View Full Version : Wondering Corusant at Dusk (Open Challenge)

Vice Hazzard
Dec 26th, 2001, 03:03:12 AM
Corusant, 1st level....

The streets were gleaming softly with the soft orange glow of the lowering sun. The man in the black coat, Vice, was seemingly admiring the street as it changed shades.

"It seems this world changes as time goes by. At morning upstanding citizens go about thier day honestly. As time approaches night, the dark denizens of the shadows creep out into the street, making it their own. I wonder what I'm classified as?" Vice pondered.

The sidewalks grew in shadowy figures, the innocent population dwindeling into dwellings. Vice oddly felt more at peace with creatures and pedestrians of the night, they didn't threaten him as much it seemed. He never thought of himself as evil, but yet he was more comfortable in evil surroundings.

OOC - Challenge basicly. Anybody that wants to fight is fine. I'd prefer a person of Padawan or Apprentice rank, since that's my character's level of experiance. He's also an independant evil dude. I'm leaning towards Dark Jedi rather than Sith though. He's groupless.

Just make your entry post and I'll make it into a fight.

Shade Magus
Dec 26th, 2001, 09:58:43 AM
Shade walked over to a building on one fo the many streets of Corusant and was about to go in and see if he could find a room to rent for the night when he felt something. It was like a dark surge of power. He couldn't tell where they were coming from, but he had an idea that it was someone, or something, that was trained in the dark ways.

"Wonder who it coud be?"

He looked around, but no one was near him to make that feeling. He was impressed with himself. It seems that with each passing day he became stronger and stronger in the Force. It was good, because that meant that one day soon he might become a Jedi Knight , but now he was just a Padawan. He walked back towards the street and started towards the dark energy, feeling it get stronger and stronger as he neared it.

Vice Hazzard
Dec 26th, 2001, 11:14:48 PM
As the one named Shade approaches this energy corona he spots a man in shadow. As Magus draws near the tinge of Darkside detection grows. Finally the Jedi grabs the man by the shoulder, spinning him around.

"Why I oughta--" The man shouted.

The man had killed a man in cold blood hours before. The stains of blood still littered his coat. The Darkside fed off his rage and fear of being cought. It feasted at the man's evil thoughts of maleviolence and malice.

Vice had happened to be on the same street. He too gave off a distinct Force signature. But it was low in power and dormant, not noticible by undertrain Force users.

"A Jeed-I!" Vice exclaimed in his mind. He however did mispronounce the word. Where he was from he was beaten if he said it too many times. Like a mouse with cheese he learned to never speak it.

His mind flooded with thoughts. What to do, what to do.... He had to kill him. He had to. It was the only way he could make his... father, proud. Of course he wasn't really his father, and would probably take offense to being refered as the Hazzard's patriarch. But the man was all he knew. He had to make him proud.

Vice took out a small durasteel pipe. He shook it and pressed with his thumb at once. The pipe transformed into a glorious staff. He walked slowly and unfaltering towards this Jeed-I. Although he was overcome with fear, he walked on.

OOC-I hope you don't mind if I have fun with this. You didn't specify what you felt, and an idea popped in my head.

Shade Magus
Dec 27th, 2001, 12:18:12 AM
OOC: not at all. In fact Shade has a brother that is a Sith so he has certain emotions towardss those with darkside powers so you might see some un-jedi attitudesd some place, but hey have al the fun you want.

Shade saw the other as he let the poor man go. He watched as he took out the pipe and it turned into a staff. It was a very interesting weapon and it was something that Shade would like in his personal collection, but not from the person. He stopped when he was about ten feet from the person and called out to him.

"Hello. Who are you?"

Vice Hazzard
Dec 27th, 2001, 04:19:07 PM
Vice Hazzard fought back his fear. He had to say something approprate, something that struck fear in the opponent's heart.

"I am Hazzard! I am the last thing you shall see!"

Vice Hazzard started sprinting towards Shade, staff leading the charge.

OOC - Don't worry. I'm not one that holds Jedi to strick codes of conduct.

Shade Magus
Dec 27th, 2001, 10:49:48 PM
Shade took a step back in surprise, but before he could do anything Hazzard was very close so he fell back into the Force. He felt as it increased his speed and strength and then he felt himself as he unclipped his lightsaberr and ignited it. He then flipped into the air over his opponent and landed behind him with his back facing his. Before Hazzard could do anything though, Shade twisted on his heel and kicked him in the back.

Vice Hazzard
Dec 28th, 2001, 01:15:28 AM
Vice used the staff to stop his fall. He used it as a pole and swung his body around it, using the kick by Shade as added momentum. He slammed both his feet into Shade's side. The Jedi stumbled back a bit, stunned slightly. His kick had left his body open for the split second it took for Vice's attack. The attack was that much more effective.

Vice's feet hit the floor. He picked up his staff and twirled it over his head, then brought it into a defense stance. He waited for Shade's attack. This was his first fight with a human, so he wasn't eager to attack. He was still afraid.

The staff was an extension of himself it seemed at times. Ever since he was a baby he was tought to use it, never a lightsabre. Although he was adept at the Force he was at this staff. He could wield it better than most can a Lightsabre, which is why his attacks were so skillful for his experiance.

OOC - Once this fight is over, how would you like to decide it? We can continue to fight until one is disabled completely, or we can do it my favorite way, bringing in judges. Once the fight has reached what would be considered the end, or when we both get tired of writing, we call in judges. We each choose one. If it's a tie, we choose one together. The winner would be decided by the judges. They'd judge on our attacks, our writing, and who they think would be the loser. This is best in my mind because if this was real one of us would die, in RPing that's out of the question. So this way our characters don't have to restrain ourself by walking away, it's just decided who has won. No killing and no loose ends.

What would you prefer?

Shade Magus
Dec 28th, 2001, 09:47:57 AM
Shade stumbled to the side and hit the wall of a building. That last kick had been powerful. He mentally scowled himself for leaving himself open to such an attack. He would have to add in more practicing hours to make up for that, and from the way he felt a few packs of ice when he got home.

"Nice kick."

Shade stood up straight and moved into a position with the lightsaber was at eye level, slightly pointing down and his legs were shifted apart. His left leg streched all the way out and his right bent to keep his balance. This position could be used both offensively and defensively. It was great for fight in tight conditions, such as the street he fought on.

"Here me go."

Shade spoke the last under his breath. Suddenly he ran at Hazzard and swung at his staff about the middle part, not knowing if it could withstand the lightsaber's energies.

OOC: In have never done the judge thing before and that sounds cool. Inguess we could tryt that one. Oh and um, does your staff have anything against lightsabers. I mean I didn't know if it would break when it got hit or not.

Vice Hazzard
Dec 28th, 2001, 10:12:26 AM
Vice pressed hard on the control panel. The staff shortened to it's pipe state. The fact that the blade approached the middle made it possible that the control mechanism could be damaged. So he jerked his wrist up quickly, barely missing the horizontal slice. Quickly, as Shade was approaching the end of his swing, he wa vulnerable. Vice hit the control panel once more and the staff extended. The extending end hit Shade in the nose, knocking him back.

The Dark Side one was growing in confidence. His attacks that layed successfully raised his pride, his fear now dwindled, replaced by anger and rage. Like a true Dark Sider.

"I would compliment your attacks Jeed-Ie, if they were anywhere near landing." Vice said with a snort, showing he had conquered his fear completely for the moment.

He brought the staff around into a alternate staff. This time his left foot was forward, his right back. The staff rode horizontal across his chest, his left hand forward, his right back. This was primarly for offensive attack. But it could be used well for self defense, turning an opponent's attack into one's own advantaged offensive.

OOC - The end of this battle is more than likely far off. So we have a while to ponder possible judges. Any judge is acceptable, as long as they remain unbias.

It's completely prone to breaking and/or cutting. It's simple Durasteel, a imaginary Star Wars metal, better than any Earth material but common in Star Wars' universe. Vice is cable of make many of these quickly and doesn't have a attachment to any singular one. But he is rather shifty and can protect it from damage as you now see. Also, it's unique structure allows it to become as long as possible, or as short as possible. This also means if you cut one part off, one part can grow to compensate. But the control panel is the part that controls extension and retraction.

Shade Magus
Dec 29th, 2001, 02:21:47 AM
Shade smirked at the dark one's comment. He would be landing his share of bows soon, but right now he was just testing the water so to speak. He was trying to get a feel for his opponent's fighting technique. He then reached up to his nose and flet the blood as it trickled down. He wiped it away, but could feel new pain as his nose was still raw.

"Let's try this."

Shade shifted his body weight onto his left foot and twisted and started to rush Hazzard. As he neared him , he put his left hand into the arm straight in front of him and let loose a Force push that knocked Hazzard on the ground. As his opponent was in the air for a breif moment, Shade spun around and landed on elbow on his chest.

Vice Hazzard
Dec 30th, 2001, 02:53:40 AM
Vice, although off balance and in flight was not without cunning. He grabbed the elbow at the bend and pulled down. Along with himself, Shade fell onto the street ontop Vice.

"You smell of manure, Jeed-Ie. And you hit like a girl." It was a lie, the elbow stung quite harshly.

Vice had noticed his feet were caught under Shade in a coincidental, albiet favoring Vice, postition. He uncoiled them and Shade went flying back.

The Dark Side one crawled to his own feet and watched as the Jeed-Ie stumbled back. He was still bewildered by the Force Push. He had never seen it actually done, and was never able to do it himself. A man with this ability would surely be a worthy adversary.

Shade Magus
Dec 30th, 2001, 11:59:34 AM
Shade stumbled back, and he almost fell, but he managed to keep his balance. This fight was starting to turn up the heat and he was liking it. He had never faught someone that could hold their own against a Jedi without using the Force and he was very impressed and very hurt. That last kick Vice had delivered hurt his rib considerablely, but he would not acknowledge the pain just yet. Not this early in the battle. He stood up straight and lifted his left arm up so that it was bent and the elbow, but still pointing upwards. He then brought up his right hand and held it out in front of him.

"Let's turn it up!"

Shade stood there concentrating, letting the Force envolope him, strengthing him and pushing his limits to the max. He then ran forward with his lightsaber deactivated and just as he neared Hazzard, he dropped down and slid a little ways. He thentwisted under Vice and knocked his feet from under his opponent.

Vice Hazzard
Jan 2nd, 2002, 07:43:22 AM
Vice was already begining to make a controled roll over Shade anyhow. The twist that made him tumble was only aiding. He rolled, head over heels.

When he stopped, after one tumble, he quickly looked up. Shade was getting up. The young Jedi Padawn must have thought Vice a fool, allowing himself more time considering he thought the attack took out his opponent.

Vice was a shifty one. He skipped forward towards Shade. The panel on the staff was pressed once again, raising the distance. Vice span the staff clockwise until it stopped... right under Shade's chin. It bent the Padawan into an odd postition. His knees were on the ground, supporting his previous ascent. However with the new position, his torso was bent back across the knees. Vice returned the staff to normal position. He wasn't one to attack unarmed enemies, especially not now. This was, afterall, a sort of training for Vice. He had to test his own limits. To finish the job now wouldn't prove anything. Instead, he opted to speak. He'd seen it done by others, taunting that is.

"You are a terrible fighter. Did the Jeed-Ie admit you out of pity?"

OOC - Sorry for the slow reply. New Years had Vice's character on the backburner.

I just wanted to inform you that the last comment was IC. I'm just now getting used to being a Dark Sider, wanted to make sure it was know that it was IC. You're actually fighting very well. How long have you been RPing, any characters other than Shade? PM me to clean the post up of OOCs.

Shade Magus
Jan 4th, 2002, 01:39:46 PM
"If that is your opinion then so be it....."

Shade couldn't look around for his lightsaber, as it had been knocked out of his hand in his last attack and he could not locate it. He reached out with the Force and snesed that there was a metal pole somewhere near. He pulled it to him and twirled it around his head as it entered his nad. HE jumped to his feet and finished the twirling as it hung across his shoulders, one arm hanging over each side.

"I think this will make the fight becmoe much more interesting.."

Vice Hazzard
Jan 5th, 2002, 11:55:39 PM
Vice shook his head. He was becoming more confident as the fight went on.

"Do you expect me to fight now? With yourself handicapped? I fight fair, Jeed-Ie."

OOC - You are handicapping youself, aren't you? If I read you post right, you were.

Shade Magus
Jan 6th, 2002, 11:48:20 AM
"I am a warrior and can fight with any weapon. I do not handicap myself, I only make use of what is around me. It is what the living Force has taught me."

Shade threw the pole up around his head and caught it in front of him. It had been a long time since he had used a weapon as this sort, but until he could reach out and find his lightsaber he would have ton make do with what he had. He swung the pole around, twirling it on his fingers and then trusting it forward, towards Hazzard's chest.

OOC: no I'm not really handicapping myself. it is more liek showing people that my character is versitile and can use more than one thing to his advantage.

Vice Hazzard
Jan 6th, 2002, 03:14:53 PM
Vice fell to the ground, to avoid the pole. He put his left hand behind him to keep himself from hitting the ground.

Swinging his staff in a clockwise pattern, which was in his right hand, he swatted the pole to Shade's left. After hitting the poll he slammed the staff into the ground. Vice grabbed the staff with both hands, gripping it firmly. He sprung both legs out, hitting Shade in the right hip. This caused him to stammer back somewhat.

Vice allows his feet to fall. As he does, he extends the staff. It causes him to spring upright. Vice returns the staff to normal, getting ready for Shade's return.

OOC - Ah. That makes sense.

Shade Magus
Jan 7th, 2002, 09:49:41 AM
He had to admit. Vice was doing better than he had planned on him doing. Shade put his hand down to his hip and felt the pain there. He glanced up and smiled. This was beginning to look better and better. Shade stood up and picked the pole up. He then began to twirl it around, clockwise and he walked closer to Hazzard. As he neared him he went for the same attack he did moments earlier, but instead of aiming for the chest, he went for the head. As his opponent went to block his move, Shade pulled the other end of the pole upwards and caught Vice in the chin.

Vice Hazzard
Jan 8th, 2002, 01:18:27 AM
Vice stumbled backwards. Not being able to stop himself, he fell to the ground. Laying on his backside, he looked up.

"You are worthy of my pain, Jeed-Ie. A worthy attack."

Vice was growing more inraged. He was tapping into the Force slightly, even though he was unaware. He wasn't exactly sure how to tap into the mysterious Dark Side.

He stood up slowly, using his staff for support. He walked closer and closer to Shade, his stick raised. He went into a chain of attacks.

First he attacked in a clockwise, overhead swing. It was blocked by the pipe. He stabbed forward with the point that was laying on top of the normal material turned weapon. Shade bent his body back to avoid the blow. Instead, Vice extended the staff. It slammed into Shade's head.

Shade was hurt, but not out. He was falling back but regained himself. Shade swung hard at Vice's legs. It didn't go as planned. Vice jumped into the air and extended his leg, performing a jumping kick. It hit Shade squarely on the jaw. Vice landed and the Jedi retreated by stumbling.

Vice postitioned the staff into a defensive stance, ready.

OOC - I took a leap and made your character attack(swinging at Vice's legs). If you don't like that, or disagree with it, I'll edit it out. I'll change the post. I don't want to do something that you have a problem with, from a RPing standpoint. Me using a false attack of your's to my advantage.

Shade Magus
Jan 8th, 2002, 07:36:16 PM
Shade stumbled back and fell down to one knee. He rested against the pole and then pushed himself up. He was about to attack again before he saw something out of the corner of his eye. It was his lightsaber, but he didn't think he could get to it right then. He reached to the end of his pole and grabbed it like a sword and it began to change its shape slowly, but definitey. It was taking a strain on Shade as anyone could see, but after a few moents Vice knew what the pole was becoming. Shade had learned how to warp matter and metal like this was considerablely hard, but in a matter of minutes it had taken the shape of a crude sword. It would have to do until he coud make it to his lightsaber. He pulled it back close across his chest and waited to see wat Hazzard's reaction would be.

Vice Hazzard
Jan 9th, 2002, 01:34:16 AM
No matter how talented this Padawan could be, he could not be able to make a sharp instrument. A Padawan wouldn't be able to do such a thing. This brought some solace to Vice, that the sword wouldn't be as sharp as a real one. At least it couldn't decapitate him in one swipe, like a lightsabre.

"Jeed-Ie, you are talented. I will give you that."

The man named Hazzard ran forward. He swung his staff in a counter-clockwise motion to Shade's right. As Shade went to block it, Vice decreased the size. Shade's newly formed blade swung past.

The staff popped back out. Vice twisted it to catch behind Shade's neck. Pulling towards him and down, Vice slammed his knee up. Shade's head went down and the leg met him angrily. Shade's jaw shook as he fell back.

Vice jump skipped back. Raising his staff in front of him again.

Shade Magus
Jan 9th, 2002, 09:55:01 PM
All Shade could think about as his head went back was that his blade had been too heavy. He coldn't believe he had made such a critical mistake. He thought he had mastered that technique, but apparently not. As Shade stumbled to the ground he threw the blade from his hand and controlled its direction with the Force. He aimed it at the middle of Hazzard's body. It wasn't sharp enough to penetrrate the skin, but it would knock the breath out of him and give Shade some time to recuperate.

Vice Hazzard
Jan 10th, 2002, 07:57:52 AM
Vice twirled his body before jumping in the air. He spread his legs wide, the sword passing under his sensitive area just barely.

Landing he span his stick slowly, all the while approaching Shade Magus. The boy was without a weapon, and he would have to die....

Vice was confident. The path he was taking would come across Shade soon. Although they were a way apart, Vice could make it there, if he ran, before Shade could get to his Lightsabre. But now Hazzard enjoyed playing the part of the malice ridden villian. Slowly walking to Shade, he invoked a sense of impending doom.

Shade Magus
Jan 10th, 2002, 10:23:53 PM
Shade looked around desperately as azzard came forward. He still couldn't see his lightsaber and he didn't have anything else to use. He reached out with the Force to sense anything close by, but there was nothing. He was unarmed now and would have to use his own skills to defend himself. He stood up and pulled both his hands up in a defensive position.

"Come on let's do this."