View Full Version : Removed from: Christmas Afterglow: New Star Wars Games

Dec 27th, 2001, 10:50:50 PM
That's a preview of JK2, not review. :p

Dec 27th, 2001, 11:13:21 PM
Would be a review if they have already seen the game (to no doubt provide a preview aka press package), would it not?

(Here ensues another pointless argument not related to the subject.)

Champion of the Force
Dec 27th, 2001, 11:32:51 PM
Nope, it's a preview. Their seeing an early version of the game - not the final version. The key phrases here are "Thus far, the game looks spectacular" and "... the game has every indication of fulfilling its role ...".

So you know they're not doing a final review of the product - they're just reporting on how things look so far. :)

Dec 27th, 2001, 11:37:06 PM
More than likely, they're making those comments based upon footage shown at E3 and screenshots released to the press. That's how it works with all games. There really isn't a "press package" when it comes to games, usually. Reviews don't show up until a few days after the public release date.

I made the correction because I read the word "review" and interpreted it to mean that the game was already out.

Dec 27th, 2001, 11:54:44 PM
The correction has been made to the initial post as it should have been in the first place without the pointless debate. Lets move along folks, everyone makes mistakes and there is no reason to make a spectacle of it, especially among staff members.

Champion of the Force
Dec 27th, 2001, 11:58:33 PM
I found it all rather amusing actually. :)

Dec 28th, 2001, 12:00:39 AM
It was a bit unprofessional for a topic linked to our main page to have staff members correcting each other like that, when it could have been handled much more tactfully. No one is perfect, but we don't need to make it look like any of us thinks ourselves smarter or higher than another. We are on the same team and need to make it look that way to the members. :)

Dec 28th, 2001, 12:25:55 AM
No one is perfect, but we don't need to make it look like any of us thinks ourselves smarter or higher than anotherThat wasn't my intention. As I explained, I simply thought it was worth noting that the article was a preview, not a review.

Dec 28th, 2001, 12:37:05 AM
I agree that the word is wrong in its usage and do think it more appropriate for us to debate such things out of the high profile view of our Portal page or its links, thus the topic edit, split and move here. I was not saying that you were trying to be perfect, just that we don't need to debate such things for all to see.