View Full Version : In The Crosshairs: The necessity of Jar Jar Binks in Episode I

Pierce Tondry
Dec 31st, 2001, 06:04:47 PM
Welcome to the first of what I hope will be many Star Wars-related articles. For my column "In the Crosshairs", I intend to take issues and find their "bulls-eyes", their hearts, the central truths that surround these issues and post my findings.

I have heard it said too often that Jar Jar Binks has no redeeming value. At first, I agreed with this summary. However, as a writer I felt compelled to find the purpose behind his appearance. After all, if he's just there to suck in the kids, what true value does he have?

As George Lucas is the creator of one of the most popular franchises of Science-fiction literature, it seemed that there was likely a point to the appearance of Jar Jar Binks. I was determined to find at least one good purpose for Jar Jar, and I have. It comes from a looking at things from writer's point of view.

Jar Jar Binks is an adult simpleton. He is capable of relating to anybody. Adults find him annoying. Children find him silly. He finds himself quite normal, and for his situation he probably is. After all, no one has ever accussed Gungans of having brilliant intellects. Jar Jar is slow for his age (whatever that may be).

Anikan Skywalker is an aged child. At his age, he has seen more of the bad side of the galaxy than most people living in civilization's boundaries. He starts life as a slave. He works for a junk dealer and participates in dangerous Podraces. Mentally, he is wise and merely waiting for his body to catch up. He is advanced for his age.

The two characters are in such a position that a meeting of the minds is possible. Jar Jar is able to relate to Anikan because each has both adult and childlike qualities. It is as though someone has taken the seriousness and experience that should have been Jar Jar's and transplanted it into Anikan's body, while similarly taking Anikan's youth and bestowing it upon Jar Jar.

In short, Jar Jar is an excellent character foil for Anikan, and I believe that he serves that purpose. The two psychologies support each other.

It is possible, quite possible, that if Anikan and Jar Jar remained friends throughout Anikan's Padawan training, enough of our silly sub-comic might have rubbed off to prevent Anikan from falling to the Dark Side.

Then again, maybe Jar Jar would simply have aggravated Anikan into going evil even faster. It would not be the first time he has aggravated someone. :)

Episode II: Attack of the Clones will most likely answer many questions we have about Star Wars. Knowing that Ahmed Best (the voice of Jar Jar) had a role to play in Episode II, I am most interested to see what that role is and whether or not it will provide supporting evidence for my theory. After all, who better to spot the changes in Anikan than his old Gungan pal?

If there's a subject or question you'd like to see examined "In the Crosshairs" feel free to e-mail it to admibrancrissean@hotmail.com or send me a PM about it. Polite criticism and feedback are welcome and encouraged.

Dec 31st, 2001, 06:16:10 PM
I have to admit, I summed Jar Jar up as "standard comic releif" and too many late night gin and tonics.. That and the fact the galaxy is as wide and varied as one can imagine and Jar Jar was a whimsy of Lucas's.

But I enjoyed reading your outlook on him and I will admit that the more I see Ep1, the more I enjoy the foolish sidekick.

Arya Ravenwing
Jan 1st, 2002, 02:39:00 AM
I had never thought of him in that light. ( However, I still think he was a little over the top. ) It makes sense when you explain it like you did. I hope in the next movie we see more of R2D2 and C3PO, because I love them in the first three movies. Jar Jar, however purposeful he was, still couldn't quite do the comedic patter we expected to find from the Droid Duo.

And perhaps that is why he is so hated by so many people. We were expecting OUR version of SW, and we got something else. Also, the more I think about the title, Attack of the Clones, the more I realize that A New Hope is a weak title as well. :p Ah well. Nothing is perfect. I'll just call it Episode 2, and that way I won't have to say it. ;) Just like I call "A New Hope" Star Wars. I didn't even KNOW it had another title until about six years ago.

And its spelled: Anakin ;)

Looking forward to more from the Crosshairs! :)

Jan 2nd, 2002, 09:48:42 PM
My antipathy towards Jar Jar comes not from the character and his actions, but the actor who portrayed him. I simply didn't like Best's performance. I didn't like the dialogue and the way it was delivered. Redub Jar Jar with Robin Williams, or some other talented actor, modify the dialogue a bit so I don't have to hear "Mesa", "Okeyday", or "How wude" and I wouldn't have a problem with the character. Hell, someone like Williams might have been able to pull off Jar Jar's dialogue. You wouldn't have to change a single frame of Jar Jar for me. I accept SW comic relief. I loved the OT comic relief supplied by R2, 3PO, and Chewie. I just didn't enjoy Ahmed Best's performance in TPM.

Jan 6th, 2002, 05:21:02 PM
Mesa likes Jar JAR, really think his role will be more explained in the next two films.

Jeseth Cloak
Jan 11th, 2002, 09:22:05 AM
I'm just hoping he dies soon... either in II or III. Also, it should be a comical death. Like... having a ship crash on top of him and squish him, or having him eaten by some giant monster in one crunchy bite. Even if he is a foil to Anakin, I couldn't stand his voice. I agree that Robin Williams should have played him... just like Batty!

Jan 11th, 2002, 09:38:20 AM
I found that most Jar Jar dislikers did so because they wanted an excuse. They had to have a REASON to dislike it. They chose him. Similar to how if NSYNC make the cut, they'll cry about them. Im not talking all, just most.

I personally liked him. Star Wars is a kid-orientated film. We watch it now, but we also watch Transformers or Thundercats or He Man when they're on. We grew up with them. We didnt with TPM.

I saw TPM late, few weeks in. A few rows infront was a few young kids. They were in hysterics at him. My dad was laughing. I was laughing. In fact, most were laughing. How could you NOT find the tongue scene funny?

I do feel his accent was right too. The idea is that people sound different. He's an Alien for Petes sake.

The people who want Jar Jar to die are IMO not thinking straght. You want a prominant TPM character to just dissapear for no reason? DO YOU ACTUALLY CARE ABOUT THE FILM???? Sorry, but it's true. I can see three endings for him:

- He dies in 3, thus symbolising that the easy days are over, and a new darker time has arrived

- He saves Obi Wans life and dies, thus completing a circle where he was saved first, now he returns the favour

- He is found by Vader, but not killed. This is the first sign of Anakins emotions, that there is hope

Darth Viscera
Jan 16th, 2002, 09:57:00 AM
Why on earth do you consider Jar Jar to be a prominent character, Fett? Hell, why not kill him off? He's a horrible, horrible General, and IMO the character cheapens the film. When I think back on the Star Wars Saga, I don't want the first thought that pops into my mind to be that of Jar Jar "making a stinky", or anything like that. FYI, I didn't dislike TPM. TPM was an excellent movie, if only for the fact that it was far less boring than ANH. I did, however, find Jar Jar to be a distraction from the Star Wars sections of the movie.

Of course, Uncle George won't listen to me. It's called demographics-he gets 15% more per release. Bah.