View Full Version : Broke and on the Run

Amethyst Hart
Jan 2nd, 2002, 09:16:08 PM
It was a mistake...a huge mistake. Amethyst knew it now, she and Jaded had been utterly insane to waltz into Mockadane's Seech and destroy Eldorack's Tavern. Now not only did they have the Jedi after them for attempting to assassinate Master Yoghurt, they also had two lethal bounty hunters on their tail for not only destroying their Tavern, but breaking into their living quarters and stealing everything of value...including one of their ships!

Amethyst knew that it wouldn't be long until they were found and she was simply attempting to get as far as she could on the fuel and supplies that she had...but how did she know that the damn ship would go through a system failure? She surmised that it must have been some sort of trap set by the two bounty hunters in order to find her and her sister. At least that's what her paranoia was yielding her. In reality it could all be connected with that fact that she and her sister had some really bad luck, and always managed to get themselves into trouble.

The small cruiser landed roughly on the mining colony, after struggling their way through the Mestra astroid field, nearly blowing an engine in the process and making it clear that the two ladies wouldn't be going anywhere for a little while. Amethyst sighed deeply as she realized that she no longer had her data pad of imperial credits with her. Not to mention a cargo bay full of artifacts and weapons stolen from Mockadane and Eldorack, which wouldn't get them much on the open market. If she and her sister needed to bargain for parts it would prove difficult.

Exiting the ship slowly Amethyst took her first look around. The place was interesting to say the least. Typical however for a mining colony. But her senses did tell her that there was more to this place than met the eye. Leaning against the side of the stolen ship she folded her arms in front of her and waited for her sister Jaded to gather the things that she needed, hopefully before anyone noticed that they were there.

Jerred Rez
Jan 5th, 2002, 12:49:32 AM
This place... it's a trap. I can't breath. Jerred struggled not to let the mild claustrophobia show upon his face in the form of an unpleasant expression. The workers were hammering away in the depths of the Mestra mining colony. He continued to watch them, his green goggles unrelenting in their glowing fury. Each step he took on the hard metal plank brought him closer and closer to the lift. Its doors hissed open, and he walked into it and pressed a button. He took one last look at the workers and breathed a sigh of relief just as the doors hissed shut and it began to move upwards.

Outside where the two sisters waited, they could hear a strange humming noise coming up and out from the ground. The bottom hull of their ship clanged, and they heard a strange hissing sound. "Who's out there?" Jerred's head was sticking out of the ground, half of the lift having come up before hitting the ship. He drew his blaster, estimating that he could probably blow off the pair of ankles directly ahead of him.

Jaded Hart
Jan 5th, 2002, 09:38:52 PM
Jaded sighed in disgust at the ship that had landed them on another forsaken planet. She looked to her sister who wore the same look. They needed to get a job fast before they had nothing left to even eat on. As she walked off the ship towards her sister Jaded gave it a kick for good measure.

"Sister we must get a job soon and one that pays well, this is getting tedious." Jaded raged glaring at he surrounding area. Jaded stood next to her sister leaning against the ship next to her. " Umm sister have I lost my mind or do you hear that humming noise to. It sounds like it beneath us." Jaded asked as she glanced down at the ground.

Amethyst looked at her sister then stood up straight turning toward the ship she bent down and looked under it. Jaded followed suit and peered under as well. Both there eyes widened at the head that appeared to be sticking up from the dirt. They looked at each other and said at the same time, "What the hell?"