View Full Version : Tourniquet: Conception

Garrett Blade
Jan 1st, 2002, 09:15:41 PM
The canopy of Myrkr Forest glistened sleepy green as the dawn sun slowly climbed in the morning sky. A lazy wind swept through the trees and rustled the leaves that covered them. Most of the forests inhabitants were still sleeping, except for the birds of course, chirping merrily to themselves as they cleaned their feathers in the morning breeze. A few restless, wild predators known as vornskrs, prowled the forest floor amongst the undergrowth shrubbery. A very peaceful scene, backed by the orange glow of the rising sun, that could not be more perfect. Only to be shattered by the loud whining of engines. A small clearing in the forest was quickly taken up by a ship one-hunderd-and-twenty-five metres in length; a Corellian Action VI Transport, a common transport ship just like any lumbering, ungainly cargo craft. With a cargo capacity of ninety thousand metric tonne - one bulk freighter can carry as much as nine hundred light freighters. Slowly, loading ramps descended from the hull of the dusty craft. From inside the bowels of the huge "cargo trawler" came several men in white armour accompanied by what appeared to be smaller versions of AT-STs. They were in fact Binary Load Lifters, being escorted by Stormtroopers to pick up a supply of ysalmari destined for Coruscant. But anti-force bubble-generating worms were not the only things that were making a trip to Coruscant this morning. No more than eighteen kilometres away, much deeper into Myrkr Forest, a reflective tear skimmed the treetops. A lone figure dropped from the landing gear and disappeared below the green canopy.

Garrett ignited his lightsaber and began cutting through the dense vegitation. The black-furred wild vornskrs fled at the sight of the red beam swinging through the bushes. he wished that he could have been dropped off closer to the transport, but this was necessary to avoid detection. Had a speeders engines not been so loud he would have been able to make the journey a lot faster. Nevertheless, he had roughly three hours before the transport was scheduled to depart for Coruscant. Plenty of time. Assuming nothing went wrong in the meantime. His trek through the forest was uneventful for the most part. Aside from being all but killed by a flock of wild birds. They'll think twice next time before messing with Garrett Blade. Literally, since all of them now had two brains. Well - two halves anyway! He had finally reached the clearing and could see the transport, completely unguarded.

He was about to run up the ramp and into the transport when suddenly the group of stormtroopers and Binary Load Lifters emerged from the trees on the opposite side of the clearing. He would not be able to get on board without them noticing. After having a brief ponder, Garrett came up with an idea. He ran back into the forest a few metres, where the trees were just dense enough to conceal him from view. he began to shake one of the trees violently. It worked. One of the stormtroopers began to jog over to him. Once he was in the forest, Garrett lured him deeped into the forest, ran around a large tree, and landed a single blow to the back of the stormtroopers neck, killing him instantly. After a quick clothes-swap, Garrett (now sporting a nifty stormtroopers outfit) dragged the supposedly unconscious body of a renegade (and foolish) Sith Knight. He returned to the other troopers and reported in.

"This guys just tried to kill me. I guess the ysalmari in the forest prevented him from using his force abilities. Lucky me eh! We should take him back for interrogation when he comes around. I'll lock him up and dump him in the cargo hold with the supplies!"

Thankfully, they bought it. And they didn't noptice the rather large gash in their fallen comrades leg, several inches long and quite deep. After a few more minutes the cargo was loaded and the ship ascended into the heavens. The stormtroopers were all back in the passenger compartments as the co-pilot made the final calculations and the transport finally blasted off into hyperspace.

Several hours later, the transport dropped out of hyperspace before the planet Coruscant. Below, the sprawling metropolis was bustling with life and activity. One giant city. A land of opportunity. As long as you were on the right side of the law. Of course, opportunity still existed for those that chose not to keep in authority's good books - it was just slightly more risky, thats all! The transport lay idle in space for several minutes. Soon, the vessal had been given clearance to dock at the orbital spaceport, where the cargo would be transferred to several smaller cargo shuttles and be ferried down to the planet itself. During the change-over on the station, Garrett managed to find a secure quarters suite, where he brought the body of the stormtrooper he killed before. After a brief moment of tugging, Garrett managed to retrieve his lightsaber from the inside of the corpses leg, where he had hidden it earlier. After quickly cleaning it in the bathroom, Garrett changed clothes into that of a flight officer, and made his way to one of the shuttles transporting the ysalmari. It really was too simple, and in less than fifteen minutes, Garrett was walking along the pavement outside the auxiliary storage area no more than five kilometres away from the Imperial Palace. It was roughly a fifty minute walk to the rendezvous point.

After navigating the hazardous streets of the slummy area of Coruscant that Garrett so elloquently selected as the meeting place, Garrett arrived at the old, abandonned warehouse. It was a rundown, sceptic building, more useful as scrap than a storage building. Why it hadn't already been torn down was beyond Garretts understanding. Fortunately for him, it was still standing. He entered the building via an old, battered doorway that seemed to be made of some kind of steel. Definately not durasteel - judging by the damage around the edges. Inside, waiting for Garrett, were a group of men, gathered around a table and several large, black durasteel cases. Kal Jericho, Jim Raynor, Simon Phoenix and Vic Deakins, all of them standing, turned around slowly as the sound of Garretts footsteps echoed through the damp, drafty workshop. it wasn't raining outside, yet the condensation that had collected in the rafters was dripping in patches on the floor here and there. Kal Jericho was the first to speak.

"Well I'll be! It's gotta be, what? Three - no - FOUR years since I last saw you, Blade!"

Garrett smiled. it had actually been five years since he and Kal had escaped from Carratos penitentiary. Them, along with Phoenix and Vic, had been arrested for suspicion of bombing the government building on Carratos. Though never proven guilty, the authorities had still imprisoned them. They did it, of course. But still - the law was very naughty indeed. Garrett eyed Vic and Phoenix before resting his gaze on the unfamiliar face between Kal and Vic. Kal stepped forward, placing a hand on his friends shoulder...

"This is Jim Raynor. Fringe-world yokel as I like to call him. Been travellin' together for almost six months now. He's one of the best mercs in the business.!"

Garrett stepped forward to shake Jims hand. he spoke as he did so.

"Nice to meet you Jim. Any friend of Kal's is a friend of mine. Well gentlemen. I believe it is almost noon. Shall we?"

The five men gathered up their cases and made their way down a nearby access shaft and into the sublevel of Coruscant. Garrett ignited his lightsaber to light the way as Kal navigated the holomap. It only took them eighteen minutes to get to access shaft 003-1-B, the very shaft that led to the basement of one of the most important buildings on Coruscant.