View Full Version : No real point to this fight
Marcus Telcontar
Jan 3rd, 2002, 01:48:53 AM
One Jedi Master, Or Warlord by some reckoning, waits at a street corner. For a bit of idle relaxation he strikes a match and then burps.... flames fire out and a small chicken squarks, running away with a smoltering tail from the resulting fireball. He feels his nose seems clogged, so he breathes in and sneezes, splattering a window with green snot. Happy at his efforts, he continues to wait.
Bored, he cries out "Come on SITH!! Bring your flatuance gags and your rubber chickens, it is time to face me once again!"
OOC : Open to all whom like a laugh
Jan 3rd, 2002, 02:05:57 AM
*A Sith Lord Walks in.*
I've got my Pies!
I've got my Anvils
But, most importantly I've got my water guns!
*Firebird fires a spray of water from his water gun at Marcus.*
Darth Chicken
Jan 3rd, 2002, 02:06:52 AM
I was just pecking the side walk, you know, just a chicvken minding me own buisiness when quite suddenly I felt this wave of ehat. I turned, rather puzzled and saw...
I ran to the nearest puddle and sat down, my feathers hissing as the fire went out. Anger swelled in me.
"Allright, who was that?"
I saw a Jedi grinning. Angered, I called on the Dark Side to me. I had a basket of eggs I was planning to have for dinner. Quick as I could, I took one up and threw it into the face of the Jedi.
"TAKE THAT!!!" I squawked
Master Yoghurt
Jan 3rd, 2002, 02:11:18 AM
:: walks in with his arsenal of custard puddings ::
Now, who will be my victim? Hmmm....
:: throws puddings at both Firebird and Chicken ::
That solves my problem
Marcus Telcontar
Jan 3rd, 2002, 02:14:48 AM
:: The Jedi firstly stumbles backwards, hit by what seemed like a water cannon and then a egg thrown at high velocity. The yolk drips off his face as he wiped his eyes, getting vision back from the mess.
And he sees his foes. A water cannon bearing Sith.... and a chicken?
Seeing a fruit cart near him, he reached around and flung two watermelons, one at firebird and one at the chicken!::
Jared Mriad
Jan 3rd, 2002, 02:18:09 AM
*throws a Tomato at Yoghurt*
*Throws uther at Marcus*:crack
Jan 3rd, 2002, 02:25:08 AM
*Recoils back from the Pudding and Fruit.*
Ahh, my shirt!
*Firebird sprays both Master Yoghurt and Marcus with his water cannon.*
Darth Chicken
Jan 3rd, 2002, 02:27:10 AM
I was laughing for a second at the poor pathetic Jedi, but my laughter was curtailed when he threw a watermelon at me!!! I bearly managed to use my beak to spear it, breaking it apart with the force of it's own velocity, but I was still sprayed with watermelon goo!!
AHHH!!! My best feathers ruined!!!!
Angered I called on the Dark Side.... a ghostly shadow appeared by my side.... I created the illusion of 4 pretty boys... and in a foul Dark Side twist, I set them singing... for I had bough forth the illusion of N'SYNC JEDI!!!
"HAHAHA!!! Take that Jedi!! You no match for Boy bands! Everybody, yeah yeah rock your body to the beat!"
Master Yoghurt
Jan 3rd, 2002, 02:32:08 AM
:: Yog is caught off guard by Jared's tomatoe assault and get hit straight middle in the face. Yog wipes away all the ketchup and starts to Force levitating some green JellOs above Jareds head. The massive amounts of wobly green icky substance is pulled by the forces of gravity and fall... straight down on Jared! Yog laughs as Jared is covered in the green goo ::
Jared Mriad
Jan 3rd, 2002, 02:35:42 AM
Jared's face contorts in a discustsed face as the jello lands on him. Picking up more tomato's and a banana peel. Jared force fling's them at Yog.
Jared then eats some of the jello that hadnt piled onto his clothing and soked in and had not fallen on the ground.
Master Yoghurt
Jan 3rd, 2002, 02:46:50 AM
Yog is hit by Firebirds lethal weaponry with a splash.
"Arghhh!!! Water! Soaked I am!"
:: Nothing like some fun at the beach! Yop picks up a towel and a beach volleyball... here.. catch! Yog watches as Firebird is about to catch the incomming projectile, but discovers too late it is really a water balloon filled with sticky molass syrup. Yog chuckles as Firebird gets all covered up ::
imported_Dara Shadowtide
Jan 3rd, 2002, 02:52:04 AM
:: Walking in packing a super soaker tucked under her arm filled with lovely perfume that was on sale aka the stinky nasty stuff, Dara readies the weapon and then starts to spray the cute little green guy across from her ::
"Hiya there Yog. You'll smell a little better than that nasty stew now." ;)
Master Yoghurt
Jan 3rd, 2002, 02:54:05 AM
Not NSYNC!!!
:: Yog plugs his ears with cheese and starts throwing some of the banana peels and tomatoes donated by Jared at the boyband ::
Nayala Palain
Jan 3rd, 2002, 02:57:28 AM
following behing Dara and her nasty stinky stuff Athena smiled. She had comed armed and ready but with what else? whip cream in a can!
Her belt that normally held her sabers and other weapons was covered in many many cans of whip cream. She was armed with two open cans and attacked the un knowing Jedi.
Jan 3rd, 2002, 03:00:00 AM
Oh the horror of N'Sync!!!
*Suddenly 4 Anvils appear over the boy bands' heads, they fall with rapid succession. Firebird then shoots another stream of water at Master Yoghurt.*
Master Yoghurt
Jan 3rd, 2002, 03:01:59 AM
:: "Ughhh.." Yog nearly faints of the terrible smell. "That was bad.. but there is worse...". Dara watch in horror as a herd of Banthas enters the arena. Yog commands the creatures to fart on his signal. He then applies the gas mask as a green misty cloud starts to fill the area...::
Jan 3rd, 2002, 03:03:21 AM
*After sending the stream of water, Firebird looks up.*
*He forgot about the Water Balloon as it hits him.*
ARRGH!! Now I'm all wet!
Marcus Telcontar
Jan 3rd, 2002, 03:03:22 AM
It was a reflex, but he could feel his guts rumbling.... and then...
:: Green and choking gas begins to swirl around the area!::
Master Yoghurt
Jan 3rd, 2002, 03:07:54 AM
:: With the Force, Yog persuades on of the Bantha's to cover him, shielding him from Firebird's and Athena's merciless artillery fire. One of the other Banthas decides to sit down on the poor NSYNC boyband. Yog grins as the green gases reach the Sith...::
Darth Ken Doll
Jan 3rd, 2002, 03:14:46 AM
*Darth Ken Doll runs in screaming and holding his nose*
"Where is Darth Barbie Doll? Don't tell me she can't activate her account again! I dropped her off first and went to park the pink landspeeder! Plastic women!"
*He rummages in his 'I love Barbie backpack' that he is FORCED to carry as a promotional item and starts throwing some of Barbie's favorite shoes at anyone and everyone near him*
Darth Barbie Doll
Jan 3rd, 2002, 03:21:54 AM
*Darth Barbie Doll stomps in like a blonde fury of pure rage, but is stylishly clad in the Slave Leia outfit*
"I swear, my name isn't even Olga and it took me about as long to get activated. Ok where was I.. Ken! Ken I need to accessorize before I battle.. where is my mass-produced not-exactly one of a kind plastic collectible jewelry from Episode.. um, I don't know what Episode. I haven't seen the movies. Ken are you listening!"
*The wave of airborne Bantha cologne reaches her and she screams*
"I have to change my outfit now!"
Master Yoghurt
Jan 3rd, 2002, 03:23:27 AM
:: Yog stops to laugh ::
Darth Ken Doll
Jan 3rd, 2002, 04:51:39 AM
*Ken reaches into the backpack to continue his volley of fashion items when he becomes temporarily mesmerized by a black stiletto. Coveting it in his hands, his eyes glow for a moment and you hear.. "My precious" uttered in a whisper. This trance is quickly broken by the shrill beckoning of a truly frightening creature, Barbie. Dropping the shoe, he runs over to her*
"Um.. yes pumpkin? You screeched? er um called?"
Darth Barbie Doll
Jan 3rd, 2002, 04:58:44 AM
"What took you so long? Man, it seemed like you were gone long enough to make character signatures or something.."
*Just then she heard the cackling of a charming little green latex puppet. Motioning for Ken to hand her the backpack, she dug inside and pulled out an object and walked over to the little jovial fellow*
"Well hello there little fellow. I have something for you."
*She hands him a pink cell phone*
"Go ahead.. you can phone home now. Ken has the extended area plan so it should cover any long distance charges."
*Babs starts to turn but then pauses and points over his head*
"Oh and... I'll.. be.. right.. here."
Marcus Telcontar
Jan 3rd, 2002, 06:02:02 AM
:: Can't help himself::
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
:: Goes over to Barbie and makesa a single hair become out of order on her head::
Darth Barbie Doll
Jan 3rd, 2002, 09:25:41 AM
*Barbie goes into berserker mode and whips out a hairdryer and curling iron. Only after fixing hair strand number 27 does she turn her Dark Fury (:p) on Marcus. She holsters the curling iron in one deft motion and then begins swinging the cord of the hairdryer. The coiled, no tangle pink cord stretches and binds around his ankles and then she pulls hard to pull his feet out from under him*
imported_Dara Shadowtide
Jan 3rd, 2002, 10:27:39 AM
:: As she recovers from the noxious fumes which Yog has cleverly shifted blame to the Bantha, Dara watches the whole festival of plastic make their entrance before turning her attention back to Yog, who is holding some pink cell phone. Calling the phone to her via the Dark Side, she quickly dials the local pizza delivery place and 10 boxes of pizza show up, compliments of the Greater Jedi Order. Dara smiles and opens the boxes and starts sending pizzas at Yog and Marcus like frisbees ::
Invader Zim
Jan 3rd, 2002, 02:16:04 PM
*wanders off to plot a fiery doom for them."
Vega Van-Derveld
Jan 3rd, 2002, 02:33:48 PM
Blinks. Blinks again.
Jedi Cadet
Jan 3rd, 2002, 03:10:38 PM
uh yea ooook. :huh I dont even want to know who started the plastics.
::Cadet does a new move she just created for this purpis.::
::Cadet melts all of the plastic creations with a big blast of fire.::
DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE!!!!!:evil >D
Darth Ken Doll
Jan 3rd, 2002, 03:56:40 PM
*A small appearance of bubbles begins to fester on his custom molded hand as Ken's innate fear of flames causes him to turn just in time to see the oncoming attack from the blandly attired Jedi. Reaching into the backpack, the resourceful and snappy dressing dark sider grabs his vintage pogo stick and hops on, bouncing to safety while grabbing up Babs. Barely escaping the jedi moder of divine resources, he drops his plastic sidekick and gives three snaps in a Z shape while yelling across the battle area*
"Yo girlfriend, you need a serious makeover. I am the fashion police and you are under arrest. Mmm, mmm, mmm. Dat's right."
Nayala Palain
Jan 3rd, 2002, 11:52:13 PM
Athena was hit in the head after Darth Ken doll showed up and the Jedi Fart. She figured if they fought like this everyday the Jedi would rule forever. But they didnt. She returned the attack upon the plastic man. Her fully loaded Cans of whip cream smearing his face.
" HAHA and you cant BLINK! "
Marcus Telcontar
Jan 4th, 2002, 09:03:13 PM
:: Stands confused by the sudden rumble and not knowing which way to move, is hit by a frisbee pizza. He gets up with a pizza pizza poking out of his mouth.
Munch munch munch
"Mmmm, Ham and pineapple with.... ewwwww.....pepperomni!! AH!! EXTRA HOT!!! "
:: Flames shoot out from the burp and Marcus runs around looking for a bucket of water to cool his tongue. A lick of flame sets Dara's dress on fire::
Jan 5th, 2002, 04:48:38 AM
:: Rama takes two old dusty socks out of his belt, and blows the dust off and then fills them with 10 dollars worth of change each. ::
" Been awhile since a Jedi has felt the sting of the FORCE SOCK FULL OF QUATERS boys..........which one of you is first. "
:: Begins swinging the socks around wildly. ::
Jared Mriad
Jan 5th, 2002, 04:58:42 AM
Drops more tomatoes from the rooftops on unsuspecting victims
Pheeewww Splat! :evil
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