View Full Version : Something that needs to be done

Darth Turbogeek
Dec 26th, 2001, 09:25:29 PM
I've been contemplating this for some time. I've been wondering exactly what to say and how to say it, to put words into the best way possible. Make em all glossy and honey like.

Nahhh. That aint me. I'm in OOC a fairly harsh and abrasive person and I am going to be honest and forthright. So I'll say this in my own way and if it annoys someone...

:: shrugs::

I'm not going to leave, I'm never going to be politically correct, I'm naturally a hothead. But I do forgive and I can forget, which is the whole point of this thread.

I'm not going to lay blame, I'm not going to bring up the past nor will I discuss it from now on. I will not allow what I regard as bygones to resurface for they are that - bygones. I know some things are my fault and there are other things that would make me dearly love to take a piece of wood and batter some people until they desisted. That is not the point now.

What is the point is I am willing, to forgive and forget. Publically and honestly. No more and no less.

A simple yes or no in response will do. No discussions. Whatever your answer is Rama or anyone else for that matter, my apology for past wrongs that I make now stands as well as the forgive and forget.

If the answer is no, then say so and I'll simply set a blocklist and I suggest you do the same, just completley ignore each other.

If the answer is yes, then I would ask for the same. An apology and a forgive and forget. No discussions on who's right and who's wrong, just a complete clearing of the slate.

I repeat, I offer this apology without conditions and generally without direction. Nor do I make this statement as an idication I want discussion or comment. Just a yes or no. Either answer wont bother me, but I will ask this be treated with the honesty I now place mine forward.

I'm on the AIM Darth Turbogeek if you want to discuss first offline.

Gav Mortis
Dec 26th, 2001, 09:58:25 PM
Quite a lovely idea indeed. :)

I have and have never had any qualms with you DT and on the whole, OOC I have no qualms with anyone else here on the boards. I for one embrace this as hopefully a new start for us all, OOC.

I too apologise openly to anyone I might have upset or offended in the past and I am quite sure I have nothing to forgive of anyone OOC, but if anyone has any doubts - I too will all too happily forgive and forget.

Therefore, yes! :)

Here's laying the foundation for 2002 for everyone. Peace.

Dec 26th, 2001, 10:04:17 PM
I suspect some of my past actions may require my own apology which I offer now. Lets see a new year full of fun and RP for all. :)

Sorry to you and to anyone else who may think they deserve such from me.. :)

Lets have a good time. :D

Jeseth Cloak
Dec 27th, 2001, 01:06:50 AM
I've apologized to people in the past for the things that I believed I should have done differently... Hell, DT and I are friends now and at a time we didn't like eachother much - but I am not going to generally apologize. However... I do offer anyone the opportunity to discuss any problems the've had with me via AIM (in my profile), and if they honestly felt offended I will apologize and attempt to make ammends. :)

Dec 27th, 2001, 02:01:14 AM
I will say Yes...........but I also do want to talk about the past and such things. Forgive means little without resloution. So Yes im willing to work things out........but no im not willing to just ignore everything that has happend over the last 2 years. So if you wanna IM me feel free to anytime on XDarth ShatanX. But I would like to see some things from your point of view and I want you to see them from mine before the slate is wiped clean.

Darth Turbogeek
Dec 27th, 2001, 06:50:39 AM
I'll be on AIM tomorrow. Any time best to catch you?

Admiral Lebron
Dec 27th, 2001, 10:03:12 AM
I'm sorry for that whole fleet mess and me being paranoid and rude instead of welcoming it with open arms. I am sincere by the way, not sarcastic.

Shade Magus
Dec 27th, 2001, 12:11:49 PM
I agree with everyone here. We all just need to apologize and forget, but something shouldn't be forgotten like Rama said. Prehaps instaed they could be used as tools for others to learn from. But in general I agree with everyone else. So I guess that makes my answer yes.