View Full Version : late night fight (open)
crono katon
Dec 27th, 2001, 10:04:12 PM
Ater a late night crono was walking down the quite winds street trying not to be noticed. He was not doing any thing bad but still he didnt fell like being mest with. Well as he is walking he hears foot steps a little ways behide him. really he didnt think that much of it but still people walking behide bugs him a bit. So he turns around around to see who it is.
Tempist Opps
Dec 27th, 2001, 11:25:38 PM
Chrono turned to see who was following him, but saw nothing. A few crates on the side, some debris, but no one that he could see. He heard a voice though, a deep, rippling voice.
"Good evening, jedi . Ready to bleed?"
The crates liquified into a metallic puddle, and re-solidified into the form of a large lizard-man-thing. It was clad in blue scales and weilded large menacing claws. Straped to it's back was a massive blade, an enchanted broadsword... but that was not the main danger at the moment. It spoke again.
"I am Tempist Opps, the shapeshifter. Do you wish to meat your maker now, or shall I abuse you a bit first?"
crono katon
Dec 27th, 2001, 11:53:13 PM
"hey cool can you turn into a really big balloon animal too"
he reach into his to his side and pull out his gunblade out of its holder. Filps out the camber to see if it has buttets then he flips it back in. "I will pick meet my maker now". Gets ready in cause Tempist attacks.
ooc--Demonknights been telling not to try and fight you because you would kick my butt to bad so this should be fun.
Tempist Opps
Dec 28th, 2001, 12:31:00 AM
ooc: good luck man
"A Gunblade? You've got to be kidding me...."
Tempist grined, and unsheathed Black Blade, the sword that hung upon his back. With suprizing speed for someone of his size, Tempist leapt over Chrono, taking advantage of his massive strenth as he did in most battles. As the jedi turned to face him, he lashed out and knocked the gunblade out of his hands.
"Play fair, jedi. Cheaters never live."
He re-sheathed Black Blade, not wanting to make the jedi wish for death yet, that would come in due time.
crono katon
Dec 28th, 2001, 01:10:29 AM
"Im going to throw that peace of junk gunblade away and I'm not a jedi......even though I use light sabers"
says to his self "I need new weapons"
Crono pulls out 2 light saber and turns them on. He rans at tempist opps, about 2 feet away he jumps over tempist head.
Then he turn around and kicks tempist in the back of the head.
Tempist Opps
Jan 4th, 2002, 11:03:00 PM
The kick had little effect on Tempist, he was already moving to draw his own saber, Infinity. The jet-black bladed saber snaped to life, and the world around them seemed to dim slightly. The contrast of pure black to light surroundings most likely. He slashed a few times, testing Chrono's reflexes. They were all blocked, not too dificult a task.... he made a few quick jabs with the blade, one of which got through, and left a light scar on his chest. Just warming up...
crono katon
Jan 15th, 2002, 08:06:11 PM
After dogging a few stabs he finally got hit in the chest it was miner but still hurt a bit. He whiped off the tiny bit of blood and laughed under his breath.
"Nice Temp"
Crono backs off to get a little distance. Then he runs at temp again (he figured it would be bad move but all is fun and stabs and wounds) he makes a down ward motion with the left sabers and miss.
Then Crono faked with the left saber and hit tempist in the right arm with the right saber. It just made a flesh wound not much. then he jumps back to try and block tempist next move.
Tempist Opps
Jan 15th, 2002, 10:47:20 PM
Chrono wasn't too bad, but he still wouldn't be much of a challenge. Tempist fed off of the new pain, and augmented his muscles with the dark energies of the force, increasing his speed emensly. He made a few quick slashes at Chrono, which he barely blocked. Without any sign of recodnision prior to the move, Tempist spun on his heal, and removed Chrono's legs from uner him, finishing the spin with an upward sweep with his saber. It cut deep into Chrono's arm as he fell, but he wasn't completely sure.
crono katon
Jan 15th, 2002, 11:22:24 PM
The cut to crono arm was deep but he could still use it kinda well. He got off the ground slowly even though he was still near tempist.
"I might of under estimated you tempist"
He use the little bit of the force he new to pull his gunblade to his hand. He aimed and pulled the trigger. A bright red flame came from the camber of the sword.
"Shape this"
Crono aimed at tempists chest and a huge red beam shots from the front of the gunblade. The beam shot forward and tempist tried to dodge the shot but it still hit his right arm and blow out a large chunk of it.
(Crono new it wouldn't slow his down much but It might help some)
watched to see what tem would do
Tempist Opps
Jan 16th, 2002, 11:20:07 PM
More pain. More fuel for the fires of anger. Tempist fed off of the new pain, and focused it into several moderate force pushes, aimed into every joint on Crono's body. His arms and legs caved back in on himself, and the blade fell from his hands again. Tempist ran to the fallen weapon, and kicked it further out of the way, whiping Crono's face in the process with his tail.
crono katon
Jan 16th, 2002, 11:38:12 PM
After being hit with tempist tail which didn't fell good at all he got back up and pulled out his light sabers again. He used the force to shot one of the saber right though tempist large tail.
Tempist Opps
Jan 23rd, 2002, 08:50:52 AM
Tempist felt an intense burning sensation in his tail, but twards the tip. He looked back to see a large saber hole in it, but it wasn't as bad as if it had been somewhere else. Then it would have been near crippling. He turned back to see Crono charging him with the other saber. He let him get close enough where he could almost feel the saber's energy, and let lose with Infinity. He deflected Crono's saber with a side to side slash, and wraped his leg under the man, bringing him to the floor. He steped back, Infinity still charged.
"I see you need some saber training little one."
ooc: sorry it took so long to get back to this, ive been preoccupied IRL and didn't have enough time to really check back to swfans
crono katon
Jan 23rd, 2002, 05:40:56 PM
laughs at Tempists remark about needing saber training. He Jumps up off the ground trying to not pay attention to the pain from his scare. He uses his light saber again to slash Tempists arm right where the beam from the gun hit him. He flipped back a few times trying not to cut his self with his light saber.
I might not be great with my sword but I'm good enough to deal with you
uses the force to pull his gunblade back to him. Then he puts it back in it holder.
ooc-no problem
Tempist Opps
Jan 24th, 2002, 08:59:29 AM
Crono's saber came very close, close enough for Tempist to feel the energy, but it never connected. Three hundred years of life gives quite a bit of experiance. Tempist was a master swordsman, and wouldn't be beaten by this ursurper(sp?) by any manner of blade. He made a few fast slashes at Crono, who had foolishly not bothered to move away from him with the last slash, and several of them connected lightly. He continued with his barage of slashes and hacks, most of which were blocked. The ones that did get through were shallow, and would cause immeasureable pain. He finished his combination of attacks with an upward sweep, which wouldn't be easily blocked. He steped back a foot or two, looking to see what dammage he had done in those five seconds.
crono katon
Jan 24th, 2002, 05:58:46 PM
The attacks were so fast that Crono didn't even no how many times Tempist hit it just faded into one big pain. About he time Tempist stepped back Crono looked at his Chest. It had about 5 or 6 rips on it which got him alot more mad then the cuts did. Its was his favorite shirt. He wiped of the little bit of blood and looked up.
"that was my favorite shirt man lizard thing. Now I'm going have to fix it later"
Pulls out his gun blade again.
He runs at Tempist. He jumps up to kick tempist in his lizard head. But he notice Tempist was going to be able to block it. So instead he sings up with his sword to cut right into Tempist Side. The cut didn't go to deep into his side.
ooc-what does ursurper(sp?) mean?
Tempist Opps
Jan 24th, 2002, 06:12:13 PM
ooc: ursurper generaly means unskilled person trying to take your place, like someone trying to kill a king and steal the throne. (sp?) means that i'm unsure of the spelling.
Tempist looked to the blade in his side, then it's owner. He still had it in his hands, but he wouldn't for long. He quickly slashed at Crono's hand with his claw. It cut in deep, and three long, bloody gashes were left on the back of the man's hand. His grip of the blade losened drasticly, and it fell to the floor. Tempist delivered a quick kick to Crono's left shin, and thought he heard a crack, but he wasn't sure. Either way, it would hurt. He jumped back a few feet, so any counter would not be fast enough to connect.
"More than good enough to beat me, eh? I think you need a few more years of training little one. If you are not a jedi, when why are you weak like one? What group are you from?"
crono katon
Jan 24th, 2002, 06:41:46 PM
Crono was getting banged up pretty bad.
He bent down and checked his shin it wasn't broke but it was going hurt when he walked on it. He lefted his self back up he looked at Tempist and ansered.
"Okay I was full of my self on that one but the fight's not over..Yet"
looks to see what weapons he had on him that might help.
"I'm a RSC agent (cop)"
finds his graping hook
Tempist Opps
Jan 24th, 2002, 06:58:22 PM
"Just out of curiosity, most people who weild sabers are either Sith, jedi, or Dark jedi. It's a shame, you could be trained to hone your skills into somthing much greater...."
Tempist stood ready with infinity, ready to deflect the hook should Crono decide to throw it or try to stab it into him. A low grin spread accross Tempist's face, and his gaze went past Crono. A large crate from the side of the street was flying twards Crono's back, one more asset of the force.
crono katon
Jan 24th, 2002, 08:15:45 PM
"So was that a you should join the dark side remark?"
After saying his question seen tempist face change. He new that he was up to some thing. He heard the crate fly though the air. He spun around and launched his graping hook at the crate. As the broken fell to the ground Crono spun around again and launched the hook at Tempist.
Tempist Opps
Jan 24th, 2002, 11:13:37 PM
Tempist sighed at the hook flying twards him, and simply steped to the side of it before it could connect to him. He then spoke directly into Crono's mind through the force.
No, it's a get some training so the next time we fight, you wont lose as much blood.
As Crono was hearing the voice in his head, Tempist was already busy launching the two throwing knives he kept on a wrist sheath at Crono's chest, going suprizingly fast.
crono katon
Jan 27th, 2002, 11:36:11 AM
Crono saw two knife flying at him so he moved over a bit. One of the knifes passed right by him. But he wasn't so lucky with the second one it missed his chest and stuck in to his arm. crono kind of yelled under his breath. Trying not to let Tempist hear the pain in his voice he says:
"I havn't lost to much blood"
He puss on his sleeve and the hook folds up and go up his sleeve.
He looked down and the knife was still in his arm and he didn't want to pull it out but if he didn't Tempist would have a weapon next time he attack so he bit his lip and pulled the knife out. It didn't fell as bad on the way out but it still hurt.
He used the knife he pulled out of his arm and threw it back at Tempist.
Tempist Opps
Jan 27th, 2002, 01:27:19 PM
The knife was easily dodged, Crono's shot was impaired by the pain he felt in his arm. It would have hit Tempist's sholder had he not moved, but instead it just flew by.
"You havn't lost much blood yet . Now there is nothing keeping that wound closed, and it will pour out untill it gets attention."
Tempist looked past Crono to his other knife, which had embedded itself into a barrel behind Crono. He focused on that one blade, pulling it out. He pulled it out with very much power, but it didn't turn like he wanted it to, and the dull side of the handle hit Crono's back instead. Damnit Tempist thought to himself, and pulled the two knives back to him.
crono katon
Jan 27th, 2002, 03:51:50 PM
the back of the knife hit crono which didn't hurt at seen's it didn't go in to him.
"yet hu"
Grabs his shirt and a long chunk of it out and rips it around the cut on his arm.
"This is starting to get fun"
watches as the knife go back into Tempist's sleeve. He use the force to turn one of them and shot it up his sleeve into his upper arm.
Tempist Opps
Jan 27th, 2002, 11:07:41 PM
By the time Crono had turned the thrower, it was already mostly in the sheath he had mounted just out of sight. Not even Tempist was foolish enough to keep two throwing knives up his sleeve without some sort of protection... the sheathe ripped into two, and the very tip of the dagger bit into his skin. Tempist looked at Crono, now angry.
"Now I'm going to have to make a new sheathe. You're gonna pay for that, little one."
With this, Tempist gave a massive force push to Crono's chest, feeding off of the anger and pain that he felt from the battle so far. Crono flew backwards, and landed on his rump with his back against the wall. Ouch.
crono katon
Jan 28th, 2002, 04:42:40 PM
The power Tempist put on his chest hurt and so did the fall but It wasn't that bad. With out even standing back up Crono us force throw to push Tempist back a ways. It wasn't anywhere near the strength of Tempist seen's he wasn't that good with the jedi skills.
As Tempist started to get pushed back Crono pulls out his light saber and used the force on it to shot it right at Tempists chest.
Tempist Opps
Jan 29th, 2002, 11:13:05 PM
The saber imbedded itself in Tempist's sholder, and was grabed just before it could go deep enough to do any crippling dammage. Tempist carefuly pulled it out, and a metallic liquid poured from his insides out to fill the hole, and it sealed itself shut. A combination of a scab and a scar, either way, it hurt very much to move it. Tempist closed the saber, and hung it at his side. He kicked Crono's other saber, which was lying on the ground from his last saber attack, twards him.
"I'll be taking this, when you can handle two efficiantly at the same time, you will get it back."
Tempist lept into the air, and onto the roof of a nearby building. By the time Crono realized that Tempist had jumped up, he was already gone.
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