View Full Version : Dark Diaries: The Abyss of Evil
imported_Dara Shadowtide
Dec 31st, 2001, 12:32:16 AM
:: A small oval holojournal lies tucked inside a hidden slit on Sith Lordess Dara Shadowtide Rayial's black leather weapons belt. An encrypted sequence of password codes and a retinal scan is provided by Dara as she accesses this device to document her innermost thoughts shared with few, if any, as she continues along her path of darkness in the galaxy ::
~HoloJournal entry 4.231.6, Personal quarters, The Sith Empire~
Something is changing.. the darkness.. I don't know what it is just yet. It's like I am beginning to lose control of the Dark Side.. and it is starting to control me. It's just small things now.. holopads shortcircuiting due to force lightning released randomly from my arm.. glasses shattering in my grasp unexpectedly.. I've never hesitated in giving myself to the power of the Dark Side but to not be able to fully control it is unsettling. Yet at the same time, I experience a small taste of power far greater than I ever have. It's calling to me..
~HoloJournal entry 4.342.3, Personal Study, Tides of Darkness~
The nightmares have returned. Visions of my father's brutal murder play over and over in my sleep.. I hear his voice call my name even now. The Dark Side whispers in my ear to seek vengeance and to bathe in the blood of my father's murderer whose face just eludes me. It's almost there.. just turn to the right.. I need to see his face.. and.. it's gone once again. Tomorrow night.. yes tomorrow night I will see the face of the man who will face the same fate as he dealt my father..
~HoloJournal entry 4.479.1, Outside the Training Grounds, The Sith Empire~
What is happening to me! I just sent a bolt of force lightning into my first apprentice, Raine Sarin. It was me, but it wasn't me.. it just came from my arm. The darkness.. the elation was beyond measure and the end result was far more deadly than I have been able to wield before now.. but why Raine? I must have answers.. but when..
imported_Dara Shadowtide
Jan 6th, 2002, 12:36:46 AM
~HoloJournal entry 4.521.7, Personal Quarters, The Sith Empire~
I looked into the mirror today and saw the face of a woman I hardly recognize anymore. Oh it wasn't some marked physical change or anything, I rather seem the same in that respect. But my eyes.. why did they look different? Then there was the mirror.. why did the mirror shatter when my hand started to tremble again? Thank the Dark Side that I didn't kill someone walking down the hall in the HQ today. The unpredictable and random acts of evil which are being unleashed by me.. they are happening more frequently now. The door to my quarters exploded outwards today right after the mirror shattered as well. That door blast could have ended anyone's life. My hand, the burning, it was so incredibly hot under the skin during all that as well. And now I have to wonder what the <a href=>black symbol</a> which glowed momentarily beneath the skin means.. is it a sign of my past? It is a sign of my future? So many questions.. so few answers these days.
~HoloJournal entry 4.597.1, Personal quarters, Tides of Darkness~
The nightmare was different tonight. It didn't end with the usual gruesome murder scene.. there was a letter which appeared floating in the air ominously, a single letter.. the letter <a href=>'D'</a>. It was dark crimson and twisted like death itself. I'm puzzled by this because the nightmare has never changed like this, never. It was always constant.. yet why now would the ending be altered. I can't get the letter out of my mind, I see it when I close my eyes.. it stays with me now.
~HoloJournal entry 4.607.9, Personal Study, Tides of Darkness~
I woke up in the middle of the night gasping for breath and I got this overwhelming feeling beckoning me to come to the training arena so I rushed over there. As I ran through the large double doors and stopped just inside, I looked up to see my father and that same grim letter D floating just above his head as he stood looking down at me from the tier of the second level. It looked so real.. was he really here? But.. he died that day.. I saw it.. As I ran up the stairs and turned the corner I saw blood begin to drip down his face as the letter imbedded itself into him and then the image vanished. It's getting worse.. I don't understand what it means.. I need answers, not more questions..
imported_Dara Shadowtide
Jan 13th, 2002, 04:47:24 AM
~HoloJournal entry 4.699.2, Personal quarters, The Sith Empire~
I sat up quickly in bed tonight, awakened at the end of the nightmare drenched in a cold sweat and just trying to breathe freely. My throat was constricted and the letters still burned into my eyes. There were now two letters floating in the air at the end of the nightmare.. the first letter <a href=>'D'</a>.. and now an <a href=>'A'</a> lingered to the right of it. D..A.. The twisted crimson letters taunted me.. beckoned me to discover their hidden meaning. And there was nothing I could do unless I slept. Only in the nightmare which haunted me could I hope to unlock the secret held within these cryptic manifestations.
~HoloJournal entry 4.711.4, Training grounds, The Sith Empire~
It happened again today. I was conducting a training session with my own half sister and apprentice, Lyra Darkstar, and the <a href=>symbol</a> appeared on my hand again. The feeling overtook me as I grabbed her and choked her as hard as I possibly could as the blazing white light around the symbol practically blinded me. Then I just dropped her to the ground below from the rooftop without regard for her living or dying. There has to be an explanation for these random surges of power which are controlling my actions.. because if not, perhaps it's not safe to be around me until I find something out.
~HoloJournal entry 4.753.7, Rama's Corner, The Sith Empire~
I was sitting alone today in Rama's when I saw a man in a dark cloak enter and take a seat at the bar. His aura seemed different but yet something about him seemed familiar. Almost as soon as he entered, he had his drink and started to make his way out of the doors. But just before he left, he turned and looked directly at me, and in place of his eyes I saw the crimson letters 'D' and 'A'. As I bolted out of my chair to find out who he was, he ran outside. I caught up with him alongside the building and as I grabbed the shoulder of his cloak, it draped to the ground empty. What is the significance of all this and who is behind it?
imported_Dara Shadowtide
Jan 17th, 2002, 04:15:05 AM
~HoloJournal entry 4.799.1, Personal Quarters, The Sith Empire~
The nightmare.. it's not the same any longer. Each night the past replays itself like a holonovel set on the repeat function.. with the death of my father still prevalent every time I sleep, however it is ending with a completely new twist each time. Tonight right after my father fell into a pool of his own blood, the attacker turned to face me for the first time.. yet all I saw on his face were the letters 'D' and 'A' where his eyes should be. Fading into view as laughter filled my mind was a new letter.. <a href=>'R'</a>. As the attacker smiled the letter glowed eerily within his mouth. As I was jolted awake, I found myself floating above the bed. <a href=>'D'</a>.. <a href=>'A'</a>.. <a href=>'R'</a>.. what does it mean? I find myself longing for the slumber I used to dread, if only to find out a single answer which will unlock this mystery to me..
~HoloJournal entry 4.802.5, en route to the Council Room, The Sith Empire~
I was walking down the long hallway which had restricted entrance for council members only, when I heard the paintings of the leaders of TSE past and present begin to rattle against the walls on either side of me. As I approach each image, something strange happens to each of them. Darth Fenris's painting smashes against the far wall.. Lady Mara Jade's painting erupts into flames and disappears in a puff of smoke.. Bromine's painting rips in two and flies off down the hall.. Rama Sha's painting floats up to the ceiling and sticks there.. Lady Diamante's painting rotates clockwise and hangs itself back upside down.. Vengence's painting turns and curls until it falls to the ground in a heap of twisted metal.. Darth Nuriko's painting has the illusion of her face appear on top of it and it just smiles back at me with a wink.. Darth Ogre's painting animates as his eyes glow a dark green and he nods once, almost imperceptibly, before turning to face the other way.. Ayanami Rai's painting starts spinning counterclockwise like a propeller.. Saurron's painting has blood ooze from the corners of the frame as his face slowly shifts into the likeness of only two fangs.. Jedah Lynch's painting begins to laugh maniacally as his voice grows deafeningly loud.. Darth Havok's painting has a jagged knife appear over his heart where it floats eerily.. Dalethria's painting shows a hand covering the entire image before the fingers overlap the frame and crush it.. Lady Vader's image transforms into a small black cat whose tail flicks slowly back and forth as its eyes glow red.. Sumor Rayial's painting turns completely black as a glows faintly in the center. As I slow down to a halt at my own image on the wall, I see the three letters glowing on my face where my eyes and mouth are.. <a href=>'D' (>crimson).. <a href=>'A'</a>.. <a href=>'R'</a>..
~HoloJournal entry 4.810.4, Personal Quarters, The Sith Empire~
I was preparing to leave my quarters for a training session with one of my apprentices when I became gripped by an unknown force of some kind. Almost to the door of the dwelling, I was paralyzed and driven to my knees. Starting faintly and then building to almost a yell I heard a voice in my mind. "It is only a matter of time Dara, why are you fighting this? Succumb and all will be revealed." It kept saying those words.. over and over. The voice is not familiar to me though.. yet a feeling of darkness washes over me as I reach out to locate its source..
imported_Dara Shadowtide
Jan 24th, 2002, 01:41:36 AM
~HoloJournal entry 4.814.6, Rama's Corner, The Sith Empire~
I was seated in Rama's today, going over a holopad of council matters which required my attention when I noticed that intermittently the letters 'D', 'A', and 'R' began to be highlighted in the text I was reviewing. It was subtle at first and then some unknown force began entering the three letters rapidly until finally the datapad shortcircuited. Gathering my things and departing for my quarters I turned around and I saw a completely black wispy figure with glowing red eyes seated exactly where I had just been.. as I blinked and looked once again, the being was gone.. and then the table collapsed.
~HoloJournal entry 4.827.4, Personal Quarters, The Sith Empire~
It had been evident that my sleep was not exactly restful by the way the sheets and bedding were in disarray upon waking after each nightmare. Tonight's images and visions were the same as every other night.. the floating letters at the conclusion of the scene played out.. although this time I was on my father's ship, the Resilience, and I overheard fragments of the conversation right before my father was murdered. "... you should know better than that, Shadowtide.." "... the girl is not only a danger to herself but to you too, why don't you.." "... did you really think you would be able to hide, Cale?" The crimson letters floated into view one by one.. <a href=>'D'</a>.. <a href=>'A'</a>.. <a href=>'R'</a>.. and then the newest addition to the series of letters appeared.. <a href=>'A'</a>. It was my name.. who was calling to me from another realm? What do they want with me?
~HoloJournal entry 4.849.8, Personal Quarters, The Sith Empire~
I was returning after a lengthy training session with one of my newest apprentices, Sith Disciple Kekoa Alkarin, when I heard voices coming from the Study. Approaching cautiously with my hands moving toward my twin sabers, I opened the door to see a replica of my living room growing up in my home on Garqi. Blinking in disbelief I enter the room to see my father and another man exchanging words. They both turn to me with a look of rage on their faces and yell.. "Dara, you shouldn't be here! It's not safe any longer.. for any of us!" As I begin to walk toward my father in disbelief, the entire room shifts as if transforming from another plane and the usual Study elements present themself as I hear whispers from the corners of the room..
imported_Dara Shadowtide
Feb 5th, 2002, 03:19:06 AM
~HoloJournal entry 4.899.7, Personal quarters, The Sith Empire~
I fell asleep at my desk today working on some last minute projects for the Empire, but the dream I had during that short time seemed so real. I had been exhausted lately.. just drained mostly because I wasn't really sleeping at night due to the visions which had been coming to me. In the dream I was in a shuttle when suddenly I found myself alone.. not a single person or droid on board. As I ran to the command chair and strapped in, I discovered the ship programmed on an auto pilot sequence I couldn't override. The shuttle began a spiral descent and started spinning out of control.. all the while I heard laughter mixed with unrecognizable voices saying such things as "You will come to us in time, young one.. your destiny is yet to be revealed" and "All is not what it seems to be.. within yourself a burden untold as the path to your destiny slowly does unfold" over and over in my mind. As the small vessel approached the orbit of an unknown planet and began plummeting to the surface, I awoke with a gasp only to see the strange 'D' (>symbol</a>) on it. As he faded from view, my mother appeared and had the letter <a href=>'A'</a> around her neck on a pendant, fashioned in the same manner as before. Spinning around behind me I saw three figures approach.. they did not remove their hoods as my parents had done.. instead, their faces glowed three more letters in a eerie succession.. <a href=>'R'</a>.. <a href=>'A'</a>.. and the newest letter in the cryptic puzzle.. <a href=>'G'</a>. Maybe it was a command.. a message of some sort to be spelled out gradually.."Dara.. Get".. but get.. what?
imported_Dara Shadowtide
Feb 19th, 2002, 03:47:54 AM
~HoloJournal entry 5.011.2, Personal quarters, The Sith Empire~
I received the last transmission I believe I will ever get from my husband some time ago. I didn't really want to think about it because if I did, then that would make it a reality. He said not to worry and that he would return soon, but something about his voice was different. He had always been strong and able to hide his feelings around me when he wanted to, perhaps a skill he learned in the Black Omega from so long ago. So much time has passed and I no longer can sense where he is with the <a href=>sith pendant</a> which we found on a trip to my homeworld of Garqi. I fear he has been killed or is never returning. Everyone I ever cared about has always seemed to just go away.. my mother.. my father.. my blood sister.. my first love.. and now my husband. Maybe I really am destined to live the rest of my life alone.
~HoloJournal entry 5.153.7, Council room, The Sith Empire~
At the conclusion of a council meeting, Darth Havok had approached me and wanted to talk to me. It was disappointing in a way, how things had turned out between us when at one time we were so deeply in love. But now, he addressed me with the formality of a near stranger.. I suppose that's how things were meant to be with us though. I was the one to break things off after not hearing from him for great spans of time when he was off who knows where around the galaxy. I really did wait for him.. I thought he was the one, but looking back at things and how they are now, I believe he is probably happier without being tied down. I hold no grudge against him, he was one of my masters after all. But today, he had called me forward to bestow upon me the rank of <a href=>Sith Master</a>, a goal which all strive to achieve some day. The honor is tremendous and yet it brought some pain to my heart to hear that he had been keeping an eye on me despite how things had worked out between us. During the meeting, the strange feeling overtook me and I sliced off Havok's head. A conflicting sense of victory raced through my body as I saw the head roll across the marble floor, only to be replaced by an overwhelming relief to find out it did not truly happen and was merely an illusion.. a test. The sensation, my hand burning, and the swift dispense of evil were all happening at a much more rapid rate these days.. it's overtaking me.. I can feel it. Will I be strong enough to always control it.. or will it someday take over completely and I will simply cease to exist..
~HoloJournal entry 5.277.1, Personal quarters, The Sith Empire~
The dream keeps changing and being added to. Tonight at the conclusion of my usual dream, I saw visions of Dalethria, Darth Havok and Sumor Rayial randomly appearing on the sides and in front of me in a ghost like form.. almost as if in a twisted childhood game of hide and seek. It was especially odd since these three people once played a very important part in my life in some way.. blood sister, first love and then husband. All three had entered my life and for various reasons no longer were in my life in any way. One by one they stopped and stood side by side, pointing to a door which appeared off to the right of the scene unfolding before me. Their faces were devoid of expression, yet their body language spoke volumes.. The ever familiar red letters floated around the door.. <a href=>'D'</a>.. <a href=>'A'</a>.. <a href=>'R'</a>.. <a href=>'A'</a>.. <a href=>'G'</a>.. and finally the newest addition.. <a href=>'O'</a>.. DARA GO.. But go where? Just when I think an answer reveals itself, more questions follow. This is becoming maddening..
imported_Dara Shadowtide
Mar 27th, 2002, 03:40:24 AM
~HoloJournal entry 5.366.8, Training grounds, The Sith Empire~
I had just finished a very intense training session with my Lord apprentices, Sith Lord Raine Sarin, Sith Lord Varlon Konrad and Sith Lord Vega Van Derveld, when I felt a burning sensation at the base of my neckline on the back of my neck. It was hot to touch and so I rushed back to my quarters to see what it was. Upon looking in two mirrors, I saw a small on my skin that I had never noticed before. It bore a striking resemblance to the <a href=>pendant (>birthmark) my husband Sums had first given me so long ago. I wonder if there was some sort of connection or was it just coincidence?
~HoloJournal entry 5.779.2, Personal quarters, The Sith Empire~
The days and nights at the Sith Empire seemed to run together at times for me. I was so busy these days that I was almost meeting myself coming and going.. maybe I just needed a break soon. I was waking up tired as well and that was not a good sign. As sleep came quickly tonight, I drifted off into a deep slumber. The nightmare played out as usual with the addition of another letter in the sequence. The ever familiar red letters floated around the door once again.. <a href=>'D'</a>.. <a href=>'A'</a>.. <a href=>'R'</a>.. <a href=>'A'</a>.. <a href=>'G'</a>.. <a href=>'O'</a>.. and then I saw the newest letter slide into place.. <a href=>'N'</a>.. The letters all began spinning around and around in a circle and then uncurled to spell out..
<center><img src=></center>
The whispers in my mind were soft and then grew louder.. Daragon.. Daragon.. your destiny is revealed.. Daragon. Not knowing what this meant I went to my dresser and looked into the mirror and I saw a very worn and almost unfamilar face staring back at myself. I didn't look well.. this was taking far more of a toll on me than I had realized. As I reached into the jewelry box absentmindedly, I was drawn to the <a href=>sith pendant</a> my mother had left for me on our old home on Garqi. As I ran my thumb over the curves in the middle, the blue gems lit up and a holoimage of my father came into view. His expression was one filled with sorrow as he spoke his message to me:
<font color=red>Greetings my daughter. By now you have discovered a name which although it seems foreign to you.. it is not. It is the key which will unlock a past you never knew existed.. a past which is filled with danger.. a danger you must know about so that you may be prepared for what will come. What you are about to hear may be difficult to understand, but it was only kept from you to protect you. I promised to always protect you.. and if you are listening to this now, then you know I have failed. I am very sorry and I hope that you are with people who will protect you now.
When you were born, your mother and I had just found out that we were unable to have children. It was a hard time for us because we truly wanted a family of our own. Through my smuggling connections I came upon you as an infant and agreed to take you in and raise you as our child. There were certain conditions we had to follow as part of the agreement, but we were more than willing to do so because you were worth it, my daughter.
You were raised as Dara Shadowtide however your true name is.. Kaelyara Daragon. You are one of the blood descendants of the Daragon name, orphans in the galaxy.. and not orphans by choice as of recent generations. Long ago, Aarrba the Hutt had come to take care of the first Daragon children, Gav and Jori, as their parents were unexpectedly killed in a galactic war. However, as he grew older, Gav made various choices and fell to the Dark side, more specifically, he studied the Dark Arts with the Dark Lord of the Sith, Naga Sadow.
On a trip in the galaxy back to where he grew up, Gav watched those he had allied himself with kill Aarrba. Although this shocked Gav and he eventually met his own death as a pawn of Sadow's, all that remains in the minds of the Hutt family is how Gav betrayed their father who only showed the Daragons generosity. And because of that incident, the parents of a Daragon are murdered due to Aarrba the Hutt's family seeking vengeance for Gav Daragon playing a part long ago in the murder of their father. You most likely have discovered the mark at the base of your hairline on the back of your neck as well. It is the Daragon birthmark. The symbol signifies the first Daragon children - Jori represented by the mark of good and Gav represented by the mark of evil.
The Hutt's network is vast and extends all over the galaxy.. it is nearly impossible for a Daragon descendant to hide. The Hutts have always found the Daragons and it is certain that their relentless vengeance will continue for all eternity. The Hutt family of Aarrba hires an array of assassins and bounty hunters, and also employs a retainer of intel operatives to feed the database of information on the Daragons. Your mother and I have always known you were a Daragon. We even boldly named you Dara to throw anyone off as to your true identity.
By now you have figured out that your mother Brianna did not die in childbirth from having you. It was one of the Hutt assassins. Your mother, you and I had gone out on a small journey across the galaxy when they jumped us while in a small village.. and they killed your mother. She loved you very much Dara, as do I. I hope that you are not angry with us for never telling you. We only wanted to protect you. You are in danger and I want you to always be careful. I hope you have continued your skills in the Dark Side so that you are prepared for when they come.. and the Hutts will come someday, my dear daughter. Please take care, and remember.. in our hearts you will always be our daughter, Dara Shadowtide...</font>
I couldn't speak, I couldn't breathe.. my knees gave out and I fell to the ground sobbing. Everything I have ever known to be true in my life had been a lie to protect me.. I'm not even who I thought I was.. I'm a.. Daragon..
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