View Full Version : Alice to be a CG movie

Dec 28th, 2001, 04:46:21 PM

<blockquote>Wes Craven told SCI FI Wire that he is in development on a computer-animated film version of the video game American McGee's Alice for Dimension Films. "It's very close to the game," Craven said in an interview. "Everything that we can take from the game, we will steal, and then we'll bring even more to it. I'm sure this will be a big CGI picture, and we'll try to duplicate as much of the sort of wonder part of the Wonderland as we can."

The game is a Quake-style adventure that takes place in a twisted version of the universe in the Alice stories of Lewis Carroll, and the game features much of the violence found in Quake. Craven plans to maintain that tone, even if it costs him the rating that Dimension hopes for.

"It's a little darker, got a lot more edge, so it's kind of like Wonderland seen through the eyes of post-21st-century America," Craven said. "[Dimension executive] Bob Weinstein was hoping for a PG-13. We'll see. Probably that's what we're shooting for." Alice is tentatively scheduled for a 2003 release.</blockquote>http://www.scifi.com/scifiwire/art-main.html?2001-12/26/12.00.film

While I applaud the decision to make the film entirely computer animated (I never felt that it could properly be done as a live action movie), I'm highly uneasy about the creator of Freddy Kreuger directing the project. I'm not trying to say that he's a bad director. It's just that I don't think he has the right "feel" for the game/movie. I remember when it was first announced that he would be working on the film... the cries were almost unanimous: "Get Tim Burton to direct it!"

As you can tell from the screenshots of the game above, American McGee's Alice is a very moody and atmospheric take on the classic story. Anyone who's seen the like of A Nightmare Before Christmas knows that Tim Burton is capable of producing exactly this kind of atmosphere. I still kind of hope that they hand the project over to him before it's too late.

Dec 28th, 2001, 04:52:01 PM
For something like Alice, computer graphics will have to play a huge role it - it is just such a surreal story. I have no problem with it being totally CG.

As for the director, I don't care all that much, but you do have a point Nup - this looks like would be right up Burton's alley. All of his stuff has that kind of "out there" feel which I think would be a really good fit for Alice.