View Full Version : A shadow rises...(Open challenge to any Jedi)

Phantom Magus
Dec 25th, 2001, 09:22:24 PM
He stood with his arms folded over his chest, awaiting a challenger. He absently tightened his gloves on his hands then cracked his knuckles. A dark smile tugged at the corner of his lips as he stood. The thrill of a fight had always excited him...and this was no different. His voice slightly raspy, he whispered out towards no one in particular.

"Come out, come out, where ever you are..."

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Dec 25th, 2001, 11:08:50 PM
I am here.

(From the distance, the black-clad monk approached, nodding his head in respect.)

Phantom Magus
Dec 26th, 2001, 01:10:46 AM
An evil smile crossed his lips as he slowly pulled his saber from its clip on his belt. He looked at his adversary slowly. A familiar snap-hiss filled the air as his dark red blade came to life, pulsating with energy. He pointed the tip of the blade towards the Jedi.

"So...Jedi's do not wish to fight...and yet answer when they are called to a challenge...how ironic..."

He smiled again, spreading his legs slightly, bending down in an unknown fighting stance. He held the hilt of his saber in his right hand and kept it towards his waist with the blade pointed towards Jubei.

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Dec 26th, 2001, 01:30:50 AM
There is no irony. It is quite possible to rise to the challenge, yet abstain from the fight. Violence, like many forces, travels in a circular path. Energies return, as will malevolence dealt.

Phantom Magus
Dec 26th, 2001, 12:02:59 PM
He motioned with his left hand toward the Jedi.

"Come on."

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Dec 26th, 2001, 01:17:06 PM
You have not heeded my words. I will not fight you.

Phantom Magus
Dec 26th, 2001, 05:05:05 PM
He furrowed his brow as he stood up to his full height.

"So...you approach when I ask for a challenge...and yet...chicken out? How cowardly."

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Jan 1st, 2002, 07:23:05 PM
I never agreed to fight you at all. You assume too much. Perhaps it is due to a conflict within.

Phantom Magus
Jan 1st, 2002, 07:35:00 PM
A small smile tugged at the corner of his mouth.

"Conflict within? I merely seek out someone who could be a worthy adversary. For the thrill of a fight."

He tilted his head slightly as his lips pursed up into a sneer.

"Or maybe Jedi talk too much and don't fight enough."

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Jan 1st, 2002, 10:40:06 PM
If I do not "fight enough", it is a testament to my prowess, not my failure, as a Jedi.

Phantom Magus
Jan 2nd, 2002, 03:42:31 PM
He shut off his lightsaber blade and clipped it back to his waist, folding his arms over his chest as he looked at the Jedi in front of him.

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Jan 2nd, 2002, 11:12:53 PM
(Jubei bows in respect)

You stay thy hand well. Perhaps wisdom buds within you indeed.

Phantom Magus
Jan 3rd, 2002, 12:15:39 PM
He cocked his head slightly.

"Wisdom? The only wisdom I have is towards the Sith and what we are, not towards any Jedi."

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Jan 3rd, 2002, 03:52:18 PM
Then perhaps you are wiser than even you realize.

Phantom Magus
Jan 4th, 2002, 01:27:24 PM
He tilted his head, his lips forming into a small smile.

"Maybe ... maybe not."