View Full Version : Tempist Opps(A challenge)

Malice Draclau
Dec 25th, 2001, 05:09:20 PM
Standing in a forest, Malice walked into a clearing. The sun was partially shining through the thicket of leaves. He had gotten word that the one known as tempist usually ame to this forsest for some reason.

*Now why would someone of the dark come to such a cheery place*

The sith knight asked himself. He stood in the center, opening himself up to the darkness that was within every living thing around him. Using the force he enhanced the sound of his voice, So that Tempist might hear him.

*Hear me shapeshifter. I am Malice Draclau, sith knight. I call upon you for a reason you shall soon find out*

Malice began to draw on the force around him, increasing his power within the force. He had made himself like a beckon in the night so it would be easier for Temps to find him.

OOC:Mycharacter has the ability to turn into a demon. Just like
my old one that used to be at TSE. You remember Syndell don't you?

Tempist Opps
Dec 25th, 2001, 06:34:18 PM
ooc: yes, i remember lol. good luck


Leaves rustled above Malice's head, and some falling twigs landed nearby. The Sith Knight looked up, when he should have been looking behind him.

"Who are you, and what do you seek me for?"

Malice heard the deep, booming voice from behind him, and saw the massive form of Tempist Opps, the shapeshifter. He was 8'9, clad in blue scales and rippling muscles. The form was completed by a massive tail, and a set of devastating claws. At his side was his sword, Black Blade.

Malice Draclau
Dec 26th, 2001, 01:18:20 AM
OOC:Good luck,really.lol ok fine, good luck to you as well

IC:Turning to face the great beast,Malice was neither scared, nore surprised at his form.

*Ahh she told me you liked this form better then others*

Malice grinned as he sensed the beast did not know what or who he was talking about.

*I m reffering to a woman that was once a member of TSE. Her Name Was Syndell Draclau, she was my sister. Tell did you know of her*

Malice walked back and forth, studing Tempps and his weapon. He kept his senses on full alert, ready at a moments notice to counter or block an attack by this massive creature.

Tempist Opps
Dec 26th, 2001, 09:11:43 AM
Somthing clicked in his head, and he realized why this man looked familiar. The resembelance was there, just not too strong.

"Yes, I remember your sister, she had alot of potential when I spared with her. She wasn't bad, simply needed to home in her skills a bit and she would have been a very powerful fighter. What happened to her?"

Tempist sensed that Malice was nervious about him and his weapon, as he eyed it very carefuly.

"Dont worry, I only respond to attacks, I very rarely pick fights with siblings of old friends."

Malice Draclau
Dec 26th, 2001, 04:14:50 PM
Malice had a slight grin on as he asked him where she was.

*Well, to put it short. She took a liking to you. She told me how fond of you she was*

Malice paused for a minute. Anger could be seen on his face now.

*That was a sign of weakness i told her, she didn't believe me.....so i killed her*

Malice gave a sadistic grin as he stopped walking infront of him.

*I have come here for you. If i want to rid my sister's exsistance off the face of this galaxy......i must get rid of you*

Drawing on the force, Malice held outhis hands.

*You will find me to be much harder then my sister ever could have been. Prepare to taste bitter defeat*

Malice shot out streams of force lightning that wrapped themselves around Tempps legs, arms, neck and mid section. He then began to violently electrocute him.

*This is a move i have spent years on making. It's calle force lightning web*

Malice could see smoke begin to raise up from Tempps.

Tempist Opps
Dec 26th, 2001, 06:14:49 PM
The electricity did nothing to Tempist, his cells were made of silicone, and therefore, simply absorbed the shock. Tempist simply walked forward a step or two and broke the web, grining.

"Years in the making, for that? Heh, I see you spend your time well. I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your sister, tell her I said hi."

With this said, Tempist ran at Malice. At the last moment, he skidded on his feet to the floor, and slid into his shins, before leaping into a spin and landing behind the fallen knight. He drew Black Blade as Malice stood, and muttered three words that sounded more enraged then the Warrior had ever felt before.

"Have at me"

Malice Draclau
Dec 27th, 2001, 04:50:44 AM
Lifting his legs,Malice shook off the light tap. Grinning he ignited his double bladed white saber.

*Ohh i'll have at you alright. You havent even scratched the surface of my power little one. I shall teach you what it feels like to have true power in the darkside*

Running at Tempps, their blades locked. Surprised that his sword wasn't cut in half by his lightsaber, they began sort of a pushing war.

*Your blade is rather remarkable i'll give you that. Not many weapons now days can stan up to a lightsaber*

Pulling back, Malice attacked using both sides swinging from left to right all aiming for his mid section.

Tempist Opps
Dec 27th, 2001, 07:45:46 PM
Tempist knew that no matter how well forged his blade was, it wouldn't last against the saber too long. He lept back after blocking the first slash, and avoiding the second. He sheathed Black Blade behind his back and drew his black bladed lightsaber, Infinity. The black beam of energy snaped forth from the hilt, and he griped it one handed, in a quick fencing position. Much easier to block attacks now, and very few people knew how to defend against a well trained swordsman.

"Nor have you, I have grown considerably since your sister faught me."

Tempist grinned as he said this, holding his hand out. Malice had been expecting a force attack, but nothing like what Tempist had planed. The energy from the lightining hadn't dispursed into the ground, it had been stored up inside him. It danced from his fingertips to the hilt of Malice's lightsaber. It further dispursed through his body, having the effect the knight had desired for Tempist. Tempist moved up a few feet, and took a few light stabs with the saber, nothing too special.

Malice Draclau
Dec 29th, 2001, 09:38:59 AM
Malc quickly blocked the saber strikes, pushing Tempist back with the force togive them some distance. His body had felt a quick jolt of pain as the lightning struck him. Malice drew on the pain for power and ran at Tempist.

Dropping to the ground, malice kicked forward hitting the beast in his knee cap knocking him to the ground. Standing up Malice slashed atTempps, he moved but Malice had managed to singe his back.

*Careful young blood. You might get killed you move that slow again*

Malice took a deffensive position awaiting a retalliation.

Tempist Opps
Jan 1st, 2002, 03:00:58 PM
It had been a long time since Tempist had faught like he was today, but he planed on mixing old tactics with new tricks. His eyes changed color as they hadn't in a while, shifting to a bright glowing blue. He grinned at Malice, and fliped to his feet. The anger and rage were welling up inside him, but he didnt release them yet....

Tempist made a few quick slashes with his saber, faster than he had before. Out of them, only one connected. It left a nice scar on his leg, as the energy fused the skin back in it's wake. Malice responded with a few stabs, one managing to hit him lightly on the arm. More pain. No more holding back now....

The energy made his saber flare a brighter shade of black, almost turning white from the energy. He slashed at Malice to get their sabers out of the way, and pressed his hand to the knight's chest. He let lose with a massive force push, one that would have embarassed even the most seasoned dark sider. Malice was pushed back with amazing speed and power, and slamed into a nearby tree. It cracked, and shattered into billions of fragments.

Malice Draclau
Jan 2nd, 2002, 04:16:32 AM
Falling pactically through the tree, Malice slammed hard against the ground. Sitting up he held his chest, which was throbbing with pain. Wiping the blood from his mouth he stood up, drawing on the now abundant supply of pain and anger he was feeling. He staggered for a bit but regained his footing.

*That was good Temps. But you'll need more then that to beat me. Here, let me how you how it's done*

Walking forward, the force was building up in Malice. His walk was progressed into a run, which stopped just infront of Temps. Malice held out his hands.

*Now this is how you use the force*

About to shoot out a wave of the force, Malice dropped to the ground surprisingly and sweeped Temps off his feet landing flat onto the ground. Jumping into the air alice then proceeded to use force push, Sending a massive wave of the force that pushed hard against Temps Mid section and chest. The push was strong enough to cause the beasts body to create a crater in the ground beneath him.

Dropping to the ground with ease, Malice picked up his saber and waited.

Tempist Opps
Jan 2nd, 2002, 06:24:31 PM
He hurt, very much now. More pain to fuel the fires of war. He leaped out of the crater, now the blue glow turning blood red. He wouldn't be stoped that easily... he spoke, his voice now horribly deep and scratchy (think diablo's in Diablo II).

"I never said that would beat you, I intend on doing that in other ways."

He grinned again, his face growing more and more twisted with each grin. He picked up Infinity again, and put away the energy blade. He drew Black Blade once more, and stalked closer. The blade glowed slightly from the anger and pain being focused into energy... so much power flowing into it... He moved within striking distance and made a few slashes. Most of which were quickly deflected by the saber, leaving small nitches in the sword, but one shallow cut made it through... that was all it took. The gash began to turn black, and the earley stages of gangreen or perhaps the bubonic plauge. The first rune took on it's meaning; plauge.

Tempist steped back a few feet, and watched.

Malice Draclau
Jan 3rd, 2002, 02:20:12 AM
Stumbling backwards, Malice looked at his side. The cu had quickly gotten worse.

(What kind of cursed blade is this. No such weapon should be able to cause this much damage so quickly)

He thought to himself. Looking up at Temps, Malice growled. Setheing with anger, he drew upon that anger, and from the abundant pain he now felt. concentrating on the force, he used it to slow down the infection. He would need to go to a med bay to cure and heal the wound completely. But for now the force would have to suffice.

*Alright Temps, play times over. Now, unlike my sister was unable to do, i shall show you what true darkness is*

Letting out a cry of anger, Malice began his moprh into his true form, that of a demon. Malice grew considerably, stopping at 9ft, his hands and feet became massive, each sprouting deadly claws. His human teeth replaced with large sabertooth like teeth. His skin turned blue and scaley, practically like armor. His dark blue eyes glared down at Temps, who was only a few inches shorter.

Morphing into his demon state had helpped more with slowing donw the infection.

*Now monster, look into the eyes of hell. For i shall show you pain beyond your dreams. Pain, you will not feel so fond of drawing power from*

Leeping at Temps, he whipped his tale forward grabbing the hand which held the blade, knocking the blade loose he sent it skidding across the ground stopping a few feet away. Gripping Temps around the neck, he used his other hand to subdue Temps free hand. Grinning sadisticly, he bit into Temps shoulder, blood oozing out and into Malice's mouth. Pulling back Malice roared, the taste of blood had tingled his primal instincts, Malice went down again biting harder and deeper then beore.

He intended for this mark to be with Temps for the rest of his miserable life. Malice also began squeezing Temps neck cutting off his air supply.

Tempist Opps
Jan 3rd, 2002, 06:42:06 PM
Feeling the demon bite deeper and deeper, Tempist was left with no choice but to either resort to dirty fighting, or shapeshift. He didn't want to have to in battle, but he would if he had to. He lashed out with his tail into Malice's eye, and his foot found itself connecting with the demon's crotch. Emediatley after, his body began to liquify, and turn into a metalic looking puddle. He moved twards his sword, and wraped himself around it. He re-solidified, with the blade in hand. The would was gone, but it hurt very much. No scar tissue would be there, he would just re-configure the cells into true muscle mass once more.

"Atleast your sister faught with honor. You think you can beat me that easily, then you are sadly mistaken..."

Malice Draclau
Jan 4th, 2002, 05:35:41 AM
Malice stumbled backwards after that hit in the crotch. Looking as Temps reforms himself with blade in hand, Malice growls.

*My sister had no honor. Joining the darkside, she lost all honor she cold have had as a sith. Beating you will not be easy. For you hide your true form like a coward. Taking shape of creatures that are suppose to strike fear into the hearts of your enemies*

*I hide not my true form. Now show me yours, les you want to continue this battle as a coward, giving every sith a bad name by hiding behind a false identity*

Malice watched to see what his reply would be. All the whie thinking of ways he could torture Temps and not to simply beat him. But he would soon have to end this battle soon, the efects o the cursed wound was getting worse.

Tempist Opps
Jan 4th, 2002, 11:09:33 PM
"My true form is the hate that you feel for me. My true form has already taken shape, and blinded your senses because you cannot control it. My true form IS fear, and soon you will learn to submit to it by my hand. I have faught stronger jedi than you..."

He said this word, jedi, with pure hate, further stressing the severity of the insult. Malice was trying to coax him into doing somthing that couldn't be done. He didn't seem to understand exactly what tempist was

"You think me a coward? Good for you, your opinion matters little to none. You are the true coward, for any true fighter would strive to be as strong as you are in demon form as their weakest form. You need to be a demon to have a chance to beat me from what you have demonstrated, and therefore you are the coward for not trying to do it on your own."

Malice Draclau
Jan 5th, 2002, 01:14:25 AM
Malice merely laughed at Temps.

*You are sadly mistaken about me. The human Malice you have seen was merely a shell, containing my true self which you see before you now. I need not be in my true form to beat you, but merely to torture you*

With a few flaps of his wings, Malice took flight, hovering 15 feet ino the air.

*Think of it this way. Beating you now in my demon state would be far less painful then if i were in my human form. Now enough talk. Time for destruction. Feel the power from the bringer of chaos*

Drawing on the dark force, Malice reached outfurther, ouching the very elements around them. As if out of nowwhere, strong gusts of winds came and began to swhirl around Temps, picking up rocks of all sizes that struck against his body. The winds joining together created a tornado which suced Temps off his feet and into the air.

*You shall feel what true fear is when i am done with you*

The rocks struck against Temps body harder and harder as the wind speeds picked up. slowly, chunks of the ground under the tornado began to rip upward and also struck Temps hard. Malice grinned as the tornado became more and more violent.

Tempist Opps
Jan 5th, 2002, 01:47:15 AM
Tempist drew off of the new pain, and gave a massive force push, only slightly less powerful than the one that Malice had felt earlier. He held the push for as long as he could, and debris were shot out of the whirlwind into every direction they could go. One large stone slamed into Malice's chest with a huge amount of momentum, and he lost control of the winds. Tempist fell to the ground, landing on his feet. He still hurt, so he simply converted it and stored the energy.

Malice Draclau
Jan 5th, 2002, 05:13:27 AM
Malice nearly fell to the ground, but caught his balance. He too merely drew upon the new pain he felt. Malice flew towards Temps with force enhanced speed. Holding out one hand he force pushed Temps, causing him to lose his balance, giving Malice enough time to conjure up some force energy giving strength to his body.

Landing Malice quickly ran at Temps hitting him with a force enhanced knee to the gut. He ddn't stop there however, instead he got in a few more shots to his face with quick but strong punches. Malice back away, grinning as he saw the blood ooze out of his mouth.

Holding out his right hand, Malice gripped around Temps neck with the force cutting off his air supply. Thegrip tightened, threatening to crush his wind pipe.

Tempist Opps
Jan 5th, 2002, 10:40:08 AM
Tempist lay there suspended in the air from the force choking. There was little he could do, but he would do what he could. The throwing knives he kept at his wrists were in his hands, and the two of them had just been launched at Malice's sholders. Pain would probably fuel his rage, but it would buy him time. He drew Infinity, drawing on his remaining oxeygen for energy as well as the new pain.

Malice Draclau
Jan 5th, 2002, 11:19:23 AM
Malice merely grinned at the on coming knives.

*You think toys will stop me. I thought you would have known better child. You are not worthy of becoming a sith*

Lifting up his other hand he lessend his hold around Temps, but still cutting oxygen off to his brain, he used the force and stopped the daggers in mid air.

*I believe these belong to you*

Malice turned them with the force and sent them flying back towards Temps, one aiming for his shoulder, and the other for his ribs.

Tempist Opps
Jan 5th, 2002, 11:58:46 PM
Tempist quickly erected a wall of force around him, and the kinves simply hit it and fell. He gave another force push, this time to the backs of Malice's knees. The knight hadn't been expecting Tempist to be able to do much of anything by this time, and it caught him off guard. Malice fell to his knees, and Tempist fell to the ground. He quickly grabed his weapons, and by the time Malice stood again, he was nowhere to be seen. He could be heard though, very clearly... the words were projected straight into Malice's head.

You fight very well, but we will finish this battle when you can fight better. The day you can defeat me simply using your shell will be the day that you earn my death. Untill then, I bid you adieu.

Tempist had already vanished, and no matter how hard Malice could try, he wouldn't find him anytime soon....

Malice Draclau
Jan 6th, 2002, 05:31:02 AM
Malice simply stood in one spot and laughed to himself.

*I thought i'd never see the day.....when a sith would run from battle*

He laughed even louder as he continued to think about it. Calming himself down, he morphed back into his human form. Grabbing his cloak he put it on and clipped his saber to his belt.

*No matter, i shall kill him later. He has only delayed his death*

Malice checked the wound that had been given him. He would have to hurry now before the wound spread across his body. He found his speeder he left in the bushes and quickly made his way back to his ship, where he would then return to his order and tend to his wounds. But, he would be back....and soon.