View Full Version : On vacation...(Open Challenge)
Jan 2nd, 2002, 07:17:01 PM
Satine Capashen steps from inside the shuttle, out onto the tarmac of the Adumarian spaceport, and takes a deep breath of the unfiltered air. It was good to be on vacation...
The Knight walks off of the spaceport grounds, after going through customs--his weapons hidden from prying eyes by the Force--, and heads to his room--booked in advance. Guided by a holo-map, Satine decides to take a short cut down a side alley, avoiding the main mass of people.
A shadow in Satine's Force senses appears behind him, and he groans.
"Come on, I'm on vacation...Not now..."
Satine's hand goes to his lightsabre hilt, and he unclips it from his belt, hearing the Sith behind him ignite his own sabre with a snap-hiss. He turns around, pulling his cloak's hood down, revealing his scarred face, and artificial eye, amd ignites his own sabre. A jet black blade springs from his sabre hilt with a pure hiss , and the Jedi Knight gets into a fighting stance.
"Let's get this over with...I want to have a small vacation this time..."
Probe Droid
Jan 2nd, 2002, 07:43:03 PM
The hologram of the Sith succeeded in eliciting a sufficient response from the target. The probe droid in the distance noted the Jedi's lightsaber, transmitting all data it gathered via HoloNet to its controllers. Having determined what it needed, the hologram dissipated, and the probot continued to gather data.
TSO Naval Officer
Jan 3rd, 2002, 06:29:44 PM
<center>75 light years away, aboard the Star Destroyer Veritas...</center>
Crewman Zaagar continued monitoring the sector's comm traffic, determining any positive communication spikes that might be present. In the past day, seven positive spikes were picked up, but none could be confirmed. However, another spike soon came through. Analyzing the data, Zaagar thought he had something worth seeing, and sat up, looking at the command deck.
Crewman Zaagar: Captain Dugon, I think I've found something you should see.
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Jan 3rd, 2002, 07:36:06 PM
Satine stares at the Sith's image quizzicaly (sp?), noticing how it hadn't moved. Reaching out with the Force, he grasps at the location of the would-be Sith, and growls as he realizes his folley. Dis-engaging his sabre, the Jedi Knight draws his blaster--a heavily modified DL-44--and takes a few shots at the probe droid. One hits the packet of explosives, and the droid goes up in a large fire-ball. Smiling, Satine quickly pulls his hood back on, and puts his weapons up, running down the alley, and then heading straight towards his room, where he could at least get some privacy...
As Satine gets into his room, he smiles as he sees his baggage--already sent into his room--sitting on the floor. Digging through it, he finally comes upon his comm system--a highly powerful, and compact on--and takes it out of the case, setting it up on a desk. Tuning it to the right frequency, the Jedi Knight hears Sidar Kondo's voice on it.
"Sidar here."
Satien takes a deep breath, and says, "Sidar, I need you to trace something from Adumar. A comm burst from a probe droid. Track it to where it was recieved, and then get back to me."
"Aye sir. We'll get back to you, but in the meantime, keep this system online."
"Sure. Alert me when you have the trace."
With that, Satine walks away form the unit, taking off his cloak, belt, and weapons, and then crashes on his bed, quickly getting to sleep, despite the speed his mind was working...
Jan 3rd, 2002, 11:01:41 PM
Satine is awakened by the infernal beeping of the comm unit, and he curses, getting up. Switching on the unit's transmitter, the Jedi Knight says, "This had better be good."
"Well, that's open to debate," Sidar said, his voice, even over the unit's distortion, grave. "The comm signal was a holonet broadcast. We can't trace it. I would, however, suggest keeping your weapons with you for a while. I'm sending the Tolaria and the Darkstar each fully outfitted with fighters to Adumar's moon, where they'll wait in case something happens to you."
"Roger. I'll be in touch soon. Satine out." He flips off the comm station, and leans back in his chair with a heavy sigh.
Who the frell sent that droid here. Why is another good question...
TSO Naval Officer
Jan 4th, 2002, 04:23:18 PM
Dugon approached the crewman, skeptical of his find.
Captain Dugon: Crewman, aside from seeing a teenage boy scavenging a Jedi's weapon...I fail to see anything of strategic worth.
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Darth Vader
Jan 4th, 2002, 04:37:15 PM
:: Onboard the Stormcloud, half a sector away, Lord Vader stepped onto the bridge, roused from his meditations by a disturbance in the Force. His imposing visage prowled across the command deck, coming to his battlefleet's admiral ::
Admiral Sondt, prepare to open communications to the Veritas. I sense that our search is about to bear fruit.
:: The Admiral ordered it so, and soon the visage of the Dark Lord was peering into the Veritas' command bridge. ::
Captain, you've found something?
TSO Naval Officer
Jan 4th, 2002, 05:10:40 PM
Dugon winced, clasping his hands behind his back.
Captain Dugon: M'Lord, we did find a small child with rebel paraphenalia on him , but all other scans have been inconclusive. I doubt it anything more than a local inhabitant with a trinket purchased abroad.
Darth Vader
Jan 4th, 2002, 05:23:16 PM
No Captain...the Jedi are there. Prepare to assemble and deploy the battlefleet to Adumaria at once.
:: Vader spun on a heel to face Admiral Sondt ::
Admiral, deploy your forces immediately. Alert my general to prepare for a surface attack.
Jan 4th, 2002, 06:22:19 PM
Satine sits in a chair, quickly, but effeicantly, cleaning and reloading his weapons, and putting them on the desk afterwards. Finishing with the last one--a DL-44, modified for his own personal use. Putting it into its holster, the Jedi Knight looks at the rest of the weapons he had brought along, trying to figure out which ones to take with him. Arranged on the desk were his weapons--two katanas, one of his favored weapons that gave him a distinctive fighting style, his lightsabre, two blasters, on already in its holster, two daggers, a pouch of shurikens, and his extendable bo staff/halberd. Also on the table was a large pouch with extra energy clips, and some on his belt. He put the extra clips into a backpack, and then gives his jumpsuit a mental command. It turns quicksilver, and forms into light leather armor, and heavy gaunlets, with two retractable blades--one on each arm.
Putting the weapons onto his armor--the katanas on his back, the bo staff on his belt, same with the lightsabre and shurikens and daggers. On his left hip goes his second blaster, his other blaster on his right hip. Grabbing up a pair of electro-binocolers (sp?), the Jedi Knight puts on his cloak, pulls his hood up to cover his distinctive hair and eyes, and heads to the roof, planning on staking it out to keep an eye for any people coming in that might be the ones who sent that probe droid...
Darth Vader
Jan 5th, 2002, 01:20:57 PM
:: Within an hour, one SSD, two ISD2s and two ISDs came out of hyperspace over Adumaria, prepared for battle ::
Jan 6th, 2002, 12:12:31 PM
Satine looks up into the sky, and sees a few large dark spots. Growing suspicious, the Jedi Knight raises his binoculars to his eyes, looking up at the objects. He gasps at what he sees.
A fleet of Imperial ships.
Wonder of those are all for me. I'm surprised. Do they think there's more of us around here?
Satine jumps from his perch, and heads to his room, turning on the comm system.
"Satine Capashen to Dragon's Roost. Dragon's Roost, you can talk now..." he said, repeating it a few times. All he got was static.
"Damn," Satine says as he turns off the system. "They must be jamming the planet. I need to get into hiding..."
Notone to normally run from a fight, Satine knew he had to this time. The odds were just too high against him. The Warrior Jdi Knight runs back to the roof, and goes back onto his perch, a blaster in one hand, and the other holding his binoculars to his eyes, watching for shuttles and drop ships.
TSO Naval Officer
Jan 8th, 2002, 02:15:48 PM
Admiral Sondt glanced at a planetary report from a crewman. He then approached Lord Vader with a summary of the system.
Admiral Sondt: My Lord, Adumaria Prime is a known tourism center, with few military accomodations aside from rudimentary law enforcement. In my professional opinion, neither the Rebels or their Jedi compatriots could set up a suitable defense here.
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Darth Vader
Jan 8th, 2002, 02:51:59 PM
:: Vader pointed at the Admiral ::
Good. The defeat of the Jedi should then be imminent. Alert your task force, and destroy any craft that take off.
:: The Dark Lord whirled around ::
General Hocke...begin landing your troops. Scour the planet, and capture any Jedi that you find. If you find Rebels, kill them all.
:: Vader stormed off the bridge ::
Prepare my shuttle.
TSO Naval Officer
Jan 8th, 2002, 03:00:02 PM
Hocke clicked the heels of his jackboots together in acknowledgement of Vader's orders.
General Hocke: Yes, Lord Vader.
Exiting the bridge, he nodded to the Admiral.
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Jan 8th, 2002, 05:59:32 PM
Minutes later, Satine sees dropships, and shuttles--probably containing troops, Satine though--coming throught the atmosphere, and land in areas all over. Swearing, Satine notices the troops pouring out, and quickly jumps across the chasm between two buildings, the Force keeping him aloft long enough to land on the other side. Running across the roof, Satine clips his binoculars to his belt, and draws a blaster from his thigh, taking a perch on a large communications tower, where he had the best view of the scenes below. Though he would need to move soon enough...
TSO Naval Officer
Jan 13th, 2002, 05:03:50 PM
Whatever thought the Adumarian police forces had to interdicting a military insertion, it was put aside by the escorting TIE fighters that picked their police craft from the sky. Settling in the distance of the largest population center, the Imperial landers, lambda and sentinel shuttles, began to form an operational perimeter. Several AT-STs and even a few AT-ATs formed up, as a mobile garrison post was erected under the watch of four Ubrikkian floating fortresses. A full two divisions of stormtroopers stood at the ready, as Vader's shuttle prepared to land.
Darth Vader
Jan 13th, 2002, 05:26:19 PM
:: Vader's shuttle landed in a hiss of steam and whirring-down repulsordrives. The Dark Lord strode down the gangplank. Awaiting him was General Hocke and his second, Colonel Syne. ::
Begin scouring the capital. I sense we will find our target here.
:: With that, Vader headed out, toward the town ::
Jan 13th, 2002, 09:25:04 PM
Satine watched all the procedings carefully, until he decided to get on the move. Jumping from one rooftop to another, he finally makes it into the abandoned section of town, where he would be safe for awhile. He had already noticed a few stormtroopers seemingly following him, and he grabs his blaster from its holster, ducking behind an outcropping. He steadies his weapon, awaiting any troops...
TSO Naval Officer
Jan 18th, 2002, 02:47:38 PM
Hocke turned to Colonel Syne.
General Hocke: Mobilize. Advance on the space port and destroy it immediately.
Syne nodded curtly
Colonel Syne: At once, sir.
Syne immediately boarded an AT-AT, and led two others toward the western outskirts of the town, to the sprawling spaceport complex. Flanking his main forces were 12 AT-ST scout walkers. As they approached, a paltry blockade was set up by police speeders, hoping somehow to plead the armored attack force away. Syne was not moved. He glanced to his gunnery officer.
Colonel Syne: Set firepower level four. Attack at will.
The main guns of the AT-ATs screeched, searing red blasts blowing apart the police blockade, as the attack vanguard trampled over the destroyed vehicles. The AT-ATs cleared the path for the AT-STs, and all began advancing on the space station. Focused attacks began to blast apart the outer edifices of the spaceports superstructure.
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Jan 18th, 2002, 07:32:23 PM
Satine hears the blaster report, and gawks. They had heavy weapons in the city! Oh, crap... Satine thinks, forgetting for the moment the stormtroopers patrolling, and he curses. He stops as he hears a trooper's comm crackle, and he peeks out, seeing a scouttrooper beside his speeder bike. Quickly Satine jumps out, and blasts the trooper in his head, the white-armored trooper going down, a char mark in the middle of his helmet.
The Jedi Knight runs to the bike, and starts it up, heading out, to see where the blaster reports came from...
TSO Naval Officer
Jan 23rd, 2002, 04:50:09 PM
"Its the Jedi! Blast him!"
Several advancing stormtroopers notice the fleeing boy, and begin to open fire as he speeds away.
Jan 23rd, 2002, 07:46:24 PM
Satine ducks low, and grabs the blaster from his thigh holster, the Warrior Jedi Knight shoots behind him, taking down one of the troops before the others can react, and he hears their blaster bolts impact against the rear of his speeder. He slews his vehicle from side to side to avoid the blaster bolts, and then pulls a quick turn down a side street, avoiding the troops.
TSO Naval Officer
Jan 30th, 2002, 12:26:43 PM
Several speeders move in hot pursuit, following Alpha, and signalling back to base for reinforcements.
Jan 30th, 2002, 05:47:00 PM
Satine swerves his bike to the extreme right, shooting down an alley. Seeing a dead end, Satine concentrates, and uses the Force to propel him over the wall, hoping the explosion would convince the troopers that he perished. Landing on hs feet, the Jedi Knight begins to run, hoping he could find a hiding place, until he confronted the Imps...
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