View Full Version : Mistletoe Burnings

Sihir Asikan
Dec 27th, 2001, 09:37:56 AM
(ooc) Gitane here. And.. No, no, this thread isn't a "holiday" thing. It's a character introduction. Open to anyone. No clue where it's supposed to go.

A whisp of frozen breath swirled into the air as Sihir padded over thick snow, her feet frozen inside heavy boots. Her fingers seemed to creak as she paused, letting go of the handle to the large, metal claws which extended from long, pink sleeves. Her tainted-blue skin crawled with pin-pricks of cold when her bare arm slipped from the top of her sleeve only long enough to push a thin lock of hair from her eyes.

The girl stood silently, looking down the almost barren street that ran through the middle of an old-fashioned town. She knew the residents well, though most preferred to imagine that she did not exist at all.

She'd come to the small farming planet not long ago, after being raised by her grandfather. As a child, she'd been taught simple Force techniques...Push and pull, lift and throw. She'd grown used to using them every day as if they were only the moving of unseen limbs. How could she have known this town was nothing but 23 superstitions beings?

Sihir sighed with discomfort as she neared the town. Walking through the town meant she was open for stares and whispers. The occassional culinary object flew past her head some days. She smirked slightly to herself, gripping the metal handles of her large claws. True, it was an annoyance to be mocked and scorned by anyone from the eldest man to the meekest child, but if she was to face it this last time, she might as well have fun with it. Her eyes flicked to the side and she spun, catching a rotten vegetable without the slightest break in the weak skin. She grinned a bit to the owner of it and sent it through the air towards the building behind her. A rather startled look rose on the plump woman's face and she scuttled away with out another word.

Relief sank into her body through the cold as Sihir finally approached the old ship she'd been working on for nearly a year. She could finally leave this place. She slipped her arms from the top of her sleeves and reached up to unlatch the door, her hand touching something far different from hard metal. Mistletoe. She yanked down a halo of it and snarled softly, tossing it away. The people thought it would ward of withcraft...It was a useless trinket. Minutes later, Sihir seated herself into the one seat of the ship, hitting against a few keys before sitting back, murmuring to herself.

"Now... Away from this Hellhole and we're off to Coruscant.."

Shade Magus
Dec 27th, 2001, 11:56:23 AM
Shade walked out of the tavern of the small town and he caught sight of the blue skinned girl again. He had seen glimpses of her over the past her days. He had been here looking for someone that was Force-sensitive. He had heard of someone here that might be and just now he realized that it was her. He wondered where she was going as she crawled into the ship. He needed to speak to her. He sent out a message with the Force and hoped she would get it.

Hello. I need to speak with you. I am a Jedi Padawan. Would you please either let me onboard or come out to speak?

Sihir Asikan
Dec 27th, 2001, 12:31:45 PM
Sihir rolled her eyes with an irritated glare. She thought she would be rid of these people. Why was someone trying to keep her here? She hit her fist against a button, sending the door open. Her hands gripped the metal claws as she pushed out of her seat, leaning out the door to look around.

"What do you want, Jedi?"

Shade Magus
Dec 27th, 2001, 12:50:21 PM
Shade wasn't sure if it was hate or annoyance in her voice, but either way he decided to be quick.

"I cam to this planet to find someone that was Force-senstive and it seeems that I have foudn you. I wanted to find you before a Sith could. I wanted to know if you would come back to the Jedi Academy with me?"

Sihir Asikan
Dec 27th, 2001, 01:11:00 PM
Her dark hair tossled in the cold as Sihir shook her head. Her mood was growing darker as time passed on in their conversation. She latches her claws onto the frame of the door and tossed herself out onto the snow, walking to the man and silently circling him. Finally, she stood before him and placed a claw under his chin, leaning her head close to murmur.

"I've been kept hidden all my life. So I come here and find nothing worth bothering with. I have no desire to be trapped in an alliance where I can do nothing, and to my understanding, that seems to be what Jedi are allowed to do. Nothing."

Shade Magus
Dec 27th, 2001, 02:52:47 PM
"It is true. Most Jedi do do nothing and let the Sith run around and destroy, but not all of us. Take me for example, am I doing nothing? No I am here trying to turn you towards the lightside before your soul is corrupted."

Shade looked at her and could see why people with lower intellegence could shun her for the way she looked, but he was different. Instead of shunning differences, he believed they should all be embraced.

Sihir Asikan
Dec 28th, 2001, 08:55:15 AM
Sihir growled and pushed the boy back before turning to again attempt leaving. She leapt up and looked over her shoulder at him, scowling for a moment before snapping at him.

"You don't understand, do you? I have no desire to become one of you. I do not want to belong to anyone. Can you comprehend that..?!"

Shade Magus
Dec 28th, 2001, 09:21:39 AM
"As you wish, but if you ever need anything then call me."

So saying this Shade turned to leave. There was nothing more he could do. If she didn't want a place to belong then that was her choice and he respected it.