the darkness, he would never have been able to manipulate the force in some of the ways he had. The darkside would simply not have allowed it.*
... You say that I cannot have honor and be a warrior of the dark as well. You speak of one code of honor, some pure warrior's honor.. Well I ask you this. Why do you presume to know what my code is? As a Jedi, any form of honor you know would be that of a Jedi. Do you make the assumption that what you know is all that can be? If so, than I can forgive your ignorance. I dearly hope, however, that you are not damning the purpose of this discussion, by speaking known lies in an attempt to simply cloud my mind into believing that the light is the only way to exist. For not only would that be a rather large waste of time and effort on your part, but it would also be dishonorable. Trying to create an illusion in my mind, to cloud my senses.. But then, that is indeed how many of your kind prefer to fight..
*Clearing his throat, MnT broke off from the topic momentarily, saying "Forgive me if I am rambling, but I will admit my.. err.. Social skills are not quite as refined as yours, nor am I quiteas articulate with my words.." Another moment passed for acknowledgement, before the Sith continued..*
... Innocence does not last, and is hardly an ideal. Innocence is something one loses once they've learned what is right and wrong. Before that all actions are excusable, because of innocence. They don't know any better, so they can't be wrong. Is that how you wish everyone to live, Sir Q'Dunn? As children, unaware of how the universe truly is? Innocence is shelter, it is no more than an existance protected from reality, and to live so sheltered a life is to never truly live. Life isn't about being happy and joyful, it is about taking what adversity fate has to throw at you, and growing to overcome it..
... As for what I know of the Jedi beliefs and ideals, it is only what I know from those jedi that have had to deal with.. However, if I am indeed wrong, and the Jedi do not live to make the universe happy and peaceful, then please feel free to explain your purpose. Because the only other explanation I can imagine is that you exist to destroy the darkness, which makes you no better than your apparant idea of us Sith..
Marcus Telcontar
Apr 5th, 2002, 03:09:57 AM
“The Force is created from Life itself, so how are you able to decide who dies?. Their existence is not yours to judge and never will be – are you wise enough to judge, lest you too shalt be judged and found wanting? Honour does not grant you the right to decide if a death would serve a greater purpose. Honour also means mercy, compassion and justice. You can not call yourself honourable and only decide to take pieces that please you and dispose of the bits that don’t. To truly have honour even means sparing ones who you would wish were destroyed. Honour means I will turn Dark Siders by exposing them to truth ”
“You presume I don’t understand the Sith? I understand them better than you do. I know their motivations and the base cause to take power by any means possible. What you described, the taking of ambitions and making them reality can also be said to be true for a Jedi. You only have used Jedi ways I perceive, patience, learning, study, to grow. Think about that. You have discovered a truth and you are not aware of it – The Force gives knowledge and wisdom. This is not a Dark Side teaching, but a Jedi one. The Dark Side only shows how anger and rage can achieve much, but it is achieved without true knowledge, isn’t it? You have discovered that for yourself. Darkness perceives Light, but does not understand it, as it is a way of patience and deliberation. You sound your path is closer to the Light Side than Darkness. Let go of your anger and discover how real knowledge and wisdom can be found! For through Knowledge comes wisdom and through wisdom comes comes true understand of power, strength… and honour”
“I know you cant be truly honorable and truly in the Dark Side. You are the one hiding in illusions – or do you not understand that Lies, deceptions, true deceptions are of The Dark Side? The Dark Side would seek to ensnare you with a lie, a falsehood. Realise that when I am using the Light Side, truly using the Light Side, it is not possible for me to lie. While some say that it’s the truth from a certain point of view, Truth is Absolute. It is Fact. I tell you this and I parley because I see how much more you could be. I do not care how other ‘Jedi’ fight…. And if that is what they seek to do, then I know them not”
Maybe he should wonder why a Jedi Master stays away from the other Jedi and has not revealed himself, and until now remained unknown to the Sith?. I wonder if he asks that? The answer might surprise him…. Oh indeed it will
“No, I don’t believe you ramble. You sate your position well. If there is one thing I truly enjoy, it is a contest of Reason. A physical contest can be won by fluke Miyran No Trunks. A contest of reason can not. It’s is a contest of minds and it is the truest form of fighting there is. And I will only choose to contest with reason with someone I believe is understanding enough of that fact. None were the Sith Masters who could win a contest of minds with Darth Turbogeek and yet I am greater than he. He fell, right in front of you if I remember correctly. I was the one who cut him down there and I perceived your thirst for knowledge and learning then. Now, would you contest further, mind to mind, betting your reasoning against mine?”
“No, I do not wish for innocence to be permanent. It is a shelter, a prop, a crutch. Eventually all must know right from wrong and all must choose. I simply seek to make sure what is Right is made clear, so informed choice can be made. To make it clear a wise man chooses what is right and a fool what is wrong. Darkness I a corruption of what the Force really is and I seek to prevent the lies of the Dark Side to propogate. Like you of the Dark Side can never extinguish or even understand Light, it is not fully possible to bring light to the hearts of all beings. There will always be fools, there will always be the weak minded who fall easily for lies and deceptions. I simply exist to expose lies for what they are. It is not for me to make choices for anyone and I will not. You can only choose for yourself. In the end you are the one who will be judged for you actions, not me.
Now, did I accuse of those who fall into darkness of being fools? Yes. Does that mean you as well? Examine what I said to decide. There are Sith I would not speak to like this, ones I would aim an arrow at their heart and kill them. Yet, I parley after an initial test to see if you have grown from when we last met. Indeed you have and you prove yourself that you are wise more than they. I believe you are worthy of this contest and will prove capable. If I don’t not believe you worthy of respect then I would not reason with you. I do not waste my time. If one seeks to kill a child for no real reason and I can not make them see their error, I would not stay my hand. If I saw a chance to parley, I would. That Miryan is real honour”
Miryan no Trunks
Apr 11th, 2002, 02:49:52 AM
... I am honored by your words... I also understand them, and see what meaning you put behind them.. Perhaps the Light side offers wisdom and knowledge, but to what end? If one knew everything there was to know, could comprehend every mystery and produce an answer for it, what good would it do them? Possessing knowledge can be beneficial in life yes, but it alone is not life.. I must say now, Sir Q'Dunn, that I do not believe that either of us will make any true headway in this.. As enjoyable as it is to match wits with another whom I will admit has undoubtedly much more wisdom than I, we seem to speak on two entirely different topics..
... Perhaps I do not have a true code of honor, as is the one perceived by yourself, but I do not deny myself of reality, by believing that I do.. As I have stated, my code of honor lies mainly around the field of battle, and the strengths that lie within it.. You strive for strength mentally, I strive for strength physically, and spiritually.. I know, you can well argue that spirituality comes from the light side, but as I have found a means to achieve a strong spirit through the darkside, one that continues to grow stronger and stronger, I cannot agree with you..
... As well, if I understand what you are saying about the light, it provides you the knowledge of what is right and wrong.. Yet it seems that by doing so, it also leaves you with the belief that you can judge others on their worth, according to the choices they make in life.. By putting yourself above others, you remove yourself from their level of understanding, and will only recieve anger and hatred in doing so.. Besides.. If everyone were told what was right and wrong, what would the point of life be? Life, in my understanding, is forming yourself the best you can, around the experiences that you go through, be they good Or bad.. And quite often, choosing the wrong path can prove more beneficial in the long run, than simply chosing the right rom the start. You learn more, by experiancing more, and come out stronger.. Oh what is the saying... No pain, No gain. If everyone were to have their paths chosen fo them from the moment they were born, their decisions decided by the morals of another, what joy would there be in living? One could never look back and say "I've led a great life. I've met adversary head on, and proven myself stronger than it. I've continued to go on in the worst of times, and am a stronger person for it. I can die happily now." No, they could only say "Gee, the life that was planned for me sure was swell. Too bad I never really did anything. I don't want to die.."
... You say that only fools stray away from the light... I disagree.. I understand well that you will feel me a fool for it, but I would not want to be one of the light.. If what I understand is true, your lightside provides an enlightened view on existance.. I cannot say I would want that. If I make a good decision in life, that's great. If I make a bad decison, I do my best to right it, and learn from it. In any case, it has been my decision, and not one that I feel myself a fool for making, for it is all a part of being alive..
*Clearing his throat once more, MnT stood in silence, although not with an expression that said he was finished... It was simply as if he were considering his next words...*
.... A question, Master Q'Dunn...? I sense you are searching for something from me...? You... seem like you wish to share something, but are waiting for me to ask for it..
*Indeed, auras were a source of much information, but MnT had become good at reading the mannerisms of others, as well as picking up on even the slightest "psychic static", as he had come to call it...*
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