View Full Version : A search for truth....(open rp)
Jedi Knight Squall
Jan 1st, 2002, 11:19:16 AM
Squall walked around the tavern that he had been staying in for the past twelve years. He had little knowledge of his life before the time of his coming here, and what little he had had just been given to him by the fates. He couldn't make out names and details, but he saw a child, no two children. They were his sons, and he was a Jedi. How could all this be true? He had been here his entire life. True he had magical powers, such as being able to lift things thorugh the air, but that didn't mean he was a Jedi did it?
"What am I to do?"
For the past few monthes he had been having these dreams and these memories kept coming back to him. What was he supposed to do if they were true? How could he even begin to look for his children? Would they accept him or reject him? These were all questions he wanted answers to, but couldn't have at the moment.
"Maybe later I will talk it over with the other tribal council leaders. Maybe they will know something about my past."
Squall shrugged and stood up. He went out the front door and made his way towards the job place. For the past ten years he had been a bouncer and bar-tender at a local place because of his unusual strenght, speed and fighting skills. Not to mention his magikal powers. He walked in the door and turned to sayhello to his freind but before he could get it out he noticed he had come in just in time as there was an all-out brawl.
"Oh man don't these people learn?"
Squall jumped into the middle of it and punched other drunkards. He then lifted one by the collar of his shirt and put his hand in the others face and sent him flying. He was about to take them back to give them to the local authority, but just then another of his dreams came.
.................................................. .................................................. ...
There were two of them. A Jedi and a Sith. They were in a fight and his family was watching. He saw as the two warriors' lightsabers clashed and moved with incredible speed and accuracy. How could he keep up with the two? They moved so fast. How could they keep up with themselves? All of a sudden the Sith got the upper hand and pushed the Jedi back to a rock. He saw as the Jedi slid to the ground unconious. He wanted to go over there and help him, but he couldn't move. All he could do was watch as the man laid there helpless.
.................................................. .................................................. ....
Squall sat up and he was breathing hard. Where was he what was goin on? He sat up and then calmed dwn as he realized he was in a bed in the back of the bar. He laid back down and let the sleep he knew was coming. He would have to see about these dreams very soon, before they kiled him.
Trunks Yurali
Jan 1st, 2002, 01:53:40 PM
The mercenary had been in the bar when the episode hadtaken place. In fact he had been about to join in the fight before the bouncer showed up. When he did, Trunks sat back down and continued his drink. He watched as the guy threw one of the guys using the Force. He had never seen anyone so adept at using the Force without trainng except himself, and judging from the strength the guy was stronger than himself. He then watched as the guy colapsed and held his head. That was quite unusual, but he put it in the back of his mind and ontinued his business for now. He would talk to the guy later.
Shade Magus
Jan 3rd, 2002, 10:14:45 PM
Shade dodged to his left and then to his right. He brought up his newly fashioned lightsaber as the droid came around for another attack. He had recently aquired a good sum of credits and had brought a new prototype sparring droid. Supposedly they were the top of the line and could be set to levels ranging from those of a Padawan to a Master. He had chosen an advanced Padawan stage to practice upon and he must say that he was satisfied in his investment.
"Come on littleguy. Let's keep going."
Shade leapt up into the air and summersaulted over the droid. The droid itself was armed with a built in lightsaber that was good for practicing sparring techniques. Shade brought his lightsaber up to deflect an overhead slash that he had been sent. He then turned on the ball of his heel and swung at the droids mid-section. This seemed to be a stale-mate, but not for long as Shade then pushed the droid back and began to twist his lightsaber around ferociously. He swung at the droid's left arm, but was blocked effectively. He then turned and used a Force push at his artificial opponent. He was about to use an uppercut slash, but he heard his comm unit beep. He immeaditely stopped his spar and deactivated the droid. He turned and walked over to where his comm was sitting and went to answer it annoyed at whoever had interrutped him.
"Boy, I hope this is good."
He tswitched it one and spoke into it. He was quickly overcome with surprise and a torrent of other emotions. It was from his brother, Yurza. Apparrently Yurza was on some mission for The Sith Empire, which mad Shade furious. He still could not believe that his brother had betrayed him and went to the Sith. It didn't matter much anymore. Yurza had chosen his path and so had Shade. One day he would show his brother that he had chosen wrong and maybe that day, Yurza would join him as a Jedi. He pushed these thoughts aside for the moment, knowing his brother would not contact him if it had not been of urgent importance.
.................................................. .................................................. .....
"Dear Shade, how are you doing? I am just fine. I am off doing all the killing and pluddering that one could possiblely imagine. Normally I wouldn't bother a weakling like you, but this concerns both of us so I decided to let you in on a little secret. Our father is alive. I know this sounds implausible to you, a Jedi that knows everything, but however. If you want proof them search out a man named Trunk Yuarli. The last I heard, he was on an outer rim world, apparently tied up in some business with a local bouncer. I don't know much about the situation and would not hae even given you this information had I not been busy. I am afraid you will not see me this time, but when you find out the truth I want you to meet me on the cliff of our homeworld."
.................................................. .................................................. .....
The message ended. Shade had no idea with it. He looked confused and sullen. He then grabbed up his stuff and with increadible speed he ran towards his room. He would begin to pack for his journey immeaditely and leave as soon as possible.
Christian Lightheart
Jan 5th, 2002, 03:34:18 PM
Christian Lightheart, Jedi Padawan awaiting to be reassigned a new Master, was busy observing the day's events. He loved to place himself in the background, and just watch others. Seeing what they do, how they act, he learned from them just by using his sense of sight. Other things as well, scenery, little cracks in the wall, weather changes, art. He liked those too. Never before had he been able to witness the "country" life, or the subtle diversities he found with in the Jedi. Sure back on Coruscant many different species of aliens roamed, but that was expected for the vastness of the planet-city.
Today had the young white-haired Jedi strolled content through the Jedi Dormitory, passing by rooms that were either empty or had Jedi meditating in them. Nothing too interesting. He blinked once, and when his eyes reopened, Shade Magus, a fellow Jedi Padawan he had sparred some time ago rounded the corner began to jog his way, seemingly in quite a hurry. Shade passed by Christian and traveled a few doors down, turning and quickly entering his (Shade's) room. Wondering what the big rush was all about, Lightheart turned aronud himself and made his way to the room.
Peering in, he saw Shade busily picking stuff and and gathering clothes and supplies. He spoke out, his voice quiet.
"Having company?"
Shade Magus
Jan 6th, 2002, 11:57:01 AM
Shade looked up, quite surprised. He saw Christian in his doorway and then wne tback to packing, talking to him as he gathered his stuff.
"Oh...hi Christian. What did you say? something about company?"
Shade shook his head to clear it of all his confusion and tried to put things into place.
"Umm...I mean how are you doing? I am packing for a trip to the outer rims. It appears I have some family business there."
Shade grabbed up another pair of robes and stuffed them in his bag. He had almost everything now. Everything except someone to back him up. He looked at Christian quizzical and then nodded, as if he had come to an important desicion.
"Heywhat are you doing for the next few days? I could really use someone to go with me to help me out, but I wouldn't want to burden you if you are busy."
Christian Lightheart
Jan 9th, 2002, 02:47:26 PM
"Not doing anything much, prolly just some mediation excersises, practicing the stuff I know already to get better at it..."
Lightheart stayed at the enterence, leaning his right side and shuolder against the edge of the doorway.
"It wouldn't be a burden at all... how long it going the trip going to be?" He asked. He needed to get his own stuff around, and did not want to make Shade wait longer than he had to if they were leaving now.
Shade Magus
Jan 9th, 2002, 09:46:24 PM
"Well....actually I am not sure how long it will take. I plan on maybe not be gone for more than a few days at the most. If you wish to go then I won't be leaving for a few hours....I still have to finish something."
So saying this Shade walked over to a desk in his room and opened it and threw a particular old book into his bag.
"If you'll please excuse me I have to go take care of something. If you wish to go then meet me in the hangar in three hours."
Sjhade then left Christian alone with his thoughts and walked out of the room.
Christian Lightheart
Jan 12th, 2002, 12:38:28 AM
The quiet Jedi spoke as Shade finished his packing, at least it looked as if he did, and quickly rushed out of the room, telling where and when to meet. He watched Shade jog down the long corridor, vanishing from sight as he rounded a corner.
Sighing to himself, Lightheart made his way to his own room. Upon reaching it, he entered, and sat down on his bed. He closed his eyes, and ended up taking a nice two hour nap, a rest which might come in handy in killing any hyperspace lag.
A sense in his mind brought his sleepy eyes back alive, blinking them a few time to readjust them. Slowly, Christian went into his closet, throwing articles of clothing on the bed. He chose enough robes and clothing to last him at least three days, and he could probably wear each set twice or three times if necessary. Once those were packed, he stuffed in a thing of rations, enough for four days, and last but not least, he took his lightsaber and clipped it to his belt.
Zipping his duffel bag up, he threw one strap over his shoulder and head, allowing the weight of the bag to disperse along most of his upper body, shoulders and neck. He quickly made his way down to the hanger bay, not wanting to keep Shade waiting if he was already there.
Shade Magus
Jan 12th, 2002, 10:13:55 AM
Shade ran down the ramp of the hangar and walked over to the ship he had rented. He didn't want anythihng big, but big enough for atleast two or three people. He walked up the ramp of the ship and went to the ****-pit. He still had an hour to kill and he decided to familarize himself with the ship's controls. He looked at the control and reached out with the Force. He moved his finers over the control board and found the switches he would be using the most.
"Just a little longer and I'll be outta here..I hope the others get the message's I left them."
Christian Lightheart
Jan 23rd, 2002, 04:12:55 PM
Lightheart made his way into the hangar bay, looking at each of the ships held there. He wondered to himself which one Shade had picked, and reached out with his limited control with the Force to determine which one it was.
Shade's signature stood out slightly in a smaller craft a few ships over. Jogging over to it, the white-haired boy walked up the ramp, and set his dufflebag down out of the way.
Shade Magus
Jan 23rd, 2002, 08:52:16 PM
Shade looked behind him and saw Christian.
"Welcome, welcome. I hope you got everything..we will wait here for a few minutes. I left a message for a few other to meet me here if they wanted to join. Make yourself comfortable. If you need anything just ask."
Shade turned back to the controls and began studying them once more. He didn't knwo if there would come a time when he would need them without having to think so he might as well memorize them now.
Xazor Elessar
Jan 24th, 2002, 04:30:09 PM
Xazor walked into the hanger and saw Shade. She took her bags and walked over to him. She set them down when she reached him and walked up behind him, putting her arms around his neck.
Hey, I'm here!
She said and then bent over and picked her bags up again.
What do I do with these?
She asked with a smile.
Shade Magus
Jan 24th, 2002, 04:47:50 PM
Shade absently poiinted over to a small compartment over on a wall. He was busy trying to re-configure the last coordinates before they left. When he was finished he turned around to se Christian and Xazor behind him.
"Xazor, meet Christian. Christian this is Xazor."
Shade waited for them to shake hand before he continued.
"Xazor..did you talk to Verse?"
Xazor Elessar
Jan 24th, 2002, 05:06:37 PM
Xazor smiled and shook Christian's hand. She then shook her head.
No, actually I can't seem to find him. I checked in the temple, the living quarters, and Yogs. He is MIA I guess.....
She said with a laugh.
I sent out a Force message, so if he is coming, he will be here soon.
She smiled at Shade who was working hard....or hardly working....(OOC: Just kidding ;))
Christian Lightheart
Jan 26th, 2002, 01:58:48 PM
Lightheart tentively took Xazor's hand, nodding his head full of white hair to her. He continued to stay quiet and seated as the two talked. They seemed that they knew each other very well, by the way the two joked with each other. Smiling, Christian thought to himself abuot what they would be doing, and where they would go. And, even though he had an inkling, he was not too entirely sure as who the other person would be that would acompany them.
"Umm..." He began, in a quiet voice, "Is the other person who will be with us Jedi Knight Verse Dawnstrider?"
Xazor Elessar
Jan 26th, 2002, 02:13:17 PM
Xazor nodded her head and smiled.
Yes, Jedi Knight Verse Dawnstrider will be coming with us.....if I can get a hold of him. He is my Master by the way.
She said to Christian. He seemed like a kind person, but very quiet.
Shade Magus
Jan 26th, 2002, 02:26:13 PM
Shade nodded his head.
"Verse would be of great help if he would join us. His illusionary techniques could help hide us incase something goes wrong."
Xazor Elessar
Jan 26th, 2002, 04:16:19 PM
Xazor smiled with a nod.
Yes.....he is also training me in the ways of the Mentalist Jedi. I too have learned several illusions. I can hide my aura, become invisible, and stealth.
She said with a smile.
Verse Dawnstrider
Jan 27th, 2002, 07:24:01 PM
::Verse walked into the hanger. He opened his custom V-Wing and tossed a pack into the craft. Better late than never. He could afford to be late. He walked over to the Padawans. His ash-blond hair hung past his waist in a ponytail. He had muscle, but not enough tp make him bulky. He was built for raw speed. Dressed in druid's furs, he stood out from the rest in their Jedi robes.::
"You better change. People are on the look out for Jedi. Normal People can't tell the difference between Jedi and Sith, Best get out of the robes. I will be at my ship. Send me the coords and let me know when you want to go."
Xazor Elessar
Jan 27th, 2002, 07:46:55 PM
Xazor smiled at the sight of her Master. He informed them to change and she thought it wise to follow any advice he offered them. She took out one of her bags from Shade's ship and unzipped it. Finding a pair of clothes, she went into the hangers restroom to change. She lost the robes and replaced them with a comfortable pair of black pants and a white tanktop. The tanktop was a good idea, for it would keep her was a bad idea because she would be identified by the Sith. She had the mark of the Most High on her left arm and a scar given to her by her Sith father. She shook her head and thought for a moment. She let down her long hair. It hung to her waist, but it would stay around her shoulders. She tied it back up and put the robes in her bag and walked out of the restroom. She walked over to Shade's ship and put her bag back in. Then walking over to Verse, she spoke.
Greetings Master. I am glad you can join us. What can I do about this?
She asked him as she motioned to the tattoo and the scar. In situations dealing with the Sith, the tatoo could prove very useful.....but with others, it would not be to their advantage.
Shade Magus
Jan 27th, 2002, 09:12:19 PM
Shade looked at himself. Unlike the other two had been he had already changed into a pair of navy blue pant with a orange shirt on underneath the navy blue top. He then looked at Xazor and was about to make a suggestion when he grabbed his head and cried out in pain. There was a huge disturbance in the Force. It was even harder for him because the aura was that of his fathers.
Xazor Elessar
Jan 27th, 2002, 09:22:23 PM
Xazor turned from her conversation with her Master when she heard Shade cry out. She saw him holding onto his head in pain. Rushing over to him, she put a hand on his shoulder and looked at his face.
Shade what's wrong?
She asked him in a panic. She couldn't put her finger on it, but she could tell that it had to do something with their mission.....
Jedi Knight Squall
Jan 27th, 2002, 09:23:11 PM
Squall doubled over as a rowdy costumer punched him in the gut. He was getting very angry right now, and lost all sight of his focus. The next thing he knew was that the guy was on the floor and he was holding a knife to his throat. Squall dropped the knife and backed away slowly.
"What am I doing?"
He was about to turn and go to the back room when his world went black as someone hit him on the head with a chair.
Shade Magus
Jan 27th, 2002, 09:34:57 PM
Shade shook his head as he held it. He looked up as the pain finally eased. HE had tears streaming down his face. HE looked at the others and then at Xazor and nodded.
"Yes.....yes..I'll be fine."
He attempted to get up but fell back down slightly before catching himself. He then looked at the other and nodded.
"Well.....what are we waiting for?"
Shade knew the others were worried about him, but he shrugged it off. He would't let them see his weakness.
Xazor Elessar
Jan 27th, 2002, 09:54:00 PM
Since they were linked through the Force, Xazor could feel his weakness....she didn't have to see it to know what he felt. She saw him fall and catch himself. She saw the tears streaming down his face. Her heart ached for him as the stress from his thoughts was getting to him.
Are you sure you're going to be okay...?
She asked him after he questioned the group on their readiness.
I am here for you......if you need anything.
She spoke to him through the Force.
Shade Magus
Jan 27th, 2002, 10:10:14 PM
Shade nodded at Xazor, but said nothing as he went up the ramp of the ship.
Verse Dawnstrider
Jan 28th, 2002, 09:24:27 PM
"A'ight kids. Lets go. I will follow you Shade. I don't know where I am goin', so I will follow you in my V-wing. May the Force be with you."
::Verse hoped into his V-Wing's cockpit. It had less armor than most V-Wings. enought that it could take some shots, but not alot. It was fully loaded with the V-wings normal weapons. Auto-Lock cluster spread missles, temptoray rapid fire, and busters. The Rapid fire would burn out after a about 5 sec of use. They would have to cool down before used again. The busters would send the ship faster than an A-Wing for a short time. Then the busters would burn out and he would be at normal spead for a while again. It was Grey with white trim. On the wings were his clan symbols. The right said in the corner said "In Loving memory of Dae Jinn. The only woman to catch the Dawnstrider's heart." Verse smiled as he though of that. She was Sith, but she had a soft side worthy of a Jedi. He tested his comlink in his helment to make use it was working.::
"Jedi Knight Verse "The Grim Reaper" Dawnstrider ready for action. Lead the way young buck. I'm only gettin' olda'."
Shade Magus
Jan 28th, 2002, 09:31:50 PM
Shade jumped into the piolit's seat and buckled in. He made sure everyone else was in and he started the ignition sequence. Whe they were ready he took off the planets. He sent thecoordinates to Verse and took off into hyperspace. It would take 10 standard hours to reach their destination. Just enough time for Shade to shake off his earlier incident.
Verse Dawnstrider
Jan 30th, 2002, 04:41:54 PM
::Verse ripped into hyperspace after the Jedi. He cut on an old tape. It was an opera. He let it play as he fell into a Jedi trance. He didn't understand a word of the music, but he liked it all the same. He always pictured the woman singing about something joyous. Verse hoped she was. His world turned to a warm adrkness as he entered his dreamlike sleep.::
Xazor Elessar
Jan 31st, 2002, 08:25:52 AM
The ship blasted into space and Xazor took a deep breath. There was nothing like flying, and she loved it. She would have taken her own ship, but it was in being serviced. She looked over at Shade and smiled.
Are you ready for this?
She asked him in reference to their mission.
Shade Magus
Jan 31st, 2002, 02:06:49 PM
Shade took a deep breath and nodded.
"I am as ready as I could ever be....."
Xazor Elessar
Feb 1st, 2002, 09:36:23 AM
Xazor smiled and looked out the window into the vacant space before them. The stars were beautiful as well as the spectacular view of the planet as they broke free from its atmosphere.
You're really quiet, Shade........something bothering you?
She suddenly asked him. She knew he had a lot on her mind.....but he was always willing to talk even under stress..........
Shade Magus
Feb 1st, 2002, 11:02:58 PM
Shade let out a deep sigh. He looked at Christian and then at Xazor.
"I know I should have told you this earilier, but expect to see Sith when we get where we are going..I expect this to be a trap set by my brother. That i why I asked for Verse to come along. I also left a special holo-pad hidden in the Bar & Grill incase of an emergancy."
Xazor Elessar
Feb 2nd, 2002, 11:26:12 AM
Xazor looked at Shade and could tell that this really was bothering him.
Don't worry Shade......the Sith won't bother us as long as I'm around.......I can guarantee it.
She said with a smile. There were a few secrets about her that he didn't know.....she was afraid to tell she remained silent. It was a sure thing, though that they wouldn't be harmed at the hands of the Sith....
ooc: I know I shouldn't be posting ooc in here, but this is the last time I will get to post on this until I get back. Just don't do anything too exciting without me, and if you really must/want to, you can take over the actions and all that of my character. :) See ya guys later....I'll miss everyone.
Shade Magus
Feb 3rd, 2002, 01:12:10 AM
Shade did not look at Xazor, but she could here the concern in his voice.
"You can't....not from these Siths.....nothing can protect us but ourselves."
Xazor Elessar
Feb 12th, 2002, 04:06:13 PM
Xazor gave a slight laugh. He knew so much about her, but yet so little.
Do not assume too much, love.
She said with a smile. She glanced at his surprised look and lauged lightly.
Shade Magus
Feb 12th, 2002, 04:51:58 PM
Shade looked at Xazor and smiled before turning his attention back towards the front. It wouldn't be long before they were there. He closed his eyes and prepared mentally for the journy ahead.
Xazor Elessar
Feb 12th, 2002, 05:56:50 PM
Xazor smiled back and then looked out the window. She turned her head forward and closed her eyes also. She summoned the Force to the center of her soul and fell into a deep meditation. She was not asleep, but slightly unconscience. She would regain full consciesness when they arrived at the designated area, or if there was trouble.
Don't stress yourself out, Shade....everything will be alright. Let the Force calm your soul.......I love you...
She subconsciencly spoke through the Force to him. They could speak like this, if he so chose, and still meditate at the same time. It was a mind trick she had taught herself, and it proved very useful.
Verse Dawnstrider
Feb 18th, 2002, 10:57:19 PM
::A voice comes in over Xazor's. The more power mind of Verse spoak through.::
[I] Ok kids, I hate to break up the moment, but when will we get there? I want to get some food and a strong beer.
Xazor Elessar
Feb 20th, 2002, 04:48:49 PM
ooc: Nice reply Verse....hehehe
Xazor came out of her meditation at the sound of Verse's voice. She smiled at his words and spoke back through the Force.
I think we should be there soon, Master. It should not be too much longer, according to the coords.
She too was hungry....but made herself forget.
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