View Full Version : board goes nuts
Jedi Master Carr
Jan 3rd, 2002, 08:39:20 PM
Did anybody hear that Jedi council board specifically the spoiler section was total chaos last night. Some of the fans got really mad over the N'sinc cameo and were issuing death threats to other members. Now that is stupid, it is just a freakin cameo and some people are calling it the end of the world, in the end they may not even be in the movie it could end up on the cutting room floor when its all said and done but man these people are just acting crazy. Oh well end of rant.
Jan 3rd, 2002, 08:58:08 PM
I tried to start a thread on the whole NStink episode buy I was having trouble with my computer yesterday. I think they're a waste of space. But will I let that ruin AOTC for me? Hell no! But man, if some boy band like New Kids on the Crapper had gotten a bit part in an OT movie I would have been sick to my stomach. Partly because I was more into music when I was younger so my disdain for boy bands was even greater than it is now. To see Menudo or NKOTCrapper dressed as Rebel soldiers on Endor would have made me furious. Envy, hatred, pick your negative emotion, they all would have been flowing through me. So I can see why someone who's really into music and despises those dancing airheads would get pissed that those idiots get to live a dream come true. In the end that's what it comes down to. Someone who really doesn't deserve it is getting to live out a Star Wars fan's dream; A part in a Star Wars movie.
By coincidence, two of the major SW action figure sites are addressing the NStink matter. On you can vote to see which NStink member you'd like to see made into an action figure. Currently "None of the above" is winning with 87% of the vote. (I'm not making that result up.) is having readers send an e-mail with NO or YES in the subject line. I have no doubt the NO's are trouncing the YES's.
As much as this bugs, I'll just IGNORE it. How the hell do you let an NStink cameo push you to the point of making DEATH THREATS?! "Lighten up Francis.":crack
Jedi Master Carr
Jan 3rd, 2002, 09:05:52 PM
Well on the postive side one rumor is that they get killed in the only second you see them now that could be a good thing for those that hate them eveybody might clap at that scene:evil As I said it also might never happen as it was Mcallum that put them in the scene, Lucas might get rid of it when he edits the movie. Oh by the way, Jedieb I merged that thread that you posted, I posted a note on the admid board letting you know I guess you didn't see it. I merged it with the one called Spoilers, that Mcbain did but you probably didn't look beause it said spoilers.
Jan 3rd, 2002, 09:06:02 PM
Whats wrong with NKOTB?????:mad :mad
I hate the fact of Nstink being in ANYTHING, But death threats is so stupid and VERY childish.If I say something is stupid and childish, what does that tell you??:D
Jan 3rd, 2002, 09:16:13 PM
I've been avoiding the SPIOLER thread like the plauge. Thanks for merging it JMC. Man, even buff thinks some people have gone to far. That is saying something!
Jedi Master Carr
Jan 3rd, 2002, 09:37:10 PM
No problem Jedieb I figured you were ignoring it on purpose.
Mu Satach
Jan 3rd, 2002, 09:54:58 PM
oh good grief... you know... I'm getting sick of people going ape over this stuff... I love Star Wars, I love movies, I hate N'stink... but come on! Death threats?!?!?!?!? :rolleyes
Jan 3rd, 2002, 09:58:02 PM
They're angry of course, but when it all comes to pass, and when push comes to shove, they'll see EpII regardless of what they think of NSync.
Jedi Master Carr
Jan 3rd, 2002, 10:26:45 PM
I doubt it will effect the box office or anything.
Jan 3rd, 2002, 10:32:34 PM
Theyre just jealous because those SW fans got to be in the film, and they didnt.
Im above name calling. I dont like NSYNC(although they beat the BSB hands down:)), but do I care that theyre in the background? No, not one bit.
This isnt some publicity seeking thing. They wont sing. They wont even say anything. They'll just be there. They all look pretty normal, they wont stick out. All this is is a few SW fans living their dream, and congratulations to them
Never thought Id say this, but "Some geeks really do need to get a life"
Its pathetic. Some people dont care about how the romance will develop, or Anakins fall, or how Boba is portrayed. No, they care that some people will be in the background. Words dont describe what I think of that.
Jan 3rd, 2002, 10:49:36 PM
good to see Harry at AICN has similar opinions. The film matters, not the background cast
Jan 3rd, 2002, 10:54:26 PM
I wonder if some fans are silly enough to think this is a Lucas ploy to get more female fans at the box office. Let the insipid theories begin! :crack
Jan 3rd, 2002, 11:07:21 PM
Maybe he saw the sterotype on SW fans being single, so decided to MASS matchmake :)
Jedi Master Carr
Jan 3rd, 2002, 11:26:25 PM
well here is more to the story from
Star Wars fans have been reeling at rumors that the members of *NSYNC will make an appearance in Star Wars: Episode II - Attack Of The Clones, so LAUNCH sought to separate fact from fiction. A call to Lucasfilm spokesperson Lynne Hale confirmed the following: Yes, the members of the aging boy band were shot in the background of a scene in Episode II, but no, it wasn't at the behest of George Lucas's daughter, allegedly a big *NSYNC (news - web sites) fan. Hale laughed at the latter detail, a story that has been widely reported as fact.
Truth is, Lucas himself had little or nothing to do with the already controversial cameo, explained Hale. She says it was producer Rick McCallum who invited the *NSYNC gang to the set after they explained what big Star Wars fans they are. Their contribution to the Star Wars universe--and the resulting uproar over it--might all be for naught, however, since Hale explained that the *NSYNC scene might be edited out the final version of the film. If Star Wars fan reaction is any indication, Lucas better get cutting.
It had been reported that *NSYNC members would play Jedi Knights in a scene in which they'd be destroyed by battle droids. Reportedly, the scene was to be so quick that it would require a frame-by-frame viewing of the movie to discern Joey, Lance, Justin, J.C., and Chris.
First its McCallum who did not Lucas so I think we can end that issue, second it might not even make the film according to Hale, Lucas probably new almost nothing about it (he doesn't cast extras as far as I know)
Finally even if its the film as the they said,"that it would require a frame-by-frame viewing of the movie," to see them. So really we won't even see them in the movie and it will be only noticable on the VHS or DVD version through slow mode. Also I agree with you Reaper these guys need to get a life.
Jan 3rd, 2002, 11:37:57 PM
Great, now some of these maniacs will they they made a "difference."
:x :x
Jedi Master Carr
Jan 3rd, 2002, 11:53:07 PM
Lucas can't win then even though it really isn't his fault it seems who knows what McCallum was thinking when he agreeed to it.
Jan 4th, 2002, 01:22:12 PM
Maybe he was thinking the brass at MTV would believe Ric was the hippest man in show business!:lol
Jan 4th, 2002, 02:16:31 PM
Even though I wasn't avidly against NSync in the movie, I do hope Lucas cuts them out.
Jan 4th, 2002, 06:10:49 PM
Rick IS the hippest man in showbusiness. Crafty too.
Just look at what happened to the FOTR BO after the Star Wars N'Sync Merger was announced. ;)
I think they'll probably end up on the cutting room floor - and if not then it will be really hard to spot them - which will drive some fans extra crazy becasue they will be obsessed to seeing them and making sure it ruins their Ep 2 experience. :p
Jan 4th, 2002, 06:34:06 PM
I am just trying to forget that they are in it. Their part will be so infinitesimally small (if there at all) that I wouldn't even know it, so I'm going to try to forget I even read this bit of info...
To quote a great Jedi Master: "You must unlearn what you have learned"
Jan 4th, 2002, 08:18:41 PM
I'll remind you in a few month's Mcbain:D
Jan 5th, 2002, 10:36:52 AM
I've been trying to ignore NSync for the past 4 years. It's not easy.
Jan 5th, 2002, 11:06:15 PM
Thanks Buff - knew I could count on you... :rollin
Jan 5th, 2002, 11:48:14 PM
:) :)
Jan 6th, 2002, 11:35:27 AM
Those idiots on the TF.N boards are making more noise over this than the media is. What a sorry bunch.
Jan 6th, 2002, 12:30:31 PM
just a question, are those the same bunch of REAL fans that bashed TPM?? just curious. Man My life is pretty pathetic right now but DAM6 even I have better things to do
Jedi Master Carr
Jan 10th, 2002, 02:04:11 PM
Well N'Sync's part maybe have just been cut according to here is the story
This morning we've received numerous reports that N'Sync will NOT be in Episode II, with many TFN readers alerting us to this story at Ananova.
Apparently, it's true: N'Sync has been cut from "Attack Of The Clones", being confirmed by no less an authority than N'Sync's Joey Fatone. On the Carson Radio Show on 99.3 FLZ:
FATONE: "I'm going to make it officially known that they dropped it because people made a big deal about it.
CARSON: "Are you serious?"
Click on the link to the Carson Radio Show for an MP3 of Fatone making it publically known: N'Sync is NOT in Episode II. Thanks to Tom Neys for being the first to tell us of the Ananova story and to Michael Rogers for alerting us to the Fatone interview. TFN will also be mirroring the MP3 in case the 933 FLZ site goes down.
Now some people may like this but some fans are going to say, "We got our way." Probably Lucas decided the cameo added nothing to the story and left it out on his own that is my guess.
Jan 10th, 2002, 02:21:46 PM
They're hardly fans imo. But even though I don't really like those people, I can't help but feel glad that their immature ramblings may have been a small part in cutting the NSync part.
Jedi Master Carr
Jan 10th, 2002, 02:26:21 PM
Who knows it could also have been cut because it go leaked but someone in N'Sync, and I am sure Timberlake's response to the Crowd and the American Music Awards last night didn't help any.
Jan 10th, 2002, 03:48:55 PM
I missed it, what happened at the awards show?
Jan 10th, 2002, 10:43:33 PM
Aw, I missed it. I was watching the Jackson 30th Anniversary.
Jedi Master Carr
Jan 11th, 2002, 11:41:10 PM
Oh well N'Sync Won best group and they beat out U2 and I guess some of the fans were upset and began to boo and shouting U2 and Timberlake yelled out oh shut up they will win everything else. Now that was a little rude IMO, and didn't make them look real good. Also has just posted a report that says it hasn't been decided yet one way or the other, I still think it will probably get cut.
Marcus Telcontar
Jan 11th, 2002, 11:46:53 PM
I can understand that reaction.
U2 are a class act and hvae been around for a long time. They ahve genuine talent and some of their songs are some true classics
N'Stink are a processed boy band with no real talent or skill.
Hmmmm. What an insult to U2. even calling N'Stink a band. Or Musicians.
Jan 11th, 2002, 11:57:58 PM
I'm sure he was trying to be funny. Naturally, he failed miserably, but hey, it's not like we're supposed to assume they have any talents.
Jan 12th, 2002, 10:59:34 AM
Now that was a little rude IMO
But booing isn't?
U2 are a class act and hvae been around for a long time
Which doesn't affect a YEARS best group :)
Jan 12th, 2002, 11:59:15 AM
Marcus, you are a wise man. :cool
We're talking about a YEAR in which U2 released an album that some critics called their third masterpiece (Joshua Tree and Actung Baby being the first two.) They've made so many great albums that that statement could argued with 2 or 3 other U2 albums. Frankly, I can't see how two completely different groups could be in the same category anyway. U2 has already stood the test of time. Ten years from now people will still be listening to THIS YEAR'S All That You Can't Leave Behind and the singles it's producing. NSync will be gathering dust in the pop music dust bin right next to New Kids, Tiffany, Boys II Men, etc. (Strangely, ATYCLB was released in 2000, but for some reason it was up for awards in the show.)
Simply put, U2's ATYCLB is an album of substance and the pop tripe of NStink isn't. If I were there I probably would have booed too. It's not my fault I can boo louder than a 13 year girl can cheer. Music award shows are staged love fests. How badly do you have to suck to have people boo you at one? :lol
Jan 12th, 2002, 12:07:34 PM
so, all U2 actually released was singles? Jeez, I love them, but if they lose a vote, Im not going to cry. Least they werent beaten by some talking abusive to a five second bit of music looped, also known as rap.
Jan 12th, 2002, 12:22:39 PM
I think the album was released late in 00 and most of the singles we've been hearing off of the album came out last year (Beautifyl Day, Stuck In A Moment, Elevation). As for all the booing and stuff, it's a music awards show. I wouldn't boo at the Oscars, but when the person sitting next to me has so many body piercings they set off the airport metal detector from the white zone I expect things to get a bit more rowdy. You don't see a mosh pit right off the stage at the Oscars. People are encouraged to scream, dance, and sing at today's music shows. If your great, expect to have panties thrown at you, if you suck, prepared to be booed until their voices go hoarse. Strangely, I'd expect a boy band like NSync to get both kinds of reactions.
Jan 12th, 2002, 01:16:44 PM
There you go agian trashing New Kids on the block :( :( :(
Marcus Telcontar
Jan 12th, 2002, 05:58:21 PM
OMG, I have been called wise twice in one day!!!!
* Faints*
Champion of the Force
Jan 12th, 2002, 06:36:02 PM
Hmmmm. What an insult to U2. even calling N'Stink a band. Or Musicians.
How about 'vocal harmony group'? :lol
Darth Turbogeek
Jan 12th, 2002, 06:38:57 PM
How about 'vocal harmony group'?
Now your insulting my cats when they fight!
Jan 12th, 2002, 07:19:05 PM
:lol Turbo
Jan 13th, 2002, 01:37:33 PM
I always disliked U2 I'm still waiting for them to find what they are looking for TALENT!!!Sure they are more talented than me.But for them to be a main stream sensation for all these years ??? I don't get it >_< .But they are famous Millions and millions of fans love tham so......But I'd really rather hear Turbo's Cats:) . Well come to think of it Maybe it's just the sight of Bono :( :( NASTY!!!!
But as for Nstink , They give true pretty boy's a bad name :D
Jan 13th, 2002, 04:38:12 PM
SNL had a hilarious N'Sync SW skit last night. has it on RealPlayer if you want to see it. Daryl Hammond does a great Lucas. The pimply faced 40 year old line was hilarious.
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